
Defines functions autoconvert_char

Documented in autoconvert_char

# This file is part of the Paradigm4 Enterprise SciDB distribution kit
# and may only be used with a valid Paradigm4 contract and in accord
# with the terms and conditions specified by that contract.
# Copyright (C) 2011 - 2017 Paradigm4 Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.

# Helper functions for dataframe / text manipulation

#' Auto-promote characters to types
#' Custom function
#' - should not autopromote non-character columns for VARIANT data
#' - for columns that are interpreted as logical, should use strict checking for TRUE/True, or FALSE/False
#' ('T' is a valid character in genomic data)
#' @param convert_logicals if TRUE, accept automatically converted logicals (see note above)
autoconvert_char = function(df1, convert_logicals = TRUE) {
  if (nrow(df1) == 0) return(df1)
  col_types = sapply(df1, class)
  col_types_chars    = names(col_types[which(col_types == 'character')])
  col_types_nonchars = names(col_types[which(col_types != 'character')])
  df_ac = df1[, col_types_chars] %>% 
        type.convert(as.character(.), as.is = TRUE, numerals = "warn.loss")
  col_types_ac = sapply(df_ac, class)
  col_types_ac_logicals    = names(col_types_ac[which(col_types_ac == 'logical')])
  col_types_ac_nonlogicals = names(col_types_ac[which(col_types_ac != 'logical')])
  if (convert_logicals) {
    df_ac = cbind(as_tibble(df1)[, col_types_nonchars], 
  } else {
    df_ac = cbind(as_tibble(df1)[, col_types_nonchars], 
                  as_tibble(df1)[, col_types_ac_logicals],
                  as_tibble(df1)[, col_types_ac_nonlogicals])
  df_ac[, colnames(df1)]

#' Compare with mandatory fields passed by user
#' Rename remaining columns of dataframe as info_<column-name>
#' Take the info columns that are non-string and convert to string
prep_df_fields = function(df, mandatory_fields){
  available_fields = colnames(df)
  pos = which(!(available_fields %in% mandatory_fields))
  colnames(df)[pos] = paste("info_", available_fields[pos], sep = "")
  posNotChar = which((sapply(df, class) != "character") & 
                       !(colnames(df) %in% mandatory_fields))
  for (posi in posNotChar){
    df[, posi] = paste(df[, posi])

#' @export
remove_duplicates = function(df_data){
  df_data[which(!duplicated(df_data)), ]

df_rename_column = function(df, oldname, newname){
  colnames(df)[grep(paste("^",oldname,"$",sep = ""), colnames(df))] = newname
## YAML related
strip_namespace = function(arrayname) sub("^.*[.]", "", arrayname)

## YAML related
get_namespace = function(arrayname) sub("[.].*$", "", arrayname)

#' @export
drop_na_columns = function(df){
  if (nrow(df) > 0) {
    if( "data.table" %in% class(df) | 
        (nrow(df) == 1 & ncol(df) == 1)) {
      # Use a different method to remove NA columns if a data.table
      # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2643939/remove-columns-from-dataframe-where-all-values-are-na
    } else {
  } else {

rename_column = function(x1, old_name, new_name){
  colnames(x1)[colnames(x1) == old_name] = new_name

# Helper function to convert dataframe columns from factors to characters
# Use with caution: Floats and integer values that are stored as factors 
# will be forced into characters
convert_factors_to_char = function(dfx){
  i <- sapply(dfx, is.factor)
  dfx[i] <- lapply(dfx[i], as.character)

#' Pretty print a large vector of strings, integers etc. 
#' @param vec vector that is to be pretty printed
#' @param prettify_after prettify output if length of vector is longer than this limit
#' @export
pretty_print = function(vec, prettify_after = 7) {
  prettify_after = ifelse(prettify_after >= 7, prettify_after, 7) # force parameter to have a minimum value of 7
  ifelse(length(vec) <= prettify_after,
         paste(vec, collapse = ", "),
         paste(pretty_print(head(vec, ceiling((prettify_after-3)/2))),
               "...(Total: ", length(vec), ")... ",
               pretty_print(tail(vec, ceiling((prettify_after-3)/2))),
               sep = ""))}

#' helper function to report matches between vectors
#' @param source source vector for finding matches from
#' @param target target vector in which to find matches
#' @return 
#' list(match_res, source_matched_idx, source_unmatched_idx, target_matched_idx)
#' @export
find_matches_and_return_indices = function(source, target){
  match_res = match(source, target)
  match_idx = which(!is.na(match_res))
  non_match_idx = which(is.na(match_res))
  list(match_res = match_res,
       source_matched_idx = match_idx,
       source_unmatched_idx = non_match_idx,
       target_matched_idx = match_res[match_idx])

#' names to list of numbers by uniqueness
#' function to convert a list of names to
#' a numbered vector \code{1:N} where \code{N} is the number of unique names
#' (each unique name has a different number)
#' @examples
#' names_to_numbered_vec_by_uniqueness(c('a', 'b', 'a', 'c')) # returns: 1, 2, 1, 3
#' names_to_numbered_vec_by_uniqueness(c(11, 35, 44, 11, 35, 66)) # returns: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4
names_to_numbered_vec_by_uniqueness = function(names_vec) {
  names_vec = as.character(names_vec)
  lookup_idx = 1:length(unique(names_vec))
  names(lookup_idx) = unique(names_vec)

#' convert NA to blank
na_to_blank = function(terms) { 
  ifelse(is.na(terms), "", terms)

#' check before proceeding
#' ask user for confirmation before proceeding with an action
#' @param action a string describing the action that will be taken if user confirms
user_confirms_action = function(action) {
  userResponse <- NA
  while(is.na(userResponse) | nchar(userResponse) == 0) { 
    userResponse <- readline(
      prompt = paste0("Do you want to continue with action: ", action, "? (yes/no): \n  "))
           "yes" = {  
             cat("Proceeding with action: ", action, "\n")
             proceed = TRUE
           "no" = {  
             cat("Canceled action: ", action, "\n")
             proceed = FALSE
           { message("Please respond with yes or no"); userResponse <- NA })

convert_data_frame_to_matrix = function(expr_df) {
  # Two types of matrices are formed:
  # 1. Numeric (matrix of floating point numbers or integers) -- this is the general case
  # 2. Character (matrix of geneset classification categorical calls) -- see test for `categorical` data
  #    in `tests/testthat/test99-api-loader.R`
  stopifnot(all(c('feature_id', 'biosample_id', 'value') %in% colnames(expr_df)))
  ## Convert expr_df to data.table in-place
  expr_dt <- setDT(expr_df)
  ## Get unique feature_ids and biosample_ids
  ftr_vec = unique(expr_dt, by = c("feature_id"))$feature_id
  bios_vec = unique(expr_dt, by = c("biosample_id"))$biosample_id
  if (class(expr_df$value) == 'character') { # handle matrix of strings without optimization paths
    matrix_value_class = 'character'
    cat('Handling matrix of characters ... ')
    run_time = system.time({
      exprs = acast(expr_df, feature_id~biosample_id, value.var="value")
      stopifnot( nrow(exprs) == length(ftr_vec))
      stopifnot( ncol(exprs) == length(bios_vec))
  } else { # handle matrix of numbers with various optimization paths
    ## Assumptions about input data - For a particular biosample_id feature_ids will be unique and
    ## vice versa
    ## Create a variable to store the product between the ramge of feature_id values and 
    ## biosample_id values. This variable helps to understand if expr_df is a continuous dense matrix
    ## or a discontinous dense/sparse matrix
    prod_dim_range = ((max(ftr_vec) - min(ftr_vec) + 1) * (max(bios_vec) - min(bios_vec) + 1))
    cat("Reshaping expr to Matrix ... ")
    if(prod_dim_range == nrow(expr_df)) {
      ## This implies expr_df is a continuous dense matrix
      cat("Handling continuous dense matrix case ... ")
      run_time = system.time({
        expr_dt[, `:=`(feature_id_idx = feature_id - min(feature_id) + 1,
                       biosample_id_idx = biosample_id - min(biosample_id) + 1)]
        exprs <- Matrix::Matrix(nrow = length(ftr_vec), ncol = length(bios_vec), data = 0, sparse = F)
        exprs[ as.matrix(expr_dt[, .(feature_id_idx, biosample_id_idx)]) ] <- expr_dt$value
        # Set the row and column names to the id's first
        rownames(exprs) = ftr_vec; colnames(exprs) = bios_vec
    } else if (prod_dim_range > nrow(expr_df)) {
      ## This implies expr_df is a discontinuos dense or a sparse matrix
      ## Order expr_dt per feature_id then biosample_id
      expr_dt <- setorder(expr_dt, biosample_id, feature_id)
      ## Check number of feature_id per biosample
      ftrLen_per_bios <- expr_dt[,.(lenU = .N), by = biosample_id]
      if(length(unique(ftrLen_per_bios$lenU)) == 1) {
        isSparseMatrix = FALSE # flag to check if matrix is sparse
        ## This implies all biosample_ids are repeated the same number of times i.e have the same 
        ## number of feature_ids
        if(length(ftr_vec) == (nrow(expr_dt)/length(bios_vec))) { 
          ## This implies all biosample_ids have the same feature_ids. Hence, per this and previous
          ## condition expr_df is a dense matrix. Here we handle only discontinous dense as 
          ## continuous dense is tracked and treated by the outter most if condition.
          cat("Handling discontinuous dense matrix case ... ")
          run_time = system.time({
            expr_dt[, `:=`(feature_id_idx = rep(1:ftrLen_per_bios$lenU[[1]], length(bios_vec)),
                           biosample_id_idx = sort(rep(1:length(bios_vec), ftrLen_per_bios$lenU[[1]])))]
            exprs <- Matrix::Matrix(nrow = length(ftr_vec), ncol = length(bios_vec), data = 0, 
                                    sparse = F)
            exprs[ as.matrix(expr_dt[, .(feature_id_idx, biosample_id_idx)]) ] <- expr_dt$value
            # Set the row and column names to the id's
            rownames(exprs) = ftr_vec; colnames(exprs) = bios_vec
        } else if (length(ftr_vec) > (nrow(expr_dt)/length(bios_vec))) {
          isSparseMatrix = TRUE # condition 1 for sparsity
        } else {
          # duplicate feature_id(s) for some or all biossample_id(s), goes against our assumptions
          cat('Unknown case')
      } else {
        ## This implies expr_df is a sparse matrix
        isSparseMatrix = TRUE # condition 2 for sparsity
      if (isSparseMatrix) {
        cat('Handling sparse matrix ... ')
        run_time = system.time({
          exprs = acast(expr_df, feature_id~biosample_id, value.var="value")
          stopifnot( nrow(exprs) == length(ftr_vec))
          stopifnot( ncol(exprs) == length(bios_vec))
    } else {
      stop("Expect product of lengths of features and vectors to be greater than or equal to ",
           "number of rows of expression dataframe")
  cat(paste("done (", round(run_time, 5), " sec)", "\n", sep = ""))
Paradigm4/revealgenomics documentation built on April 7, 2020, 2:01 a.m.