
Defines functions newEnvsByModule .isPackage .isNamespaced .getModuleInputObjects evalWithActiveCode .parseConditional

Documented in .getModuleInputObjects .isNamespaced


#' Determine which modules in a list are unparsed
#' Internal function, used during [simInit()].
#' @param modules A character vector specifying the modules to parse.
#' @return The ids of the unparsed list elements.
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname unparsed
           function(modules) {

#' @rdname unparsed
  signature(modules = "list"),
  definition = function(modules) {
    ids <- lapply(modules, function(x) {
      (attr(x, "parsed") == FALSE)
    }) |>
      (function(x) x == TRUE)() |>

#' @param filename The filename of the module to be parsed.
#' @param defineModuleElement Character string indicating which of the list
#'                            elements in `defineModule` should be extracted
#' @param envir Optional environment in which to store parsed code. This may be
#'              useful if the same file is being parsed multiple times. This
#'              function will check in that environment for the parsed file before
#'              parsing again. If the `envir` is transient, then this will have no effect.
#' @return `.parseModulePartial` extracts just the individual element
#' requested from the module. This can be useful if parsing the whole module
#' would cause an error.
#' @author Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @include module-dependencies-class.R
#' @include simList-class.R
#' @include environment.R
#' @rdname parseModule
           function(sim, modules, filename, defineModuleElement, envir = NULL) {

#' @rdname parseModule
    sim = "missing",
    modules = "missing",
    filename = "character",
    defineModuleElement = "character",
    envir = "ANY"
  definition = function(filename, defineModuleElement, envir) {

    if (file.exists(filename)) {
      # parse file, conditioned on it not already been done
      tmp <- .parseConditional(envir = envir, filename = filename)
      namesParsedList <- names(tmp[["parsedFile"]][tmp[["defineModuleItem"]]][[1]][[3]])

      element <- (namesParsedList == defineModuleElement)
      if (any(element)) {
        out <- tmp[["pf"]][[1]][[3]][element][[1]]
      } else {
        out <- list()

      out1 <- try(eval(out), silent = TRUE)
      if (is(out1, "try-error")) {
        if (any(grepl("bind_rows", out))) { # historical artifact
          bind_rows <- bindrows
          out1 <- try(eval(out), silent = TRUE)
          if (is(out1, "try-error")) {
            out2 <- as.list(out)
            wh <- grep("bind_rows", out2)
            out2[wh]  <- lapply(wh, function(x) substitute(bindrows))
            out1 <- as.call(out2)
        if (is(out1, "try-error")) {
          # possibly there was a sim that was not defined, e.g., with downloadData example, only "filename" provided.
          if (any(grep("\\<sim\\>", out))) {
            opts <- options(spades.moduleCodeChecks = FALSE, reproducible.useCache = FALSE,
                            spades.dotInputObjects = FALSE)
            m <- tmp[["pf"]][[1]][[3]]$name
              sim <- simInit(modules = m, paths = list(modulePath = dirname(dirname(filename))))
            newEnv <- new.env(parent = sim@.xData$.mods[[m]])
            newEnv$sim <- sim
            out1 <- eval(out, envir = newEnv)
      out <- out1

    } else {
      out <- NULL

#' @rdname parseModule
    sim = "simList",
    modules = "list",
    filename = "missing",
    defineModuleElement = "character",
    envir = "ANY"
  definition = function(sim, modules, defineModuleElement, envir = NULL) {
    out <- list()

    simMods <- modules(sim)

    for (j in seq_along(modules)) {
      m <- modules[[j]][1]
      mBase <- basename(m)

      whModule <- simMods %in% m
      filePath <- names(simMods)[whModule]

      # the module may not have absolute path, i.e., including the correct modulePath
      #  Check first if it is there for speed, then if not, try file.exists (slow)
      filename <- if (length(filePath) == 0) {
        # the module may not have absolute path, i.e., including the correct modulePath
        #  Check first if it is there for speed, then if not, try file.exists (slow)
        file.path(m, paste0(mBase, ".R"))
      } else {
        file.path(filePath, paste0(mBase, ".R"))
      if (length(sim@paths$modulePath) > 1) {
        hasFullModulePath <- unlist(lapply(sim@paths$modulePath,
                                           function(mp) startsWith(prefix = mp, m)))
        if (!isTRUE(any(hasFullModulePath))) {
          possFiles <- file.path(modulePath(sim), mBase, paste(mBase, ".R", sep = ""))
          ids <- which(file.exists(possFiles))
          filename <- possFiles[ids[1]] # override filename if it wasn't already there
      out[[m]] <- .parseModulePartial(filename = filename,
                                      defineModuleElement = defineModuleElement,
                                      envir = envir)

#' Parse and initialize a module
#' Internal function, used during [simInit()].
#' @param sim     A `simList` simulation object.
#' @param modules A list of modules with a logical attribute "parsed".
#' @param userSuppliedObjNames Character string (or `NULL`, the default)
#'                             indicating the names of objects that user has passed
#'                             into `simInit` via objects or inputs.
#'                             If all module `inputObject` dependencies are provided by user,
#'                             then the `.inputObjects` code will be skipped.
#' @param notOlderThan Passed to `Cache` that may be used for `.inputObjects` function call.
#' @param ... All `simInit` parameters.
#' @return A `simList` simulation object.
#' @author Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire
#' @importFrom cli col_blue col_green
#' @importFrom reproducible Cache
#' @include environment.R
#' @include module-dependencies-class.R
#' @include simList-class.R
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname parseModule
           function(sim, modules, userSuppliedObjNames = NULL, envir = NULL, notOlderThan, ...) {

#' @rdname parseModule
  signature(sim = "simList", modules = "list", envir = "ANY"),
  definition = function(sim, modules, userSuppliedObjNames, envir, notOlderThan, ...) {
    all_children <- list()
    codeCheckMsgs <- character()
    children <- list()
    parent_ids <- integer()
    dots <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(dots[["objects"]])) objs <- dots[["objects"]]
    # sim@.xData$.mods <- new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))
    # sim@.xData$.objects <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

    for (j in .unparsed(modules)) {
      m <- names(modules)[[j]][1]
      mBase <- basename(m)

      ## temporarily assign current module
      sim@current <- list(
        eventTime = start(sim),
        moduleName = mBase,
        eventType = ".inputObjects",
        eventPriority = .normal()

      prevNamedModules <- if (!is.null(unlist(sim@depends@dependencies))) {
        unlist(lapply(sim@depends@dependencies, function(x) slot(x, "name")))
      } else {

      # This is about duplicate named modules
      if (!(mBase %in% prevNamedModules)) {
        #if (length(sim@paths[["modulePath"]]) > 1) {
        #  for (pathPoss in sim@paths[["modulePath"]]) {
        filename <- paste(m, "/", mBase, ".R", sep = "")

        # duplicate -- put in namespaces location
        # If caching is being used, it is possible that exists
        if (!is.null(sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]])) {
          rm(list = mBase, envir = sim@.xData$.mods)
        # browser(expr = exists("._parseModule_2"))

        #sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]] <- new.env(parent = sim@.xData$.mods)
        # sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]] <- new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))
        tmp <- .parseConditional(envir = envir, filename = filename)
        activeCode <- list()
        sim <- newEnvsByModule(sim, mBase)  # sets up the module environment and the .objects sub environment
        # sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]] <- new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))
        # attr(sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]], "name") <- mBase
        # sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]]$.objects <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

        if (.isPackage(m, sim)) {
          if (!requireNamespace("pkgload")) stop("Please install.packages(c('pkgload', 'roxygen2'))")
          if (!requireNamespace("roxygen2")) stop("Please install.packages(c('roxygen2'))")
          namespaceFile <- dir(m, pattern = "NAMESPACE")
          if (isTRUE(getOption("spades.moduleDocument", NULL)) || length(namespaceFile) == 0) {
            message(cli::col_blue("    To skip rebuilding documentation, set options('spades.moduleDocument' = FALSE)"))
            roxygen2::roxygenise(m, roclets = NULL) # This builds documentation, but also exports all functions ...
            pkgload::unload(.moduleNameNoUnderscore(mBase)) # so, unload here before reloading without exporting
          pkgload::load_all(m, export_all = FALSE)

          # Have to redo these -- needed them above because .isPackage needed an environment for module
          sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]] <- new.env(parent = asNamespace(.moduleNameNoUnderscore(mBase)))
          attr(sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]], "name") <- mBase
          sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]]$.objects <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

          sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]]$.isPackage <- TRUE
          activeCode[["main"]] <- evalWithActiveCode(tmp[["parsedFile"]][!tmp[["defineModuleItem"]]],
                                                     sim = sim)
        } else {
          sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]]$.isPackage <- FALSE

          #Eliot tmp <- .parseConditional(envir = envir, filename = filename)

          # load all code into simList@.xData[[moduleName]]
          # The simpler line commented below will not allow actual code to be put into module,
          #  e.g., startSim <- start(sim)
          #  The more complex one following will allow that.
          # eval(tmp[["parsedFile"]][!tmp[["defineModuleItem"]]], envir = sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]])
          activeCode[["main"]] <- evalWithActiveCode(tmp[["parsedFile"]][!tmp[["defineModuleItem"]]],
                                                     sim = sim)

          # doesntUseNamespacing <- parseOldStyleFnNames(sim, mBase, )
          doesntUseNamespacing <- !.isNamespaced(sim, mBase)

          # evaluate the rest of the parsed file
          if (doesntUseNamespacing) {
            stop("Module ", cli::col_green(mBase), " still uses the old way of function naming.\n  ",
                 "It is now recommended to define functions that are not prefixed with the module name\n  ",
                 "and to no longer call the functions with sim$functionName.\n  ",
                 "Simply call functions in your module with their name: e.g.,\n  ",
                 "`sim <- Init(sim)`, rather than `sim <- sim$myModule_Init(sim)`.")
            #lockBinding(mBase, sim@.envir) ## guard against clobbering from module code (#80)
            out1 <- evalWithActiveCode(tmp[["parsedFile"]][!tmp[["defineModuleItem"]]],
                                       sim = sim)
            #unlockBinding(mBase, sim@.envir) ## will be re-locked later on

          # attach source code to simList in a hidden spot
          opt <- getOption("spades.moduleCodeChecks")

          if (isTRUE(opt) || length(names(opt)) > 1)
            list2env(list(._parsedData = tmp[["._parsedData"]]), sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]])
          sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]][["._sourceFilename"]] <- grep(paste0(mBase,".R"),
                                                                  ls(sim@.xData[[".parsedFiles"]]), value = TRUE)

          # parse any scripts in R subfolder
          RSubFolder <- file.path(dirname(filename), "R")
          RScript <- dir(RSubFolder, pattern = "([.]R$|[.]r$)") ## only R files
          if (length(RScript) > 0) {
            for (Rfiles in RScript) {
              parsedFile1 <- parse(file.path(RSubFolder, Rfiles))
              if (doesntUseNamespacing) {
                #eval(parsedFile1, envir = sim@.xData)
                evalWithActiveCode(parsedFile1, sim@.xData$.mods,
                                   sim = sim)

              # duplicate -- put in namespaces location
              #eval(parsedFile1, envir = sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]])
              activeCode[[Rfiles]] <- evalWithActiveCode(parsedFile1, sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]],
                                                         sim = sim)


        # evaluate all but inputObjects and outputObjects part of 'defineModule'
        #  This allow user to use params(sim) in their inputObjects
        namesParsedList <- names(tmp[["parsedFile"]][tmp[["defineModuleItem"]]][[1]][[3]])
        inObjs <- (namesParsedList == "inputObjects")
        outObjs <- (namesParsedList == "outputObjects")
        pf <- tmp$pf # tmp[["parsedFile"]][tmp[["defineModuleItem"]]]

        # because it is parsed, there is an expression (the [[1]]),
        # then a function with defineModule, sim, and then the list (the [[3]])
        pf[[1]][[3]] <- pf[[1]][[3]][!(inObjs | outObjs)]

        # allows active code e.g., `startSim <- start(sim)` to be parsed, then usable
        #  inside of the defineModule.
        #  First, load anything that is active code into an environment whose parent
        #  is here (and thus has access to sim), then move the depends (only) back to main sim
        # browser(expr = exists("._parseModule_3"))
        env <- new.env(parent = parent.frame())
        # env <- new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))
        # env$sim <- Copy(sim, objects = FALSE)
        if (any(unlist(activeCode)))  {
          list2env(as.list(sim@.xData$.mods[[mBase]]), env)

        # Evaluate defineModule into the sim environment
        # Capture messages which will be about defineParameter at the moment
          if (!exists("finishedClean"))

        #mess <- capture.output({
        numExptedArgs <- length(formalArgs(defineModule)) + 1
        if (length(pf[[1]]) > (numExptedArgs)) {
          warning("It looks like there may be an extra argument, i.e., a trailing comma, in `defineModule`")
          pf[[1]] <- pf[[1]][1:numExptedArgs]
        out <- tryCatch(eval(pf, envir = env), silent = TRUE,
                                   error = function(e) {
                                     # convert errors to warnings # so can capture them outside
          # out <- try(eval(pf, envir = env))
        #}, type = "message")
          mess <- NULL
        if (is(out, "try-error")) stop(out)
        opt <- getOption("spades.moduleCodeChecks")
        if (length(mess) && (isTRUE(opt) || length(names(opt)) > 1)) {
          messFile <- capture.output(type = "message",
                                     message(grep(paste0(mBase, ".R"),
                                                  ls(sim@.xData$.parsedFiles), value = TRUE)))
          codeCheckMsgs <- c(
              hasMessage <- unique(unlist(lapply(mess, function(x)
                .parseMessage(mBase, "", x))))
            }, type = "message")

        for (dep in out@depends@dependencies) {
          sim <- .addDepends(sim, dep)

        # check that modulename == filename
        k <- length(sim@depends@dependencies)

        if (sim@depends@dependencies[[k]]@name == mBase) {
          i <- k
        } else {
          stop("Module name metadata (", sim@depends@dependencies[[k]]@name, ") ",
               "does not match filename (", mBase, ".R).")

        # assign default param values
        deps <- sim@depends@dependencies[[i]]@parameters
        sim@params[[mBase]] <- list()
        if (NROW(deps) > 0) {
          for (x in seq_len(NROW(deps))) {
            sim@params[[mBase]][[deps$paramName[x]]] <- deps$default[[x]]
        # override immediately with user supplied values
        pars <- list(...)[["params"]]
        if (!is.null(pars[[mBase]])) {
          if (length(pars[[mBase]]) > 0) {
            sim@params[[mBase]][names(pars[[mBase]])] <- pars[[mBase]]

        # do inputObjects and outputObjects
        pf <- tmp$pf # tmp[["parsedFile"]][tmp[["defineModuleItem"]]]
        if (any(inObjs)) {
          evald <- try(eval(pf[[1]][[3]][inObjs][[1]]), silent = TRUE)
          if (is(evald, "try-error")) stop("In ", mBase, " in the `inputObjects`:",
                                           "\n", evald)
          sim@depends@dependencies[[i]]@inputObjects <- data.frame(
            rbindlist(fill = TRUE,

        if (any(outObjs)) {
          evald <- try(eval(pf[[1]][[3]][outObjs][[1]]), silent = TRUE)
          if (is(evald, "try-error")) stop("In ", mBase, " in the `outputObjects`:",
                                           "\n", evald)
          sim@depends@dependencies[[i]]@outputObjects <- data.frame(
            rbindlist(fill = TRUE,

        # add child modules to list of all child modules, to be parsed later
        children <- as.list(sim@depends@dependencies[[i]]@childModules) |>
          lapply(`attributes<-`, list(parsed = FALSE))
        names(children) <- file.path(dirname(m), children)
        all_children <- append_attr(all_children, children)

        # remove parent module from the list
        if (length(children)) {
          parent_ids <- c(parent_ids, j)

        opt <- getOption("spades.moduleCodeChecks")
        if (isTRUE(opt) || length(names(opt)) > 1) {
          # the code will always have magenta colour, which has an mBase
          codeCheckMsgsThisMod <- any(grepl(paste0("m", mBase, ":"), codeCheckMsgs))
          mess <- capture.output(type = "message", .runCodeChecks(sim, mBase, k, codeCheckMsgsThisMod))
          if (length(mess) | length(codeCheckMsgsThisMod) == 0) {
            mess <- c(capture.output(type = "message",
                                     message(grep(paste0(mBase, ".R"),
                                                  ls(sim@.xData$.parsedFiles), value = TRUE))),
          codeCheckMsgs <- c(codeCheckMsgs, mess)
        } ## End of code checking

        # lockBinding(mBase, sim@.xData$.mods)
        names(sim@depends@dependencies)[[k]] <- mBase
      } else {
        alreadyIn <- names(sim@depends@dependencies) %in% mBase
        if (any(alreadyIn)) {
          children <- as.list(sim@depends@dependencies[[which(alreadyIn)]]@childModules) |>
            lapply(`attributes<-`, list(parsed = FALSE))
          names(children) <- file.path(dirname(m), children)
          all_children <- append_attr(all_children, children)
        # remove parent module from the list
        if (length(children)) {
          parent_ids <- c(parent_ids, which(unlist(modules(sim)) == mBase))

        message("Duplicate module, ", mBase, ", specified. Skipping loading it twice.")

      # update parse status of the module
      attributes(modules[[j]]) <- list(parsed = TRUE)

    modulesAppended <- if (length(parent_ids)) {
      append_attr(modules, all_children)[-parent_ids]
    } else {
      append_attr(modules, all_children)
    dups <- duplicated(modulesAppended)
    modules(sim) <- modulesAppended[!dups] # unique removes names

    #  unique()
    sim@current <- list()

    # Messaging at end -- don't print parent module messages (as there should be nothing)
    #  Also, collapse if all are clean
    if (length(codeCheckMsgs)) {
      if (length(parent_ids) < length(modules)) {
        mess <- if (all(grepl(codeCheckMsgs, pattern = allCleanMessage))) {
          mess <- gsub(codeCheckMsgs,
                       pattern = paste(paste0(unlist(modules), ": "), collapse = "|"),
                       replacement = "")

        } else {
          paste(unique(unlist(codeCheckMsgs)), collapse = "\n")
        message("###### Module Code Checking - Still experimental - please report problems ######## ")
        message("###### Module Code Checking ########")

    finishedClean <- TRUE

#' @importFrom utils getParseData
.parseConditional <- function(envir = NULL, filename = character()) {
  if (!is.null(envir)) {
    if (is.null(envir[[filename]])) {
      #envir[[filename]] <- new.env(parent = envir)
      envir[[filename]] <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
      needParse <- TRUE
    } else {
      needParse <- FALSE
    tmp <- envir[[filename]]
  } else {
    tmp <- list()
    needParse <- TRUE

  if (needParse) {
    tmp[["parsedFile"]] <- parse(filename)#, keep.source = getOption("spades.moduleCodeChecks"))
    opt <- getOption("spades.moduleCodeChecks")
    if (isTRUE(opt) || length(names(opt)) > 1) {
      tmp[["._parsedData"]] <- getParseData(tmp[["parsedFile"]], TRUE)
    tmp[["defineModuleItem"]] <- grepl(pattern = "^defineModule", tmp[["parsedFile"]])
    tmp[["pf"]] <- tmp[["parsedFile"]][tmp[["defineModuleItem"]]]

#' @keywords internal
evalWithActiveCode <- function(parsedModuleNoDefineModule, envir, parentFrame = parent.frame(),
                               sim) {

  # browser(expr = exists("._evalWithActiveCode_1"))
  # Create a temporary environment to source into, adding the sim object so that
  #   code can be evaluated with the sim, e.g., currentModule(sim)
  #tmpEnvir <- new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))
  tmpEnvir <- new.env(parent = envir)

  # This needs to be unconnected to main sim so that object sizes don't blow up
  simCopy <- Copy(sim, objects = FALSE)
  simCopy$.mods <- Copy(sim$.mods)
  tmpEnvir$sim <- simCopy

  ll <- lapply(parsedModuleNoDefineModule,
               function(x) tryCatch(eval(x, envir = tmpEnvir),
                                    error = function(x) "ERROR"))
  activeCode <- unlist(lapply(ll, function(x) identical("ERROR", x)))

  rm("sim", envir = tmpEnvir)
  list2env(as.list(tmpEnvir, all.names = TRUE), envir = envir)

  if (any(activeCode)) {
    # browser(expr = exists("._evalWithActiveCode_2"))
    env <- new.env(parent = parentFrame);
    # env <- new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"));
    env$sim <- sim#simCopy
    aa <- lapply(parsedModuleNoDefineModule[activeCode], function(ac) {
      eval(ac, envir = env)
    list2env(as.list(env, all.names = TRUE), envir)

#' Extract the user-defined `.inputObjects` function from a module
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getModuleInputObjects
#' @include helpers.R
.getModuleInputObjects <- function(sim, m) {
  if (.isPackage(m, sim)) {
    getFromNamespace(".inputObjects", .moduleNameNoUnderscore(m))
  } else {

#' Check is module uses module namespacing
#' Older modules may not have their functions etc. namespaced in the `simList`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname isNamespaced
.isNamespaced <- function(sim, m) {
  !isTRUE(any(grepl(paste0("^", basename(m)), ls(sim@.xData$.mods[[basename(m)]]))))

.isPackage <- function(fullModulePath, sim) {
  modEnv <- sim@.xData$.mods[[basename2(fullModulePath)]]
  # There are 3 ways to check ... existence of .isPackage is fastest, but may be wrong
  # if the namespace exists ... 2nd fastest, but also may be wrong if FALSE
  # finally, the presence of a DESCRIPTION file -- slowest
  if (exists(".isPackage", envir = modEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
    isPack <- modEnv$.isPackage
  } else {
    # isPack <- isNamespace(tryCatch(asNamespace(.moduleNameNoUnderscore(fullModulePath)),
    #                                  silent = TRUE, error = function(x) FALSE))
    # if (isFALSE(isPack)) {
      if (!isAbsolutePath(fullModulePath)) {
        fullModulePath <- file.path(modulePath(sim), fullModulePath) ## may be length > 1
        fullModulePath <- fullModulePath[dir.exists(fullModulePath)]
      isPack <- file.exists(file.path(fullModulePath, "DESCRIPTION"))

newEnvsByModule <- function(sim, modu) {
  sim@.xData$.mods[[modu]] <- new.env(parent = asNamespace("SpaDES.core"))
  attr(sim@.xData$.mods[[modu]], "name") <- modu
  sim@.xData$.mods[[modu]]$.objects <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core documentation built on June 7, 2024, 5:32 a.m.