#' Build reference section
#' By default, pkgdown will generate an index that lists all functions in
#' alphabetical order. To override this, provide a `reference` section in your
#' `_pkgdown.yml` as described below.
#' @section Reference index:
#' To tweak the index page, add a section called `reference` to `_pkgdown.yml`.
#' It can contain three different types of element:
#' * A **title** (`title` + `desc`), which generates an row containing an `<h2>`
#' with optional paragraph description.
#' * A **subtitle** (`subtitle` + `desc`), which generates an row containing an
#' `<h3>` with optional paragraph description.
#' * A **list of topics** (`contents`), which generates one row for each topic,
#' with a list of aliases for the topic on the left, and the topic title
#' on the right.
#' (For historical reasons you can include `contents` with a title or
#' subtitle, but this is no longer recommended).
#' Most packages will only need to use `title` and `contents` components.
#' For example, here's a snippet from the YAML that pkgdown uses to generate
#' its own reference index:
#' ```
#' reference:
#' - title: Build
#' desc: Build a complete site or its individual section components.
#' - contents:
#' - starts_with("build_")
#' - title: Templates
#' - contents:
#' - template_navbar
#' - render_page
#' ```
#' Bigger packages, e.g. ggplot2, may need an additional layer of
#' structure in order to clearly organise large number of functions:
#' ```
#' reference:
#' - title: Layers
#' - subtitle: Geoms
#' desc: Geom is short for geometric element
#' - contents:
#' - starts_with("geom")
#' - subtitle: Stats
#' desc: Statistical transformations transform data before display.
#' contents:
#' - starts_with("stat")
#' ```
#' `desc` can use markdown, and if you have a long description it's a good
#' idea to take advantage of the YAML `>` notation:
#' ```
#' desc: >
#' This is a very _long_ and **overly** flowery description of a
#' single simple function. By using `>`, it's easy to write a description
#' that runs over multiple lines.
#' ```
#' ## Topic matching
#' `contents` can contain:
#' * Individual function/topic names.
#' * Weirdly named functions with doubled quoting, once for YAML and once for
#' R, e.g. `` "`+.gg`" ``.
#' * `starts_with("prefix")` to select all functions with common prefix.
#' * `ends_with("suffix")` to select all functions with common suffix.
#' * `matches("regexp")` for more complex regular expressions.
#' * `has_keyword("x")` to select all topics with keyword "x";
#' `has_keyword("datasets")` selects all data documentation.
#' * `has_concept("blah")` to select all topics with concept "blah".
#' If you are using roxygen2, `has_concept()` also matches family tags, because
#' roxygen2 converts them to concept tags.
#' * `lacks_concepts(c("concept1", "concept2"))` to select all topics
#' without those concepts. This is useful to capture topics not otherwise
#' captured by `has_concepts()`.
#' All functions (except for `has_keywords()`) automatically exclude internal
#' topics (i.e. those with `\keyword{internal}`). You can choose to include
#' with (e.g.) `starts_with("build_", internal = TRUE)`.
#' Use a leading `-` to remove topics from a section, e.g. `-topic_name`,
#' `-starts_with("foo")`.
#' pkgdown will check that all non-internal topics are included on
#' the reference index page, and will generate a warning if you have missed any.
#' ## Icons
#' You can optionally supply an icon for each help topic. To do so, you'll need
#' a top-level `icons` directory. This should contain {.png} files that are
#' either 30x30 (for regular display) or 60x60 (if you want retina display).
#' Icons are matched to topics by aliases.
#' @section Figures:
#' You can control the default rendering of figures by specifying the `figures`
#' field in `_pkgdown.yml`. The default settings are equivalent to:
#' ```
#' figures:
#' dev: grDevices::png
#' dpi: 96
#' dev.args: []
#' fig.ext: png
#' fig.width: 7.2916667
#' fig.height: ~
#' fig.retina: 2
#' fig.asp: 1.618
#' ```
#' @inheritParams build_articles
#' @param lazy If `TRUE`, only rebuild pages where the `.Rd`
#' is more recent than the `.html`. This makes it much easier to
#' rapidly prototype. It is set to `FALSE` by [build_site()].
#' @param run_dont_run Run examples that are surrounded in \\dontrun?
#' @param examples Run examples?
#' @param seed Seed used to initialize so that random examples are
#' reproducible.
#' @param devel Determines how code is loaded in order to run examples.
#' If `TRUE` (the default), assumes you are in a live development
#' environment, and loads source package with [pkgload::load_all()].
#' If `FALSE`, uses the installed version of the package.
#' @param document **Deprecated** Use `devel` instead.
#' @param topics Build only specified topics. If supplied, sets `lazy``
#' and `preview` to `FALSE`.
#' @export
build_reference <- function(pkg = ".",
lazy = TRUE,
examples = TRUE,
run_dont_run = FALSE,
seed = 1014,
override = list(),
preview = NA,
devel = TRUE,
document = "DEPRECATED",
topics = NULL) {
pkg <- section_init(pkg, depth = 1L, override = override)
if (!missing(document)) {
warning("`document` is deprecated. Please use `devel` instead.", call. = FALSE)
devel <- document
rule("Building function reference")
# copy everything from man/figures to docs/reference/figures
src_figures <- path(pkg$src_path, "man", "figures")
dst_figures <- path(pkg$dst_path, "reference", "figures")
if (file_exists(src_figures)) {
dir_copy_to(pkg, src_figures, dst_figures)
if (examples) {
# Re-loading pkgdown while it's running causes weird behaviour with
# the context cache
if (isTRUE(devel) && !(pkg$package %in% c("pkgdown", "rprojroot"))) {
if (!is_installed("pkgload")) {
abort("Please install pkgload to use `build_reference(devel = TRUE)`")
pkgload::load_all(pkg$src_path, export_all = FALSE, helpers = FALSE)
} else {
library(pkg$package, character.only = TRUE)
old_dir <- setwd(path(pkg$dst_path, "reference"))
on.exit(setwd(old_dir), add = TRUE)
old_opt <- options(width = 80)
on.exit(options(old_opt), add = TRUE)
if (!is.null(topics)) {
topics <- purrr::transpose(pkg$topics[pkg$topics$name %in% topics, ])
lazy <- FALSE
preview <- FALSE
} else {
topics <- purrr::transpose(pkg$topics)
pkg = pkg,
lazy = lazy,
examples = examples,
run_dont_run = run_dont_run
preview_site(pkg, "reference", preview = preview)
#' @export
#' @rdname build_reference
build_reference_index <- function(pkg = ".") {
pkg <- section_init(pkg, depth = 1L)
dir_create(path(pkg$dst_path, "reference"))
# Copy icons, if needed
src_icons <- path(pkg$src_path, "icons")
dst_icons <- path(pkg$dst_path, "reference", "icons")
if (file_exists(src_icons)) {
dir_copy_to(pkg, src_icons, dst_icons)
pkg, "reference-index",
data = data_reference_index(pkg),
path = "reference/index.html"
build_reference_topic <- function(topic,
lazy = TRUE,
examples = TRUE,
run_dont_run = FALSE
) {
in_path <- path(pkg$src_path, "man", topic$file_in)
out_path <- path(pkg$dst_path, "reference", topic$file_out)
if (lazy && !out_of_date(in_path, out_path))
cat_line("Reading ", src_path("man", topic$file_in))
scoped_file_context(rdname = path_ext_remove(topic$file_in), depth = 1L)
data <- data_reference_topic(
examples = examples,
run_dont_run = run_dont_run
pkg, "reference-topic",
data = data,
path = path("reference", topic$file_out)
# Convert Rd to list ------------------------------------------------------
data_reference_topic <- function(topic,
examples = TRUE,
run_dont_run = FALSE
) {
tag_names <- purrr::map_chr(topic$rd, ~ class(.)[[1]])
tags <- split(topic$rd, tag_names)
out <- list()
# Single top-level converted to string
out$name <- flatten_text(tags$tag_name[[1]][[1]])
out$title <- extract_title(tags$tag_title)
out$pagetitle <- paste0(out$title, " \u2014 ", out$name)
# File source
out$source <- repo_source(pkg, topic$source)
out$filename <- topic$file_in
# Multiple top-level converted to string
out$author <- purrr::map_chr(tags$tag_author %||% list(), flatten_para)
out$aliases <- purrr::map_chr(tags$tag_alias %||% list(), flatten_text)
out$keywords <- purrr::map_chr(tags$tag_keyword %||% list(), flatten_text)
# Sections that contain arbitrary text and need cross-referencing
out$description <- as_data(tags$tag_description[[1]])
out$opengraph <- list(description = strip_html_tags(out$description$contents))
out$usage <- as_data(tags$tag_usage[[1]])
out$arguments <- as_data(tags$tag_arguments[[1]])
if (length(out$arguments)) {
out$has_args <- TRUE # Work around mustache deficiency
if (!is.null(tags$tag_examples)) {
out$examples <- run_examples(
env = new.env(parent = globalenv()),
topic = tools::file_path_sans_ext(topic$file_in),
run_examples = examples,
run_dont_run = run_dont_run
# Everything else stays in original order, and becomes a list of sections.
section_tags <- c(
"tag_details", "tag_references", "tag_source", "tag_format",
"tag_note", "tag_seealso", "tag_section", "tag_value", "tag_author"
sections <- topic$rd[tag_names %in% section_tags]
out$sections <- sections %>%
purrr::map(as_data) %>%
add_slug <- function(x) {
x$slug <- make_slug(x$title)
make_slug <- function(x) {
x <- strip_html_tags(x)
x <- tolower(x)
x <- gsub("[^a-z]+", "-", x)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.