Assimilate_H2_results_multipleannot: Assimilate LDSC output from multiple annotations run...

Description Usage Arguments Value

View source: R/LDSC_SummariseOutput_Functions.R


Function assembling heritability results from LD score regression run with multiple annotations (i.e. conditional upon one another). In other words, in the –ref-ld-chr of 'ldsc' multiple annotations (in addition to baseline) are used.





List of file paths where .results output from LDSC stored. For the function to work (i.e. provide the full name of the annotation and the name of the GWAS), it is important that neither the GWAS name or the annotation name includes '_'. If it does, anything after the first word in the GWAS name will be removed, or anything before the last word in the annotation will be removed. Consider using a different separator in annotation/GWAS names e.g. a full stop, or colon.


Dataframe of results together with associated annotation names and GWAS.

RHReynolds/LDSCforRyten documentation built on Sept. 27, 2021, 5:20 p.m.