#' Plot genomic coordinates along the x or y-axis of a plotgardener plot
#' @usage plotGenomeLabel(
#' chrom,
#' chromstart = NULL,
#' chromend = NULL,
#' assembly = "hg38",
#' fontsize = 10,
#' fontcolor = "black",
#' linecolor = "black",
#' margin = unit(1, "mm"),
#' scale = "bp",
#' commas = TRUE,
#' sequence = TRUE,
#' boxWidth = 0.5,
#' axis = "x",
#' at = NULL,
#' tcl = 0.5,
#' x,
#' y,
#' length,
#' just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches",
#' params = NULL,
#' ...
#' )
#' @param chrom Chromosome of genome label, as a string,
#' or a character vector of chromosomes for a whole genome Manhattan plot.
#' @param chromstart Integer start of genome label.
#' @param chromend Integer end of genome label.
#' @param assembly Default genome assembly as a string or a
#' \link[plotgardener]{assembly} object.
#' @param fontsize A numeric specifying text fontsize in points.
#' Default value is \code{fontsize = 10}.
#' @param fontcolor A character value indicating the color for text.
#' Default value is \code{fontcolor = "black"}.
#' @param linecolor A character value indicating the color of
#' the genome label axis. Default value is \code{linecolor = "black"}.
#' @param margin A numeric or unit vector specifying space between axis
#' and coordinate labels. Default value is \code{margin = unit(1, "mm")},
#' @param scale A character value indicating the scale of the coordinates
#' along the genome label. Default value is \code{scale = "bp"}. Options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"bp"}: }{base pairs.}
#' \item{\code{"Kb"}: }{kilobase pairs. 1 kilobase pair is equal to
#' 1000 base pairs.}
#' \item{\code{"Mb"}: }{megabase pairs. 1 megabase pair is equal to
#' 1000000 base pairs.}
#' }
#' @param commas A logical value indicating whether to include commas in
#' start and stop labels. Default value is \code{commas = TRUE}.
#' @param sequence A logical value indicating whether to include sequence
#' information above the label of an x-axis (only at appropriate resolutions).
#' @param boxWidth A numeric value indicating the width of the boxes
#' representing sequence information at appropriate resolutions.
#' Default value is \code{boxWidth = 0.5}.
#' @param axis A character value indicating along which axis to
#' add genome label. Sequence information will not be displayed along a y-axis.
#' Default value is \code{axis = "x"}.
#' Options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"x"}: }{Genome label will be plotted along the x-axis.}
#' \item{\code{"y"}: }{Genome label will be plotted along the y-axis.
#' This is typically used for a square Hi-C plot made with
#' \code{plotHicSquare}.}
#' }
#' @param at A numeric vector of x-value locations for tick marks.
#' @param tcl A numeric specifying the length of tickmarks as a
#' fraction of text height. Default value is \code{tcl = 0.5}.
#' @param x A numeric or unit object specifying genome label x-location.
#' @param y A numeric, unit object, or character containing a "b"
#' combined with a numeric value specifying genome label y-location.
#' The character value will
#' place the genome label y relative to the bottom of the most recently
#' plotted plot according to the units of the plotgardener page.
#' @param length A numeric or unit object specifying length of
#' genome label axis.
#' @param just Justification of genome label relative to its (x, y)
#' location. If there are two values, the first value specifies horizontal
#' justification and the second value specifies vertical justification.
#' Possible string values are: \code{"left"}, \code{"right"},
#' \code{"centre"}, \code{"center"}, \code{"bottom"},
#' and \code{"top"}. Default value is \code{just = c("left", "top")}.
#' @param default.units A string indicating the default units to
#' use if \code{x}, \code{y}, or \code{length} are only given as numerics.
#' Default value is \code{default.units = "inches"}.
#' @param params An optional \link[plotgardener]{pgParams} object
#' containing relevant function parameters.
#' @param ... Additional grid graphical parameters or digit specifications.
#' See \link[grid]{gpar} and \link[base]{formatC}.
#' @return Returns a \code{genomeLabel} object containing
#' relevant genomic region, placement, and \link[grid]{grob} information.
#' @examples
#' ## Load hg19 genomic annotation packages
#' library("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene")
#' library("org.Hs.eg.db")
#' library("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19")
#' ## Create page
#' pageCreate(width = 5, height = 3, default.units = "inches")
#' ## Plot and place gene track on page
#' genesPlot <- plotGenes(
#' chrom = "chr8",
#' chromstart = 1000000, chromend = 2000000,
#' assembly = "hg19", fill = c("grey", "grey"),
#' fontcolor = c("grey", "grey"),
#' x = 0.5, y = 0.25, width = 4, height = 1,
#' just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' ## Plot x-axis genome labels at different scales
#' plotGenomeLabel(
#' chrom = "chr8",
#' chromstart = 1000000, chromend = 2000000,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' scale = "Mb",
#' x = 0.5, y = 1.25, length = 4, just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' plotGenomeLabel(
#' chrom = "chr8",
#' chromstart = 1000000, chromend = 2000000,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' scale = "Kb",
#' x = 0.5, y = 1.5, length = 4, just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' plotGenomeLabel(
#' chrom = "chr8",
#' chromstart = 1000000, chromend = 2000000,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' scale = "bp",
#' x = 0.5, y = 1.75, length = 4, just = c("left", "top"),
#' default.units = "inches"
#' )
#' ## Plot a different genomic label region, zooming in enough
#' ## to see base pairs
#' plotGenomeLabel(
#' chrom = "chr8",
#' chromstart = 1000000, chromend = 1000050,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' x = 0.25, y = 2.2, length = 4.5
#' )
#' plotGenomeLabel(
#' chrom = "chr8",
#' chromstart = 1000000, chromend = 1000020,
#' assembly = "hg19",
#' x = 0, y = 2.6, length = 5
#' )
#' ## Hide page guides
#' pageGuideHide()
#' @export
plotGenomeLabel <- function(chrom, chromstart = NULL, chromend = NULL,
assembly = "hg38", fontsize = 10,
fontcolor = "black", linecolor = "black",
margin = unit(1, "mm"),
scale = "bp", commas = TRUE, sequence = TRUE,
boxWidth = 0.5, axis = "x", at = NULL,
tcl = 0.5, x, y, length,
just = c("left", "top"),
default.units = "inches", params = NULL, ...) {
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## Define a function that catches errors for plotGenomeLabel
errorcheck_plotGenomeLabel <- function(scale, ticks, object, axis) {
## Check that scale is an appropriate value
if (!scale %in% c("bp", "Kb", "Mb")) {
stop("Invalid \'scale\'. Options are \'bp\', \'Kb\', or \'Mb\'.",
call. = FALSE
if (!is.null(ticks)) {
## Can't have ticks if label is genome assembly for manhattan plot
if (is.null(object$chrom)) {
stop("Cannot add tick marks to a genome label of entire ",
"genome assembly.", call. = FALSE)
## Make sure ticks fall within the chromstart to chromend range
if (range(ticks)[1] < object$chromstart |
range(ticks)[2] > object$chromend) {
stop("Given tick locations do not fall within ",
"the genomic range.",
call. = FALSE
if (!axis %in% c("x", "y")) {
stop("Invalid \'axis\'. Options are \'x\' or \'y\'.", call. = FALSE)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
genomeLabelInternal <- parseParams(
params = params,
defaultArgs = formals(eval(match.call()[[1]])),
declaredArgs = lapply(match.call()[-1], eval.parent, n = 2),
class = "genomeLabelInternal"
## Parsing for "space" from input Manhattan plot from annoGenomeLabel
additionalParams <- list(...)
if ("space" %in% names(additionalParams)) {
genomeLabelInternal$space <- additionalParams$space
## Assign "gp"
genomeLabelInternal$gp <- gpar(
fontsize = genomeLabelInternal$fontsize,
col = genomeLabelInternal$linecolor,
fontcolor = genomeLabelInternal$fontcolor,
lineend = "butt"
genomeLabelInternal$gp <- setGP(
gpList = genomeLabelInternal$gp,
params = genomeLabelInternal, ...
## Justification
genomeLabelInternal$just <-
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
genomeLabel <- structure(list(
chrom = genomeLabelInternal$chrom,
chromstart = genomeLabelInternal$chromstart,
chromend = genomeLabelInternal$chromend,
assembly = genomeLabelInternal$assembly,
x = genomeLabelInternal$x,
y = genomeLabelInternal$y,
width = NULL, height = NULL,
just = genomeLabelInternal$just,
grobs = NULL
), class = "genomeLabel")
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (is.null(genomeLabel$x)) stop("argument \"x\" is missing, ",
"with no default.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(genomeLabel$y)) stop("argument \"y\" is missing, ",
"with no default.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(genomeLabel$chrom)) stop("argument \"chrom\" is missing, ",
"with no default.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(genomeLabelInternal$length)) {
stop("argument \"length\" is missing, ",
"with no default.",
call. = FALSE
if (base::length(genomeLabel$chrom) == 1) {
if (is.null(genomeLabel$chromstart)) stop("argument \"chromstart\" ",
"is missing, with no ",
"default.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(genomeLabel$chromend)) stop("argument \"chromend\" ",
"is missing, with no ",
"default.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (is.null(genomeLabelInternal$space)) {
genomeLabelInternal$space <- 0.01
check_page(error = paste("Cannot plot a genome label without",
"a `plotgardener` page."))
scale = genomeLabelInternal$scale,
ticks = genomeLabelInternal$at,
object = genomeLabel,
axis = genomeLabelInternal$axis
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
genomeLabel$assembly <-
parseAssembly(assembly = genomeLabel$assembly)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
genomeLabel$x <- misc_defaultUnits(value = genomeLabel$x,
name = "x",
default.units =
genomeLabel$y <- misc_defaultUnits(
value = genomeLabel$y,
name = "y",
default.units = genomeLabelInternal$default.units)
genomeLabelInternal$length <- misc_defaultUnits(
value = genomeLabelInternal$length,
name = "length",
default.units = genomeLabelInternal$default.units)
genomeLabelInternal$margin <- misc_defaultUnits(
value = genomeLabelInternal$margin,
name = "margin",
default.units = genomeLabelInternal$default.units)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
genomeLabelInternal$margin <-
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
genomeLabelInternal$tgH <- convertHeight(heightDetails(textGrob(
label = genomeLabelInternal$scale,
x = 0.5, y = 0.5,
default.units = "npc",
gp = genomeLabelInternal$gp
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
if (!is.null(genomeLabelInternal$at)) {
genomeLabelInternal$tick_height <-
genomeLabelInternal$tgH * (genomeLabelInternal$tcl)
genomeLabelInternal$depth <-
convertHeight(genomeLabelInternal$tgH +
genomeLabelInternal$tick_height +
0.5 * genomeLabelInternal$tgH +
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
} else {
genomeLabelInternal$tick_height <- NULL
genomeLabelInternal$depth <-
convertHeight(genomeLabelInternal$tgH +
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
if (base::length(genomeLabel$chrom) == 1){
vp_name <- plotChromGenomeLabel(genomeLabel = genomeLabel,
genomeLabelInternal = genomeLabelInternal,
} else {
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
vp_name <- plotManhattanGenomeLabel(genomeLabel = genomeLabel,
genomeLabelInternal = genomeLabelInternal)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
genomeLabel$grobs <- get("genomeLabel_grobs", envir = pgEnv)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
genomeLabel$width <- genomeLabelInternal$length
genomeLabel$height <- genomeLabelInternal$depth
if (genomeLabelInternal$axis == "y") {
genomeLabel$width <- genomeLabelInternal$depth
genomeLabel$height <- genomeLabelInternal$length
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
message("genomeLabel[", vp_name, "]")
# Plots a standard genome label for a single chromosomal region
# @param genomeLabel genomeLabel object from plotGenomeLabel
# @param genomeLabelInternal genomeLabelInternal object
# from plotGenomeLabel
plotChromGenomeLabel <- function(genomeLabel,
genomeLabelInternal, ...){
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## Define a function that adds commas to chromstart/chromend labels
comma_labels <- function(object, commas, fact, ...) {
digits <- list(...)$digits
if (is.null(digits)){
if (fact == 1){
digits <- rep(0, 2)
} else {
digits <- rep(1, 2)
if (length(digits) == 1){
digits <- rep(digits, 2)
roundedStart <- round(object$chromstart / fact, digits[1])
if ((roundedStart * fact) != object$chromstart) {
roundedStart <- paste0("~", roundedStart)
warning("Start label is rounded.", call. = FALSE)
roundedEnd <- round(object$chromend / fact, digits[2])
if ((roundedEnd * fact) != object$chromend) {
roundedEnd <- paste0("~", roundedEnd)
warning("End label is rounded.", call. = FALSE)
if (commas == TRUE) {
chromstartlabel <- formatC(roundedStart,
format = "f",
big.mark = ",", digits = digits[1]
chromendlabel <- formatC(roundedEnd,
format = "f",
big.mark = ",", digits = digits[2]
} else {
chromstartlabel <- roundedStart
chromendlabel <- roundedEnd
return(list(chromstartlabel, chromendlabel))
## Define a function that makes the label viewport
chrom_viewport <- function(object, length, depth, seqType,
vp_name, seqHeight, just, axis){
## No matter the orientation, convert to page units
convertedPageCoords <- convert_page(object = structure(list(
width = length,
height = unit(
get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
x = object$x,
y = object$y
class = "genomeLabelInternal"
## Add "length" and "depth" into converted dimensions
convertedPageCoords$length <- convertedPageCoords$width
convertedPageCoords$depth <- convertedPageCoords$height
## Compile new dimensions into a new dummy viewport,
## where the default is along the x-axis
convertedViewport <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$length,
height = convertedPageCoords$depth,
x = convertedPageCoords$x,
y = convertedPageCoords$y, just = just
if (!is.null(seqType)) {
## Get x and y coordinates of top left of what
## would be the entire viewport
topLeftViewport <- vp_topLeft(viewport = convertedViewport)
seq_height <- unit(seqHeight, get("page_units", envir = pgEnv))
## One vp for genome
vp1 <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$width,
height = unit(depth, get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)),
x = topLeftViewport[[1]],
y = topLeftViewport[[2]] - seq_height,
just = c("left", "top"),
name = paste0(vp_name, "_01"),
xscale = c(object$chromstart, object$chromend),
yscale = c(0, depth)
## One vp for sequence
vp2 <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$width,
height = seq_height,
x = topLeftViewport[[1]],
y = topLeftViewport[[2]],
just = c("left", "top"),
name = paste0(vp_name, "_02"),
clip = "on",
xscale = c(object$chromstart, object$chromend)
## Combine viewports into one
vp <- vpList(vp1, vp2)
} else {
if (axis == "y") {
## Update converted viewport for y-axis
convertedViewport <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$depth,
height = convertedPageCoords$length,
x = convertedPageCoords$x,
y = convertedPageCoords$y,
just = just
## Get x and y coords of bottom right to rotate vp
bottomRightViewport <-
vp_bottomRight(viewport = convertedViewport)
## Make x-axis equivalent viewport and rotate into
## dimensions of given y-axis viewport
vp <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$length,
height = convertedPageCoords$depth,
x = bottomRightViewport[[1]] -
y = bottomRightViewport[[2]],
just = c("left", "top"),
name = vp_name,
xscale = c(object$chromstart, object$chromend),
yscale = c(0, depth),
angle = 90
} else {
vp <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$width,
height = convertedPageCoords$height,
x = convertedPageCoords$x,
y = convertedPageCoords$y,
just = just,
name = vp_name,
xscale = c(object$chromstart, object$chromend),
yscale = c(0, depth)
## Define a function that makes tick, line, and text grobs for
## chrom/chromstart/chromend labels
chrom_grobs <- function(ticks, seqType, scale, chromLabel,
startLabel, endLabel, object, vp,
yaxis) {
margin <- convertHeight(object$margin,
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
height <- convertHeight(object$depth,
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
if (!is.null(seqType)) {
assign("genomeLabel_grobs", gTree(), envir = pgEnv)
chrom_vp <- vp[[1]]
if (!is.null(ticks)) {
tgH <- convertHeight(object$tgH,
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
tick_height <- convertHeight(object$tick_height,
unitTo = get("page_units",
envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
x_coords <- ticks
y0_coord <- height
y1_coords <- rep(height - tick_height, length(ticks))
yLabel <- unit(height - (tick_height + margin), "native")
tickGrobs <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = x_coords,
y0 = rep(y0_coord, length(ticks)),
x1 = x_coords,
y1 = y1_coords,
vp = chrom_vp,
gp = object$gp,
default.units = "native"
line <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"),
x1 = unit(1, "npc"),
y0 = y0_coord,
y1 = y0_coord,
vp = chrom_vp,
gp = object$gp,
default.units = "native"
object$gp$col <- object$gp$fontcolor
startLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(startLabel, scale),
x = unit(0, "npc"), y = yLabel,
just = c("left", "top"),
vp = chrom_vp,
gp = object$gp
endLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(endLabel, scale),
x = unit(1, "npc"), y = yLabel,
just = c("right", "top"),
vp = chrom_vp,
gp = object$gp
object$gp$fontface <- "bold"
chromLab <- textGrob(
label = chromLabel,
x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = yLabel,
vp = chrom_vp,
gp = object$gp, just = c("center", "top")
setChildren(get("genomeLabel_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
children = gList(
line, chromLab, startLab,
endLab, tickGrobs
envir = pgEnv
} else {
yLabel <- unit(height - margin, "native")
line <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"), x1 = unit(1, "npc"),
y0 = height, y1 = height,
vp = chrom_vp,
gp = object$gp, default.units = "native"
object$gp$col <- object$gp$fontcolor
startLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(startLabel, scale, sep = " "),
x = unit(0, "npc"), y = yLabel,
vp = chrom_vp,
just = c("left", "top"),
gp = object$gp
endLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(endLabel, scale, sep = " "),
x = unit(1, "npc"), y = yLabel,
vp = chrom_vp,
just = c("right", "top"),
gp = object$gp
object$gp$fontface <- "bold"
chromLab <- textGrob(
label = chromLabel, x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
y = yLabel,
vp = chrom_vp,
gp = object$gp,
just = c("center", "top")
setChildren(get("genomeLabel_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
children = gList(
line, chromLab,
startLab, endLab
envir = pgEnv
} else {
assign("genomeLabel_grobs", gTree(vp = vp), envir = pgEnv)
if (!is.null(ticks)) {
tgH <- convertHeight(object$tgH,
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
tick_height <- convertHeight(object$tick_height,
unitTo = get("page_units",
envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
x_coords <- ticks
if (yaxis == TRUE) {
y0_coord <- 0
y1_coords <- rep(tick_height, length(ticks))
yLabel <- unit(tick_height + margin, "native")
tickGrobs <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = x_coords,
y0 = rep(y0_coord, length(ticks)),
x1 = x_coords, y1 = y1_coords,
gp = object$gp, default.units = "native"
line <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"), x1 = unit(1, "npc"),
y0 = y0_coord, y1 = y0_coord,
gp = object$gp, default.units = "native"
object$gp$col <- object$gp$fontcolor
startLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(startLabel, scale),
x = unit(0, "npc"), y = yLabel,
just = c("left", "bottom"),
gp = object$gp
endLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(endLabel, scale),
x = unit(1, "npc"), y = yLabel,
just = c("right", "bottom"),
gp = object$gp
object$gp$fontface <- "bold"
chromLab <- textGrob(
label = chromLabel,
x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = yLabel,
gp = object$gp, just = c("center", "bottom")
} else {
y0_coord <- height
y1_coords <- rep(height - tick_height, length(ticks))
yLabel <- unit(height - (tick_height + margin), "native")
tickGrobs <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = x_coords,
y0 = rep(y0_coord, length(ticks)),
x1 = x_coords, y1 = y1_coords,
gp = object$gp, default.units = "native"
line <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"), x1 = unit(1, "npc"),
y0 = y0_coord, y1 = y0_coord,
gp = object$gp, default.units = "native"
object$gp$col <- object$gp$fontcolor
startLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(startLabel, scale),
x = unit(0, "npc"),
y = unit(tgH + 0.25 * tgH, "native"),
just = c("left", "top"),
gp = object$gp
endLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(endLabel, scale),
x = unit(1, "npc"),
y = unit(tgH + 0.25 * tgH, "native"),
just = c("right", "top"),
gp = object$gp
object$gp$fontface <- "bold"
chromLab <- textGrob(
label = chromLabel, x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
y = unit(tgH + 0.25 * tgH, "native"),
gp = object$gp, just = c("center", "top")
setChildren(get("genomeLabel_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
children = gList(
line, chromLab, startLab,
endLab, tickGrobs
envir = pgEnv
} else {
if (yaxis == TRUE) {
yLabel <- unit(margin, "native")
line <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"), x1 = unit(1, "npc"),
y0 = unit(0, "npc"), y1 = unit(0, "npc"),
gp = object$gp
object$gp$col <- object$gp$fontcolor
startLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(startLabel, scale, sep = " "),
x = unit(0, "npc"), y = yLabel,
just = c("left", "bottom"),
gp = object$gp
endLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(endLabel, scale, sep = " "),
x = unit(1, "npc"), y = yLabel,
just = c("right", "bottom"),
gp = object$gp
object$gp$fontface <- "bold"
chromLab <- textGrob(
label = chromLabel, x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
y = yLabel,
gp = object$gp,
just = c("center", "bottom")
} else {
yLabel <- unit(height - margin, "native")
line <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"), x1 = unit(1, "npc"),
y0 = height, y1 = height,
gp = object$gp, default.units = "native"
object$gp$col <- object$gp$fontcolor
startLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(startLabel, scale, sep = " "),
x = unit(0, "npc"), y = yLabel,
just = c("left", "top"),
gp = object$gp
endLab <- textGrob(
label = paste(endLabel, scale, sep = " "),
x = unit(1, "npc"), y = yLabel,
just = c("right", "top"),
gp = object$gp
object$gp$fontface <- "bold"
chromLab <- textGrob(
label = chromLabel, x = unit(0.5, "npc"),
y = yLabel,
gp = object$gp,
just = c("center", "top")
setChildren(get("genomeLabel_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
children = gList(
line, chromLab,
startLab, endLab
envir = pgEnv
## Define a function that makes sequence grobs (boxes or letters)
seq_grobs <- function(object, seqHeight, seqType, assembly, chromLabel, vp,
boxWidth, gparParams) {
bsgenome <- eval(parse(text = paste0(as.name(object$assembly$BSgenome),
## Get sequence in that region
sequence <- strsplit(as.character(BSgenome::getSeq(
seqnames = chromLabel,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
start = object$chromstart,
end = object$chromend
split = ""
## Make dataframe of sequence letter, position, and color
dfSequence <- data.frame(
"nucleotide" = unlist(sequence),
"pos" = seq(object$chromstart, object$chromend),
"col" = "grey"
## Make colors A = green, T = red, G = orange, C = blue
dfSequence$nucleotide == "A"
), ]$col <- "#7CD95B",
error = function(e) {}
dfSequence$nucleotide == "T"
), ]$col <- "#F1686C",
error = function(e) {}
dfSequence$nucleotide == "G"
), ]$col <- "#FFDD12",
error = function(e) {}
dfSequence$nucleotide == "C"
), ]$col <- "#5566FF",
error = function(e) {}
seq_vp <- vp[[2]]
## Make grobs based on seqType
if (seqType == "letters") {
seqGrobs <- textGrob(
label = dfSequence$nucleotide, x = dfSequence$pos,
y = unit(0.5, "npc"), just = "center",
vp = seq_vp,
default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(
col = dfSequence$col,
fontsize = gparParams$gp$fontsize - 2
} else if (seqType == "boxes") {
seqGrobs <- rectGrob(
x = dfSequence$pos, y = unit(1, "npc"),
width = boxWidth,
height = unit(
seqHeight - 0.05 * seqHeight,
get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
just = c("center", "top"),
vp = seq_vp,
default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = dfSequence$col)
gTree = get("genomeLabel_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
child = seqGrobs
envir = pgEnv
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## Determine scale of labels
if (genomeLabelInternal$scale == "bp") {
fact <- 1
if (genomeLabelInternal$scale == "Mb") {
fact <- 1000000
if (genomeLabelInternal$scale == "Kb") {
fact <- 1000
commaLabels <- comma_labels(
object = genomeLabel,
commas = genomeLabelInternal$commas,
fact = fact, ...
chromstartlabel <- commaLabels[[1]]
chromendlabel <- commaLabels[[2]]
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
seq_height <- heightDetails(textGrob(
label = "A",
x = 0.5, y = 0.5,
default.units = "npc",
gp = gpar(fontsize = genomeLabelInternal$gp$fontsize - 2)
seq_height <- convertHeight(seq_height + 0.05 * seq_height,
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
seqType <- NULL
if (genomeLabelInternal$sequence == TRUE) {
if (genomeLabelInternal$axis == "x") {
labelWidth <- convertWidth(genomeLabelInternal$length,
unitTo = "inches",
valueOnly = TRUE
bpWidth <- convertWidth(widthDetails(textGrob(
label = "A",
x = 0.5, y = 0.5,
default.units = "npc",
gp = gpar(fontsize = genomeLabelInternal$gp$fontsize - 2)
unitTo = "inches",
valueOnly = TRUE
seqRange <- genomeLabel$chromend - genomeLabel$chromstart
seqWidth <- bpWidth * seqRange
if (seqWidth <= labelWidth) {
seqType <- "letters"
} else if (seqWidth / labelWidth <= 9) {
seqType <- "boxes"
## Check for BSgenome packages and reset seqType if necessary
if (!is.null(seqType)) {
if (!is.null(genomeLabel$assembly$BSgenome)) {
if (!requireNamespace(genomeLabel$assembly$BSgenome,
quietly = TRUE)){
bsChecks <- FALSE
warning("`", genomeLabel$assembly$BSgenome,
"` not available. ",
"Sequence information will not be displayed.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
bsChecks <- TRUE
if (bsChecks == FALSE) {
seqType <- NULL
} else {
warning("No `BSgenome` package found for the input assembly. ",
"Sequence information cannot be displayed.", call. = FALSE)
seqType <- NULL
if (!is.null(seqType)) {
seq_height <- convertHeight(seq_height,
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
genomeLabelInternal$depth <- unit(
genomeLabelInternal$depth + seq_height,
get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
} else {
genomeLabelInternal$depth <- unit(
get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## Name viewport
currentViewports <- current_viewports()
vp_name <- paste0(
pattern = "genomeLabel",
x = currentViewports
)) + 1
## Make viewport
vp <- chrom_viewport(
object = genomeLabel,
length = genomeLabelInternal$length,
depth = genomeLabelInternal$depth,
seqType = seqType,
seqHeight = seq_height,
vp_name = vp_name, just = genomeLabel$just,
axis = genomeLabelInternal$axis
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
ticks = genomeLabelInternal$at,
seqType = seqType,
scale = genomeLabelInternal$scale,
chromLabel = genomeLabel$chrom,
startLabel = chromstartlabel, endLabel = chromendlabel,
object = genomeLabelInternal, vp = vp,
yaxis = (genomeLabelInternal$axis == "y")
## Sequence grobs if applicable
if (!is.null(seqType)) {
object = genomeLabel, seqHeight = seq_height,
seqType = seqType, assembly = genomeLabel$assembly,
chromLabel = genomeLabel$chrom, vp = vp,
boxWidth = genomeLabelInternal$boxWidth,
gparParams = genomeLabelInternal
# Plots a genome label for a multi-chromosomal Manhattan plot
# @param genomeLabel genomeLabel object from plotGenomeLabel
# @param genomeLabelInternal genomeLabelInternal object
# from plotGenomeLabel
plotManhattanGenomeLabel <- function(genomeLabel, genomeLabelInternal){
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## Define a function that makes the label viewport
manhattan_viewport <- function(object, length, depth,
vp_name, just, axis, space){
## Convert to page units
convertedPageCoords <- convert_page(object = structure(list(
width = length,
height = unit(
get("page_units", envir = pgEnv)
x = object$x,
y = object$y
class = "genomeLabelInternal"
## Add "length" and "depth" into converted dimensions
convertedPageCoords$length <- convertedPageCoords$width
convertedPageCoords$depth <- convertedPageCoords$height
## Compile new dimensions into a new dummy viewport,
## where the default is along the x-axis
convertedViewport <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$length,
height = convertedPageCoords$depth,
x = convertedPageCoords$x,
y = convertedPageCoords$y, just = just
## Get assembly data
if (is(object$assembly$TxDb, "TxDb")) {
txdbChecks <- TRUE
} else {
if (!requireNamespace(object$assembly$TxDb, quietly = TRUE)){
txdbChecks <- FALSE
warning("`", object$assembly$TxDb, "` not available. Please ",
"install to label genome.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
txdbChecks <- TRUE
if (txdbChecks == TRUE) {
if (is(object$assembly$TxDb, "TxDb")) {
tx_db <- object$assembly$TxDb
} else {
tx_db <- eval(parse(text = paste0(as.name(object$assembly$TxDb),
assembly_data <- as.data.frame(setDT(as.data.frame(
keep.rownames = TRUE
colnames(assembly_data) <- c("chrom", "length")
assembly_data <- assembly_data[which(assembly_data[, "chrom"] %in%
object$chrom), ]
## get the offsets based on spacer for the assembly
offsetAssembly <- spaceChroms(
assemblyData = assembly_data,
space = space
cumsums <- cumsum(as.numeric(assembly_data[, "length"]))
spacer <- cumsums[length(cumsum(
as.numeric(assembly_data[, "length"])
))] * space
xscale <- c(0, max(offsetAssembly[, "end"]) + spacer)
} else {
xscale <- c(0, 1)
if (axis == "y") {
## Update converted viewport for y-axis
convertedViewport <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$depth,
height = convertedPageCoords$length,
x = convertedPageCoords$x,
y = convertedPageCoords$y, just = just
## Get x and y coordinates of bottom right to rotate
## x-axis viewport
bottomRightViewport <-
vp_bottomRight(viewport = convertedViewport)
## Make x-axis equivalent viewport and rotate into
## dimensions of given y-axis viewport
vp <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$length,
height = convertedPageCoords$depth,
x = bottomRightViewport[[1]] - convertedPageCoords$depth,
y = bottomRightViewport[[2]],
just = c("left", "top"),
name = vp_name,
xscale = c(object$chromstart, object$chromend),
yscale = c(0, depth),
angle = 90
} else {
vp <- viewport(
width = convertedPageCoords$width,
height = convertedPageCoords$height,
x = convertedPageCoords$x,
y = convertedPageCoords$y,
just = just,
name = vp_name,
xscale = xscale,
yscale = c(0, depth)
## Define a function that makes line and text grobs for whole assembly
## labels in Manhattan plots
genome_grobs <- function(object, vp, gp, space) {
## Initialize gTree
assign("genomeLabel_grobs", gTree(vp = vp), envir = pgEnv)
## Get assembly data
if (is(object$assembly$TxDb, "TxDb")) {
txdbChecks <- TRUE
} else {
if (!requireNamespace(object$assembly$TxDb, quietly = TRUE)){
txdbChecks <- FALSE
} else {
txdbChecks <- TRUE
if (txdbChecks == TRUE) {
if (is(object$assembly$TxDb, "TxDb")) {
tx_db <- object$assembly$TxDb
} else {
tx_db <- eval(parse(text =
assembly_data <- as.data.frame(setDT(as.data.frame(
keep.rownames = TRUE
colnames(assembly_data) <- c("chrom", "length")
assembly_data <- assembly_data[which(assembly_data[, "chrom"] %in%
object$chrom), ]
## Get the offsets based on spacer for the assembly
offsetAssembly <- spaceChroms(
assemblyData = assembly_data,
space = space
## Get the centers of each chrom
chromCenters <- (offsetAssembly[, "start"] +
offsetAssembly[, "end"]) / 2
margin <- convertHeight(object$margin,
unitTo = get("page_units", envir = pgEnv),
valueOnly = TRUE
line <- segmentsGrob(
x0 = unit(0, "npc"), x1 = unit(1, "npc"),
y0 = unit(1, "npc"), y1 = unit(1, "npc"), gp = gp
gp$col <- gp$fontcolor
labels <- textGrob(
label = gsub("chr", "", offsetAssembly[, 1]),
x = chromCenters,
y = unit(1, "npc") - unit(margin, "native"),
just = c("center", "top"),
gp = gp,
default.units = "native"
setChildren(get("genomeLabel_grobs", envir = pgEnv),
children = gList(line, labels)
envir = pgEnv
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
## Name viewport
currentViewports <- current_viewports()
vp_name <- paste0(
pattern = "genomeLabel",
x = currentViewports
)) + 1
## Make viewport
vp <- manhattan_viewport(
object = genomeLabel,
length = genomeLabelInternal$length,
depth = genomeLabelInternal$depth,
vp_name = vp_name, just = genomeLabel$just,
axis = genomeLabelInternal$axis,
space = genomeLabelInternal$space
# =========================================================================
# =========================================================================
object = genomeLabelInternal, vp = vp,
gp = genomeLabelInternal$gp,
space = genomeLabelInternal$space
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