#' Automatic mapping in a panel dataset
#' @description
#' The objective is to unify an inconsistently coded categorical variable
#' in a panel dataset according to a mapping (transition) table.
#' The mapping (transition) table is the core element of the process.
#' The function has a modular design with three arguments `data`, `mappings`, and `ml`. Each
#' of these arguments is of a `list` type, wherein the
#' `ml` argument is optional. Arguments are separated to
#' identify the core elements of the `cat2cat` procedure.
#' Although this function seems
#' complex initially, it is built to offer a wide range of
#' applications for complex tasks. The function contains
#' many validation checks to prevent incorrect usage.
#' The function has to be applied iteratively for each two neighboring periods
#' of a panel dataset.
#' The \code{prune_c2c} function could be needed to limit growing number
#' of replications.
#' @param data `named list` with fields `old`, `new`,
#' `cat_var` (or `cat_var_old` and `cat_var_new`), `time_var` and
#' optional `id_var`,`multiplier_var`.
#' @param mappings `named list` with 3 fields `trans`, `direction` and
#' optional `freqs_df`.
#' @param ml `named list` (optional) with up to 5 fields
#' `data`, `cat_var`, `method`, `features` and optional `args`.
#' @details
#' data args
#' \describe{
#' \item{"old"}{ data.frame older time point in a panel}
#' \item{"new"}{ data.frame more recent time point in a panel}
#' \item{"time_var"}{ character(1) name of the time variable.}
#' \item{"cat_var"}{ character(1) name of the categorical variable.}
#' \item{"cat_var_old"}{
#' Optional character(1) name of the categorical variable
#' in the older time point. Default `cat_var`.
#' }
#' \item{"cat_var_new"}{
#' Optional character(1) name of the categorical variable
#' in the newer time point. Default `cat_var`.
#' }
#' \item{"id_var"}{Optional character(1) name of the unique identifier variable
#' - if this is specified then for subjects observed in both periods,
#' the direct mapping is applied.
#' }
#' \item{"multiplier_var"}{
#' Optional character(1) name of the multiplier variable -
#' number of replication needed to reproduce the population
#' }
#' \item{"freqs_df"}{
#' Only for the backward compatibility check the definition in the description
#' of the mappings argument
#' }
#' }
#' mappings args
#' \describe{
#' \item{"trans"}{ data.frame with 2 columns - mapping (transition) table -
#' all categories for cat_var in old and new datasets have to be included.
#' First column contains an old encoding and second a new one.
#' The mapping (transition) table should to have a candidate for each category
#' from the targeted for an update period.
#' }
#' \item{"direction"}{ character(1) direction - "backward" or "forward"}
#' \item{"freqs_df"}{
#' Optional - data.frame with 2 columns where first one
#' is category name (base period) and second counts.
#' If It is not provided then is assessed automatically.
#' Artificial counts for each variable level in the base period.
#' It is optional nevertheless will be often needed, as gives more control.
#' It will be used to assess the probabilities.
#' The multiplier variable is omitted so sb has to apply it in this table.
#' }
#' }
#' Optional ml args
#' \describe{
#' \item{"data"}{ data.frame - dataset with features and the `cat_var`.}
#' \item{"cat_var"}{ character(1) - the dependent variable name.}
#' \item{"method"}{
#' character vector - one or a few from
#' "knn", "rf" and "lda" methods - "knn" k-NearestNeighbors,
#' "lda" Linear Discrimination Analysis, "rf" Random Forest
#' }
#' \item{"features"}{
#' character vector of features names where all
#' have to be numeric or logical
#' }
#' \item{"args"}{ optional - list parameters: knn: k ; rf: ntree }
#' }
#' @return `named list` with 2 fields old and new - 2 data.frames.
#' There will be added additional columns like
#' index_c2c, g_new_c2c, wei_freq_c2c, rep_c2c, wei_(ml method name)_c2c.
#' Additional columns will be informative only for a one data.frame
#' as we always make the changes to one direction.
#' The new columns are added instead of the additional metadata as
#' we are working with new datasets
#' where observations could be replicated.
#' For the transparency the probability and number of replications are part
#' of each observation in the `data.frame`.
#' @importFrom stats predict complete.cases setNames
#' @importFrom MASS lda
#' @details
#' Without ml section only simple frequencies are assessed.
#' When ml model is broken then weights from simple frequencies are taken.
#' `knn` method is recommended for smaller datasets.
#' @note
#' `trans` arg columns and the `cat_var` column have to be of the same type.
#' The mapping (transition) table should to have a candidate for each category
#' from the targeted for an update period.
#' The observation from targeted for an updated period without a matched
#' category from base period is removed.
#' If you want to leave NA values add `c(NA, NA)` row to the `trans` table.
#' Please check the vignette for more information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("occup_small", package = "cat2cat")
#' data("occup", package = "cat2cat")
#' data("trans", package = "cat2cat")
#' occup_old <- occup_small[occup_small$year == 2008, ]
#' occup_new <- occup_small[occup_small$year == 2010, ]
#' # Adding the dummy level to the mapping table for levels without a candidate
#' # The best to fill them manually with proper candidates, if possible
#' # In this case it is only needed for forward mapping, to suppress warnings
#' trans2 <- rbind(
#' trans,
#' data.frame(
#' old = "no_cat",
#' new = setdiff(c(occup_new$code), trans$new)
#' )
#' )
#' # default only simple frequencies
#' occup_simple <- cat2cat(
#' data = list(
#' old = occup_old, new = occup_new, cat_var = "code", time_var = "year"
#' ),
#' mappings = list(trans = trans2, direction = "forward")
#' )
#' mappings <- list(trans = trans, direction = "backward")
#' ml_setup <- list(
#' data = occup_small[occup_small$year >= 2010, ],
#' cat_var = "code",
#' method = "knn",
#' features = c("age", "sex", "edu", "exp", "parttime", "salary"),
#' args = list(k = 10)
#' )
#' # ml model performance check
#' print(cat2cat_ml_run(mappings, ml_setup))
#' # additional probabilities from knn
#' occup_ml <- cat2cat(
#' data = list(
#' old = occup_old, new = occup_new, cat_var = "code", time_var = "year"
#' ),
#' mappings = mappings,
#' ml = ml_setup
#' )
#' }
cat2cat <- function(data = list(
old = NULL,
new = NULL,
time_var = NULL,
cat_var = NULL,
cat_var_old = NULL,
cat_var_new = NULL,
id_var = NULL,
multiplier_var = NULL
mappings = list(
trans = NULL,
direction = NULL,
freqs_df = NULL
ml = list(
data = NULL,
cat_var = NULL,
method = NULL,
features = NULL,
args = NULL
)) {
# Backward compatibility
if (is.null(data$freqs_df)) data$freqs_df <- mappings$freqs_df
if (is.null(data$cat_var_old)) data$cat_var_old <- data$cat_var
if (is.null(data$cat_var_new)) data$cat_var_new <- data$cat_var
mapps <- get_mappings(mappings$trans)
if (mappings$direction == "forward") {
base_name <- "old"
target_name <- "new"
} else if (mappings$direction == "backward") {
base_name <- "new"
target_name <- "old"
cat_base_year <- data[[base_name]]
cat_target_year <- data[[target_name]]
cat_var_base <- data[[paste0("cat_var_", base_name)]]
cat_var_target <- data[[paste0("cat_var_", target_name)]]
cat_mid <- NULL # direct match
is_direct_match <- !is.null(data$id_var)
if (is_direct_match) {
id_inner <- intersect(data$old[[data$id_var]], data$new[[data$id_var]])
id_outer <- setdiff(
cat_target_year <-
data[[target_name]][data[[target_name]][[data$id_var]] %in% id_outer, ]
cat_mid <- dummy_c2c(
data[[target_name]][data[[target_name]][[data$id_var]] %in% id_inner, ],
tos <- merge(data$old[, c(data$id_var, data$cat_var_old)],
data$new[, c(data$id_var, data$cat_var_new)],
by = data$id_var
colnames(tos) <- c("id", "cat_old", "cat_new")
cat_mid$g_new_c2c <-
tos[[paste0("cat_", base_name)]][match(cat_mid[[data$id_var]], tos$id)]
cats_target <- cat_target_year[[cat_var_target]]
mapp <- mapps[[paste0("to_", base_name)]]
validate_cover_cats(unique(cats_target), mapp)
# frequencies
fre <- resolve_frequencies(
cat_base_year = cat_base_year, cat_var_base = cat_var_base,
freqs_df = data$freqs_df, multiplier_var = data$multiplier_var
# frequencies per category
freqs_list <- cat_apply_freq(mapp, fre)
# Replicate and apply freq probabilities, target period
g_vec <- mapp[match(cats_target, names(mapp))]
rep_vec <- unname(lengths(g_vec))
wei_vec <- freqs_list[match(cats_target, names(freqs_list))]
wei_vec <- unlist(wei_vec, use.names = FALSE)
cat_target_year$index_c2c <- seq_len(nrow(cat_target_year))
cat_target_rep <-
cat_target_year[rep(seq_len(nrow(cat_target_year)), times = rep_vec), ]
# Target
cat_target_rep$g_new_c2c <- unlist(g_vec, use.names = FALSE)
cat_target_rep$wei_freq_c2c <- wei_vec
cat_target_rep$rep_c2c <- rep(rep_vec, times = rep_vec)
cat_target_rep$wei_naive_c2c <- 1 / cat_target_rep$rep_c2c
# Base
cat_base_year <- dummy_c2c(cat_base_year, cat_var_base)
# ML
if (sum(vapply(ml, Negate(is.null), logical(1))) >= 1) {
# Backward compatibility
if (is.null(ml$data)) ml$data <- cat_base_year
if (is.null(ml$cat_var)) ml$cat_var <- cat_var_base
ml_names <- paste0("wei_", unique(ml$method), "_c2c")
cat_base_year[, setdiff(ml_names, colnames(cat_base_year))] <- 1
if (is_direct_match) cat_mid[, setdiff(ml_names, colnames(cat_mid))] <- 1
ml_results <- cat2cat_ml(
ml = ml,
mapp = mapp,
target_data = cat_target_rep,
cat_var_target = cat_var_target
cat_target_rep <- ml_results$target_data
# bind direct match if applied
cat_target_rep_f <- rbind(cat_target_rep, cat_mid)
res <- list()
res[[base_name]] <- cat_base_year
res[[target_name]] <- cat_target_rep_f
#' Validate if the trans table contains all proper mappings
#' @param u_cats_target vector of unique target period categories
#' @param mapp transition (mapping) table process with `get_mappings`,
#' the "to_base" direction is taken.
#' @keywords internal
validate_cover_cats <- function(u_cats_target, mapp) {
if (
cats_target_diff_len <-
length(cats_target_diff <- setdiff(u_cats_target, names(mapp)))
) {
"trans table does not cover some levels for a target period, ",
"so the result will not contain all original observations.",
" Lacking %s levels: "
paste(head(cats_target_diff, 10), collapse = ", "),
if (cats_target_diff_len >= 10) "..." else NULL
#' Resolve the frequencies
#' @param cat_base_year `data.frame` a base period dataset.
#' @param cat_var_base `character(1)` name of the base period
#' categorical variable.
#' @param freqs_df `data.frame` with 2 columns, the first one with category
#' and second with counts.
#' @param multiplier_var `character(1)` name of the multiplier variable.
#' @keywords internal
resolve_frequencies <- function(cat_base_year,
multiplier_var) {
cats_base <- cat_base_year[[cat_var_base]]
freqs <- if (is.data.frame(freqs_df)) {
} else if ("wei_freq_c2c" %in% colnames(cat_base_year)) {
if (!is.null(multiplier_var)) {
cat_base_year[["wei_freq_c2c"]] * cat_base_year[[multiplier_var]]
} else {
list(g = cats_base),
function(x) round(sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
if (!is.null(multiplier_var)) cat_base_year[[multiplier_var]]
#" Validate cat2cat data
#' @keywords internal
validate_data <- function(data) {
stopifnot(inherits(data$old, "data.frame"))
stopifnot(inherits(data$new, "data.frame"))
stopifnot(!is.null(data$cat_var_old) && !is.null(data$cat_var_new))
stopifnot(all(c(data$cat_var_old, data$time_var) %in% colnames(data$old)))
stopifnot(all(c(data$cat_var_new, data$time_var) %in% colnames(data$new)))
is.null(data$multiplier_var) ||
(data$multiplier_var %in% colnames(data$new) &&
data$multiplier_var %in% colnames(data$old))
stopifnot(is.null(data$freqs_df) ||
(is.data.frame(data$freqs_df) && ncol(data$freqs_df) == 2))
stopifnot((length(unique(data$old[[data$time_var]])) == 1) &&
(length(unique(data$new[[data$time_var]])) == 1))
stopifnot(is.null(data$id_var) || ((data$id_var %in% colnames(data$old)) &&
(data$id_var %in% colnames(data$new)) &&
!anyDuplicated(data$old[[data$id_var]]) &&
#" Validate cat2cat mappings
#' @keywords internal
validate_mappings <- function(mappings) {
stopifnot(all(vapply(mappings, Negate(is.null), logical(1))))
stopifnot(all(c("trans", "direction") %in% names(mappings)))
stopifnot(isTRUE(mappings$direction %in% c("forward", "backward")))
stopifnot(is.data.frame(mappings$trans) && ncol(mappings$trans) == 2)
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