multifinemap_handler: Fine-map using multiple fine-mapping tools

View source: R/multifinemap_handler.R

multifinemap_handlerR Documentation

Fine-map using multiple fine-mapping tools


Fine-mapping will be repeated on the same locus using each of the tools in finemap_methods. Then, all results will be merged into the locus-specific multi-finemap file, along with the original per-SNP GWAS/QTL summary statistics. Each tools will have the following columns:


The posterior probability (PP) of a SNP being causal for the trait. Though this is a generalization and the exact meaning of PP will differ by tools (e.g. Posterior Inclusion Probability for SUSIE).


Which credible set the SNP is part of (within a locus). If =0, then the SNP was not part of any credible set. Some tools only produce one credible set per locus.


  fullSS_path = NULL,
  finemap_args = NULL,
  dataset_type = "GWAS",
  force_new_finemap = FALSE,
  LD_matrix = NULL,
  n_causal = 5,
  compute_n = "ldsc",
  conditioned_snps = NULL,
  credset_thresh = 0.95,
  case_control = TRUE,
  priors_col = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  seed = 2022,
  nThread = 1,
  conda_env = "echoR_mini"



Fine-mapping results data.


Locus-specific directory to store results in.


Path to the full summary statistics file (GWAS or QTL) that you want to fine-map. It is usually best to provide the absolute path rather than the relative path.


Fine-mapping methods to run. See lfm for a list of all fine-mapping methods currently available.


A named nested list containing additional arguments for each fine-mapping method. e.g. finemap_args = list(FINEMAP=list(), PAINTOR=list(method=""))


The kind dataset you're fine-mapping (e.g. GWAS, eQTL, tQTL). This will also be used when creating the subdirectory where your results will be stored (e.g. Data/<dataset_type>/Kunkle_2019).


By default, if an fine-mapping results file for a given locus is already present, then echolocatoR will just use the preexisting file. Set force_new_finemap=T to override this and re-run fine-mapping.


Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) matrix to use for fine-mapping.


The maximum number of potential causal SNPs per locus. This parameter is used somewhat differently by different fine-mapping tools. See tool-specific functions for details.


How to compute per-SNP sample size (new column "N").
If the column "N" is already present in dat, this column will be used to extract per-SNP sample sizes and the argument compute_n will be ignored.
If the column "N" is not present in dat, one of the following options can be supplied to compute_n:

  • 0: N will not be computed.

  • >0: If any number >0 is provided, that value will be set as N for every row. **Note**: Computing N this way is incorrect and should be avoided if at all possible.

  • "sum": N will be computed as: cases (N_CAS) + controls (N_CON), so long as both columns are present.

  • "ldsc": N will be computed as effective sample size: Neff =(N_CAS+N_CON)*(N_CAS/(N_CAS+N_CON)) / mean((N_CAS/(N_CAS+N_CON))(N_CAS+N_CON)==max(N_CAS+N_CON)).

  • "giant": N will be computed as effective sample size: Neff = 2 / (1/N_CAS + 1/N_CON).

  • "metal": N will be computed as effective sample size: Neff = 4 / (1/N_CAS + 1/N_CON).


Which SNPs to conditions on when fine-mapping with (e.g. COJO).


The minimum mean Posterior Probability (across all fine-mapping methods used) of SNPs to be included in the "mean.CS" column.


Whether the summary statistics come from a case-control study (e.g. a GWAS of having Alzheimer's Disease or not) (TRUE) or a quantitative study (e.g. a GWAS of height, or an eQTL) (FALSE).


[Optional] Name of the a column in dat to extract SNP-wise prior probabilities from.


Print messages.


Set the random seed for reproducible results.


Number of threads to parallelise across (when applicable).


Conda environment to use.

See Also

Other finemapping functions: create_method_path(), multifinemap_handler_method(), multifinemap()

RajLabMSSM/echofinemap documentation built on Jan. 3, 2023, 1:42 a.m.