#' Basic summary of an mimf object
#' \code{period} returns the mean period and \code{mean_amplitude} returns the
#' mean amplitude of each imf on \code{object}. \code{summary}
#' wraps them up into a single object.
#' @param object A \code{mimf} object resulting from a call to \code{memd}.
#' @param tt A vector of custom time indices.
#' @param x An object of class \code{summary.mimf} resulting from a call to
#' \code{summary.mimf}.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to the function
#' \code{\link[base]{format}} for the print method.
#' @details \code{period} computes the mean period of an IMF by counting its
#' number of zero crossing. The period then corresponds to twice the mean
#' time difference between two zero crossings.
#' \code{mean_amplitude} computes the root mean square amplitude of the IMF,
#' i.e. the square root of the sum of its squared values.
#' \code{summary} computes the mean periods, amplitudes and a reconstruction
#' error, i.e. the mean relative difference between the original series
#' and the sum of IMFs. The \code{print} method allows pretty printing
#' in the console.
#' @return \code{period} and \code{mean_amplitude} both return a \emph{nimfs} x
#' \emph{nvariables} matrix containing the mean period and mean amplitude
#' respectively.
#' \code{summary} return a list containing the mean periods, mean
#' amplitudes, and the relative difference between the original
#' signal and its reconstruction when EEMD is used.
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.mimf}} to convert an array into a \code{mimf} object.
#' @examples
#' library(dlnm)
#' # Decompose both temperature and relative humidity with NA-MEMD
#' # Adding two noise variables
#' X <- chicagoNMMAPS[,c("temp", "rhum")]
#' set.seed(123)
#' mimfs <- memd(X, l = 2) # Takes a couple of minutes
#' cmimfs <- combine.mimf(mimfs, list(10:11, 12:13),
#' new.names = c("C10", "C11"))
#' summary(cmimfs)
#' @export
period <- function(object, tt = attr(object, "tt"))
computePeriod <- function(x,tt){
ind <- zero.crossings(x)
zc <- tt[ind]
if (inherits(object,c("numeric","factor"))) object <- as.matrix(object)
if (is.null(tt)) tt <- 1:nrow(object)
nas <- apply(object,1,function(x)any(is.na(x)))
if (length(dim(object))>2) object <- object[!nas,,,drop = F] else object <- object[!nas,,drop = F]
tt <- tt[!nas]
periodArray <- as.matrix(apply(object,2:length(dim(object)),computePeriod,tt))
#' @rdname period
#' @export
mean_amplitude <- function(object, tt = attr(object, "tt"))
if (inherits(object,c("numeric","factor"))) object <- as.matrix(object)
if (inherits(object,"data.frame")) object <- data.matrix(object)
if (is.null(tt)) tt <- 1:dim(object)[1]
nas <- apply(object,1,function(x)any(is.na(x)))
if (length(dim(object))>2) object <- object[!nas,,] else object <- object[!nas,]
tt <- tt[!nas]
amps <- apply(object,2:length(dim(object)),function(x){mean(compute.mean.enveloppe(x,tt)$amp)})
#' @rdname period
#' @export
summary.mimf <- function(object, ...)
X <- attr(object,"x")
tt <- attr(object, "tt")
imfperiods <- period(object, tt)
imfperiods[nrow(imfperiods),] <- Inf
imfamp <- mean_amplitude(object, tt)
Xreconstruct <- apply(object,(1:(length(dim(object))))[-2],sum)
recon.resid <- X - Xreconstruct
relError <- apply(recon.resid^2,2,mean)/diag(stats::var(X))
relError[relError<.Machine$double.eps] <- 0
out <- list(periods = imfperiods, amplitude = imfamp, reconstruction.error = relError, call = attr(object,"call"))
class(out) <- "summary.mimf"
#' @rdname period
#' @export
print.summary.mimf <- function(x, ...)
if (is.null(dimnames(x$periods)[[1]])) dimnames(x$periods)[[1]] <- sprintf("C%s",1:nrow(x$periods))
if (is.null(dimnames(x$periods)[[2]])) dimnames(x$periods)[[2]] <- sprintf("Var%s",1:ncol(x$periods))
cat("\nIMF mean periods:\n")
print(format(t(x$periods), ...), quote=F)
cat("\nIMF mean amplitude:\n")
print(format(t(x$amplitude), ...), quote=F)
cat("\nRelative reconstruction error:\n")
cat(paste(sprintf("%s %%",format(x$reconstruction.error, ...)),collapse="\t"))
#' Plot IMFs
#' Method to display the (M)IMFs obtained by the function \code{\link{memd}}.
#' @param x \code{mimf} x or array to plot.
#' @param tt Vector containing custom time indices for the IMFs. If NULL, looks
#' for the \code{tt} attribute of \code{x}.
#' @param select.var Character or numeric vector giving a subset of variables
#' for which to plot the IMFs.
#' @param select.imf Character or numeric vector giving a subset of IMFs to
#' plot.
#' @param input Logical. If TRUE, the top panel shows the original signal.
#' Only considered if \code{x} is a \code{mimf} object.
#' @param input.lab The label of the panel showing the input signal.
#' @param imf.lab Character vector giving labels for the IMFs. NULL displays the
#' dimnames of \code{x} and NA removes the labels.
#' @param grid Character giving the type of grid to plot. "zeroline"
#' (the default) only draws the zeroline, "complete" draws a complete grid
#' and "none" draws no grid at all.
#' @param grid.col The grid color.
#' @param space Numeric value giving the margin between two panels in the plot.
#' @param add.legend Logical value. If TRUE (the default) a legend is
#' automatically drawn at the top of the plot.
#' @param legend.pars List of optional parameters for the legend.
#' Can be useful to indicate custom names for the variables for instance.
#' See \code{\link[graphics]{legend}}.
#' @param ... Other graphical parameters. See
#' \code{\link[graphics]{par}}.
#' @details One panel is drawn for each IMF. In the multivariate case,
#' by default all IMF's variables are scaled and displayed on the same panel.
#' To obtain the true amplitude of each variable, they must be plotted
#' separately.
#' If noise channel are present in the signal, i.e. if the argument
#' \code{keep.noise = TRUE} in \code{\link[emdr]{memd}},
#' they are not displayed by default. To display them, the argument
#' \code{select.var} must be set manually. Note that, in this case, it
#' automatically set the argument \code{input} to \code{FALSE}.
#' @examples
#' library(dlnm)
#' # Decompose both temperature and relative humidity with NA-MEMD
#' # Adding two noise variables
#' X <- chicagoNMMAPS[,c("temp", "rhum")]
#' mimfs <- memd(X, l = 2) # Takes a couple of minutes
#' # Plot the two variables on the same graph
#' plot(mimfs)
#' # Plot the two variables separately
#' plot(mimfs, select.var = "temp", col = "red")
#' plot(mimfs, select.var = "rhum", col = "blue")
#' @export
plot.mimf <- function(x, tt = NULL, select.var = NULL, select.imf = NULL,
input = TRUE, input.lab = "X", imf.lab = NULL,
grid = c("zeroline","complete","none"), grid.col = "lightgray",
space = 1, add.legend = p > 1, legend.pars = list(), ...)
grid <- match.arg(grid)
if (length(dim(x))==2){
dm <- dimnames(x)
dim(x) <- c(dim(x),1)
dimnames(x) <- c(dm,list(NULL))
if (is.null(select.var)){
select.var <- 1:ncol(attr(x,"x"))
if (any(select.var > ncol(attr(x,"x")))){
input <- FALSE
p <- length(select.var)
if (is.null(select.imf)) select.imf <- 1:dim(x)[2]
n <- dim(x)[1]
K <- length(select.imf)
if (is.null(tt)){
tt <- if (inherits(x,"mimf")) attr(x,"tt") else 1:n
if (is.null(imf.lab)) imf.lab <- dimnames(x)[[2]][select.imf]
imf.lab <- rep_len(imf.lab, K)
if (inherits(x,"mimf") && input){
K <- K + 1
imf.lab <- c(input.lab,imf.lab)
mimfs <- array(NA,c(n,K,p),list(NULL,imf.lab,dimnames(x)[[3]][select.var]))
mimfs[,1,] <- attr(x,"x")[,select.var]
mimfs[,-1,] <- x[,select.imf,select.var]
} else {
mimfs <- x[,select.imf,select.var,drop=F]
dimnames(mimfs)[[2]] <- imf.lab
dots <- list(...)
checkLPar <- function(param){
if (inherits(param,"matrix")){
if (all(dim(param) == c(p,K))){
outparam <- t(param)
} else {
if (all(dim(param) == c(K,p))){
outparam <- param
} else {
stop(sprintf("Dimension of the matrix provided to parameter %s do not fit number of IMFs to plot",deparse(substitute(param))))
} else {
if (length(param) == K) outparam <- matrix(param,K,p)
if (length(param) == p) outparam <- matrix(param,K,p,byrow=T)
if (!length(param) %in% c(p,K)){
outparam <- matrix(rep_len(param,p),K,p,byrow=T)
argsMatplotDots <- dots[names(dots) %in%
argsMatplot <- lapply(argsMatplotDots, checkLPar)
argsPlot <- dots[names(dots) %in% setdiff(unique(names(c(formals(graphics::plot.default),formals(graphics::plot.xy)))),names(argsMatplot))]
argsPar <- dots[names(dots) %in% setdiff(names(graphics::par()),c(names(argsPlot),names(argsMatplot)))]
defPar <- list(mfrow = c(K + add.legend,1),
oma = c(max(5-space,0),4,4,2) + .1,
mar = c(space,0,0,0), tcl = 0.5)
argsPar <- c(argsPar, defPar[!names(defPar) %in% names(argsPar)])
if (add.legend){
legnames <- sprintf("V%i", 1:p)
} else {
legnames <- dimnames(x)[[3]][select.var]
defLeg <- list(x = "bottom", legend = legnames, col = 1:6, lty = 1:5,
xpd = NA, ncol = ceiling(p * graphics::strheight(legnames[1])))
if (length(argsMatplotDots) > 0){
legend.pars <- c(legend.pars,
argsMatplotDots[names(argsMatplotDots) %in%
legend.pars <- c(legend.pars,
defLeg[!names(defLeg) %in% names(legend.pars)])
do.call(graphics::legend, legend.pars)
for (k in 1:K){
argsPlotK <- within(argsPlot,{
y <- mimfs[,k,]
if (p > 1){
y <- scale(y)
ylab <- dimnames(mimfs)[[2]][k]
if (!exists("type")) type <- "l"
x <- tt
xpd <- NA
xaxt <- "n"
yaxt <- "n"
if (k < K) xlab <- ""
else if (!exists("xlab")) xlab <- "tt"
main <- ""
argsK <- lapply(argsMatplot, "[", i = k, j = )
c(argsPlotK[!names(argsPlotK) %in% names(argsMatplot)],argsK))
if ((!argsPlot$xaxt == "n") || is.null(argsPlot$xaxt)){
if (inherits(tt, "Date")){
graphics::axis.Date(1, x = tt, labels = FALSE)
graphics::axis.Date(3, x = tt, labels = FALSE)
if (k == K) graphics::axis.Date(1, x = tt, tcl = -0.5)
} else {
if (inherits(tt, "POSIXt")){
graphics::axis.POSIXct(1, x = tt, labels = FALSE)
graphics::axis.POSIXct(3, x = tt, labels = FALSE)
if (k == K) graphics::axis.POSIXct(1, x = tt, tcl = -0.5)
} else {
graphics::axis(1, labels = FALSE)
graphics::axis(3, labels = FALSE)
if (k == K) graphics::axis(1, tcl = -0.5)
yaxp <- graphics::par("yaxp")
if (yaxp[3] %% 2 == 1) yaxp[3] <- yaxp[3] - 1
ytcks <- graphics::axTicks(2, axp = yaxp)
if(graphics::strheight(0) > diff(ytcks[1:2])) ytcks <- graphics::axTicks(2,axp = c(graphics::par("yaxp")[1:2],2))
if (p == 1) graphics::axis(2,at=ytcks) else graphics::axis(2,at=ytcks, labels=FALSE)
if (grid == "complete") grid(col=grid.col)
if (grid == "zeroline") graphics::abline(h=0,lty="dotted",col=grid.col)
if (is.null(dots$main) && !is.null(dimnames(mimfs)[[3]]) && p == 1) dots$main <- dimnames(mimfs)[[3]]
if (!is.null(dots$main)) graphics::title(main=dots$main,outer=TRUE)
#' Adds IMFs
#' Sums one or several IMFs and returns a \code{mimf} object. Useful for
#' when several IMFs have similar frequencies.
#' @param object \code{mimf} object or array.
#' @param select List of vector giving the IMFs to be summed. Each vector gives
#' the IMFs to be summed into a single IMF. Elements of \code{select} should
#' not overlap.
#' @param new.names Character vector giving names ti the new IMFS. If NULL
#' default names are generated.
#' @details When noise variables are added to the signal to perform the NA-MEMD,
#' it often results in a too large number of IMFs with very similar
#' oscillation periods. \code{combine.mimf} allows gathering htese IMFs into
#' a single one. The IMFs to comnine should be carefully selected by
#' checking their mean period and examining the plot.
#' @return
#' Returns a \code{mimf} object.
#' @examples
#' library(dlnm)
#' # Decompose both temperature and relative humidity with NA-MEMD
#' # Adding two noise variables
#' X <- chicagoNMMAPS[,c("temp", "rhum")]
#' set.seed(123)
#' mimfs <- memd(X, l = 2) # Takes a couple of minutes
#' # Plot resulting IMFs
#' plot(mimfs)
#' # Sum MIMFs with similar frequencies
#' cmimfs <- combine.mimf(mimfs, list(10:11, 12:13),
#' new.names = c("C10", "C11"))
#' plot(cmimfs)
#' @export
combine.mimf <- function(object, select, new.names = NULL)
mimfs <- object
if(length(dim(mimfs))==2) mimfs <- array(mimfs,c(dim(mimfs),1))
dims <- dim(mimfs)
K <- dims[2]
if(any(unlist(select) > K)) stop("'select' contains invalid IMF number")
if(length(unique(unlist(select)))!=length(unlist(select))) stop("Attempt to combine twice the same IMF")
if(any(unlist(lapply(select,diff)) > 1)) stop("Attempting to combine non consecutive IMFs")
keptimfs <- setdiff(1:K,unlist(select))
Kk <- length(keptimfs)
Kc <- length(select)
newdims <- dims
newdims[2] <- Kk + Kc
newind <- sapply(select,min)
if (Kc > 1) newind <- newind - c(0, cumsum(sapply(select[-Kc],length) - 1))
keptnewind <- setdiff(1:newdims[2],newind)
new.mimfs <- array(NA,newdims)
dimnames(new.mimfs)[c(1,3)] <- dimnames(mimfs)[c(1,3)]
new.mimfs[,keptnewind,] <- mimfs[,keptimfs,]
for (i in 1:Kc){
nwimf <- apply(mimfs[,select[[i]],, drop=F],c(1,3),sum)
new.mimfs[,newind[i],] <- nwimf
if (!is.null(dimnames(object)[[2]])){
dimnames(new.mimfs)[[2]] <- rep("",newdims[2])
dimnames(new.mimfs)[[2]][keptnewind] <- dimnames(object)[[2]][keptimfs]
if (is.null(new.names)){
dimnames(new.mimfs)[[2]][newind] <- sapply(select,function(x) paste(dimnames(object)[[2]][x],collapse = "+"))
} else {
dimnames(new.mimfs)[[2]][newind] <- new.names
attributes(new.mimfs) <- c(attributes(new.mimfs),list(x = attr(object,"x"), tt = attr(object,"tt"), call = attr(object,"call")))
class(new.mimfs) <- class(object)
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