
Defines functions rmExtraSpacesEOLCollapse rmExtraSpacesEOLList rmExtraSpacesEOL

#' Parse and extract module metadata
#' @inheritParams spades
#' @param module Character string. Your module's name.
#' @param path   Character string specifying the file path to modules directory.
#'               Default is to use the `spades.modulePath` option.
#' @param defineModuleListItems A vector of metadata entries to return values
#'   about.
#' @return A list of module metadata, matching the structure in [defineModule()].
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @export
#' @include simulation-simInit.R
#' @rdname moduleMetadata
#' @seealso [defineModule()]
#' @example inst/examples/example_moduleMetadata.R
setGeneric("moduleMetadata", function(sim, module, path = getOption("spades.modulePath", NULL),
                                      defineModuleListItems = c(
                                        "name", "description", "keywords", "childModules", "authors",
                                        "version", "spatialExtent", "timeframe", "timeunit", "citation",
                                        "documentation", "reqdPkgs", "parameters", "inputObjects", "outputObjects"
                                      )) {

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleMetadata
  signature = c(sim = "missing", module = "character", path = "character"),
  definition = function(module, path, defineModuleListItems) {
    filename <- paste(path, "/", module, "/", module, ".R", sep = "")
    if (!any(file.exists(filename))) {
      stop(paste(filename, "does not exist. This was created by putting",
                 "modulePath with the module name as a folder and filename.",
                 "Please correct the modulePath or module name in the simInit() call."))
    } else {
      ## check which of the module paths the file exists in -- use that file and path below
      id <- which(file.exists(filename))
      filename <- filename[id]
      path <- path[id]

    ## store metadata as list
    opts <- options(spades.moduleCodeChecks = FALSE, spades.dotInputObjects = FALSE,
                    reproducible.useCache = FALSE, spades.loadReqdPkgs = FALSE)

    # There are 2 ways to get module metadata; read them directly or call `simInit`
    #   to do it it. Calling `simInit` allows us to use the internal tools built
    #   within `simInit`; BUT, it also means it parses the whole module. Normally
    #   that is only functions, but old SpaDES modules (e.g., LCC2005 and family)
    #   have a line stopifnot(packageVersion("SpaDES") >= ""),
    #   which fails using the simInit approach, so need the .parseModulePartial
      sim <- try(simInit(modules = module, paths = list(modulePath = path)), silent = TRUE)
    }) # any failure will just pass to next try

    if (!is(sim, "try-error")) {
      metadata <- moduleMetadata(sim)[defineModuleListItems]
    } else {
      metadata <- lapply(defineModuleListItems, function(xx) {
        pmp <- .parseModulePartial(filename = file.path(path, module, paste0(module, ".R")),
                                   defineModuleElement = xx)
        out2 <- suppressMessages(try(eval(pmp), silent = TRUE))
        if (is(out2, "try-error")) {
          inner2 <- lapply(pmp, function(yyy) {
            # pmp is whole rbind statement
            out4 <- try(eval(yyy), silent = TRUE)
            if (is(out4, "try-error")) {
              yyy <- lapply(yyy, function(yyyyy) {
                # yyy is whole defineParameter statement
                out5 <- try(eval(yyyyy), silent = TRUE)
                if (is(out5, "try-error")) yyyyy <- deparse(yyyyy)
            if (is.list(yyy)) yyy <- as.call(yyy)

          out2 <- as.call(inner2)
        # Remove extra spaces
        aa <- capture.output(type = "message", {bb <- eval(out2)})
      names(metadata) <- defineModuleListItems
      # #metadata <- eval(parse(text = x)) # can't be used because can't evaluate start(sim)
      metadata <- rmExtraSpacesEOLList(metadata)

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleMetadata
  signature = c(sim = "missing", module = "character", path = "missing"),
  definition = function(module, defineModuleListItems) {
    moduleMetadata(module = module, path = getOption("spades.modulePath"),
                   defineModuleListItems = defineModuleListItems)

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleMetadata
  signature = c(sim = "ANY", module = "ANY", path = "ANY"),
  definition = function(sim, module, path, defineModuleListItems) {
    if (is.character(sim)) {
      message("Assuming sim is a module name")
      if (missing(path)) {
        metadataList <- moduleMetadata(module = sim, defineModuleListItems = defineModuleListItems)
      } else {
        metadataList <- moduleMetadata(module = sim, path = path, defineModuleListItems = defineModuleListItems)

    } else {

      if (!missing(path)) message("path not used with sim provided")
      if (missing(module)) {
        module <- unlist(modules(sim))
      numModules <- length(module)

      metadata <- sim@depends@dependencies[module]
      sn <- slotNames(".moduleDeps")
      names(sn) <- sn
      metadataList <- lapply(metadata, function(mod) {
        lapply(sn, function(element) {
          slot(mod, name = element)
      metadataList <- lapply(metadataList, function(moduleMetadata) {
      if (numModules == 1)
        metadataList <- metadataList[[module]]


#' Parse and extract a module's version
#' @param module Character string. Your module's name.
#' @param path   Character string specifying the file path to modules directory.
#'               Default is to use the `spades.modulePath` option.
#' @inheritParams spades
#' @inheritParams .parseModulePartial
#' @return `numeric_version` indicating the module's version.
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @export
#' @include simulation-simInit.R
#' @rdname moduleVersion
#' @seealso [moduleMetadata()]
#' @example inst/examples/example_moduleVersion.R
setGeneric("moduleVersion", function(module, path, sim, envir = NULL) {

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleVersion
  signature = c(module = "character", path = "character", sim = "missing", envir = "ANY"),
  definition = function(module, path, envir) {
    v <- .parseModulePartial(filename = file.path(path, module, paste0(module, ".R")),
                             defineModuleElement = "version", envir = envir)
    if (is.null(names(v))) {
      as.numeric_version(v) ## SpaDES <
    } else {
      as.numeric_version(v[[module]]) ## SpaDES >=

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleVersion
  signature = c(module = "character", path = "missing", sim = "missing", envir = "ANY"),
  definition = function(module, envir) {
    moduleVersion(module = module, path = getOption("spades.modulePath"), envir = envir)

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleVersion
  signature = c(module = "character", path = "missing", sim = "simList", envir = "ANY"),
  definition = function(module, sim, envir) {
    v <- .parseModulePartial(sim = sim, modules = list(module),
                             defineModuleElement = "version", envir = envir) %>%

    if (is.null(names(v))) {
      as.numeric_version(v) ## SpaDES <
    } else {
      as.numeric_version(v[[module]])  ## SpaDES >=

#' Extract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs
#' These are more or less wrappers around `moduleMetadata`, with the exception
#' that extraneous spaces and End-Of-Line characters will be removed from the
#' `desc` arguments in `defineParameters`, `defineInputs`, and
#' `defineOutputs`
#' @param module Character string. Your module's name.
#' @param path   Character string specifying the file path to modules directory.
#'               Default is to use the `spades.modulePath` option.
#' @return `data.frame`
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @export
#' @rdname moduleParamsInputsOuputs
#' @seealso [moduleMetadata()]
#' @example inst/examples/example_moduleParamsInputsOuputs.R
setGeneric("moduleParams", function(module, path) {

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleParamsInputsOuputs
  signature = c(module = "character", path = "character"),
  definition = function(module, path) {
    md <- suppressWarnings(moduleMetadata(module = module, path = path))

    # remove spaces and EOL
    md[["parameters"]][["paramDesc"]] <- rmExtraSpacesEOL(md[["parameters"]][["paramDesc"]])

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleParamsInputsOuputs
setGeneric("moduleInputs", function(module, path) {

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleParamsInputsOuputs
  signature = c(module = "character", path = "character"),
  definition = function(module, path) {
    md <- suppressWarnings(moduleMetadata(module = module, path = path))
    # remove spaces and EOL
    md[["inputObjects"]][["desc"]] <- rmExtraSpacesEOL(md[["inputObjects"]][["desc"]])

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleParamsInputsOuputs
setGeneric("moduleOutputs", function(module, path) {

#' @export
#' @rdname moduleParamsInputsOuputs
  signature = c(module = "character", path = "character"),
  definition = function(module, path) {
    md <- suppressWarnings(moduleMetadata(module = module, path = path))
    # remove spaces and EOL
    md[["outputObjects"]][["desc"]] <- rmExtraSpacesEOL(md[["outputObjects"]][["desc"]])

rmExtraSpacesEOL <- function(x) gsub(" +|[ *\n]+", " ", x)

rmExtraSpacesEOLList <- function(xx) {
  toRmESEOL <- grepl(c("parameters|inputObjects|outputObjects"), names(xx))
  xx[toRmESEOL] <- lapply(xx[toRmESEOL], function(elem) {
    if (any(grepl("desc", tolower(names(elem))))) {
      whCol <- grep("desc", tolower(names(elem)))
      elem[[whCol]] <- rmExtraSpacesEOL(elem[[whCol]])
    } else {

  ## used to diagnose long parameter descriptions that trigger insertion of `\n`
  #id1 <- which(names(xx) == "parameters")
  #id2 <- which(names(xx[[id1]]) == "paramDesc")
  #grep("\n", xx[[id1]][[id2]], value = TRUE)


rmExtraSpacesEOLCollapse <- function(lis, useOnlyUnnamed = TRUE) {
  # moreDesc <- list(...)
  if (isTRUE(useOnlyUnnamed))
    if (!is.null(names(lis))) {
      lis <- lis[!nzchar(names(lis))]
  lis <- unlist(lis)
  lis <- paste(lis, collapse = "")
  lis <- rmExtraSpacesEOL(lis)
PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core documentation built on April 27, 2024, 1:15 p.m.