
summarize.top.clusters <-
function(betas, covariates, exposure, id, clusters.GEE.results = NULL, clusters.GEE.results.file = NULL, minimum.sites = 2, top.number = 10, cutoff.fdr.pval = 0.05, cutoff.effect.size = NULL, annot = NULL, annotation.file.name = NULL, required.annotation = c("IlmnID", "Coordinate_36", "UCSC_RefGene_Name","UCSC_RefGene_Group", "UCSC_CpG_Islands_Name", "Relation_to_UCSC_CpG_Island"), file.to.print.report = NULL){
## Returns a summary of the top clusters:
## Chooses the top clusters according to the top.number provvided, with FDR p-value at most 0.05, and with effect size at least cutoff.effect.size (if given)
## For each of the top cluster, returns exposure effect size and pvalue before and after FDR, and illumina annotation
## Also returns in dividual GEE analysis of sites in the cluster (i.e. with sandwich standard error)
## Finally, the returnd lists are ordered by exposure effect size on the cluster
## If a file to print report is given, then a latex file is generated with two tables. One table summarized the annotation and effects of
## the top clusters, annother table summarizes the individual sites analysis of the sites from the top clusters. 
## minimum.sites is the minimal size of clusters to consider. The FDR correction is applied only these clusters. 
	if (!is.null(clusters.GEE.results)) anal.results <- clusters.GEE.results 
		else anal.results <- read.table(clusters.GEE.results.file, header = T, as.is = T)
	anal.results$cluster_sites <- as.character(anal.results$cluster_sites)	
	anal.results <- data.table(anal.results)
	anal.results <- anal.results[n_sites_in_cluster >= minimum.sites]

	anal.results[,fdr_pval := p.adjust(anal.results$exposure_pvalue, "fdr")]

#	anal.results[,fdr_pval := 0.04]  ## to test the function
	anal.results[,abs.exp.effect := abs(exposure_effect_size)]
	setkeyv(anal.results, cols = "abs.exp.effect")
	anal.results <- anal.results[fdr_pval <= cutoff.fdr.pval]
	if (!is.null(cutoff.effect.size)) anal.results <- anal.results[exposure_effect_size >= cutoff.effect.size]
	top.number <- min(top.number, nrow(anal.results))	
	if (top.number == 0){
		cat("0 clusters were found with corrected p-value smaller than ",  cutoff.fdr.pval, "no output produced" ,"/n")
	}  else {

	last.one <- nrow(anal.results)	
	top.clusters <- anal.results[last.one:(last.one - top.number + 1)]
	### Top.clusters will be outputed 
	sites.vec <- rep("", length = sum(top.clusters$n_sites_in_cluster))
	cluster.vec <- rep(0, sum(top.clusters$n_sites_in_cluster))
	ind <- 1
	for (i in 1:top.number){
		sites.vec[ind:(ind + top.clusters$n_sites_in_cluster[i] -1)] <- strsplit(top.clusters$cluster_sites[i], split = ";")[[1]]
		cluster.vec[ind:(ind + top.clusters$n_sites_in_cluster[i] -1)] <- i

		ind <- ind + top.clusters$n_sites_in_cluster[i]
	annotation.top.clusters <- annot.probe.vec(sites.vec, annot = annot, annotation.file.name = annotation.file.name, required.annotation = required.annotation)
	annotation.top.clusters <- cbind(cluster.vec, annotation.top.clusters)
	colnames(annotation.top.clusters)[1] <- "cluster"
	#### annotation.top.clusters is one of the require output. 
	## finally, inidicidual site analysis of the sites in the top clusters:
	ind.res.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(sites.vec), ncol = 2)
#	colnames(ind.res.mat) <- c("exp_effect", "exp_pval")
	rownames(ind.res.mat) <- sites.vec
	model.expr.1.site <- paste("model <- geeglm(temp.meth[ind.comp] ~ exposure[ind.comp] + ")	
	for (j in 1:ncol(covariates)){
		 if (j == ncol(covariates)) model.expr.1.site <- paste(model.expr.1.site, colnames(covariates)[j])
		 	else  	model.expr.1.site <- paste(model.expr.1.site, colnames(covariates)[j], "+")}
	model.expr.1.site <- paste(model.expr.1.site, ", data = covariates[ind.comp,], id = as.numeric(id)[ind.comp])")
	for (i in 1:length(sites.vec)){

		temp.meth <- betas[sites.vec[i],]
		ind.comp <- which(complete.cases(cbind(temp.meth, exposure, covariates, id)))
		eval(parse(text = model.expr.1.site))
		ind.res.mat[i,1] <-summary(model)[[6]][2,1]
		ind.res.mat[i,2] <- summary(model)[[6]][2,4]

	ind.res.mat <- data.frame(ind.res.mat)
	ind.res.mat <- cbind(sites.vec, cluster.vec, ind.res.mat)
	colnames(ind.res.mat) <- c("site", "cluster", "exposure effect", "exposure p-values")
	### This is the third required output.
	if (!is.null(file.to.print.report)){
		cat("\\documentclass{article}", "\n")
		cat("\\usepackage{multirow}", "\n")
		cat("\\usepackage{rotating}", "\n")
		cat("\\title{ Cluster analysis report}", "\n")
		cat("\\date{", strsplit(date()," ")[[1]][c(1,2,4,6)], "}", "\n")
		cat("\\begin{document}" , "\n")
		cat("\\maketitle", "\n")

		print.clusters.gee.summary(top.clusters, annotation.top.clusters, file.to.print.report)
		print.site.analysis(ind.res.mat, file.to.print.report)

		sink(file.to.print.report, append = T)
		cat("\\end{document}", "\n")

	top.clusters <- top.clusters[,abs.exp.effect := NULL]
	return(list(top.clusters = top.clusters, annotation.top.clusters = annotation.top.clusters, individual.sites.analysis = ind.res.mat))
PeteHaitch/Aclust documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:29 a.m.