
Defines functions smooth_with_cutoffs json2sf_cs txt2elevations txt2coords journey

Documented in journey json2sf_cs smooth_with_cutoffs

#' Plan a journey with CycleStreets.net
#' R interface to the CycleStreets.net journey planning API,
#' a route planner made by cyclists for cyclists.
#' See [cyclestreets.net/api](https://www.cyclestreets.net/api/) for details.
#' @details
#' Requires the internet and a CycleStreets.net API key.
#' CycleStreets.net does not yet work worldwide.
#' You need to have an api key for this code to run.
#' By default it uses the CYCLESTREETS environment variable.
#' This can be set with `usethis::edit_r_environ()`.
#' A full list of variables (`cols`) available is represented by:
#' ```
#' c("time", "busynance", "signalledJunctions", "signalledCrossings",
#' "name", "walk", "elevations", "distances", "start", "finish",
#' "startSpeed", "start_longitude", "start_latitude", "finish_longitude",
#' "finish_latitude", "crow_fly_distance", "event", "whence", "speed",
#' "itinerary", "clientRouteId", "plan", "note", "length", "quietness",
#' "west", "south", "east", "north", "leaving", "arriving", "grammesCO2saved",
#' "calories", "edition", "geometry")
#' ```
#' See [www.cyclestreets.net/help/journey/howitworks/](https://www.cyclestreets.net/help/journey/howitworks/)
#' for details on how these are calculated.
#' @param from Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g. `c(-1.55, 53.80)`
#' @param to Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g. `c(-1.55, 53.80)`
#' @param plan Text strong of either "fastest" (default), "quietest" or "balanced"
#' @param silent Logical (default is FALSE). TRUE hides request sent.
#' @param pat The API key used. By default this uses `Sys.getenv("CYCLESTREETS")`.
#' @param base_url The base url from which to construct API requests
#' (with default set to main server)
#' @param reporterrors Boolean value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating if cyclestreets (TRUE by default).
#' should report errors (FALSE by default).
#' @param save_raw Boolean value which returns raw list from the json if TRUE (FALSE by default).
#' @param smooth_gradient Identify and fix anomalous gradients? TRUE by default. See
#' https://github.com/Robinlovelace/cyclestreets/issues/14
#' @inheritParams json2sf_cs
#' @inheritParams smooth_with_cutoffs
#' @seealso json2sf_cs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' from = c(-1.55, 53.80) # geo_code("leeds")
#' to = c(-1.76, 53.80) # geo_code("bradford uk")
#' r1 = journey(from, to)
#' names(r1)
#' r1[1:2, ]
#' r1$grammesCO2saved
#' r1$calories
#' plot(r1[1:4])
#' plot(r1[10:ncol(r1)])
#' to = c(-2, 53.5) # towards Manchester
#' r1 = journey(from, to)
#' names(r1)
#' r2 = journey(from, to, plan = "balanced")
#' plot(r1["quietness"], reset = FALSE)
#' plot(r2["quietness"], add = TRUE)
#' r3 = journey(from, to, silent = FALSE)
#' r4 = journey(from, to, save_raw = TRUE)
#' r5 = journey(c(-1.524, 53.819), c(-1.556, 53.806))
#' plot(r5["gradient_segment"])
#' plot(r5["gradient_smooth"])
#' }
journey <- function(from, to, plan = "fastest", silent = TRUE,
                    pat = NULL,
                    base_url = "https://www.cyclestreets.net",
                    reporterrors = TRUE,
                    save_raw = "FALSE",
                    cols = c(
                    cols_extra = c(
                      "crow_fly_distance", "event", "whence", "speed",
                      "itinerary", "clientRouteId", "plan", "note", "length", "quietness",
                      "west", "south", "east", "north", "leaving", "arriving", "grammesCO2saved",
                      "calories", "edition",
                    smooth_gradient = TRUE,
                    distance_cutoff = 50,
                    gradient_cutoff = 0.1,
                    n = 3
                    ) {

  if(is.null(pat)) pat = Sys.getenv("CYCLESTREETS")
  orig <- paste0(from, collapse = ",")
  dest <- paste0(to, collapse = ",")
  ft_string <- paste(orig, dest, sep = "|")

  httrmsg = httr::modify_url(
    path = "api/journey.json",
    query = list(
      key = pat,
      itinerarypoints = ft_string,
      plan = plan,
      reporterrors = ifelse(reporterrors == TRUE, 1, 0)

  if (silent == FALSE) {
    print(paste0("The request sent to cyclestreets.net was: ", httrmsg))

  httrreq <- httr::GET(httrmsg)

  if (grepl('application/json', httrreq$headers$`content-type`) == FALSE) {
    stop("Error: CycleStreets did not return a valid result")

  txt <- httr::content(httrreq, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
  if (txt == "") {
    stop("Error: CycleStreets did not return a valid result")

  obj <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)

  if (is.element("error", names(obj))) {
    stop(paste0("Error: ", obj$error))

  if(save_raw) {
  } else {
    r = json2sf_cs(obj, cols = cols, cols_extra = cols_extra,

# obj = jsonlite::read_json(f, simplifyVector = TRUE)

txt2coords = function(txt) { # helper function to document...
  coords_split <- stringr::str_split(txt, pattern = " |,")[[1]]
  matrix(as.numeric(coords_split), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# txt2coords(obj$marker$`@attributes`$points[2])

# e = obj$marker$`@attributes`$elevations[1] # for whole journey
# e1 = obj$marker$`@attributes`$elevations[2] # for 1st segment
# txt = obj$marker$`@attributes`$elevations[2] # for 2nd segment

txt2elevations = function(txt) { # helper function to document...
  coords_split <- stringr::str_split(txt, pattern = ",")[[1]]

#' Convert output from CycleStreets.net into sf object
#' @param obj Object from CycleStreets.net read-in with
#' @param cols Columns to be included in the result, a character vector or `NULL` for all available columns (see details for default)
#' @param cols_extra Additional columns to be added providing summaries of gradient and other variables
#' @inheritParams smooth_with_cutoffs
#' @inheritParams journey
#' @export
#' @examples
#' from = "Leeds Rail Station"
#' to = "University of Leeds"
#' # from_point = tmaptools::geocode_OSM(from)
#' # to_point = tmaptools::geocode_OSM(to)
#' from_point = c(-1.54408, 53.79360)
#' to_point =   c(-1.54802, 53.79618)
#' # save result from the API call to journey.json
#' # res_json = journey(from_point, to_point, silent = FALSE, save_raw = TRUE)
#' # jsonlite::write_json(res_json, "inst/extdata/journey.json")
#' f = system.file(package = "cyclestreets", "extdata/journey.json")
#' obj = jsonlite::read_json(f, simplifyVector = TRUE)
#' rsf = json2sf_cs(obj, cols = c("distances"))
#' names(rsf)
#' rsf
#' rsf2 = json2sf_cs(obj, cols = NULL, cols_extra = NULL)
#' names(rsf2)
#' # stplanr::line2points(rsf) extract start and end points
#' sf:::plot.sf(rsf)
#' json2sf_cs(obj, cols = c("time", "busynance", "elevations"))
#' json2sf_cs(obj, cols = c("distances"), smooth_gradient = TRUE,
#'   gradient_cutoff = 0.05, distance_cutoff = 50)
json2sf_cs <- function(
  cols = NULL,
  cols_extra = c(
  # "gradient_mean",
  # "gradient_median",
  # "gradient_p75",
  # "gradient_max",
  smooth_gradient = FALSE,
  distance_cutoff = 50,
  gradient_cutoff = 0.1,
  n = 3
) {
  coord_list = lapply(obj$marker$`@attributes`$points[-1], txt2coords)
  elev_list = lapply(obj$marker$`@attributes`$elevations[-1], txt2elevations)
  elev_diff_list = lapply(elev_list, function(x) diff(stats::lag(x, 1)))
  # dist_list1 = geodist::geodist(rbind(coord_list[[1]][1, ], coord_list[[1]][2, ]), sequential = TRUE)
  # dist_list2 = geodist::geodist(
  #   data.frame(x = coord_list[[1]][, 1], y = coord_list[[1]][, 2]),
  #   sequential = TRUE
  #   )
  dist_list = lapply(coord_list, function(x) {
      data.frame(x = x[, 1], y = x[, 2]),
      sequential = TRUE
  # gradient_list = purrr::map2(elev_diff_list, dist_list, ~.x / .y)
  gradient_list = mapply(function(x, y) x / y, elev_diff_list, dist_list)
  rsfl = lapply(coord_list, sf::st_linestring) %>%

  # variables - constant
  n_segs = length(rsfl)
  # cols_lengths = sapply(obj$marker$`@attributes`, length)
  # cyclestreets_column_names = names(cols_lengths)
  # usethis::use_data(cyclestreets_column_names)
  cols_na = sapply(obj$marker$`@attributes`, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
  sel_constant = cols_na == n_segs &
    names(cols_na) != "coordinates"
  cols_constant = names(cols_na)[sel_constant]
  vals_constant = lapply(cols_constant, function(x)
  names(vals_constant) = cols_constant
    vals_numeric = lapply(vals_constant, as.numeric)
  sel_numeric = !is.na(vals_numeric)
  vals_constant[sel_numeric] = vals_numeric[sel_numeric]
  d_constant = data.frame(vals_constant)[rep(1, n_segs), ]

  # useful cols: busynance, name, elevations, distances, turn,provisionName

  sel_variable = cols_na == 0 &
    !grepl("startBearing|type", names(cols_na))
  cols_variable = names(cols_na)[sel_variable]
  vals_variable = lapply(cols_variable, function(x)
  names(vals_variable) = cols_variable
  # vals_variable # take a look - which ones to process?
  vals_variable$elevation_mean = stringr::str_split(vals_variable$elevations, pattern = ",") %>%
    lapply(as.numeric) %>%
    lapply(mean) %>%
  vals_variable$elevation_start = stringr::str_split(vals_variable$elevations, pattern = ",") %>%
    lapply(as.numeric) %>%
    lapply(utils::head, 1) %>%
  vals_variable$elevation_end = stringr::str_split(vals_variable$elevations, pattern = ",") %>%
    lapply(as.numeric) %>%
    lapply(utils::tail, 1) %>%
  vals_variable$elevation_max = stringr::str_split(vals_variable$elevations, pattern = ",") %>%
    lapply(as.numeric) %>%
    lapply(max) %>%
  vals_variable$elevation_min = stringr::str_split(vals_variable$elevations, pattern = ",") %>%
    lapply(as.numeric) %>%
    lapply(min) %>%
  vals_variable$gradient_mean = lapply(gradient_list, function(x) mean(abs(x))) %>%
  vals_variable$gradient_median = lapply(
    function(x) stats::median(abs(x))
  ) %>%
  vals_variable$gradient_p75 = lapply(
    function(x) stats::quantile(abs(x), probs = 0.75)
  ) %>%
  vals_variable$gradient_max = lapply(
    function(x) max(abs(x))
  ) %>%
  vals_variable$distances = stringr::str_split(vals_variable$distances, pattern = ",") %>%
    lapply(as.numeric) %>%
    lapply(sum) %>%
    vals_vnumeric = lapply(vals_variable, as.numeric)
  vals_vnumeric$name = vals_variable$name
  d_variable = data.frame(vals_vnumeric)

  # manually add records
  d_variable$gradient_segment = (vals_variable$elevation_max -
    vals_variable$elevation_min) / vals_variable$distances
  d_variable$elevation_change = (vals_variable$elevation_max -

  d_variable$provisionName = obj$marker$`@attributes`$provisionName[-1]
  if(!is.null(cols_extra)) {
    cols_extra_variable = c(cols, cols_extra)[c(cols, cols_extra) %in%
    d_variable = d_variable[cols_extra_variable]
  d_all = cbind(d_variable, d_constant)

  if(!is.null(cols)) {
    # names(d_all)[! names(d_all) %in% c(cols, cols_extra)]
    # c(cols, cols_extra)[! c(cols, cols_extra) %in% names(d_all)]
    d_all = d_all[c(cols, cols_extra)]

  # todo: create more segment-level statistics (vectors) +
  # add them to the data frame (d) below

  r = sf::st_sf(d_all, geometry = rsfl, crs = 4326)

    r$gradient_smooth = smooth_with_cutoffs(



#' Identify and smooth-out anomalous gradient values
#' When `distance_cutoff` and `gradient_cutoff` thresholds are both broken
#' for route segments, this function treats them as anomalous and
#' sets the offending gradient values to the mean of the `n`
#' segments closest to (in front of and behind) the offending segment.
#' @param gradient_segment The gradient for each segment from CycleStreets.net
#' @param elevation_change The difference between the maximum and minimum elevations within each segment
#' @param distances The distance of each segment
#' @param distance_cutoff Distance (m) used to identify anomalous gradients
#' @param gradient_cutoff Gradient (%, e.g. 0.1 being 10%) used to identify anomalous gradients
#' @param n The number of segments to use to smooth anomalous gradents.
#' The default is 3, meaning segments directly before, after and including the offending segment.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' f = system.file(package = "cyclestreets", "extdata/journey.json")
#' obj = jsonlite::read_json(f, simplifyVector = TRUE)
#' rsf = json2sf_cs(obj, cols = c("distances"))
#' rsf$gradient_segment
#' rsf$elevation_change
#' rsf$distances
#' smooth_with_cutoffs(rsf$gradient_segment, rsf$elevation_change, rsf$distances)
#' smooth_with_cutoffs(rsf$gradient_segment, rsf$elevation_change, rsf$distances, 20, 0.05)
#' smooth_with_cutoffs(rsf$gradient_segment, rsf$elevation_change, rsf$distances, 200, 0.02)
#' smooth_with_cutoffs(rsf$gradient_segment, rsf$elevation_change, rsf$distances, 200, 0.02, n = 5)
smooth_with_cutoffs = function(
  distance_cutoff = 50,
  gradient_cutoff = 0.1,
  n = 3
) {
  sel = gradient_segment > gradient_cutoff & distances <= distance_cutoff
  # summary(sel)
    gradient_segment_smooth = {
      stplanr::route_rolling_average(elevation_change, n = n) /
        stplanr::route_rolling_average(distances, n = n)
    message("Please install stplanr")

  gradient_segment[sel] = gradient_segment_smooth[sel]

  if(any(is.na(gradient_segment))) {
    message("NA values detected")
    gradient_segment[is.na(gradient_segment)] =
      mean(gradient_segment, na.rm = TRUE)

Robinlovelace/cyclestreets documentation built on June 26, 2021, 11:22 p.m.