
doFileOperations <- function(x, final_folder='files', file_genome, file_user, file_comment, con=NULL) {
  #   corrrectCeChroms <- function(tss) {
  #     chrnames <- c("chrI","chrII","chrIII","chrIV","chrV","chrX","chrM")
  # 		col <- sapply( names(sort(unlist( sapply(c('.*([^I]|^)I$', '.*([^I]|^)II$', '.*III$', '.*IV$', '.*([^I]|^)V$', '.*X$', 'M'), function(x) {grep(x, seqlevels(tss), perl=T)}) ))), function(x) {grep(x, chrnames)})
  # 		seqlevels(tss) <- chrnames[col]
  # 		return(tss)
  # 	}
  normalizeName <- function(x) {
    newname <- file.path(dirname(x), gsub("[^[:alnum:]\\.\\-]", "_", basename(x)))
    if( file.rename(x, newname) ) return(newname) else stop('File cannot be renamed.', call. = FALSE)
  testChromosomeNames <-  function(tss, gnm, ret=FALSE) {
    if(class(gnm)=="character") if(gnm=='custom') if(ret) return(tss) else return()
    if( !all(seqlevels(tss) %in% seqlevels(gnm)) ) { 
      try( seqlevelsStyle(tss) <- seqlevelsStyle(gnm) )
      if( !all(seqlevels(tss) %in% seqlevels(gnm)) ) {
        try(seqlevels(tss) <- as.character(as.roman( gsub('^chr', '', gsub('.*(M|m).*', 'M', seqlevels(tss)), = TRUE) )))
        try( seqlevelsStyle(tss) <- seqlevelsStyle(gnm) )
        if( !all(seqlevels(tss) %in% seqlevels(gnm)) ) {
            seqlevels(tss)[grepl('M', seqlevels(tss))] <- 'chrM'
            try( seqlevelsStyle(tss) <- seqlevelsStyle(gnm) )
      if( !all(seqlevels(tss) %in% seqlevels(gnm)) ) 
        stop('Chromosome names provided in the file does not match ones defined in reference genome. Correct the names or use custom genome option - skip chromosome names consistency checks, no motif plots. \nINPUT: [', 
             paste(seqlevels(tss)[!seqlevels(tss) %in% seqlevels(gnm)], collapse=', '), "]\nGENOME: [", paste(head(seqlevels(gnm), 5), collapse=', '), ', ...]', call. = FALSE) 
    if(ret) return(tss)
  testFeatureFile <-  function(PATH, gnm){
    tss <- try( rtracklayer::import( PATH ), silent = FALSE );
    if (class(tss) == "try-error") {
        fcon <- file(PATH); 
        tss <- try( rtracklayer::import( fcon ), silent = FALSE ); 
    if (class(tss) == "try-error") {
    try({   nfields <- count.fields(PATH, comment.char = '', skip = 1)
            problem <- which(nfields != median( head(nfields, 1000) ))+1
    err <- paste('ERROR:', attr(tss, 'condition')$message)
    if(is.integer(problem)) problem <- paste(err, '\n Possible problem with line ', problem, ': "\n', readLines(PATH, n=problem)[problem], '.')
    stop(err, call. = FALSE)
    testChromosomeNames(tss, gnm)

  if ( dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT count(*) FROM files WHERE name = '",basename(x),"'")) > 0 )
    stop('File already exists, change the name or remove old one.', call. = FALSE)
  #File does not have correct genome
  gnm <- SeqinfoForBSGenome(grep(file_genome, installed.genomes(), value=TRUE)[[1]]); if( is.null(gnm) ) {
    if( file_genome == 'custom' ) 
        gnm <- 'custom'
    else if( grepl('\\.fa', file_genome) )
        gnm <- getREF(file_genome)
        stop('Unknown genome name/genome not installed!', call. = FALSE)
  #session$sendCustomMessage("jsAlert", sprintf("adding file: %s", x))
  #File does not exist
  if( !file.exists(x) ) stop('Cannot add, file not on the server!')
  x <- normalizeName(x)
  if( grepl('.(gff|gff.gz|gtf|gtf.gz)$', x, = TRUE) ) {
    type <- 'feature'; file_type <- 'GFF';
    testFeatureFile(x, gnm);
  } else if( grepl('.(bed|bed.gz)$', x, = TRUE) ) {
    type <- 'feature'; file_type <- 'BED';
    testFeatureFile(x, gnm);
  } else if( grepl('.(bw|bigWig|bigWiggle)$', x, = TRUE) ) {
    type <- 'track'; file_type <- 'BigWiggle';
    testChromosomeNames(seqinfo(BigWigFile(x)), gnm)
  }  else if( grepl('.(bam)$', x, = TRUE) ) {
      type <- 'track'; file_type <- 'BAM';
      testChromosomeNames(seqinfo(Rsamtools::BamFile(x)), gnm)
  } else if( grepl('.(wig|wig.gz|bdg|bdg.gz|bedGraph|bedGraph.gz)$', x, = TRUE) ){
    pth <- gsub('.(wig|wig.gz|bdg|bdg.gz|bedGraph|bedGraph.gz)$', '.bw', x, = TRUE);
    try_result <- try({ 
        if(class('gnm') == "character") {
            ln <- readLines(x)
            vs <- grep('.+chrom=', ln)
            si <- Seqinfo(
                seqnames = gsub('.+chrom=', '', ln[vs]), 
                as.numeric(gsub('\t.+', '', c(ln[vs[-1]-1], tail(ln, 1)))), 
                genome = 'custom'
            wigToBigWig(x=x, seqinfo = si, dest = pth, clip = TRUE)
        } else {
            wigToBigWig(x=x, seqinfo = seqlengths(gnm), dest = pth, clip = TRUE)
    if(is(try_result, 'try-error')) {
      try_result2 <<- try({	
        fcon=file(x); wig <- rtracklayer::import.wig( fcon ); close(fcon);
        if( grepl('list', class(wig), = TRUE) ) wig <- unlist(wig, use.names=FALSE)
        if(class('gnm') != "character") {
            wig <- testChromosomeNames(wig , gnm, ret=TRUE)
            seqlengths(wig) <- seqlengths(gnm)[seqlevels(wig)]
        }, weight='score'), pth);
      if(is(try_result2, 'try-error')) { stop('Error in adding wiggle: ', as.character(try_result2)) }
    file.remove( x )
    x <- pth; type <- 'track'; file_type <- 'Wiggle';
    if(class('gnm') != "character") 
        if( !all(seqlevels(BigWigFile(x)) %in% seqlevels(gnm)) ) { 
            stop('Unknown chr names in Wiggle file, use UCSC compatible!', call. = FALSE) 
  } else {
    stop('Unknown file format!')
  file.rename( x, file.path(final_folder, basename(x)) )
  if( grepl('.(bam)$', x, = TRUE) ) {
      Rsamtools::indexBam( file.path(final_folder, basename(x)) )
  sql_string <- paste0("INSERT INTO files (name, ctime, type, format, genome, user, comment) VALUES (", paste0("'",c(basename(x), as.character(Sys.time()), type, file_type, file_genome, file_user, file_comment), "'", collapse=", "),")") 
  outcome <- try( { res <- dbSendQuery(con, sql_string ) })
  if(class(outcome) == "try-error") {
      message('1st commit failed, repeting the dbSendQuery')
      outcome2 <- try( { res <- dbSendQuery(con, sql_string ) })
      if(class(outcome2) == "try-error") {
  if ( file.exists(file.path(final_folder, basename(x))) ) {
    message('File added.')
  } else {
    stop('File was not moved to final directory.', call. = FALSE)
Przemol/seqplots documentation built on May 14, 2022, 6:47 a.m.