
Defines functions availableMemory

Documented in availableMemory

#' Report the estimated amount of available memory in the OS
#' This reports the 'available' memory from a system call: `free` on Linux,
#' `vm_stat` on macOS, or `wmic` on Windows.
#' If neither is installed on the system, returns `NULL`.
#' @return Numeric of class "object_size", so it can be reported in any units with format,
#' e.g., `format(availableMemory(), unit = "GB")`.
#' @export
#' @importFrom sf %>%
#' @seealso `man free` for description of available memory estimation.
availableMemory <- function() {
  if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "windows")) {
    wmic <- Sys.which("wmic")
    aa <- try(system(paste0(wmic, " OS get FreePhysicalMemory"), intern = TRUE))
      availMem <- if (!is(aa, "try-error")) {
        aa <- gsub(" |(\r)", "", aa);
        na.omit(as.numeric(aa)) * 1e3 # in KB!
      } else {
  } else {
    free <- Sys.which("free")      ## Linux only
    vmstat <- Sys.which("vm_stat") ## macOS

    if (nzchar(free)) {
      aa <- try(system(paste(free, "-b"), intern = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
      availMem <- if (!is(aa, "try-error")) {
        ## take the 'available' column from the 'Mem:' row of the table
        bb <- strsplit(aa[2], split = " ")
    } else if (nzchar(vmstat)) {
      aa <- try(system(vmstat, intern = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
      availMem <- if (!is(aa, "try-error")) {
        ## take the 'Pages free' row value times by the page size value
        pageSize <- strsplit(aa[1], split = "page size of ")[[1]][2] %>%
          strsplit(., split = " bytes)") %>%
          `[[`(., 1) %>%
        bb <- strsplit(aa[2], split = " ")[[1]] %>%
        pagesFree <- bb[which(!(bb %in% c("Pages", "free:", "")))] %>%
        pagesFree * pageSize ## in bytes
    } else {
      availMem <- NULL

  if (!is.null(availMem)) {
    class(availMem) <- "object_size"
  } else {
    warning("unable to determine available memory.",
            "'wmic' (Windows), 'free' or 'vm_stat' must be available on your system.")
PredictiveEcology/pemisc documentation built on Sept. 19, 2022, 7 p.m.