Man pages for RHReynolds/LDSCforRyten
Run LDSC on Ryten Lab Server

AddBPWindowAdd window to genes
AddGenePosDetails_RemoveXandYandMTAdd gene positional details
add_RS_to_GWASFind overlapping RS ids in GWAS using genomic co-ordinates.
Assimilate_H2_resultsFunction assembling herirtability results from LD score...
Assimilate_H2_results_multipleannotAssimilate LDSC output from multiple annotations run...
Calculate_enrichment_SE_and_logPCalculate enrichment SE, logP and z-score p-value.
Calculate_H2Function to run LDSC heritability script for a number of...
Calculate_LDscoreFunction to calculate LD score for a number of annotations.
convert_z_scoreConvert z-score to p-value
create_annot_file_and_exportFunction to create 22 .annot.gz files for each annotation.
Create_GWAS_dfCreate GWAS dataframe.
creating_baseline_dfFunction assembling list of SNPs in baseline LD score model
df2GRangesConvert from dataframe to GRanges
get_LDSC_fixed_argsGet fixed LDSC arguments.
keep_duplicatesKeep duplicates
liftover_hg19_to_hg38Liftover GWAS from hg19 to hg38
overlap_annot_hits_w_baselineMap annotation SNPs overlapping the baseline model back to...
overlap_annot_listFind the overlapping SNPs between a list of dataframes...
pipePipe operator
Plot_H2_coefficientPlot S-LDSC coefficient p-value per annotation
Plot_H2_enrichment_coefficientPlot S-LDSC H2 enrichment & coefficient per annotation
remove_duplicatesRemove duplicates
RHReynolds/LDSCforRyten documentation built on Sept. 27, 2021, 5:20 p.m.