
context("SimpleListSparseAssays class")

# NOTE: x, y, z, and w are defined in helper-make-test-data.R, as is
#       identical_SparseAssays().

test_that(".valid.SparseAssays() works", {
  # NOTE: Not much to test here, almost anything it seems can be coerced to
  #       a SimpleList. It means that this validity check is rather useless
  #       (but recall that subclasses will/should have their own additional
  #       validity checks).

test_that(".normarg.sparse_assays() works", {
  expect_is(.normarg.sparse_assays(S4Vectors::SimpleList()), "SimpleList")
  expect_is(.normarg.sparse_assays(list()), "SimpleList")
  expect_is(.normarg.sparse_assays(matrix()), "SimpleList")
  sa_matrix <- .normarg.sparse_assays(matrix(1:10, ncol = 2))
  expect_identical(names(sa_matrix[[1L]][[1L]]), c("key", "value"))
               "'sparse_assays' must be a SimpleList, list, or matrix")

test_that("SparseAssays() works", {
  sa_matrix <- SparseAssays(matrix(1:10, ncol = 2))
  expect_is(sa_matrix, "SparseAssays")
  expect_is(sa_matrix, "SimpleListSparseAssays")
  expect_error(SparseAssays(matrix(1:10, ncol = 2), subclass = "FancyClass"),
               "'subclass' error: 'FancyClass' does not extend 'SparseAssays'")
  expect_error(SparseAssays(matrix(1:10, ncol = 2),
                            subclass = "ShallowSimpleListAssays"),
               paste0("'subclass' error: 'ShallowSimpleListAssays' does not ",
                      "extend 'SparseAssays'"))

test_that("length,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works", {
  expect_identical(length(sa), 1L)
  expect_identical(length(c(sa, sa, sa, sa, sa)), 5L)

test_that("NROW,SimpleListSparesAssays-method works", {
  expect_identical(NROW(sa), dim(sa)[1L])

test_that("names,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works", {
  expect_identical(names(sa), "sa1")

test_that("names<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works", {
  SA <- sa
  names(SA) <- "SA1"
  expect_identical(names(SA), "SA1")

test_that("[[,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works", {
  sa1 <- sa[[1L]]
  expect_is(sa1, "SimpleList")
  expect_identical(names(sa1), paste0("s", 1:6))
  x <- c(sa, sa)
  names(x) <- c("A", "sa1")
  expect_identical(x[[2L]], sa1)

test_that("[[<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works", {
  x <- sa[1:100, ]
  y <- c(x, x)
  expect_that(y[[2L]] <- sa[101:200, ][[1L]], not(throws_error()))
  expect_is(y, "SparseAssays")
  expect_error(y[[2L]] <- sa[101:300, ][[1L]],
               paste0("All 'key' elements of a 'SimpleListSparseAssays' ",
                      "object must have identical length."))
  expect_error(y[[2L]] <- sa[101:200, ],
               paste0("All sample-level data within each sparse assay of a ",
                      "'SimpleListSparseAssays' object must have one element ",
                      "named 'key', one element named 'value', and nothing ",

test_that("SimpleListSparseAssays class definition is correct", {
  expect_true(extends("SimpleListSparseAssays", "SparseAssays"))
  expect_true(extends("SimpleListSparseAssays", "SimpleList"))

test_that(".valid.SimpleListSparseAssays and validObject work", {

  msg <- paste0("All sample-level data within each sparse assay of a ",
                "'SimpleListSparseAssays' object must have one element ",
                "named 'key', one element named 'value', and nothing ",
  bad_sa <- sa
  bad_sa@listData$sa1$s1 <- SimpleList(dog = 1:10, cat = matrix(1:20, ncol = 2))
  expect_equal(.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays(bad_sa), msg)
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)

  msg <- paste0("All 'key' elements of a 'SimpleListSparseAssays' object must ",
                "be integer vectors.")
  bad_sa <- sa
  bad_sa@listData$sa1$s1$key <- as.numeric(1:10)
  expect_identical(.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays(bad_sa), msg)
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)

  msg <- paste0("All 'value' elements of a 'SimpleListSparseAssays' object ",
                "must be numeric matrix objects.")
  bad_sa <- sa
  bad_sa@listData$sa1$s1$value <- as.data.frame(bad_sa@listData$sa1$s1$value)
  expect_identical(.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays(bad_sa), msg)
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)
  bad_sa <- sa
  bad_sa@listData$sa1$s1$value <- matrix("a", nrow = nrow(bad_sa), ncol = 2)
  expect_identical(.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays(bad_sa), msg)
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)

  msg <- paste0("All sparse assays of a 'SimpleListSparseAssays' object must ",
                "have an identical number of samples.")
  bad_sa <- c(sa, sa[, 2])
  expect_identical(.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays(bad_sa), msg)
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)

  msg <- paste0("colnames mismatch: all names\\(\\) of elements of a ",
                "'SimpleListSparseAssays' object must be identical.")
  bad_sa <- c(sa, sa)
  expect_error(names(bad_sa[[1]]) <- paste0("S", 1:6), msg)
  names(bad_sa@listData[[1]]) <- paste0("S", 1:6)
                   gsub("\\\\", "", msg))
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)

  msg <- paste0("All 'key' elements of a 'SimpleListSparseAssays' object must ",
                "have identical length.")
  bad_sa <- sa
  bad_sa@listData$sa1$s1$key <- 1:9
  expect_identical(.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays(bad_sa), msg)
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)
  bad_sa <- c(sa, sa[1:9, ])
  expect_identical(.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays(bad_sa), msg)
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)

  msg <- paste0("All 'data' elements within each sparse assay of a ",
                "'SimpleListSparseAssays' object must have identical ncol.")
  bad_sa <- sa
  bad_sa@listData$sa1$s1$value <- matrix(1:5, ncol = 1)
  expect_identical(.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays(bad_sa), msg)
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)

  msg <- paste0("Maximum value in each 'key' element must be less than or ",
         "equal to the number of rows in each corresponding 'value' ",
         "element of a 'SimpleListSparseAssays' object.")
  bad_sa <- sa
  bad_sa@listData$sa1$s1$key <- rep(9999999L, length(bad_sa@listData$sa1$s1$key))
  expect_identical(.valid.SimpleListSparseAssays(bad_sa), msg)
  expect_error(validObject(bad_sa), msg)


test_that("dim,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works", {
  expect_identical(dim(SparseAssays()), c(0L, 0L))
  expect_identical(dim(sa), c(10000L, 6L))
  expect_identical(dim(sa[1:10, 3]), c(10L, 1L))

test_that("[,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (no index)", {
  # NOTE: Whenever [,SimpleListSparseAssays method is called with 'i', the
  #       value slot will be sorted using data.table::setkey(), whose
  #       sort-order is equivalent to base::sort(x, na.last = FALSE). There are
  #       multiple, equivalent definitions of SimpleListSparseAssays data.
  #       These are equivalent up to rows permutations.
  # NOTE: While this might properly be considered a bug, subsetting
  #       SparseAssays should be consistent with subsetting Assays in that at
  #       least one of i or j must be specified.
  expect_error(x[], "object 'fun' not found")
  expect_error(as(x, "ShallowSimpleListAssays")[], "object 'fun' not found")

test_that("[,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (i only)", {
  expect_that(x, not(is_identical_to(x[seq_len(nrow(x)), ])))
  expect_true(identical_SparseAssays(x, x[seq_len(nrow(x)), ]))
  expect_that(x[1:7, ], not(is_identical_to(y)))
  expect_true(identical_SparseAssays(x[1:7, ], y))

test_that("[,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (j only)", {
  expect_that(x[, 2], is_identical_to(z))
  expect_true(identical_SparseAssays(x[, 2], z))

test_that("[,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (i and j)", {
  expect_that(x[1:7, 2], not(is_identical_to(w)))
  expect_true(identical_SparseAssays(x[1:7, 2], w))

test_that("[,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (non-contiguous i and j)", {
  expect_identical(densify(X[c(1, 4, 2), ], 1, 1)[[1]][[1]],
                   matrix(as.integer(c(1, 4, 2, 6, 9, 7)), ncol = 2,
                          dimnames = list(c("a", "d", "b"), c("A", "B"))))
  expect_identical(W[, c(3, 1)], cbind(Z, X))
  expect_identical(densify(W[c(1, 4, 2), c(3, 1)], 1, 1:2),
                     list(list(Z = matrix(as.integer(c(1, 4, 2, 6, 9, 7)) + 1000L,
                                          ncol = 2,
                                          dimnames = list(c("a", "d", "b"),
                                                          c("A", "B"))),
                               X = matrix(as.integer(c(1, 4, 2, 6, 9, 7)),
                                          ncol = 2,
                                          dimnames = list(c("a", "d", "b"),
                                                          c("A", "B")))))))

test_that("[,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (non-contiguous i and j)", {
  expect_identical(densify(X[c("a", "d", "b"), ], 1, 1)[[1]][[1]],
                   matrix(as.integer(c(1, 4, 2, 6, 9, 7)), ncol = 2,
                          dimnames = list(c("a", "d", "b"), c("A", "B"))))
  expect_identical(W[, c(3, 1)], cbind(Z, X))
  expect_identical(densify(W[c("a", "d", "b"), c("Z", "X")], 1, 1:2),
                     list(list(Z = matrix(as.integer(c(1, 4, 2, 6, 9, 7)) + 1000L,
                                          ncol = 2,
                                          dimnames = list(c("a", "d", "b"),
                                                          c("A", "B"))),
                               X = matrix(as.integer(c(1, 4, 2, 6, 9, 7)),
                                          ncol = 2,
                                          dimnames = list(c("a", "d", "b"),
                                                          c("A", "B")))))))

test_that("[,SimpleListSparseAssays-method errors (out of bounds indices)", {
  msg <- "subscript contains NAs or out-of-bounds indices"
  expect_error(X[nrow(X) + 1, ], msg)
  expect_error(X["bad_idx", ], msg)
  expect_error(X[nrow(x) + 1, 1], msg)
  expect_error(X["bad_idx", 1], msg)
  expect_error(X[, ncol(x) + 1], msg)
  expect_error(X[, "bad_idx"], "subscript contains invalid names")
  expect_error(X[nrow(x) + 1, ncol(x) + 1], msg)
  expect_error(X["bad_idx", "another_bad_idx"], msg)

test_that("[,SimpleListSparseAssays-method warning (drop)", {
  expect_warning(X[1, , drop = TRUE],
                 "'drop' ignored '\\[,SimpleListSparseAssays,ANY,ANY-method'")

test_that("[<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method errors (no index)", {
  # NOTE: While this might properly be considered a bug, subset replacing
  #       SparseAssays should be consistent with subsetting Assays in that at
  #       least one of i or j must be specified.
  expect_error(x[] <- x, "object 'fun' not found")
  expect_error(as(x, "ShallowSimpleListAssays")[] <-
                 as(x, "ShallowSimpleListAssays"))

test_that("[<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (i only)", {
  # Test subsetting on i
  X <- x
  X[1:10, ] <- x[1:10, ]
  expect_that(x, not(is_identical_to(X)))
  expect_true(identical_SparseAssays(x, X))
  Y <- x
  Y[2, ] <- x[1, ]
  expect_identical(x[1, ], Y[2, ])
  expect_true(identical_SparseAssays(x[1, ], Y[2, ]))

test_that("[<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (j only)", {
  # SparseAssays objects should be identical when only j is specified in subset
  # replacement
  X <- x
  X[, 1] <- x[, 1]
  expect_identical(x, X)
  Y <- x
  Y[, 2] <- x[, 1]
  # Sample names differ, so shouldn't be identical
  expect_that(x[, 1], not(is_identical_to(Y[, 2])))
  # Sample names differ, so shouldn't be identical
  expect_false(identical_SparseAssays(x[, 1], Y[, 2]))
  # But densified data should be identical
  expect_identical(densify(x[, 1], 1, 1)[[1L]][[1L]],
                   densify(Y[, 2], 1, 1)[[1L]][[1L]])

test_that("[<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (i and j)", {
  X <- x
  X[1:7, 2] <- x[1:7, 2]
  expect_that(x, not(is_identical_to(X)))
  expect_true(identical_SparseAssays(x, X))
  Y <- x
  Y[2, 2] <- x[1, 1]
  # Sample names differ, so shouldn't be identical
  expect_that(x[1, 1], not(is_identical_to(Y[2, 2])))
  # Sample names differ, so shouldn't be identical
  expect_false(identical_SparseAssays(x[1, 1], Y[2, 2]))
  # But densified data should be identical
  expect_identical(densify(x[1, 1], 1, 1)[[1L]][[1L]],
                   densify(Y[2, 2], 1, 1)[[1L]][[1L]])

test_that("[<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (non-contiguous i and j)", {
  X2 <- X
  x2 <- matrix(as.integer(c(11, 14, 12, 16, 19, 7)),
               ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("a", "d", "b"), c("A", "B")))
  X2[c(1, 4, 2), ] <- SparseAssays(unname(x2))
  expect_identical(densify(X2[c(1, 4, 2), ], 1, 1)[[1L]][[1L]], x2)
  W2 <- W
  W2[, c(3, 1)] <- W[, c(1, 3)]
  # Sample names differ, so shouldn't be identical
  expect_that(W2, not(is_identical_to(W[, c(3, 1)])))
  # Sample names differ, so shouldn't be identical
  expect_false(identical_SparseAssays(W2, W[, c(3, 1)]))
  # But densified data should be identical
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(W))) {
    expect_identical(densify(W2, 1, 1:3)[[1L]][[i]],
                   densify(W[, 3:1], 1, 1:3)[[1L]][[i]])

test_that("[<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (non-numeric i and j)", {
  X2 <- X
  x2 <- matrix(as.integer(c(11, 14, 12, 16, 19, 7)),
               ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("a", "d", "b"), c("A", "B")))
  X2[c("a", "d", "b"), ] <- SparseAssays(unname(x2))
  expect_identical(densify(X2[c("a", "d", "b"), ], 1, 1)[[1L]][[1L]],
  W2 <- W
  W2[, c("Z", "X")] <- W[, c("X", "Z")]
  # Sample names differ, so shouldn't be identical
  expect_that(W2, not(is_identical_to(W[, c("Z", "X")])))
  # Sample names differ, so shouldn't be identical
  expect_false(identical_SparseAssays(W2, W[, c("Z", "X")]))
  # But densified data should be identical
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(W))) {
    expect_identical(densify(W2, 1, 1:3)[[1L]][[i]],
                     densify(W[, 3:1], 1, 1:3)[[1L]][[i]])

test_that("[<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method errors (out of bounds indices)", {
  msg <- "subscript out of bounds"
  XX <- X
  expect_error(XX[nrow(X) + 1, ] <- X[1, ], msg)
  XX <- X
  expect_error(XX["bad_idx", ] <- X[1, ], msg)
  XX <- X
  expect_error(XX[nrow(X) + 1, 1] <- X[1, 1], msg)
  XX <- X
  expect_error(XX["bad_idx", 1] <- X[1, 1])
  XX <- X
  expect_error(XX[, ncol(X) + 1] <- X[, 1], msg)
  XX <- X
  expect_error(XX[, "bad_idx"] <- X[, 1], msg)
  XX <- X
  expect_error(XX[1, ncol(X) + 1] <- X[1, 1], msg)
  XX <- X
  expect_error(XX[1, "bad_idx"] <- X[1, 1], msg)

test_that("[<-,SimpleListSparseAssays-method errors (incorrectly dimensioned value)", {
  msg <- "number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length"
  expect_error(W[1, ] <- X[1, ], msg)
  expect_error(X[1, ] <- X[1:2, ], msg)
  expect_error(W[, 1] <- W[, 1:2], msg)
  expect_error(W[1, 1] <- W[1:2, 1:2], msg)

test_that(".bind_SimpleListSparseAssays works (empty input)", {
  expect_identical(.bind_SimpleListSparseAssays(list(), rbind), SparseAssays())

test_that("rbind,SimpleListSparseAssays-method is compatible with generic", {
  generic <- getGeneric("rbind")
  method <- getMethod("rbind", "SimpleListSparseAssays")
  expect_identical(generic@signature, "...")
  expect_identical(formals(generic@.Data), formals(method@.Data))

test_that("rbind,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works", {
  expect_identical(.bind_SimpleListSparseAssays(list(), rbind), SparseAssays())
  expect_identical(rbind(x), x)
  expect_error(rbind(x, X),
               "elements in sparse assays must have the same length")
  expect_identical(rbind(SparseAssays(),SparseAssays()), SparseAssays())
  expect_error(rbind(X, W),
               paste0("Sample names \\(if present\\) must be identical when ",
                      "calling 'rbind\\(\\)' on 'SimpleListSparseAssays'"))
  X2 <- X
  names(X2[[1L]]) <- "X2"
  expect_error(rbind(X, X2),
               paste0("Sample names \\(if present\\) must be identical when ",
                      "calling 'rbind\\(\\)' on 'SimpleListSparseAssays'"))
  XNULL <- X
  names(XNULL[[1L]]) <- NULL
  expect_error(rbind(X, XNULL),
               paste0("Sample names \\(if present\\) must be identical when ",
                      "calling 'rbind\\(\\)' on 'SimpleListSparseAssays'"))
  X2NULL <- X2
  names(X2NULL[[1L]]) <- NULL
  expect_that(val <- rbind(XNULL, X2NULL),
                paste0("Sample names \\(if present\\) must be identical when ",
                       "calling 'rbind\\(\\)' on 'SimpleListSparseAssays'"))))
  expect_identical(dim(val), c(5L, 1L))
  WNULL <- W
  names(WNULL[[1L]]) <- NULL
  expect_error(rbind(X, WNULL),
               paste0("Sample names \\(if present\\) must be identical when ",
                      "calling 'rbind\\(\\)' on 'SimpleListSparseAssays'"))
  expect_error(rbind(XNULL, WNULL),
               paste0("Can only rbind 'SimpleListSparseAssays' objects when ",
                      "each object has the same number of samples \\(ncol\\)."))
  XNULL2 <- cbind(XNULL, XNULL)
  expect_error(rbind(XNULL, XNULL2),
               paste0("Can only rbind 'SimpleListSparseAssays' objects when ",
                      "each object has the same number of samples \\(ncol\\)."))
  x2 <- x
  names(x2) <- c("SA1", "SA2")
  expect_error(rbind(x, x2),
               paste0("All 'SimpleListSparseAssays' objects must have the ",
                      "same sparse assay names."))
  sa1 <- as(as(x, "SimpleList")["sa1"], "SimpleListSparseAssays")
  names(sa1) <- "SA1"
  sa2 <- as(as(x, "SimpleList")["sa2"], "SimpleListSparseAssays")
  names(sa2) <- "SA1"
  expect_error(rbind(sa1, sa2),
               paste0("Can only rbind 'SimpleListSparseAssays' objects where ",
                      "the 'value' elements within each sparse assay have the ",
                      "same number of columns."))

test_that("cbind,SimpleListSparseAssays-method is compatible with generic", {
  generic <- getGeneric("cbind")
  method <- getMethod("cbind", "SimpleListSparseAssays")
  expect_identical(generic@signature, "...")
  expect_identical(formals(generic@.Data), formals(method@.Data))

test_that("cbind,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works", {
  expect_identical(.bind_SimpleListSparseAssays(list(), cbind), SparseAssays())
  expect_identical(cbind(x), x)
  expect_error(cbind(x, X),
               "elements in sparse assays must have the same length")
  expect_identical(cbind(SparseAssays(),SparseAssays()), SparseAssays())
  expect_error(cbind(X, X),
               paste0("Sample names \\(if present\\) must be unique when ",
                      "calling 'cbind\\(\\)' on 'SimpleListSparseAssays'"))
  expect_error(cbind(X, W),
               paste0("Sample names \\(if present\\) must be unique when ",
                      "calling 'cbind\\(\\)' on 'SimpleListSparseAssays'"))
  XNULL <- X
  names(XNULL[[1L]]) <- NULL
  expect_that(val <- cbind(X, XNULL),
                paste0("Sample names \\(if present\\) must be identical when ",
                       "calling 'rbind\\(\\)' on 'SimpleListSparseAssays'"))))
  expect_identical(dim(val), c(5L, 2L))
  X2 <- X
  names(X2[[1L]]) <- "X2"
  X2NULL <- X2
  names(X2NULL[[1L]]) <- NULL
  expect_that(val <- cbind(XNULL, X2NULL),
                paste0("Sample names \\(if present\\) must be identical when ",
                       "calling 'rbind\\(\\)' on 'SimpleListSparseAssays'"))))
  expect_identical(dim(val), c(5L, 2L))
  x2 <- x
  names(x2) <- c("SA1", "SA2")
  expect_error(cbind(x[, 1], y[, 2]),
                     paste0("Can only cbind 'SimpleListSparseAssays' objects ",
                            "where the 'key' elements within each sparse ",
                            "assay have the same length."))

test_that(".combine_sample_level.SimpleListSparseAssays works (with no NAs)", {
  Xx <- X[1:3, ][[1L]][[1L]]
  Xy <- X[2:5, ][[1L]][[1L]]
  expect_identical(.combine_sample_level.SimpleListSparseAssays(Xx, Xy),
                   sparsify(XX, "SimpleList"))
  Xx2 <- Xx
  colnames(Xx2[[2L]]) <- NULL
  Xy2 <- Xy
  colnames(Xy2[[2L]]) <- NULL
  XX2 <- XX
  colnames(XX2) <- NULL
  expect_identical(.combine_sample_level.SimpleListSparseAssays(Xx2, Xy2),
                   sparsify(XX2, "SimpleList"))

test_that(".combine_sample_level.SimpleListSparseAssays works (with NAs)", {
  XNA <- X
  XNA[[1L]][[1L]][["key"]][5] <- NA
  XNA[[1L]][[1L]][["value"]] <-  XNA[[1L]][[1L]][["value"]][1:4, ]
  Xx <- X[1:4, ][[1L]][[1L]]
  Xy <- XNA[5, ][[1L]][[1L]]
  expect_identical(.combine_sample_level.SimpleListSparseAssays(Xx, Xy),

test_that("combine,SimpleListSparseAssays-method is compatible with generic", {
  generic <- getGeneric("combine")
  method <- getMethod("combine",
                      c("SimpleListSparseAssays", "SimpleListSparseAssays"))
  expect_identical(generic@signature, c("x", "y"))
  expect_identical(formals(generic@.Data), formals(method@.Data))

test_that("combine,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (zero length inputs)", {
  expect_identical(combine(X, SparseAssays()), X)
  expect_identical(combine(SparseAssays(), X), X)

test_that("combine,SimpleListSparseAssays-method errors (unnamed keys)", {
  msg <- paste0("Cannot combine 'SimpleListSparseAssays' objects with unnamed ",
                "'key' elements")
  expect_error(combine(x, X), msg)
  expect_error(combine(X, x), msg)
  expect_error(combine(x, x), msg)

test_that("combine,SimpleListSparseAssays-method errors (unnamed samples)", {
  msg <- paste0("sample names must be non-NULL when combining ",
                "'SimpleListSparseAssays' objects")
  X2 <- X
  names(X2[[1L]]) <- NULL
  expect_error(combine(X, X2), msg)
  expect_error(combine(X2, X), msg)
  expect_error(combine(X2, X2), msg)

test_that("combine,SimpleListSparseAssays-method works (good input)", {
  expect_identical(combine(X[1:3, ], X[2:4, ]), X[1:4, ])
  expect_identical(combine(W[1:4, 1:2], W[1:4, 2:3]), W[1:4, 1:3])
  WC <- combine(W[1:3, 1:2], W[2:4, 2:3])
  expect_identical(densify(WC, 1, 1)[[1L]][[1L]],
                   matrix(c(1:3, NA, 6:8, NA), ncol = 2,
                          dimnames = list(letters[1:4], LETTERS[1:2])))
  expect_identical(densify(WC, 1, 2)[[1L]][[1L]],
                   matrix(c(101:104, 106:109), ncol = 2,
                          dimnames = list(letters[1:4], LETTERS[1:2])))
  expect_identical(densify(WC, 1, 3)[[1L]][[1L]],
                   matrix(c(NA, 1002:1004, NA, 1007:1009), ncol = 2,
                          dimnames = list(letters[1:4], LETTERS[1:2])))

test_that(".densify.SimpleListSparseAssays.sample works", {
  expect_identical(.densify.SimpleListSparseAssays.sample(X[[1L]][[1L]]), XX)
  XX2 <- XX
  rownames(XX2) <- NULL
    .densify.SimpleListSparseAssays.sample(X[[1L]][[1L]], withRownames = FALSE),

test_that("densify,SimpleListSparseAssays,missing,missing-method errors", {
               paste0("It is strongly recommended that you specify at least ",
                      "one of 'i' or 'j'; see \\?densify for reasons why. If ",
                      "you still really want to densify all sparse assays ",
                      "and samples, then use 'densify\\(x, ",
                      "seq\\_along\\(x\\), seq\\_len\\(ncol\\(x\\)\\), ...",

test_that("densify,SimpleListSparseAssays,numeric,missing-method works", {
  expect_identical(densify(x, 1:2),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x))))
  expect_identical(densify(x, 1:2, withRownames = FALSE),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x)),
                           withRownames = FALSE))
  expect_error(densify(x, length(x) + 1),
               paste0("invalid subscript 'i'\nsubscript contains NAs or ",
                      "out-of-bounds indices"))

test_that("densify,SimpleListSparseAssays,character,missing-method works", {
  expect_identical(densify(x, c("sa1", "sa2")),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x))))
  expect_identical(densify(x, c("sa1", "sa2"), withRownames = FALSE),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x)),
                           withRownames = FALSE))
  expect_error(densify(sa, "bad_idx"),
               "invalid subscript 'i'\nsubscript contains invalid names")

test_that("densify,SimpleListSparseAssays,missing,numeric-method works", {
  expect_identical(densify(x, j = 1:2),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x))))
  expect_identical(densify(x, j = 1:2, withRownames = FALSE),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x)),
                           withRownames = FALSE))
  expect_error(densify(x, j = ncol(x) + 1),
               paste0("invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains NAs or ",
                      "out-of-bounds indices"))

test_that("densify,SimpleListSparseAssays,missing,character-method works", {
  expect_identical(densify(x, j = c("s1", "s2")),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x))))
  expect_identical(densify(x, j = c("s1", "s2"), withRownames = FALSE),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x)),
                           withRownames = FALSE))
  expect_error(densify(x, j = "bad_idx"),
               "invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains invalid names")

test_that("densify,SimpleListSparseAssays,numeric,numeric-method errors", {
  # NOTE: Testing of this method working is implicit in previous tests
  expect_error(densify(x, i = length(x) + 1, j = 1),
               paste0("invalid subscript 'i'\nsubscript contains NAs or ",
                      "out-of-bounds indices"))
  expect_error(densify(x, i = 1, j = ncol(x) + 1),
               paste0("invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains NAs or ",
                      "out-of-bounds indices"))
  # NOTE: Only j is flagged as out of bounds because method aborts at this
  #       point and i is therefore not checked.
  expect_error(densify(x, i = length(x) + 1, j = ncol(x) + 1),
               paste0("invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains NAs or ",
                      "out-of-bounds indices"))

test_that("densify,SimpleListSparseAssays,numeric,character-method errors", {
  expect_identical(densify(x, 1:2, c("s1", "s2")),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x))))
  expect_identical(densify(x, 1:2, c("s1", "s2"), withRownames = FALSE),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x)),
                           withRownames = FALSE))
  expect_error(densify(x, i = length(x) + 1, j = c("s1", "s2")),
               paste0("invalid subscript 'i'\nsubscript contains NAs or ",
                      "out-of-bounds indices"))
  expect_error(densify(x, i = 1, j = "bad_idx"),
               "invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains invalid names")
  # NOTE: Only j is flagged as out of bounds because method aborts at this
  #       point and i is therefore not checked.
  expect_error(densify(x, i = length(x) + 1, j = "bad_idx"),
               "invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains invalid names")

test_that("densify,SimpleListSparseAssays,character,numeric-method errors", {
  expect_identical(densify(x, c("sa1", "sa2"), 1:2),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x))))
  expect_identical(densify(x, c("sa1", "sa2"), 1:2, withRownames = FALSE),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x)),
                           withRownames = FALSE))
  expect_error(densify(x, i = "bad_idx", j = 1),
               "invalid subscript 'i'\nsubscript contains invalid names")
  expect_error(densify(x, i = "sa1", j = ncol(x) + 1),
               paste0("invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains NAs or ",
                      "out-of-bounds indices"))
  # NOTE: Only j is flagged as out of bounds because method aborts at this
  #       point and i is therefore not checked.
  expect_error(densify(x, i = "bad_idx", j = ncol(x) + 1),
               paste0("invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains NAs or ",
                      "out-of-bounds indices"))

test_that("densify,SimpleListSparseAssays,character,character-method errors", {
  expect_identical(densify(x, c("sa1", "sa2"), c("s1", "s2")),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x))))
  expect_identical(densify(x, c("sa1", "sa2"), c("s1", "s2"),
                           withRownames = FALSE),
                   densify(x, seq_along(x), seq_len(ncol(x)),
                           withRownames = FALSE))
  expect_error(densify(x, i = "bad_idx", j = "s1"),
               "invalid subscript 'i'\nsubscript contains invalid names")
  expect_error(densify(x, i = "sa1", j = "bad_idx"),
               "invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains invalid names")
  # NOTE: Only j is flagged as out of bounds because method aborts at this
  #       point and i is therefore not checked.
  expect_error(densify(x, i = "bad_idx", j = "another_bad_idx"),
               "invalid subscript 'j'\nsubscript contains invalid names")

test_that("SimpleListSparseAssays to ShallowSimpleListAssays coercion works", {
  assays <- Assays(array(data = 1:10, dim = c(5, 1, 2),
                       dimnames = list(letters[1:5], "X", LETTERS[1:2])))
  expect_equal(as(X, "ShallowSimpleListAssays"), assays)
  assays <- Assays(
    array(data = c(1:5, 101:105, 1001:1005, 6:10, 106:110, 1006:1010),
          dim = c(5, 3, 2),
          dimnames = list(letters[1:5], c("X", "Y", "Z"), LETTERS[1:2])))
  expect_equal(as(W, "ShallowSimpleListAssays"), assays)
PeteHaitch/SparseSummarizedExperiment documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:31 a.m.