# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
########################### OutputJSON.R ############################
# This file contains the functions that prepare the prov-json string.
#' .ddg.json.write writes the prov-json string to file
#' @return nothing
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.write <- function()
fileout <- paste(.ddg.path(), "/prov.json", sep="")
json <- .ddg.json.string()
write(json, fileout)
#' .ddg.json.string creates and returns the prov-json string for the current
#' provenance graph
#' @return the prov-json string
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.string <- function()
# Display message & return NULL if no provenance graph is available
if (is.null(.ddg.path())) {
cat("No provenance graph is available.\n")
# tool name
tool.name <- .ddg.tool.name()
# contents of the prefix node
PREFIX.NODE <- list( "prov" = "http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#" ,
"rdt" = "http://rdatatracker.org/" )
# the namespace prefix appended to the name for each node or edge
LABEL.PREFIX <- "rdt:"
# the name/character denoting the type of node or edge
LABEL.NAMES <- list( "agent" = "a" ,
"activity.proc" = "p" ,
"entity.data" = "d" ,
"entity.env" = "environment" ,
"entity.lib" = "l" ,
"entity.func" = "f" ,
"wasInformedBy.p2p" = "pp" ,
"wasGeneratedBy.p2d" = "pd" ,
"used.d2p" = "dp" ,
"used.f2p" = "fp" ,
"hadMember" = "m" )
# this list is a container for each separate part that forms the json string
json <- list( "prefix" = NA ,
"agent" = NA ,
"activity.proc" = NA ,
"entity.data" = NA ,
"entity.env" = NA ,
"entity.lib" = NA ,
"entity.func" = NA ,
"wasInformedBy.p2p" = NA ,
"wasGeneratedBy.p2d" = NA ,
"used.d2p" = NA ,
"used.f2p" = NA ,
"hadMember" = NA )
# prefix
json$prefix <- .ddg.json.prefix( PREFIX.NODE )
# agent (about the tool that produced the json & the json version)
json$agent <- .ddg.json.agent( tool.name , JSON.VERSION , LABEL.NAMES$agent ,
# activity (proc nodes)
json$activity.proc <- .ddg.json.proc( LABEL.NAMES$activity.proc , LABEL.PREFIX )
# entity: data nodes
json$entity.data <- .ddg.json.data( LABEL.NAMES$entity.data , LABEL.PREFIX )
# entity: environment
json$entity.env <- .ddg.json.env( LABEL.NAMES$entity.env , LABEL.PREFIX )
edges <- .ddg.edges()
edges <- edges[edges$ddg.num > 0, ]
# wasInformedBy (proc2proc)
json$wasInformedBy.p2p <- .ddg.json.proc2proc( edges ,
LABEL.NAMES$wasInformedBy.p2p ,
# wasGeneratedBy (proc2data)
json$wasGeneratedBy.p2d <- .ddg.json.proc2data( edges ,
LABEL.NAMES$wasGeneratedBy.p2d ,
# get function nodes
calls <- .ddg.function.nodes()
num.calls <- nrow(calls)
# used: data2proc
json$used.d2p <- .ddg.json.data2proc( edges , LABEL.NAMES$used.d2p , LABEL.PREFIX )
# LIBRARY NODES - change row numbers
libraries <- .ddg.installedpackages()
rownames(libraries) <- c(1 : nrow(libraries))
json$entity.lib <- .ddg.json.lib( libraries , LABEL.NAMES$entity.lib , LABEL.PREFIX )
# FUNCTION NODES - get function numbers if there are any function nodes
if( num.calls > 0 )
# extract columns: ddg.fun, ddg.lib (function names and their library names)
functions <- calls[ , 2:3]
functions <- unique(functions)
rownames(functions) <- c(1 : nrow(functions))
json$entity.func <- .ddg.json.func( functions , LABEL.NAMES$entity.func , LABEL.PREFIX )
# MERGE TABLES: function calls, functions, libraries
# library nodes - change col names, add lnum column for merging
colnames(libraries) <- c( "ddg.lib" , "ddg.lib.version" )
libraries <- cbind( "ddg.lnum" = c(1:nrow(libraries)) , libraries )
# function nodes - add fnum column for merging
functions <- cbind( "ddg.fnum" = c(1:nrow(functions)) , functions )
# function calls - add cnum column for ordering
calls <- cbind( "ddg.cnum" = c(1:nrow(calls)) , calls )
# merge tables
calls <- merge( calls , libraries , by.x = "ddg.lib" )
calls <- merge( calls , functions , by = c("ddg.fun","ddg.lib") )
# order table by cnum
calls <- calls[ order(calls$ddg.cnum) , ]
rownames(calls) <- calls$ddg.cnum
# PRINT TO JSON: func2proc
json$used.f2p <- .ddg.json.func2proc( calls , LABEL.NAMES$used.f2p ,
LABEL.NAMES$entity.func ,
LABEL.NAMES$activity.proc , LABEL.PREFIX )
# PRINT TO JSON: func2lib
json$hadMember <- .ddg.json.lib2func( calls , LABEL.NAMES$hadMember ,
LABEL.NAMES$entity.lib ,
return(.ddg.json.combine(json) )
# --- HELPER FUNCTIONS ------------------------- #
#' .ddg.json.prefix forms and returns the json string for the prefix node
#' @param node prefix node
#' @return the json string for the prefix node
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.prefix <- function( node )
# let the prefix node be named
node <- list(node)
names(node) <- "prefix"
# format to json
# with proper indentation, without sq brackets around urls
json <- jsonlite::toJSON(node, auto_unbox = TRUE)
json <- jsonlite::prettify(json, indent = 4)
# change ' ' into a tab (\t)
json <- gsub( ' ' , '\t', json )
# remove end close brace and return
return( sub('\n}\n$', '', json) )
#' .ddg.json.agent forms and returns the json string for the agent node
#' @param tool name of provenance collection tool
#' @param json.version json version number
#' @param label node label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for the agent node
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.agent <- function( tool, json.version, label, prefix )
# get node content
node <- data.frame( "tool.name" = tool ,
"tool.version" = toString(utils::packageVersion(tool)) ,
"json.version" = json.version ,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
names(node) <- mapply( paste , prefix , names(node) , sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
# convert to json
prefix <- paste( prefix , label , sep='' )
json <- .ddg.json.dataframe( node, NA, prefix,
comment = "agent: this json file and the tool that produced this" )
# form agent node and return
return( .ddg.json.formNode("agent", json) )
#' .ddg.json.proc forms and returns the json string for the procedure nodes
#' @param label node label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for the procedure node
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.proc <- function( label, prefix )
nodes <- .ddg.proc.nodes()
# extract and order required columns
nodes <- nodes[ , c("ddg.name", "ddg.type", "ddg.time", "ddg.snum",
"ddg.startLine", "ddg.startCol", "ddg.endLine", "ddg.endCol")]
# base case: no procedure nodes
if( nrow(nodes) == 0 )
# convert ' ' or \t to escaped tab characters, if any
nodes <- .ddg.json.df.escape.tabs( nodes )
# column names
col.names <- c( "name", "type", "elapsedTime", "scriptNum",
"startLine", "startCol", "endLine", "endCol" )
col.names <- mapply( paste , prefix , col.names , sep='' , USE.NAMES = FALSE )
# convert to json
prefix <- paste( prefix , label , sep='' )
json <- .ddg.json.dataframe( nodes , col.names , prefix , comment = "procedure nodes" )
# form activity node and return
return( .ddg.json.formNode("activity", json) )
#' .ddg.json.data forms and returns the json string for the data nodes
#' @param label node label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for the data node
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.data <- function( label, prefix )
nodes <- .ddg.data.nodes()
# extract and order required columns
nodes <- nodes[ , c("ddg.name", "ddg.value", "ddg.val.type", "ddg.type",
"ddg.scope", "ddg.from.env", "ddg.hash", "ddg.time", "ddg.loc")]
# base case: no data nodes
if( nrow(nodes) == 0 )
# convert ' ' or \t to escaped tab characters, if any
nodes <- .ddg.json.df.escape.tabs( nodes )
# column names
col.names <- c( "name", "value", "valType", "type", "scope", "fromEnv",
"hash", "timestamp", "location" )
col.names <- mapply( paste , prefix , col.names , sep='' , USE.NAMES = FALSE )
# convert to json and return
prefix <- paste( prefix , label , sep='' )
return( .ddg.json.dataframe(nodes, col.names, prefix, comment = "data nodes") )
#' .ddg.json.env forms and returns the json string for the environment node
#' @param label node label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for the environment node
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.env <- function( label, prefix )
fields <- list( "name" = "environment" ,
"architecture" = NA ,
"operatingSystem" = NA ,
"language" = NA ,
"langVersion" = NA ,
"script" = NA ,
"scriptTimeStamp" = NA ,
"sourcedScripts" = NA ,
"sourcedScriptTimeStamps" = NA ,
"workingDirectory" = NA ,
"ddgDirectory" = NA ,
"ddgTimeStamp" = NA )
# architecture, language, langVersion
lang.version <- R.Version()
fields$architecture <- lang.version$arch
fields$language <- lang.version$language
fields$langVersion <- lang.version$version
# operating system
fields$operatingSystem <- version$os
# script variables
script.path <- .ddg.r.script.path()
if( ! is.null(script.path) )
fields$script <- script.path
fields$scriptTimeStamp <- .ddg.format.time( file.info(script.path)$mtime )
sourced.scripts <- .ddg.json.sourced.scripts()
fields$sourcedScripts <- sourced.scripts[[1]]
fields$sourcedScriptTimeStamps <- sourced.scripts[[2]]
fields$script <- ""
fields$scriptTimeStamp <- ""
fields$sourcedScripts <- ""
fields$sourcedScriptTimeStamps <- ""
# working directory, ddg directory (escape any tab characters)
fields$workingDirectory <- .ddg.json.escape.tabs( getwd() )
fields$ddgDirectory <- .ddg.json.escape.tabs( .ddg.path() )
# ddg timestamp
fields$ddgTimeStamp <- .ddg.get("ddg.start.time")
# hash algorithm
if (.ddg.is.set ("ddg.hash.algorithm")) {
fields <- append (fields, list (hashAlgorithm = .ddg.get("ddg.hash.algorithm")))
# add prefix to names of the list
names(fields) <- mapply( paste , prefix , names(fields) , sep='' , USE.NAMES = FALSE )
# let the node be named
fields <- list(fields)
names(fields) <- paste( prefix , "environment" , sep = '' )
# convert to json
json <- jsonlite::toJSON( fields , auto_unbox = TRUE )
json <- jsonlite::prettify( json , indent = 4 )
# convert ' ' into tab
json <- gsub( ' ' , '\t', json )
# remove top brace, add comment
json <- sub( '^\\{' , '\n\t// environment' , json )
# remove bottom brace
json <- sub( '\n}\n$' , '' , json )
# indent by 1 level, return
return( gsub('\n', '\n\t', json) )
# .ddg.json.sourced.scripts return the names of other scripts that were sourced
#' and their timestamps.
#' @return the names and timestamps of other sourced scripts
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.sourced.scripts <- function()
script.names <- ""
script.times <- ""
ss <- .ddg.sourced.scripts()
# first row: main script
if( (! is.null(ss)) && (nrow(ss) > 1) )
ss <- ss[ ss$snum > 0 , ]
script.names <- sapply( ss[ , 2] , .ddg.json.escape.tabs )
script.times <- ss[ , 3]
return( list(script.names, script.times) )
#' .ddg.json.lib forms and returns the json string for the library nodes
#' @param nodes library nodes
#' @param label node label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for the library nodes
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.lib <- function( nodes, label, prefix )
# change col names
col.names <- c( "name" , "version" )
# convert ' ' or \t to escaped tab characters, if any
nodes <- .ddg.json.df.escape.tabs( nodes )
# convert to json
prefix <- paste( prefix , label , sep='' )
json <- .ddg.json.dataframe( nodes , col.names , prefix ,
comment = "library nodes - prov collections" )
# append prov:type to json
prov.type <- .ddg.json.collection()
json <- gsub( '\n\t\t}' , prov.type , json )
return( json )
#' .ddg.json.collection forms and returns the json string for the type node
#' for a collection
#' @return the json string for the type node for a collection
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.collection <- function()
prov.type <- list("prov:Collection", "xsd:QName")
names(prov.type) <- c("$", "type")
# let prov:type node be named
prov.type <- list(prov.type)
names(prov.type) <- "prov:type"
# convert to json
json <- jsonlite::toJSON(prov.type, auto_unbox = TRUE)
json <- jsonlite::prettify(json, indent = 4)
# convert ' ' to tab
json <- gsub( ' ' , '\t', json )
# remove newline at the end
json <- sub( '\n$' , '' , json )
# indent by 2 levels
json <- gsub( '\n' , '\n\t\t' , json )
# change first `{` to a `,` character for appending to library nodes, return
return( sub('^\\{', ',', json) )
#' .ddg.json.func forms and returns the json string for function nodes
#' @param nodes function nodes
#' @param label node label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for function nodes
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.func <- function( nodes, label, prefix )
# extract names of functions
nodes <- nodes[ , "ddg.fun"]
# convert to data frame
nodes <- data.frame( nodes , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
# convert ' ' or \t to escaped tab characters, if any
nodes <- .ddg.json.df.escape.tabs( nodes )
# convert to json, return
prefix <- paste( prefix , label , sep='' )
return( .ddg.json.dataframe(nodes, "name", prefix, comment = "function nodes") )
#' .ddg.json.proc2proc forms and returns the json string for nodes representing
#' procedure-to-procedure edges
#' @param edges edge nodes
#' @param label node label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for procedure-to-procedure edges
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.proc2proc <- function( edges, label, prefix )
# extract procedure-to-procedure edges, where ddg.type is 'cf' (control flow)
edges <- edges[edges$ddg.type == "cf", c("ddg.from", "ddg.to")]
# case: no proc-to-proc edges
if( nrow(edges) == 0 )
# add prefix to node numbers
edges$ddg.from <- mapply( paste , prefix , edges$ddg.from , sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
edges$ddg.to <- mapply( paste , prefix , edges$ddg.to , sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
# column names
col.names <- c("prov:informant", "prov:informed")
# convert to json
prefix <- paste( prefix , label , sep='' )
json <- .ddg.json.dataframe( edges, col.names, prefix,
comment = "procedure-to-procedure edges" )
# form wasInformedBy node, return
return( .ddg.json.formNode("wasInformedBy", json) )
# .ddg.json.proc2data forms and returns the json string for nodes representing
#' procedure-to-data edges
#' @param edges edge nodes
#' @param label node label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for procedure-to-data edges
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.proc2data <- function( edges, label, prefix )
# extract procedure-to-data edges, where ddg.type is 'df.out' (data flow out)
edges <- edges[edges$ddg.type == "df.out", c("ddg.from", "ddg.to")]
# case: no procedure-to-data edges
if( nrow(edges) == 0 )
# add prefix to node numbers
edges$ddg.from <- mapply( paste , prefix , edges$ddg.from , sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
edges$ddg.to <- mapply( paste , prefix , edges$ddg.to , sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
# column names
col.names <- c("prov:activity", "prov:entity")
# convert to json
prefix <- paste( prefix , label , sep='' )
json <- .ddg.json.dataframe( edges , col.names , prefix ,
comment = "procedure-to-data edges" )
# form wasGeneratedBy node, return
return( .ddg.json.formNode("wasGeneratedBy", json) )
# .ddg.json.data2proc forms and returns the json string for nodes representing
#' data-to-procedure edges
#' @param edges edge nodes
#' @param label node label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for data-to-procedure edges
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.data2proc <- function( edges, label, prefix )
# extract data-to-procedure edges, where ddg.type is 'df.in' (data flow in)
edges <- edges[edges$ddg.type == "df.in", c("ddg.from", "ddg.to")]
# case: no data-to-procedure edges
if( nrow(edges) == 0 )
# add prefix to node numbers
edges$ddg.from <- mapply( paste , prefix , edges$ddg.from , sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
edges$ddg.to <- mapply( paste , prefix , edges$ddg.to , sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
# column names
col.names <- c("prov:entity", "prov:activity")
# convert to json, return
prefix <- paste( prefix , label , sep='' )
return( .ddg.json.dataframe(edges, col.names, prefix,
comment = "data-to-procedure edges") )
# .ddg.json.func2proc forms and returns the json string for nodes representing
#' function-to-procedure edges
#' @param nodes edge nodes
#' @param label.edge edge label
#' @param label.func function label
#' @param label.proc procedure label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for function-to-procedure edges
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.func2proc <- function( nodes, label.edge, label.func, label.proc, prefix )
# extract columns
edges <- subset( nodes , select = c("ddg.fnum", "ddg.pnum") )
# add prefix to node numbers
edges$ddg.fnum <- mapply( paste , prefix , label.func , edges$ddg.fnum ,
sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
edges$ddg.pnum <- mapply( paste , prefix , label.proc , edges$ddg.pnum ,
sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
# column names
col.names <- c( "prov:entity" , "prov:activity" )
# convert to json, return
prefix <- paste( prefix , label.edge , sep='' )
return( .ddg.json.dataframe(edges, col.names, prefix,
comment = "function-to-procedure edges") )
# .ddg.json.lib2func forms and returns the json string for nodes linking functions
#' to their libraries
#' @param nodes linking nodes
#' @param label.edge edge label
#' @param label.lib library label
#' @param label.func function label
#' @param prefix node prefix
#' @return the json string for nodes linking functions to their libraries
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.lib2func <- function( nodes, label.edge, label.lib, label.func, prefix )
# extract columns
nodes <- subset( nodes , select = c("ddg.lnum", "ddg.fnum") )
# extract unique rows
nodes <- unique(nodes)
# order by fnum, then lnum
nodes <- nodes[ order(nodes$ddg.fnum) , ]
nodes <- nodes[ order(nodes$ddg.lnum) , ]
# add prefix to node numbers
nodes$ddg.lnum <- mapply( paste , prefix , label.lib , nodes$ddg.lnum ,
sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
nodes$ddg.fnum <- mapply( paste , prefix , label.func , nodes$ddg.fnum ,
sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
# column names
col.names <- c( "prov:collection" , "prov:entity" )
# convert to json
prefix <- paste( prefix , label.edge , sep='' )
json <- .ddg.json.dataframe( nodes , col.names , prefix ,
comment = "groups function nodes with their library nodes" )
# form hadMember node, return
return( .ddg.json.formNode("hadMember", json) )
#' .ddg.json.combine combines all json parts into 1 complete prov-json string
#' @param json list of json parts
#' @return the complete prov-json string
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.combine <- function( json )
# remove all NA slots
json[ is.na(json) ] <- NULL
# combine into json list: entity and used nodes
json <- .ddg.json.combine.node( json , "entity" )
json <- .ddg.json.combine.node( json , "used" )
# for all sets of nodes but the last one, add comma and newline for appending
num.parts <- length(json)
if( num.parts > 1 )
json[1:(num.parts-1)] <- lapply ( json[1:(num.parts-1)] ,
return( paste(str, ',', sep="") )
# add final close brace to last element
json[num.parts] <- sub( '$' , '\n}' , json[num.parts] )
# combine and return
return( .ddg.json.combine.rec(json) )
#' .ddg.json.combine.node extracts and combines the different parts of the given node,
#' then puts it back into the json list.
#' If there is more than 1 part to the node, it removes the extra slots in the list
#' previously assigned to those parts
#' @param json list of json parts
#' @param node.name node name
#' @return list of combined json parts
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.combine.node <- function( json, node.name )
# get the indices which the node parts reside in the json list
indices <- grep( node.name , names(json) )
num.parts <- length(indices)
# base case
if( num.parts == 0 )
# if there are more than 1 part, append commas to all parts but the last one
if( num.parts > 1 )
parts <- json[ indices[1:(num.parts-1)] ]
parts <- lapply ( parts ,
return( paste(str, ',', sep="") )
json[ indices[1:(num.parts-1)] ] <- parts
# combines parts recursively
node <- .ddg.json.combine.rec( json[indices] )
# forms the json node
node <- .ddg.json.formNode( node.name , node )
# reassign the combined node to the index previously assigned to the first part
json[ indices[1] ] <- node
names(json)[ indices[1] ] <- node.name
# remove other parts, if any
if( num.parts > 1 )
json[ indices[2:num.parts] ] <- NULL
return( json )
# .ddg.json.combine.rec is a recursive function for combining all elements
#' in the given list to 1 (divide and conquer)
#' @param list list of json parts
#' @return list of combined json parts
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.combine.rec <- function( list )
length <- length(list)
# base case
if( length == 1 )
return( list[[1]] )
# recursively merge left and right halves of the list
mid <- ceiling( length / 2 )
left <- .ddg.json.combine.rec( list[1:mid] )
right <- .ddg.json.combine.rec( list[(mid+1):length] )
return( paste(left, right, sep="\n") )
#return( sub('\n$', right, left) )
# --- MULTIPLE-USE FUNCTIONS ------------------- #
#' .ddg.json.escape.quotes adds escape characters to double quotes within strings
#' @param string input string
#' @return string with double quotes escaped
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.escape.quotes <- function( string )
return( gsub('\"', '\\"', string) )
#' .ddg.json.escape.tabs converts ' ' or \t to escaped tab characters in string
#' @param str input string
#' @return string with tabs escaped
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.escape.tabs <- function( str )
return( gsub('( |\t)', '\\\t', str) )
# .ddg.json.df.escape.tabs in a data frame, converts ' ' or \t to escaped tab
#' characters in strings
#' @param dataframe input dataframe
#' @return dataframe with tabs escaped in strings
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.df.escape.tabs <- function( dataframe )
# get column numbers where the type is 'character'
colNums <- sapply( dataframe , typeof )
colNums <- which( colNums == "character" )
# base case - none of the columns are of type 'character'
if( length(colNums) == 0 )
return( dataframe )
# convert ' ' or \t into escaped tab characters, if any
dataframe <- lapply ( dataframe ,
if( is.character(col) )
return( .ddg.json.escape.tabs(col) )
# reform data frame, return
dataframe <- data.frame( dataframe , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
#' .ddg.json.dataframe converts a data frame into a formatted json string
#' @param dataframe input dataframe
#' @param col.names column names
#' @param obj.prefix object prefix
#' @param comment optional comment
#' @return a formatted json string
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.dataframe <- function( dataframe, col.names, obj.prefix, comment = NULL )
# change column names, if applicable
if( ! is.na(col.names[1]) )
colnames(dataframe) <- col.names
# change row numbers
row.names <- c( 1 : nrow(dataframe) )
# split data frame into list of rows
dataframe <- split( dataframe , as.numeric(row.names) )
# change element names for list to include object's prefix
row.names <- mapply( paste , obj.prefix , row.names , sep='' , USE.NAMES=FALSE )
names(dataframe) <- row.names
# convert to json
json <- jsonlite::toJSON( dataframe , na = "string" )
json <- jsonlite::prettify( json , indent = 4 )
# convert ' ' into tab
json <- gsub( ' ' , '\t', json )
# add comment line to top of block, if any
if( ! is.null(comment) )
comment <- paste( '{\n\t\t//' , comment )
json <- sub( '^\\{' , comment , json )
# remove square brackets
json <- gsub( '\\[\n\t\t\\{' , '\\{' , json )
json <- gsub( '\n\t]' , '' , json )
# add indentation to object names
json <- gsub( '\n\t\"' , '\n\t\t\"' , json )
# remove row names in objects
json <- gsub( ',\r?\n\t+"_row": "([0-9A-Za-z]|_|\\.|-|/)*"\n' , '\n', json)
# remove wrapping braces
json <- sub( '^\\{' , '' , json )
json <- sub( '\n}\n$' , '' , json )
return( json )
#' .ddg.json.formNode forms a first-level prov-json node
#' e.g. activity, entity, used, etc.
#' @param node.name node name
#' @param node.content node content
#' @return a first-level prov-json node
#' @noRd
.ddg.json.formNode <- function( node.name, node.content )
# form node name string
node.name <- paste( '\n\t"' , node.name , '" : \\{\n' , sep = '' )
# top: wrap with name of node
node <- sub( '^\n' , node.name , node.content )
# botton: wrap with close brace
return( sub('$', '\n\t}', node) )
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