## These functions are implementations of those provided in the International
## Astronomical Union SOFA library, available at http://www.iausofa.org
iauCal2jd <- function(year, month, day, hour=0, min=0, sec=0) {
djm0 <- 2400000.5
b <- 0
c <- 0
if (month <= 2) {
year <- year -1
month <- month + 12
if (year < 0) {
c <- -0.75
if(year > 1582 |
(year == 1582 & month > 10) |
(year == 1582 & month == 10 & day > 14)) {
a <- trunc(year/100)
b <- 2 - a + floor(a/4)
jd <- trunc(365.25 * year + c) + trunc(30.6001 * (month + 1))
jd <- jd + day + b + 1720994.5
jd <- jd + (hour+min/60+sec/3600)/24
djm <- jd-djm0
iauObl06 <- function(date1, date2) {
# Interval between fundamental date J2000.0 and given date (JC).
t <- ((date1 - JD_J2000_0) + date2) / DJC
# Mean obliquity of the ecliptic (angle between ecliptic and mean equator for the Julian date defined as date1 + date2)
eps0 <- (84381.406+(-46.836769+(-0.0001831+(0.00200340+(-0.000000576-0.0000000434*t)*t)*t)*t)*t)*DAS2R
iauPfw06 <- function(date1, date2) {
# Interval between fundamental date J2000.0 and given date (JC).
t <- ((date1 - JD_J2000_0) + date2) / DJC
# P03 bias+precession angles
gamb <- (-0.052928+(10.556378+(0.4932044+(-0.00031238+(-0.000002788+0.0000000260*t)*t)*t)*t)*t)*DAS2R
phib <- (84381.412819+(-46.811016+(0.0511268+(0.00053289+(-0.000000440-0.0000000176*t)*t)*t)*t)*t)*DAS2R
psib <- (-0.041775+(5038.481484+(1.5584175+(-0.00018522+(-0.000026452-0.0000000148*t)*t)*t)*t)*t)*DAS2R
epsa <- iauObl06(date1, date2)
iauFal03 <- function(t) {
# t is TDB, Julian centuries since J2000.0
# Mean anomaly of the Moon (IERS Conventions 2003).
a <- ((485868.249036+t*(1717915923.2178+t*(31.8792+t*(0.051635+t*(-0.00024470)))))%%TURNAS)*DAS2R
iauFaf03 <- function(t) {
# Mean longitude of the Moon minus that of the ascending node
# (IERS Conventions 2003)
a <- ((335779.526232+t*(1739527262.8478+t*(-12.7512+t*(-0.001037+t*(0.00000417)))))%%TURNAS)*DAS2R
iauFaom03 <- function(t) {
# Mean longitude of the Moon's ascending node (IERS Conventions 2003).
a <- ((450160.398036+t*(-6962890.5431+t*(7.4722+t*(0.007702+t*(-0.00005939)))))%%TURNAS)*DAS2R
iauFalp03 <- function(t) {
a <- ((1287104.79305+t*(129596581.0481+t*(-0.5532+t*(0.000136+t*(-0.00001149)))))%%TURNAS)*DAS2R
iauFad03 <- function(t) {
a <- ((1072260.70369+t*(1602961601.2090+t*(-6.3706+t*(0.006593+t*(-0.00003169)))))%%TURNAS)*DAS2R
iauFave03 <- function(t) {
a <- (3.176146697 + 1021.3285546211 * t) %% (2*pi)
iauFae03 <- function(t) {
a <- (1.753470314 + 628.3075849991 * t) %% (2*pi)
iauFapa03 <- function(t) {
a <- (0.024381750 + 0.00000538691 * t) * t
iauNut00a <- function(date1, date2){
# Conversion of 0.1 microarcseconds to radians
U2R <- DAS2R / 1e7
# Luni-Solar nutation model
# The units for the sine and cosine coefficients are 0.1 microarcsecond
# Interval between fundamental date J2000.0 and given date (JC).
t <- ((date1 - JD_J2000_0) + date2) / DJC
# Mean anomaly of the Moon (IERS 2003)
el <- iauFal03(t)
# Mean anomaly of the Sun (MHB2000)
elp <- iauFalp03(t)
# Mean longitude of the Moon minus that of the ascending node (IERS 2003).
f <- iauFaf03(t)
# Mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun (MHB2000).
d <- iauFad03(t)
# Mean longitude of the ascending node of the Moon (IERS 2003).
om <- iauFaom03(t)
# Summation of luni-solar nutation series (in reverse order).
# replaced by vectorized code
arg <- (asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1,1]*el+asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1,2]*elp+asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1,3]*f+asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1,4]*d+asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1,5]*om)%%(2*pi)
sarg <- sin(arg)
carg <- cos(arg)
dp <- sum((asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1, 6] + asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1, 7] * t) * sarg + asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1, 8] * carg)
de <- sum((asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1, 9] + asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1, 10] * t) * carg + asteRiskData::xls[asteRiskData::NLS:1, 11] * sarg)
# Convert from decimes microarcseconds to radians
dpsils <- dp * U2R
depsls <- de * U2R
# Mean anomaly of the Moon (MHB2000).
al <- (2.35555598 + 8328.6914269554 * t) %% (2*pi)
# Mean longitude of the Moon minus that of the ascending node (MHB2000).
af <- (1.627905234 + 8433.466158131 * t) %% (2*pi)
# Mean elongation of the Moon from the Sun (MHB2000)
ad <- (5.198466741 + 7771.3771468121 * t) %% (2*pi)
# Mean longitude of the ascending node of the Moon (MHB2000)
aom <- (2.18243920 - 33.757045 * t) %% (2*pi)
# General accumulated precession in longitude (IERS 2003)
apa <- iauFapa03(t)
# Mean longitude of Mercury (IERS Conventions 2003)
alme <- (4.402608842 + 2608.7903141574 * t) %% (2*pi)
# Mean longitude of Venus (IERS Conventions 2003)
alve <- iauFave03(t)
# Mean longitude of Earth (IERS Conventions 2003)
alea <- iauFae03(t)
# Mean longitude of Mars (IERS Conventions 2003)
alma <- (6.203480913 + 334.0612426700 * t) %% (2*pi)
# Mean longitude of Jupiter (IERS Conventions 2003)
alju <- (0.599546497 + 52.9690962641 * t) %% (2*pi)
# Mean longitude of Saturn (IERS Conventions 2003)
alsa <- (0.874016757 + 21.3299104960 * t) %% (2*pi)
# Mean longitude of Uranus (IERS Conventions 2003)
alur <- (5.481293872 + 7.4781598567 * t) %% (2*pi)
# Neptune longitude (MHB2000).
alne <- (5.321159000 + 3.8127774000 * t) %% (2*pi)
## Calculate again nutation values
arg <- (asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 1] * al + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 2] * af + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 3] * ad + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 4] * aom +
asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 5] * alme + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 6] * alve + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 7] * alea +
asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 8] * alma + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 9] * alju + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 10] * alsa +
asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 11] * alur + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 12] * alne + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 13] * apa) %% (2*pi)
sarg <- sin(arg)
carg <- cos(arg)
dp <- sum(asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 14] * sarg + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 15] * carg)
de <- sum(asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 16] * sarg + asteRiskData::xpl[asteRiskData::NPL:1, 17] * carg)
# Convert from 0.1 microarcsecs to radians
dpsipl <- dp * U2R
depspl <- de * U2R
# Add lunar-solar and planetary componentes of nutation
dpsi <- dpsils + dpsipl
deps <- depsls + depspl
iauNut06a <- function(date1, date2){
# Interval between fundamental date J2000.0 and given date (JC).
t <- ((date1 - JD_J2000_0) + date2) / DJC
# Factor correcting for secular variation of J2.
fj2 <- -2.7774e-6 * t
# Obtain IAU 2000A nutation.
iau2000aNutation <- iauNut00a(date1, date2)
# Apply P03 adjustments (Wallace & Capitaine, 2006, Eqs.5).
dpsi <- iau2000aNutation$dpsi + iau2000aNutation$dpsi * (0.4697e-6 + fj2)
deps <- iau2000aNutation$deps + iau2000aNutation$deps * fj2
iauRz <- function(psi, r) {
sin_psi <- sin(psi)
cos_psi <- cos(psi)
r <- matrix(c(cos_psi*r[1,1] + sin_psi*r[2,1], # start new row 1
cos_psi*r[1,2] + sin_psi*r[2,2],
cos_psi*r[1,3] + sin_psi*r[2,3],
cos_psi*r[2,1] - sin_psi*r[1,1], # start new row 2
cos_psi*r[2,2] - sin_psi*r[1,2],
cos_psi*r[2,3] - sin_psi*r[1,3],
r[3,1], r[3,2], r[3,3]),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
iauRx <- function(phi, r) {
sin_phi <- sin(phi)
cos_phi <- cos(phi)
r <- matrix(c(r[1,1], r[1,2], r[1,3],
cos_phi*r[2,1] + sin_phi*r[3,1], # start new row 2
cos_phi*r[2,2] + sin_phi*r[3,2],
cos_phi*r[2,3] + sin_phi*r[3,3],
cos_phi*r[3,1] - sin_phi*r[2,1], # start new row 3
cos_phi*r[3,2] - sin_phi*r[2,2],
cos_phi*r[3,3] - sin_phi*r[2,3]),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
iauRy <- function(theta, r) {
sin_theta <- sin(theta)
cos_theta <- cos(theta)
r <- matrix(c(cos_theta*r[1,1] - sin_theta*r[3,1], # start new row 1
cos_theta*r[1,2] - sin_theta*r[3,2],
cos_theta*r[1,3] - sin_theta*r[3,3],
r[2,1], r[2,2], r[2,3],
cos_theta*r[3,1] + sin_theta*r[1,1], # start new row 3
cos_theta*r[3,2] + sin_theta*r[1,2],
cos_theta*r[3,3] + sin_theta*r[1,3]),
byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
iauFw2m <- function(gamb, phib, psi, eps) {
r <- diag(3)
r <- iauRz(gamb, r)
r <- iauRx(phib, r)
r <- iauRz(-psi, r)
r <- iauRx(-eps, r)
iauPnm06a <- function(date1, date2, dDeps=0, dDpsi=0) {
# Fukushima-Williams angles for frame bias and precession
iauPfw06_result <- iauPfw06(date1, date2)
# Nutation components
iauNut06a_result <- iauNut06a(date1, date2)
# Note the following is NOT in original SOFA code
# but it allows to add corrections to dpsi and deps
iauNut06a_result$dpsi <- iauNut06a_result$dpsi + dDpsi
iauNut06a_result$deps <- iauNut06a_result$deps + dDeps
# Equinox based nutation x precession x bias matrix
iauFw2m_result <- iauFw2m(iauPfw06_result$gamb, iauPfw06_result$phib,
iauPfw06_result$psib + iauNut06a_result$dpsi,
iauPfw06_result$epsa + iauNut06a_result$deps)
iauS06 <- function(date1, date2, x, y) {
# All of the following have been moved to constants definitions
# sp <- c(94.00e-6, 3808.65e-6, -122.68e-6, -72574.11e-6, 27.98e-6, 15.62e-6)
# s_xyD2_coefs <- read.csv("R/hpop_files/s_xyD2_terms.csv", header=FALSE)
# asteRiskData::s0 <- s_xyD2_coefs[s_xyD2_coefs[, 1] == "ORDER0", -1]
# asteRiskData::s1 <- s_xyD2_coefs[s_xyD2_coefs[, 1] == "ORDER1", -1]
# asteRiskData::s2 <- s_xyD2_coefs[s_xyD2_coefs[, 1] == "ORDER2", -1]
# asteRiskData::s3 <- s_xyD2_coefs[s_xyD2_coefs[, 1] == "ORDER3", -1]
# asteRiskData::s4 <- s_xyD2_coefs[s_xyD2_coefs[, 1] == "ORDER4", -1]
w0 <- asteRiskData::w0
w1 <- asteRiskData::w1
w2 <- asteRiskData::w2
w3 <- asteRiskData::w3
w4 <- asteRiskData::w4
w5 <- asteRiskData::w5
t <- ((date1 - JD_J2000_0) + date2) / DJC
meanAnomalyMoon <- iauFal03(t)
meanAnomalySun <- iauFalp03(t)
meanLongitudeMoonMinusAN <- iauFaf03(t)
meanElongationMoonSun <- iauFad03(t)
meanLongitudeMoonAN <- iauFaom03(t)
meanLongitudeVenus <- iauFave03(t)
meanLongitudeEarth <- iauFae03(t)
generalLongitudeAccumulatedPrecesion <- iauFapa03(t)
fundamentalArguments <- c(meanAnomalyMoon, meanAnomalySun, meanLongitudeMoonMinusAN,
meanElongationMoonSun, meanLongitudeMoonAN, meanLongitudeVenus,
meanLongitudeEarth, generalLongitudeAccumulatedPrecesion)
a <- rowSums(t(t(asteRiskData::s0[, 1:8]) * fundamentalArguments))
w0 <- w0 + sum(asteRiskData::s0[, 9] * sin(a)) + sum(asteRiskData::s0[, 10] * cos(a))
a <- rowSums(t(t(asteRiskData::s1[, 1:8]) * fundamentalArguments))
w1 <- w1 + sum(asteRiskData::s1[, 9] * sin(a)) + sum(asteRiskData::s1[, 10] * cos(a))
a <- rowSums(t(t(asteRiskData::s2[, 1:8]) * fundamentalArguments))
w2 <- w2 + sum(asteRiskData::s2[, 9] * sin(a)) + sum(asteRiskData::s2[, 10] * cos(a))
a <- rowSums(t(t(asteRiskData::s3[, 1:8]) * fundamentalArguments))
w3 <- w3 + sum(asteRiskData::s3[, 9] * sin(a)) + sum(asteRiskData::s3[, 10] * cos(a))
a <- rowSums(t(t(asteRiskData::s4[, 1:8]) * fundamentalArguments))
w4 <- w4 + sum(asteRiskData::s4[, 9] * sin(a)) + sum(asteRiskData::s4[, 10] * cos(a))
# Original non-vectorized code of the following form for w0, w1, w2, w3 and w4:
# for (i in nrow(asteRiskData::s0):1) {
# a <- 0
# for (j in 1:8) {
# a <- a + asteRiskData::s0[i, j] * fundamentalArguments[j]
# }
# w0 <- w0 + asteRiskData::s0[i, 9] * sin(a) + asteRiskData::s0[i, 10] * cos(a)
# }
s <- (w0 + (w1 + (w2 + (w3 + (w4 + w5 * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) * DAS2R - x * y / 2.0
iauEra00 <- function(dj1, dj2) {
d1 <- min(c(dj1, dj2))
d2 <- max(c(dj1, dj2))
# if (dj1 < dj2) {
# d1 <- dj1
# d2 <- dj2
# } else {
# d1 <- dj2
# d2 <- dj1
# }
t <- d1 + (d2 - JD_J2000_0)
f <- (d1 - trunc(d1)) + (d2 - trunc(d2))
theta <- rem((f + 0.7790572732640 + 0.00273781191135448 * t) * 2*pi, (2*pi))
if (theta < 0) {
theta <- theta + 2*pi
iauEors <- function(rnpb, s) {
x <- rnpb[3,1]
ax <- x / (1 + rnpb[3,3])
xs <- 1 - ax * x
ys <- -ax * rnpb[3,2]
zs <- -x
p <- rnpb[1,1] * xs + rnpb[1,2] * ys + rnpb[1,3] * zs
q <- rnpb[2,1] * xs + rnpb[2,2] * ys + rnpb[2,3] * zs
eo <- if (p != 0 | q != 0) (s - atan2(q, p)) else s
iauGst06 <- function(uta, utb, tta, ttb, rnpb) {
cip_x <- rnpb[3, 1]
cip_y <- rnpb[3, 2]
s <- iauS06(tta, ttb, cip_x, cip_y)
era <- iauEra00(uta, utb)
eors <- iauEors(rnpb, s)
gst <- rem(era - eors, 2*pi)
if (gst < 0) {
gst <- gst + 2*pi
iauPom00 <- function(xp, yp, sp) {
rpom <- iauRx(-yp,
iauRz(sp, diag(3))))
iauSp00 <- function(date1, date2){
t <- ((date1 - JD_J2000_0) + date2) / DJC
sp <- -47e-6 * t * DAS2R
iauGmst06 <- function(uta, utb, tta, ttb) {
# TT Julian centuries since J2000.0
t <- ((tta - JD_J2000_0) + ttb) / DJC
gmst <-
iauEra00(uta, utb) + (0.014506 + (4612.156534 + (1.3915817 + (
-0.00000044 + (-0.000029956 + (-0.0000000368) * t) * t
) * t) * t) * t) * DAS2R
gmst <- rem(gmst, 2*pi)
if (gmst < 0) {
gmst <- gmst + 2*pi
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