
#' This script generates a sample from the 2x2 Wishart distribution.
#'  - it shows that determinant and trace are positive, i.e. the matrix is positive
#'  - it shows that the marginal diagonal are gamma-distributed
#' Described in A. Meucci, "Risk and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005,  Chapter 2.
#' @references
#' A. Meucci - "Exercises in Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management" \url{}, 
#' "E 75 - Simulation of a Wishart random variable".
#' See Meucci's script for "S_Wishart.m"
#' @author Xavier Valls \email{}

if ( !require( "scatterplot3d" ) ) stop("scatterplot3d package installation required for this script")

### Set inputs

s  = c( 1, 1 ); # variances
r  = 0.3; # correlation
Sigma = diag( c( s ) ) %*% rbind( c( 1, r ), c( r, 1 ) ) %*% diag( c( s ) );
nu = 5; # degrees of freedom
nSim = 10000;

### Generate draws

# initialize storage vectors/matrices
W_xx   = matrix( NaN, nSim, 1 ); 
W_yy   = matrix( NaN, nSim, 1 ); 
W_xy   = matrix( NaN, nSim, 1 ); 
Vec_W  = matrix( NaN, nSim, 4 ); 
Dets   = matrix( NaN, nSim, 1 ); 
Traces = matrix( NaN, nSim, 1 ); 

# generate draws and store elements of W, trace and determinant

for (j in 1 : nSim )
  X = rmvnorm( nu, matrix( 0, 2, 1 ), Sigma );
  W = t(X) %*% X;
  Dets[ j ] = det( W );
  Traces[ j ] = sum(diag( W ));

  W_xx[ j ] = W[ 1, 1 ];
  W_yy[ j ] = W[ 2, 2 ];
  W_xy[ j ] = W[ 1, 2 ];

  Vec_W [ j, ] = as.vector( W );

### Check positivity of trace and determinant

NumBins = round(10 * log(nSim));;
par( mfrow = c( 2, 1) );
hist(Traces, NumBins, xlab = "trace", ylab = "", main = "" );
hist(Dets, NumBins, xlab = "determinant", ylab = "", main = "" );

### Plot cloud of draws
# tri-variate joint;
scatterplot3d(W_xx, W_yy, W_xy, xlab = expression( "W"[ 11 ] ),
 ylab = expression( "W"[ 22 ] ), zlab = expression( "W"[ 12 ] ) );

# bi-variate marginals; 
par( mfrow = c( 2, 2) );

plot(W_xx, W_xy, xlab = expression( "W"[ 11 ] ), ylab = expression( "W"[ 12 ] ) );

plot(W_yy, W_xy, xlab = expression( "W"[ 22 ] ), ylab = expression( "W"[ 12 ] ) );

plot(W_xx, W_yy, xlab = expression( "W"[ 11 ] ), ylab = expression( "W"[ 22 ] ) );

### Plot individual marginals histograms and pdfs;
par( mfrow = c( 2, 2) );

D = hist(W_xx, NumBins, xlab = expression( "W"[ 11 ] ), ylab = "", main = "" );
RescalePdf = (0.5) * nSim;
y = dgamma( W_xx, shape = nu / 2, scale = 2 * Sigma[ 1, 1 ]) %*% RescalePdf;
points( W_xx, y, col = "blue"); 

hist(W_yy, NumBins, xlab = expression( "W"[ 22 ] ), ylab = "", main = "" )
RescalePdf = (D(2) - D(1)) * nSim;
y = dgamma(W_yy, shape = nu / 2, scale = 2 * Sigma[ 2, 2 ]) * RescalePdf;
points( W_yy, y, col = "blue"); 

hist(W_xy, NumBins, xlab = expression( "W"[ 12 ] ), ylab = "", main = "" );

### Compute summary statistics (analytical and sample-based)

Expected_Value = as.array(nu * Sigma);
K_22 = rbind(c( 1, 0,	0, 0 ), c( 0, 0, 1, 0 ), c( 0, 1, 0, 0 ), c( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) );

Covariance = nu * ( diag(1, 4) + K_22 ) %*% kronecker(Sigma, Sigma);

Sample_Mean = mean(Vec_W);
Sample_Covariance= cov(Vec_W);

R-Finance/Meucci documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:52 a.m.