add | bypass the default flowWorkspace:::.addGate | | convert a gatingTemplate object to a data.table |
boolMethod-class | A class to represent a boolean gating method. |
CytoExploreR_exports | CytoExploreR exports |
dims-gtMethod-method | get gating method dimensions |
dummyMethod-class | A class to represent a dummy gating method that does nothing... |
fast_rlm | robust linear model using an M estimator |
fcEllipsoidGate | constuctor for 'fcEllipsoidGate' |
fcEllipsoidGate-class | a concrete class that reprents the ellipsoidGate generated by... |
fcFilter-class | a virtual class that represents the gating result generated... |
fcFilterList | constuctor for 'fcFilterList' |
fcFilterList-class | a class that extends 'filterList' class. |
fcPolygonGate | constuctor for 'fcPolygonGate' |
fcPolygonGate-class | a concrete class that reprents the polygonGate generated by... |
fcRectangleGate | constuctor for 'fcRectangleGate' |
fcRectangleGate-class | a concrete class that reprents the rectangleGate generated by... |
fcTree | constructor of 'fcTree' |
fcTree-class | A class to represent a flowClust tree. |
gate_flowclust_1d | Applies flowClust to 1 feature to determine a cutpoint... |
gate_flowclust_2d | Automatic identification of a population of interest via... |
gate_mindensity | Determines a cutpoint as the minimum point of a kernel... |
gate_mindensity2 | An improved version of mindensity used to determines a... |
gate_quad_sequential | sequential quadrant gating function |
gate_quad_tmix | quadGate based on flowClust::tmixFiler |
gate_quantile | Determine the cutpoint by the events quantile. |
gate_singlet | Creates a singlet polygon gate using the prediction bands... |
gatingTemplate-class | a class storing the gating method and population information... |
generate_gate_template | Store gates from a GatingSet in a gatingTemplate for... |
getGate-fcTree-character-method | get gates saved in 'fcTree' |
getNodes-fcTree-method | get nodes from 'fcTree' |
gh_generate_template | generate a partially complete csv template from the existing... |
groupBy-gtMethod-method | get the grouping variable for the gating method |
gs_add_gating_method | apply a gating method to the 'GatingSet' |
gs_add_gating_method_init | Clear history of 'gs_add_gating_method' calls for a given... |
gs_remove_gating_method | Reverse the action of gating methods applied via... |
gt_gating | Applies a gatingTemplate to a GatingSet. |
gt_get_children | get children nodes |
gt_get_gate | get gating method from the node |
gt_get_nodes | get nodes from gatingTemplate object |
gt_get_parent | get parent nodes |
gt_list_methods | Print a list of the registered gating methods |
gtMethod-class | A class to represent a gating method. |
gtPopulation-class | A class to represent a cell population that will be generated... |
gtSubsets-class | A class representing a group of cell populations. |
gt_toggle_helpergates | toggle/delete the hidden flag of the helper gates |
isCollapse-gtMethod-method | get the flag that determines whether gating method is applied... |
names-gtMethod-method | get gating method name |
names-gtPopulation-method | get population name |
ocRectangleGate-class | the class that carries event indices as well |
ocRectRefGate | constructor for ocRectRefGate |
ocRectRefGate-class | special gate type that mix the rectangleGate with boolean... |
openCyto | Hierarchical Gating Pipeline for flow cytometry data |
openCyto-deprecated | Deprecated functions in package 'openCyto'. |
openCyto.options | Some global options for openCyto See examples for the meaning... |
parameters-gtMethod-method | get parameters of the gating method/function |
plot-fcFilterList-ANY-method | plot a 'fcFilterList' |
plot-fcTree-character-method | plot the flowClust gating results |
plot-gatingTemplate-missing-method | plot the gating scheme |
polyFunctions-class | A class to represent a polyFunctions gating method. |
posteriors-fcFilter-ANY-method | get posteriors from a 'fcFilter' object |
ppMethod-class | A class to represent a preprocessing method. |
ppMethod-gatingTemplate-character-method | get preprocessing method from the node |
preprocessing-ppMethod-GatingSet-method | apply a ppMethod to the 'GatingSet' |
prior_flowclust | Elicits data-driven priors from a flowSet object for... |
priors-fcFilter-ANY-method | get priors from a 'fcFilter' object |
refGate-class | A class to represent a reference gating method. |
register_plugins | Register a gating or preprocessing function with OpenCyto |
show-boolMethod-method | show method for boolMethod |
show-fcFilter-method | show method for fcFilter |
show-gatingTemplate-method | show method for gatingTemplate |
show-gtMethod-method | show method for gtMethod |
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