#' Pull from git and install
#' Fetches all branches, then pulls the identified branch from git,
#' then runs a digest on the local folders. If that digest is different
#' as a previous one, then the function will run
#' `devtools::install(dependencies = FALSE, reload = FALSE, quick = TRUE, ...)`.
#' This should be safe even in cases where local files have changed. If
#' they were uncommitted, Git will error, and nothing will be pulled,
#' and if they were committed, then it will try a merge. If the automoated
#' merge works, then it will proceed. If automated merge fails, then nothing
#' will be pulled.
#' @param pkgs A character vector of package names, which is actually
#' the path names of the packages. i.e., must be absolute or relative
#' path. Defaults to current directory. It will also check in "..",
#' i.e., one folder up from the current active folder if it doesn't find
#' `pkgs` in the current folder.
#' @export
#' @param install Logical. If TRUE, then it will run `devtools::install` if
#' there is new content. If `branch` was length > 1, only the active,
#' i.e., first branch, will be installed.
#' @param cacheRepo The location where subsequent calls will store their history.
#' To be most effective, this should be "persistent", and not part of any
#' other cacheRepo.
#' @param branch A vector of branch names to pull from, *in reverse order*
#' so that the first one is the active branch after this function call finishes.
#' Default is `c("development", "master")`, so it will pull from master,
#' then development. If one of them does not exist, it will try, deteremine
#' it doesn't exist, skip it and go to next branch.
#' @inheritParams devtools::install
#' @param fetch Logical. Should it fetch before pulling.
#' @param submodule Logical. VERY EXPERIMENTAL. `TRUE` would mean pull all
#' submodules... the problem is that branch gets complicated.
#' @param ... Passed to `devtools::install`
#' @importFrom reproducible CacheDigest Cache
#' @importFrom crayon yellow bgBlack green white bgBlue
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # This will pull development branch of all these packages, and install them
#' # all, if there are any file changes in each respective directory
#' allPkgs <- c("quickPlot", "reproducible", "SpaDES.core", "SpaDES.tools",
#' "pemisc", "map", "LandR", "pedev")
#' updateGit(allPkgs)
#' # Will update and install all development branches of all repositories
#' # in ~/GitHub folder
#' pedev::updateGit(dir("~/GitHub"))
#' }
updateGit <- function(pkgs = NULL,
install = TRUE,
branch = c("development", "master"),
cacheRepo = getOption("pedev.cacheRepo", "~/.pedevCache"),
fetch = TRUE, submodule = FALSE,
quick = TRUE, dependencies = FALSE,
reload = FALSE,
...) {
oldWd <- getwd()
on.exit(setwd(oldWd), add = TRUE)
if (missing(pkgs))
pkgs <- basename(getwd())
branches <- branch
aborted <- list()
unfinished <- list()
if (length(aborted)) {
" \n",
"########### Summary of aborted cases #######################\n",
" -", paste(unique(lapply(names(aborted),
paste(c(nam, aborted[[nam]]), collapse = "\n "))),
collapse = "\n - ")))
if (length(unfinished)) {
" \n",
"########### Summary of cases that had no git errors ##############\n",
"########### (maybe completed pull/install & may still need push) ############\n",
" -", paste(unique(lapply(names(unfinished),
paste(c(basename(nam), unfinished[[nam]]),
collapse = "\n "))),
collapse = "\n - ")))
}, add = TRUE)
for (i in pkgs) {
pkgDir <- paste0(i)
insidePkg <- file.path(oldWd, "..", pkgDir)
dirExistsA <- dir.exists(file.path(oldWd, pkgDir))
dirExistsB <- dir.exists(insidePkg)
dirExistsC <- dir.exists(pkgDir)
if (dirExistsA || dirExistsB || dirExistsC) {
message(crayon::bgBlack(crayon::yellow("updating ", i)))
if (dirExistsA) {
isGitRepo <- file.exists(file.path(pkgDir, ".git"))
} else if (dirExistsB) {
isGitRepo <- file.exists(file.path(insidePkg, ".git"))
} else if (dirExistsC) {
isGitRepo <- file.exists(file.path(pkgDir, ".git"))
if (isTRUE(isGitRepo)) {
if (isTRUE(fetch)) {
cmd1 <- "git fetch"
message(" ", cmd1)
system(cmd1, intern = TRUE)
anyBranchExists <- FALSE
for (branch in rev(branches)) {
cmd1 <- paste("checkout", branch)
test1 <- suppressWarnings(system2("git", args = cmd1, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE))
message(" ", paste(test1, collapse = "\n"))
if (any(grepl("error", c(test1)))) {
aborted <- errorHadAbort(test1, i, branch, aborted)
lenUnfinished <- length(unfinished)
unfinished <- unfinished(test1, i, branch, unfinished,
expectedMsg = paste0("(up.to.date)|(",branch,")"))
cmd1 <- "pull"
message(" ", cmd1)
test2 <- suppressWarnings(system2("git", args = cmd1, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE))
message(" ", paste(test2, collapse = "\n"))
anyBranchExists <- TRUE
if (any(grepl("error", c(test2)))) {
aborted <- errorHadAbort(test2, i, branch, aborted)
if (file.exists(".gitmodules")) {
if (isTRUE(submodule)) {
message("running submodule updates -- VERY EXPERIMENTAL")
message("- checking out & pulling the branches indicated in .gitmodules")
gitCheckoutEachBranchCmd <- paste("submodule foreach -q --recursive 'branch=\"$(git config -f",
"$toplevel/.gitmodules submodule.$name.branch)\";",
"echo $name && git checkout $branch && git pull'")
if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
test1e <- system2("git", gitCheckoutEachBranchCmd, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
message(" ", lapply(test1e, paste, "\n "))
} else {
# Have to make a temporary .bat and .sh file so command can work
updateGitTxt <- "updateGit"
tmpSh <- paste0(updateGitTxt, i, "_", branch, ".sh")
tmpBat <- paste0(updateGitTxt, i, "_", branch, ".bat")
# Delete
on.exit({unlink(tmpSh); unlink(tmpBat)}, add = TRUE)
cat(file = tmpSh, fill = FALSE,
paste("git", gitCheckoutEachBranchCmd), sep = "\n"))
gitBashExePath <- list()
gitBashExePath[[1]] <- "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\git-bash.exe"
gitBashExePath[[2]] <- "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\git-bash.exe"
gitBashExists <- sapply(gitBashExePath, file.exists)
gitBashExePath <- if (!any(gitBashExists)) {
gitBashExePathTry <- suppressWarnings(shell("where git-bash.exe", intern = TRUE))
if (grepl("INFO: Could not", gitBashExePathTry)) {
warning("git-bash.exe is not available in your PATH. Please add it. ",
"This means that submodules didn't get updated. ",
"Already tried to find it in:\n ", paste(unlist(gitBashExePath), collapse = "\n "))
} else {
if (file.exists(gitBashExePath)) {
cat(file = tmpBat, paste0('cmd /c "',gitBashExePath,'" -c ', #--cd-to-home
shell(tmpBat, intern = TRUE)
unlink(tmpSh); unlink(tmpBat)
} else {
message(crayon::white(crayon::bgBlue("This is a git repository with submodules, but submodule is FALSE;",
"not updating submodules")))
unfinished <- unfinished(test2, i, branch, unfinished,
expectedMsg = paste0("(up.to.date)|(can be fast)|(Already on)"))
if (!anyBranchExists) {
} else {
message("Folder ", i, " is not a git repo; skipping")
isAPackage <- length(dir(pattern = "DESCRIPTION")) > 0
if (!isAPackage) message(crayon::green("Not a package; no install"))
if (isTRUE(install)) {
if (isAPackage) {
files <- dir(recursive = TRUE)
d2 <- lapply(files, function(x) try(digest::digest(file = x, algo = "xxhash64")))
opts <- options("reproducible.useCache" = "devMode",
"reproducible.cachePath" =
reproducible::checkPath(cacheRepo, create = TRUE))
suppressMessages(dig <- reproducible::Cache(reproducible::CacheDigest, d2,
userTags = i))
#try(detach("package:reproducible", unload = TRUE, character.only = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
if (attr(dig, ".Cache")$newCache) {
message(" installing ... ")
devtools::install(dependencies = dependencies,
reload = reload,
quick = quick, ...)
} else {
message(" not reinstalling; already installed this version")
} else {
message("Package ", i, " does not exist locally; skipping")
.pkgDepsGraph <- function(pkgs) {
dt <- lapply(pkgs, function(pkg) {
deps1 <- tryCatch(Require::pkgDep(pkg), error = function(x) "")
deps <- pkgs[pkgs %in% deps1[[1]]]
if (NROW(deps))
data.table::data.table(pkg = pkg,
depends = deps)
dt <- data.table::rbindlist(dt);
dtGraph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(dt);
#' A version of `devtools::load_all` that detaches dependencies
#' This is very idiosyncratic for the Predictive Ecology group.
#' @param pkgs A character vector of the package(s) to run "devtools::load_all"
#' @param load_all Logical. If `FALSE`, then this function will only
#' detach the packages necessary.
#' @param gitPath CHaracter giving the directory containing GitHub repos.
#' @export
reload_all <- function(pkgs, load_all = TRUE, gitPath = "~/GitHub") {
deps <- c(pkgs, tools::dependsOnPkgs(pkgs))
nsLoaded <- deps[unlist(lapply(deps, isNamespaceLoaded))]
actuallyLoaded <- unique(c(pkgs, deps[deps %in% gsub("package:", "", search())]))
nsLoadedOnly <- setdiff(nsLoaded, actuallyLoaded)
names(nsLoadedOnly) <- nsLoadedOnly
names(actuallyLoaded) <- actuallyLoaded
al <- lapply(actuallyLoaded, tools::dependsOnPkgs)
nams <- names(al)
names(nams) <- nams
anyAll <- unique(unlist(lapply(nams, function(x) {
nams <- names(al[grep(x, names(al), invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)])
nams[nams %in% al[[x]]]
needToReload <- rev(actuallyLoaded)
#needToReload <- nams[!nams %in% anyAll]
#needToReload <- unique(c(pkgs, needToReload))
names(deps) <- deps
out <- 1
while(!is.null(unlist(out))) {
out <- lapply(deps, function(i) {
if (i != pkgs[1]) {
try(detach(paste0("package:", i), unload = TRUE, character.only = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
out <- lapply(deps, function(i) {
if (i != pkgs[1]) {
try(unloadNamespace(i), silent = TRUE)
aa <- lapply(needToReload, tools::dependsOnPkgs)
# aa <- aa[order(unlist(lapply(aa, length)))]
notInOrder <- TRUE
isCorrectOrder <- logical(length(aa))
i <- 1
newOrd <- numeric(0)
for (i in seq_along(aa)) {
dif <- setdiff(seq_along(aa), newOrd)
for (j in dif) {
isCorrectOrder <- !any(aa[[j]] %in% names(aa)[dif])
if (isCorrectOrder) {
newOrd <- c(newOrd, j)
i <- i + 1
needToReload <- aa[newOrd]
needToReloadNames <- names(needToReload)
names(needToReloadNames) <- needToReloadNames
if (isTRUE(load_all)) {
out <- lapply(rev(needToReloadNames), function(i) {
if (i != "SpaDES") {
out <- try(devtools::load_all(file.path(gitPath, i)), silent = TRUE)
if (is(out, "try-error")) {
message(i, " is not a local package in ", gitPath, "; loading via install.packages...")
out <- require(i, character.only = TRUE)
errorHadAbort <- function(errorMsg, pkg, branch, aborted) {
if (any(grepl("Aborting", errorMsg))) {
abortedCur <- list(errorMsg)
names(abortedCur) <- paste0(pkg, "@", branch)
aborted <- append(aborted, abortedCur)
unfinished <- function(msg, pkg, branch, unfinished, expectedMsg) {
thisPkgNameAndBrnch <- paste0(pkg, "@", branch)
if (!all(grepl(expectedMsg, msg)) ) {
unfinishedCur <- list(msg)
names(unfinishedCur) <- thisPkgNameAndBrnch
unfinished <- append(unfinished, unfinishedCur)
ybiaMsg <- "Your branch is ahead"
if (any(grepl("Your branch is up to date", msg) || any(grepl(ybiaMsg, msg)))) {
whYBIA <- grep(ybiaMsg, msg)
needCommitMsg <- FALSE
if (length(whYBIA) == 1)
if (isTRUE(whYBIA == 1))
needCommitMsg <- TRUE
unfinished[[thisPkgNameAndBrnch]] <- append(unfinished[[thisPkgNameAndBrnch]],
paste0(" -- You may want to ","commit and "[needCommitMsg],
"push these changes to origin --"))
# The second part of the if below is saying that you already have everything locally,
# so it isn't unfinished -- it can install
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