
#' plot TimeSeriesFactorModel object.
#' Generic function of plot method for fitTimeSeriesFactorModel. Either plot
#' all assets or choose a single asset to plot.
#' @param x fit object created by \code{fitTimeSeriesFactorModel}.
#' @param colorset Defualt colorset the same as \code{barplot}.
#' @param legend.loc Plot legend or not. Defualt is \code{NULL}.
#' @param which.plot Integer indicates which plot to create: "none" will
#' create a menu to choose. Defualt is none.\cr 
#' 1 = "Fitted factor returns", \cr
#' 2 = "R square", \cr
#' 3 = "Variance of Residuals",\cr
#' 4 = "FM Correlation",\cr
#' 5 = "Factor Contributions to SD",\cr
#' 6 = "Factor Contributions to ES",\cr
#' 7 = "Factor Contributions to VaR"
#' @param max.show Maximum assets to plot. Default is 6.
#' @param plot.single Plot a single asset of lm class. Defualt is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param asset.name Name of the asset to be plotted.
#' @param which.plot.single Integer indicates which plot to create: "none"
#' will create a menu to choose. Defualt is none.\cr
#'  1 = time series plot of actual and fitted values,\cr
#'  2 = time series plot of residuals with standard error bands, \cr
#'  3 = time series plot of squared residuals, \cr
#'  4 = time series plot of absolute residuals,\cr
#'  5 = SACF and PACF of residuals,\cr
#'  6 = SACF and PACF of squared residuals,\cr
#'  7 = SACF and PACF of absolute residuals,\cr
#'  8 = histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed,\cr
#'  9 = normal qq-plot of residuals,\cr
#'  10= CUSUM plot of recursive residuals,\cr
#'  11= CUSUM plot of OLS residuals,\cr
#'  12= CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates,\cr
#'  13= rolling estimates over 24 month window.
#' @param VaR.method Character, method for computing VaR. Valid choices are
#' either "modified","gaussian","historical", "kernel". computation is done with the \code{VaR}
#' in the PerformanceAnalytics package. Default is "historical".
#' @author Eric Zivot and Yi-An Chen.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load data from the database
#' data(managers.df)
#' fit.macro <- fitTimeseriesFactorModel(assets.names=colnames(managers.df[,(1:6)]),
#'                                 factors.names=c("EDHEC.LS.EQ","SP500.TR"),
#'                                 data=managers.df,fit.method="OLS")
#' # plot of all assets and show only first 4 assets.
#' plot(fit.macro,max.show=4)
#' # single plot of HAM1 asset 
#' plot(fit.macro, plot.single=TRUE, asset.name="HAM1")
#' }
#' @method plot TimeSeriesFactorModel
#' @export
plot.TimeSeriesFactorModel <- 
           plot.single=FALSE, asset.name,which.plot.single=c("none","1L","2L","3L","4L","5L","6L",
           VaR.method = "historical") {
    if (plot.single==TRUE) {
      ## inputs:
      ## fit.macro        lm object summarizing factor model fit. It is assumed that
      ##                  time series date information is included in the names component
      ##                  of the residuals, fitted and model components of the object.   
      ## asset.name         charater. The name of the single asset to be ploted.
      ## which.plot.single       integer indicating which plot to create:
      ##                  1     time series plot of actual and fitted values
      ##                  2     time series plot of residuals with standard error bands
      ##                  3     time series plot of squared residuals
      ##                  4     time series plot of absolute residuals
      ##                  5     SACF and PACF of residuals
      ##                  6     SACF and PACF of squared residuals
      ##                  7     SACF and PACF of absolute residuals
      ##                  8     histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed
      ##                  9     normal qq-plot of residuals
      ##                  10    CUSUM plot of recursive residuals
      ##                  11    CUSUM plot of OLS residuals
      ##                  12    CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates
      ##                  13    rolling estimates over 24 month window
      if (missing(asset.name) == TRUE) {
        stop("Neet to specify an asset to plot if plot.single is TRUE.")
      fit.lm = x$asset.fit[[asset.name]]
      if (x$variable.selection == "none") {
        ## extract information from lm object
        factorNames = colnames(fit.lm$model)[-1]
        fit.formula = as.formula(paste(asset.name,"~", paste(factorNames, collapse="+"), sep=" "))
        residuals.z = zoo(residuals(fit.lm), as.Date(names(residuals(fit.lm))))
        fitted.z = zoo(fitted(fit.lm), as.Date(names(fitted(fit.lm))))
        actual.z = zoo(fit.lm$model[,1], as.Date(rownames(fit.lm$model)))
        tmp.summary = summary(fit.lm)
        if (which.plot.single=="none")
          which.plot.single<-menu(c("time series plot of actual and fitted values",
                                    "time series plot of residuals with standard error bands",
                                    "time series plot of squared residuals",
                                    "time series plot of absolute residuals",
                                    "SACF and PACF of residuals",
                                    "SACF and PACF of squared residuals",
                                    "SACF and PACF of absolute residuals",
                                    "histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed",
                                    "normal qq-plot of residuals",
                                    "CUSUM plot of recursive residuals",
                                    "CUSUM plot of OLS residuals",
                                    "CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates",
                                    "rolling estimates over 24 month window"),
                                  title="\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n")
               "1L" =  {
                 ##  time series plot of actual and fitted values
                 plot(actual.z, main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
                 lines(fitted.z, lwd=2, col="blue")
                 legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Actual", "Fitted"), lwd=2, col=c("black","blue"))
               "2L" = {
                 ## time series plot of residuals with standard error bands
                 plot(residuals.z, main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
                 abline(h=2*tmp.summary$sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
                 abline(h=-2*tmp.summary$sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
                 legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Residual", "+/ 2*SE"), lwd=2,
                        lty=c("solid","dotted"), col=c("black","red"))
               "3L" = {
                 ## time series plot of squared residuals
                 plot(residuals.z^2, main=asset.name, ylab="Squared residual", lwd=2, col="black")
                 legend(x="topleft", legend="Squared Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")
               "4L" = {
                 ## time series plot of absolute residuals
                 plot(abs(residuals.z), main=asset.name, ylab="Absolute residual", lwd=2, col="black")
                 legend(x="topleft", legend="Absolute Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")
               "5L" = {
                 ## SACF and PACF of residuals
                 chart.ACFplus(residuals.z, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               "6L" = {
                 ## SACF and PACF of squared residuals
                 chart.ACFplus(residuals.z^2, main=paste("Residuals^2: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               "7L" = {
                 ## SACF and PACF of absolute residuals
                 chart.ACFplus(abs(residuals.z), main=paste("|Residuals|: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               "8L" = {
                 ## histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed
                 chart.Histogram(residuals.z, methods="add.normal", main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               "9L" = {
                 ##  normal qq-plot of residuals
                 chart.QQPlot(residuals.z, envelope=0.95, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               "10L"= {
                 ##  CUSUM plot of recursive residuals
                 if (as.character(x$call["fit.method"]) == "OLS") {
                   cusum.rec = efp(fit.formula, type="Rec-CUSUM", data=fit.lm$model)
                   plot(cusum.rec, sub=asset.name)
                 } else 
                   stop("CUMSUM applies only on OLS method")
               "11L"= {
                 ##  CUSUM plot of OLS residuals
                 if (as.character(x$call["fit.method"]) == "OLS") {        
                   cusum.ols = efp(fit.formula, type="OLS-CUSUM", data=fit.lm$model)
                   plot(cusum.ols, sub=asset.name)
                 } else 
                   stop("CUMSUM applies only on OLS method")   
               "12L"= {
                 ##  CUSUM plot of recursive estimates relative to full sample estimates
                 if (as.character(x$call["fit.method"]) == "OLS") {        
                   cusum.est = efp(fit.formula, type="fluctuation", data=fit.lm$model)
                   plot(cusum.est, functional=NULL, sub=asset.name)
                 } else 
                   stop("CUMSUM applies only on OLS method")
               "13L"= {
                 ##  rolling regression over 24 month window
                 if (as.character(x$call["fit.method"]) == "OLS") {   
                   rollReg <- function(data.z, formula) {
                     coef(lm(formula, data = as.data.frame(data.z)))  
                   reg.z = zoo(fit.lm$model, as.Date(rownames(fit.lm$model)))
                   rollReg.z = rollapply(reg.z, FUN=rollReg, fit.formula, width=24, by.column = FALSE, 
                   plot(rollReg.z, main=paste("24-month rolling regression estimates:", asset.name, sep=" "))
                 } else if (as.character(x$call["fit.method"]) == "DLS") {
                   decay.factor <- as.numeric(as.character(x$call["decay.factor"]))
                   t.length <- 24
                   w <- rep(decay.factor^(t.length-1),t.length)
                   for (k in 2:t.length) {
                     w[k] = w[k-1]/decay.factor 
                   w <- w/sum(w)
                   rollReg.w <- function(data.z, formula,w) {
                     coef(lm(formula,weights=w, data = as.data.frame(data.z)))  
                   reg.z = zoo(fit.lm$model[-length(fit.lm$model)], as.Date(rownames(fit.lm$model)))
                   factorNames = colnames(fit.lm$model)[c(-1,-length(fit.lm$model))]
                   fit.formula = as.formula(paste(asset.name,"~", paste(factorNames, collapse="+"), sep=" "))
                   rollReg.z = rollapply(reg.z, FUN=rollReg.w, fit.formula,w, width=24, by.column = FALSE, 
                   plot(rollReg.z, main=paste("24-month rolling regression estimates:", asset.name, sep=" ")) 
      } else {
        # lar or lasso
        factor.names  = x$factors.names
        plot.data   = x$data[,c(asset.name,factor.names)]
        alpha = x$alpha[asset.name]
        beta = as.matrix(x$beta[asset.name,])        
        fitted.z = zoo(alpha+as.matrix(plot.data[,factor.names])%*%beta,as.Date(rownames(plot.data)))
        residuals.z = plot.data[,asset.name]-fitted.z
        actual.z = zoo(plot.data[,asset.name],as.Date(rownames(plot.data)))       
        t = length(residuals.z)
        k = length(factor.names)
        which.plot.single<-menu(c("time series plot of actual and fitted values",
                                  "time series plot of residuals with standard error bands",
                                  "time series plot of squared residuals",
                                  "time series plot of absolute residuals",
                                  "SACF and PACF of residuals",
                                  "SACF and PACF of squared residuals",
                                  "SACF and PACF of absolute residuals",
                                  "histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed",
                                  "normal qq-plot of residuals"),
                                title="\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n")
               "1L" =  {
                 #       "time series plot of actual and fitted values",
                 plot(actual.z[,asset.name], main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
                 lines(fitted.z, lwd=2, col="blue")
                 legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Actual", "Fitted"), lwd=2, col=c("black","blue"))
                 #       "time series plot of residuals with standard error bands"
                 plot(residuals.z, main=asset.name, ylab="Monthly performance", lwd=2, col="black")
                 sigma = (sum(residuals.z^2)*(t-k)^-1)^(1/2)
                 abline(h=2*sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
                 abline(h=-2*sigma, lwd=2, lty="dotted", col="red")
                 legend(x="bottomleft", legend=c("Residual", "+/ 2*SE"), lwd=2,
                        lty=c("solid","dotted"), col=c("black","red"))     
                 #       "time series plot of squared residuals"
                 plot(residuals.z^2, main=asset.name, ylab="Squared residual", lwd=2, col="black")
                 legend(x="topleft", legend="Squared Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")   
               "4L" = {
                 ## time series plot of absolute residuals
                 plot(abs(residuals.z), main=asset.name, ylab="Absolute residual", lwd=2, col="black")
                 legend(x="topleft", legend="Absolute Residuals", lwd=2, col="black")
               "5L" = {
                 ## SACF and PACF of residuals
                 chart.ACFplus(residuals.z, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               "6L" = {
                 ## SACF and PACF of squared residuals
                 chart.ACFplus(residuals.z^2, main=paste("Residuals^2: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               "7L" = {
                 ## SACF and PACF of absolute residuals
                 chart.ACFplus(abs(residuals.z), main=paste("|Residuals|: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               "8L" = {
                 ## histogram of residuals with normal curve overlayed
                 chart.Histogram(residuals.z, methods="add.normal", main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               "9L" = {
                 ##  normal qq-plot of residuals
                 chart.QQPlot(residuals.z, envelope=0.95, main=paste("Residuals: ", asset.name, sep=""))
               invisible()  )
      # plot group data      
    } else {    
        which.plot<-menu(c("Fitted factor returns",
                           "R square",
                           "Variance of Residuals",
                           "FM Correlation",
                           "Factor Contributions to SD",
                           "Factor Contributions to ES",
                           "Factor Contributions to VaR"),
                         title="Factor Analytics Plot \nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):\n") 
      variable.selection = x$variable.selection
      asset.names = x$assets.names
      factor.names  = x$factors.names
      plot.data   = x$data[,c(asset.names,factor.names)]
      cov.factors = var(plot.data[,factor.names])
      n <- length(asset.names)
             "1L" = {
               if (n > max.show) {
                 cat(paste("numbers of assets are greater than",max.show,", show only first",
                           max.show,"assets",sep=" "))
                 n <- max.show 
               if (variable.selection == "lar" || variable.selection == "lasso") {
                 for (i in 1:n) {
                   alpha = x$alpha[i]
                   beta = as.matrix(x$beta[i,])        
                   fitted = alpha+as.matrix(plot.data[,factor.names])%*%beta  
                   dataToPlot = cbind(fitted, plot.data[,i])
                   colnames(dataToPlot) = c("Fitted","Actual")
                   main = paste("Factor Model fit for",asset.names[i],seq="")
                   chart.TimeSeries(dataToPlot,colorset = colorset, legend.loc = legend.loc,main=main)
               } else {
                 for (i in 1:n) {
                   dataToPlot = cbind(fitted(x$asset.fit[[i]]), na.omit(plot.data[,i]))
                   colnames(dataToPlot) = c("Fitted","Actual")
                   main = paste("Factor Model fit for",asset.names[i],seq="")
                   chart.TimeSeries(dataToPlot,colorset = colorset, legend.loc = legend.loc,main=main)
             "2L" ={
             "3L" = {
             "4L" = {
               cov.fm<- factorModelCovariance(x$beta,cov.factors,x$resid.variance)    
               cor.fm = cov2cor(cov.fm)
               rownames(cor.fm) = colnames(cor.fm)
               ord <- order(cor.fm[1,])
               ordered.cor.fm <- cor.fm[ord, ord]
               plotcorr(ordered.cor.fm, col=cm.colors(11)[5*ordered.cor.fm + 6])
             "5L" = {
               factor.sd.decomp.list = list()
               for (i in asset.names) {
                 factor.sd.decomp.list[[i]] =
                                              cov.factors, x$resid.variance[i])
               # function to extract contribution to sd from list
               getCSD = function(x) {
               # extract contributions to SD from list
               cr.sd = sapply(factor.sd.decomp.list, getCSD)
               rownames(cr.sd) = c(factor.names, "residual")
               # create stacked barchart
               barplot(cr.sd, main="Factor Contributions to SD",
                       legend.text=T, args.legend=list(x="topleft"))
               factor.es.decomp.list = list()
               if (variable.selection == "lar" || variable.selection == "lasso") {
                 for (i in asset.names) {
                   idx = which(!is.na(plot.data[,i]))
                   alpha = x$alpha[i]
                   beta = as.matrix(x$beta[i,])        
                   fitted = alpha+as.matrix(plot.data[,factor.names])%*%beta
                   residual = plot.data[,i]-fitted
                   tmpData = cbind(coredata(plot.data[idx,i]),
                                   (residual[idx,]/sqrt(x$resid.variance[i])) )
                   colnames(tmpData)[c(1,length(tmpData))] = c(i, "residual")
                   factor.es.decomp.list[[i]] = 
                                                x$resid.variance[i], tail.prob=0.05)
               } else {
                 for (i in asset.names) {
                   # check for missing values in fund data
                   idx = which(!is.na(plot.data[,i]))
                   tmpData = cbind(coredata(plot.data[idx,i]),
                   colnames(tmpData)[c(1,dim(tmpData)[2])] = c(i, "residual")
                   factor.es.decomp.list[[i]] = 
                                                x$resid.variance[i], tail.prob=0.05,
               # stacked bar charts of percent contributions to SD
               getCETL = function(x) {
               # report as positive number
               cr.etl = sapply(factor.es.decomp.list, getCETL)
               rownames(cr.etl) = c(factor.names, "residual")
               barplot(cr.etl, main="Factor Contributions to ES",
                       legend.text=T, args.legend=list(x="topleft")) 
             "7L" ={
               factor.VaR.decomp.list = list()
               if (variable.selection == "lar" || variable.selection == "lasso") {
                 for (i in asset.names) {
                   idx = which(!is.na(plot.data[,i]))
                   alpha = x$alpha[i]
                   beta = as.matrix(x$beta[i,])        
                   fitted = alpha+as.matrix(plot.data[,factor.names])%*%beta
                   residual = plot.data[,i]-fitted
                   tmpData = cbind(coredata(plot.data[idx,i]),
                                   (residual[idx,]/sqrt(x$resid.variance[i])) )
                   colnames(tmpData)[c(1,length(tmpData))] = c(i, "residual")
                   factor.VaR.decomp.list[[i]] = 
                                                 x$resid.variance[i], tail.prob=0.05,VaR.method=VaR.method)
               } else {
                 for (i in asset.names) {
                   # check for missing values in fund data
                   idx = which(!is.na(plot.data[,i]))
                   tmpData = cbind(coredata(plot.data[idx,i]),
                   colnames(tmpData)[c(1,dim(tmpData)[2])] = c(i, "residual")
                   factor.VaR.decomp.list[[i]] = 
                                                 x$resid.variance[i], tail.prob=0.05,
               # stacked bar charts of percent contributions to SD
               getCVaR = function(x) {
               # report as positive number
               cr.VaR = sapply(factor.VaR.decomp.list, getCVaR)
               rownames(cr.VaR) = c(factor.names, "residual")
               barplot(cr.VaR, main="Factor Contributions to VaR",
                       legend.text=T, args.legend=list(x="topleft"))
R-Finance/FactorAnalytics documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:51 a.m.