
Defines functions as.list.bundle as.data.table.bundle

Documented in as.data.table.bundle as.list.bundle

#' @include textstat.R S4classes.R

setGeneric("as.bundle", function(object,...) standardGeneric("as.bundle"))

#' @rdname bundle
setMethod("length", "bundle", function(x) length(x@objects))

#' @rdname bundle
setMethod("names", "bundle", function(x) names(x@objects))

#' @rdname bundle
#' @exportMethod names<-
  signature = c(x = "bundle", value = "vector"),
  function(x, value) {
    if (!is.vector(value)) stop("value needs to be a character vector")
    if (is.list(value)) value <- unlist(value)
    if (length(value) != length(x@objects)) {
      stop("length of value provided does not match number of partitions")
    # for (i in 1L:length(x@objects)) x@objects[[i]]@name <- value[i]
    x@objects <- lapply(
      function(i) {p <- x@objects[[i]];  p@name <- value[i]; p}
    names(x@objects) <- value

#' @rdname bundle
setMethod("unique", "bundle", function(x){
  objectNames <- names(x)
  uniqueObjectNames <- unique(objectNames)
  uniquePos <- sapply(uniqueObjectNames, function(x) grep(x, objectNames)[1])
  objectsToDrop <- which(1:length(objectNames) %in% uniquePos == FALSE)
  objectsToDrop <- objectsToDrop[order(objectsToDrop, decreasing=TRUE)]
  for (pos in objectsToDrop) x@objects[pos] <- NULL

#' @exportMethod +
#' @rdname bundle
#' @param e1 object 1
#' @param e2 object 2
#' @docType methods
setMethod("+", signature(e1 = "bundle", e2 = "bundle"), function(e1, e2){
  newObjectClass <- unique(c(is(e1)[1], is(e2)[1]))
  if (length(newObjectClass) > 1) stop("the two objects do not have the same length")
    objects = c(e1@objects, e2@objects),
    corpus = unique(e1@corpus, e2@corpus),
    encoding = unique(e1@encoding, e2@encoding)

#' @exportMethod +
#' @rdname bundle
setMethod("+", signature(e1 = "bundle", e2 = "textstat"), function(e1, e2){
  e1@objects[[length(e1@objects)+1]] <- e2
  names(e1@objects)[length(e1@objects)] <- e2@name

#' @exportMethod [[
#' @rdname bundle
setMethod('[[', 'bundle', function(x,i){
  if (length(i) == 1L){
  } else {
      when = "0.8.7", 
      what = "`[[`(i = 'must be length one')",
      with = "`[`()"
    return( as.bundle(lapply(i, function(j) x[[j]])) )

#' @exportMethod [
#' @rdname bundle
#' @examples
#' # Indexing and accessing bundle objects
#' reu <- corpus("REUTERS") %>% split(s_attribute = "id")
#' reu[1:3]
#' reu[-1]
#' reu[-(1:10)]
#' reu["127"]
#' reu$`127` # alternative access
#' reu[c("127", "273")]
#' reu[["127"]] <- NULL
setMethod('[', 'bundle', function(x, i){
  if (is.logical(i)) i <- which(i)
  if (is.numeric(i)){
    if (all(i > 0L)){
      names_min <- names(x)[i]
      x@objects <- lapply(i, function(j) x@objects[[j]])
      names(x@objects) <- names_min
    } else if (all(i < 0L)) {
      for (k in rev(sort(abs(i)))) x@objects[[k]] <- NULL
    } else {
      stop("mixing positive and negative indices is not allowed when indexing bundle objects")
  } else if (is.character(i)) {
    if (!all(i %in% names(x))) stop("cannot index, not all elements present")
    x@objects <- lapply(i, function(j) x@objects[[j]])
    names(x@objects) <- i

#' @exportMethod [[<-
#' @rdname bundle
setMethod("[[<-", "bundle", function(x,i, value){
  x@objects[[i]] <- value

#' @param name The name of an object in the \code{bundle} object.
#' @exportMethod $
#' @rdname bundle
setMethod("$", "bundle", function(x,name) x@objects[[name]])

#' @exportMethod $<-
#' @rdname bundle
#' @examples
#' pb <- partition_bundle("GERMAPARLMINI", s_attribute = "party")
#' pb$"NA" <- NULL # quotation needed if name is "NA"
setMethod("$<-", "bundle", function(x,name, value){
  x@objects[[name]] <- value

#' @exportMethod sample
#' @rdname bundle
setMethod("sample", "bundle", function(x, size){
  x[sample(1L:length(x), size = size)]

setAs(from = "list", to = "bundle", def = function(from){
  unique_class <- unique(unlist(lapply(from, class)))
  stopifnot(length(unique_class) == 1L)
  if (grepl("subcorpus", unique_class)){
    new_object_class <- "subcorpus_bundle"
  } else if (grepl("[pP]artition", unique_class)){
    new_object_class <- "partition_bundle"
  } else if (unique_class == "kwic"){
    new_object_class <- "kwic_bundle"
  } else {
    new_object_class <- "bundle"
    objects = setNames(from, nm = unlist(unname(lapply(from, function(x) x@name)))),
    corpus = unique(unlist(lapply(from, function(x) x@corpus))),
    registry_dir = path(unique(unlist(lapply(from, function(x) x@registry_dir)))),
    encoding = unique(unlist(lapply(from, function(x) x@encoding)))

#' @rdname bundle
#' @exportMethod as.bundle
setMethod("as.bundle", "list", function(object, ...){
  as(object, "bundle")

#' @docType methods
#' @exportMethod as.partition_bundle
#' @rdname bundle
setMethod("as.bundle", "textstat", function(object){
  retval <- new(
    paste(is(object)[1], "_bundle", sep = ""),
    objects = list(object),
    corpus = object@corpus,
    encoding = object@encoding,
    explanation = c("derived from a partition object")
  names(retval@objects)[1] <- object@name

#' @param keep.rownames Required argument to safeguard consistency with S3
#'   method definition in the \code{data.table} package. Unused in this context.
#' @examples
#' # Turn bundle into data.table (not tested to save time)
#' \donttest{
#' dt <- partition_bundle("REUTERS", s_attribute = "id") %>%
#'   cooccurrences(query = "oil", cqp = FALSE) %>%
#'   as.data.table(col = "ll")
#' }
#' @export
#' @method as.data.table bundle
#' @rdname bundle
as.data.table.bundle <- function(x, keep.rownames, col, ...){
  if (!missing(keep.rownames)){
      "The argument 'keep.rownames' of the 'as.data.table' method for 'regions' class ",
      "objects or objects inheriting from the 'regions' class will not be used. It is ",
      "used in the method definition as a matter of consistency with the data.table package."

  if (length(list(...)) > 0L){
      "Further arguments passed into the as.data.table method for bundle class objects ",
      "or objects inheriting from the bundle class remain unused."
  p_attr <- unique(unlist(lapply(x@objects, function(i) i@p_attribute)))
  if (length(p_attr) > 1L) stop("no unambigious p-attribute!")
  dts <- lapply(
        name = object@name,
        token = object@stat[[object@p_attribute]],
        value = object@stat[[col]]
  dt <- rbindlist(dts)
  dcast(dt, token ~ name, value.var = "value")

#' @rdname bundle
#' @exportMethod as.matrix
setMethod("as.matrix", "bundle", function(x, col){
  dt <- as.data.table(x = x, col = col)
  token <- dt[["token"]]
  dt[, "token" := NULL, with = TRUE]
  M <- as.matrix(dt)
  rownames(M) <- token

#' @rdname bundle
setMethod("subset", "bundle", function(x, ...){
  for (i in 1L:length(x)) x@objects[[i]]@stat <- subset(x@objects[[i]]@stat, ...)

#' @rdname bundle
#' @exportMethod as.list
setMethod("as.list", "bundle", function(x) x@objects)

#' @rdname bundle
#' @method as.list bundle
#' @export
as.list.bundle <- function(x, ...) x@objects
PolMine/polmineR documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 8:07 a.m.