
Defines functions make.schema dfschema schema .attsplitter .dimsplitter

Documented in .attsplitter .dimsplitter make.schema schema

# Functions for parsing and building SciDB schema strings.
# A SciDB schema string up to version 15.12 looks like:
# optional_array_name<attribute_1:type_1 NULL DEFAULT VALUE, attribute_2:type_2, ...>
# [dimension_1=start:end,chunksize,overlap, dimension_2=start:end,chunksize,overlap, ...]
# Starting with SciDB version 16.9, schema strings changed a lot. They look like:
# optional_array_name<v:double,a:int64 NOT NULL DEFAULT 5> [i=1:2:0:1000; j=1:3:0:1000]
# in particular, the dimensions are now start:end:overlap:chunksize

#' Internal function for processing SciDB dimension schema
#' @param x a scidb object or schema string
#' @return a data frame with parsed dimension data
#' @importFrom utils tail
.dimsplitter = function(x)
  if (inherits(x, "scidb")) x = schema(x)
  x = gsub("\\t", " ", x)
  x = gsub("\\n", " ", x)
  tokenize = function(s, token)
    x = strsplit(s, token)[[1]]
    x = as.vector(rbind(x, rep(token, length(x))))
    x[- length(x)]

  diagram = function(tokens, labels=c())
    if(length(tokens) == 0) return(labels)
    last = tail(labels, 1)
    prev = tail(labels, 2)[1]
    if(is.null(last))              labels = c(labels, "name")
    else if(tokens[1] == "=")      labels = c(labels, "equals")
    else if(tokens[1] == ";")      labels = c(labels, "semicolon")
    else if(tokens[1] == ":")      labels = c(labels, "colon")
    else if(tokens[1] == ",")      labels = c(labels, "comma")
      if(last == "semicolon")      labels = c(labels, "name")
      else if(last == "equals")    labels = c(labels, "start")
      else if(last == "colon")
        if(is.null(prev))          stop("invalid : character")
        else if(prev == "start")   labels = c(labels, "end")
        else if(prev == "end")     labels = c(labels, "overlap")
        else if(prev == "overlap") labels = c(labels, "chunk")
      else if(last == "comma")
        if(is.null(prev))          stop("invalid , character")
        else if(prev == "name")    labels = c(labels, "name")
        else if(prev == "start")   labels = c(labels, "end")
        else if(prev == "end")     labels = c(labels, "chunk")
        else if(prev == "chunk")   labels = c(labels, "overlap")
        else if(prev == "overlap") labels = c(labels, "name")
    diagram(tokens[-1], labels)
  form = function(x)
    c(name=x["name"], start=x["start"], end=x["end"], chunk=x["chunk"], overlap=x["overlap"])

  s = tryCatch(gsub("]", "", strsplit(x, "\\[")[[1]][[2]]), error=function(e) NULL)
  if(is.null(s) || nchar(s) == 0) return(NULL)
  tokens = Reduce(c, lapply(Reduce(c, lapply(Reduce(c, lapply(tokenize(s, "="), tokenize, ":")), tokenize, ";")), tokenize, ","))
  names(tokens) = diagram(tokens)
  tokens[!(names(tokens) %in% c("equals", "colon", "semicolon", "comma"))]
  i = which(names(tokens) %in% "name")
  j = c((i - 1)[-1], length(tokens))
  ans = Reduce(rbind, lapply(1:length(i), function(k) form(tokens[i[k]:j[k]])))
  if(length(i) == 1) {
    ans = data.frame(as.list(ans), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=NULL)
  } else ans = data.frame(ans, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names=c())
  names(ans) = c("name", "start", "end", "chunk", "overlap")
  ans$name = gsub(" ", "", ans$name)

#' Internal function for processing SciDB attribute schema
#' @param x a scidb object or schema string
#' @return a data frame with parsed attribute data
.attsplitter = function(x)
  if (is.character(x)) {
    s = x
  } else {
    if (!(inherits(x, "scidb"))) return(NULL)
    s = schema(x)
  s = gsub("\\t", " ", s)
  s = gsub("\\n", " ", s)
  s = gsub("default[^,]*", "", s, ignore.case=TRUE)
  s = strsplit(strsplit(strsplit(strsplit(s, ">")[[1]][1], "<")[[1]][2], ",")[[1]], ":")
  notnull = grepl("NOT NULL", s, ignore.case=TRUE)
  type = gsub(" ", "",
              gsub("null", "",
                   gsub("not null", "",
                        gsub("compression '.*'", "",
                             vapply(s, function(x) x[2], ""),
  data.frame(name=gsub("[ \\\t\\\n]", "", vapply(s, function(x) x[1], "")),
             nullable=!notnull, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' SciDB array schema
#' @param x a \code{\link{scidb}} array object
#' @param what optional schema subset (subsets are returned in data frames; partial
#'  argument matching is supported)
#' @return character-valued SciDB array schema
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s <- scidbconnect()
#' x <- scidb(s,"build(<v:double>[i=1:10,2,0,j=0:19,1,0],0)")
#' schema(x)
#' # [1] "<v:double> [i=1:10:0:2; j=0:19:0:1]"
#' schema(x, "attributes")
#' #  name   type nullable
#' #1    v double     TRUE
#' schema(x, "dimensions")
#' # name start end chunk overlap
#' #1    i     1  10     2       j
#' #2    0     0  19     1       0
#' }
#' @export
schema = function(x, what=c("schema", "attributes", "dimensions"))
  if (!(inherits(x, "scidb"))) return(NULL)
    schema = gsub(".*<", "<", x@meta$schema),
    attributes = .attsplitter(x),
    dimensions = .dimsplitter(x),

dfschema = function(names, types, len, chunk=NULL, start=NULL, dim_name=NULL)
  if (!is.present(chunk)) chunk = 10000
  if (!is.present(start)) start = 1
  if (!is.present(dim_name)) dim_name = "i"

  dim_name = make.unique_(names, only(dim_name))
          paste(paste(names, types, sep=":"), collapse=","),

#' Given lists of attributes and dimensions in the format produced by
#' .dimsplitter() and .attsplitter(), return a SciDB schema string
#' for a schema with those attributes and dimensions.
#' This is essentially the reverse of schema(schema_str).
#' @param db the scidb connection returned by scidbconnect()
#' @param attributes a list of attributes in the format produced by
#'    .attsplitter() or schema(x, "attributes")
#' @param dimensions a list of dimensions in the format produced by
#'    .dimsplitter() or schema(x, "dimensions"). If not provided,
#'    the schema returned will be dimensionless (i.e. for a SciDB dataframe).
#' @param array_name (optional) name of the array to include in the schema
#' @return (string) a SciDB schema string
#' @keywords internal
make.schema = function(db, attributes, dimensions=list(), array_name="")
  if (length(attributes) == 0) stop("at least one attribute is required")

  if (! at_least(attr(db, "connection")$scidb.version, "16.9")) {
    stop("SciDB version of at least 16.9 is required")
  ## In SciDB 16.9+, nullable is the default
  nullable <- ""
  not_nullable <- " NOT NULL"

  attr_decls <- rep("", length(attributes))
  for (iattr in seq_along(attributes)) {
    ## Allow attributes to be defined in any of these ways:
    ##  - list(name1="type1", name2="type2")  (assumes all are nullable)
    ##  - list(name1=list(type="type1"[, nullable=TRUE/FALSE]),
    ##         name2=list(type="type2"[, nullable=TRUE/FALSE]))
    ##  - list(list(name="name1", type="type1"[, nullable=TRUE/FALSE]),
    ##         list(name="name2", type="type2"[, nullable=TRUE/FALSE]))
    attr <- attributes[[iattr]]
    if (is.character(attr)) {
      attr <- list(name=NULL, type=attr, nullable=TRUE)
    attr_decls[[iattr]] <- sprintf(
      only(attr$name %||% names(attributes)[[iattr]]),
      if (attr$nullable %||% TRUE) nullable else not_nullable)
  all_attr_decls <- paste(attr_decls, collapse=", ")

  ## The parameters after a dimension name can be integers, or characters
  ## (like "?", "*", etc). If we get a string, assume it's OK. If we get a
  ## floating-point number, cast it to an integer to avoid extra digits
  ## and decimal points.
  as_int_or_string <- function(a) if (is.numeric(a)) as.integer(a) else a

  dim_decls <- rep("", length(dimensions))
  for (idim in seq_along(dimensions)) {
    ## Allow dimensions to be defined in any of these ways:
    ##  - list(name1, name2)  (every dim gets default parameters)
    ##  - list(name1=list(start=1, end=100[, chunk=10]),
    ##         name2=list(start=0, end="*"[, chunk="*"])
    ##  - list(list(name="name1", start=1, end=100[, chunk=10]),
    ##         list(name="name2", start=0, end="*"[, chunk="*"]))
    dim <- dimensions[[idim]]
    if (is.character(dim)) {
      dim <- list(name=dim)
    dim_decls[[idim]] <- sprintf(
      only(dim$name %||% names(dimensions)[[idim]]),
      as_int_or_string(only(dim$start %||% 0)),
      as_int_or_string(only(dim$end %||% "*")),
      as_int_or_string(only(dim$overlap %||% 0)),
      as_int_or_string(only(dim$chunk %||% "*")))
  all_dim_decls <- paste(dim_decls, collapse="; ")
  if (has.chars(array_name)) {
    array_name <- paste0(array_name, " ")
  if (length(dimensions) > 0) {
    return(sprintf("%s<%s>[%s]", array_name, all_attr_decls, all_dim_decls))
  return(sprintf("%s<%s>", array_name, all_attr_decls))
Paradigm4/SciDBR documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 4:58 a.m.