
Defines functions h_determine_dlts h_unpack_stopit h_simulations_output_format h_this_truth get_result_list set_seed

Documented in get_result_list h_determine_dlts h_simulations_output_format h_this_truth h_unpack_stopit set_seed

#' Helper Function to Set and Save the RNG Seed
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This code is basically copied from `stats:::simulate.lm`.
#' @param seed an object specifying if and how the random number generator
#' should be initialized ("seeded"). Either `NULL` (default) or an
#' integer that will be used in a call to [set.seed()] before
#' simulating the response vectors. If set, the value is saved as the
#' `seed` slot of the returned object. The default, `NULL` will
#' not change the random generator state.
#' @return The integer vector containing the random number generate state will
#' be returned, in order to call this function with this input to reproduce
#' the obtained simulation results.
#' @export
set_seed <- function(seed = NULL) {
  assert_number(seed, null.ok = TRUE)

  if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {

  if (is.null(seed)) {
    get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else {
    seed <- as.integer(seed)
    r_seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    # Make sure r_seed exists in parent frame.
    assign(".r_seed", r_seed, envir = parent.frame())
    # Here we need the r_seed in the parent.frame!
      list(quote(assign(".Random.seed", .r_seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))),
      envir = parent.frame()
    structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))

#' Helper Function to Obtain Simulation Results List
#' The function `fun` can use variables that are visible to itself.
#' The names of these variables have to be given in the vector `vars`.
#' @param fun (`function`)\cr the simulation function for a single iteration, which takes as
#' single parameter the iteration index.
#' @param nsim number of simulations to be conducted.
#' @param vars names of the variables.
#' @param parallel should the simulation runs be parallelized across the
#' clusters of the computer?
#' @param n_cores how many cores should be used for parallel computing?
#' @return The list with all simulation results (one iteration corresponds
#' to one list element).
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallelly availableCores
#' @keywords internal programming
get_result_list <- function(
    n_cores) {
  assert_integerish(n_cores, lower = 1)

  if (!parallel) {
      X = seq_len(nsim),
      FUN = fun
  } else {
    # Process all simulations.
    cores <- min(

    # Start the cluster.
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)

    # Load the required R package.
    parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {

    # Export local variables from the caller environment.
    # Note: parent.frame() is different from parent.env() which returns
    # the environment where this function has been defined!
      cl = cl,
      varlist = vars,
      envir = parent.frame()

    # Export all global variables.
      cl = cl,
      varlist = ls(.GlobalEnv)

    # Load user extensions from global options.
    crmpack_extensions <- getOption("crmpack_extensions")
    if (is.null(crmpack_extensions) != TRUE) {
          parallel::clusterCall(cl, crmpack_extensions)
        error = function(e) {
          stop("Failed to export crmpack_extensions: ", e$message)

    # Do the computations in parallel.
    res <- parallel::parLapply(
      cl = cl,
      X = seq_len(nsim),
      fun = fun

    # Stop the cluster.


#' Helper Function to call truth calculation
#' @param dose (`number`)\cr current dose.
#' @param truth (`function`)\cr defines the true probability for a DLT at a dose.
#' @param this_args (`data.frame`)\cr list of arguments for the truth.
#' @return The updated `this_truth`.
#' @keywords internal
h_this_truth <- function(dose, this_args, truth) {
    ## First argument: the dose
      ## Following arguments

#' Helper Function to create return list for Simulations output
#' @param resultList (`list`)\cr raw iteration output.
#' @return aggregated output for simulation object `list`.
#' @keywords internal
h_simulations_output_format <- function(resultList) {
  ## put everything in the Simulations format:

  ## setup the list for the simulated data objects
  dataList <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "data")

  ## the vector of the final dose recommendations
  recommendedDoses <- as.numeric(sapply(resultList, "[[", "dose"))

  ## setup the list for the final fits
  fitList <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "fit")

  ## the reasons for stopping
  stopReasons <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "stop")

  # individual stopping rule results as matrix, labels as column names
  stopResults <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "report_results")
  stop_matrix <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind, stopResults))

  # Result list of additional statistical summary.
  additional_stats <- lapply(resultList, "[[", "additional_stats")

    dataList = dataList,
    recommendedDoses = recommendedDoses,
    fitList = fitList,
    stopReasons = stopReasons,
    stopResults = stopResults,
    additional_stats = additional_stats,
    stop_matrix = stop_matrix

#' Helper function to recursively unpack stopping rules and return lists with
#' logical value and label given
#' @param stopit_tree object from simulate method
#' @return named list

h_unpack_stopit <- function(stopit_tree) {
  label <- attr(stopit_tree, "report_label")
  value <- stopit_tree[1]
  names(value) <- label
  if (is.null(attr(stopit_tree, "individual"))) {
  } else {
    return(unlist(c(value, lapply(attr(stopit_tree, "individual"), h_unpack_stopit))))

#' Helper function to determine the dlts including first separate and placebo
#' condition
#' @param data (`Data`)\cr what data to start from.
#' @param dose (`number`)\cr current dose.
#' @param prob (`function`)\cr defines the true probability for a DLT at a dose.
#' @param prob_placebo (`function`)\cr defines the true probability for a DLT at a placebo condition.
#' @param cohort_size (`number`)\cr the cohort size to use.
#' @param cohort_size_placebo (`number`)\cr the cohort size to use for placebo condition.
#' @param dose_grid (`numeric`)\cr the dose_grid as specified by the user.
#' @param first_separate (`flag`)\cr whether the first patient is enrolled separately.
#' @return updated data object
#' @keywords internal

h_determine_dlts <- function(data,
                             first_separate) {
  assert_class(data, "Data")

  if (first_separate && cohort_size > 1) {
    dlts <- rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = prob)
    if ((data@placebo) && cohort_size_placebo > 0) {
      dlts_placebo <- rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = prob_placebo)
    if (dlts == 0) {
      dlts <- c(dlts, rbinom(n = cohort_size - 1L, size = 1, prob = prob))
      if ((data@placebo) && cohort_size_placebo > 0) {
        dlts_placebo <- c(dlts_placebo, rbinom(
          n = cohort_size_placebo, # cohort_size_placebo - 1?
          size = 1,
          prob = prob_placebo
  } else {
    dlts <- rbinom(n = cohort_size, size = 1, prob = prob)
    if ((data@placebo) && cohort_size_placebo > 0) {
      dlts_placebo <- rbinom(n = cohort_size_placebo, size = 1, prob = prob_placebo)

  if ((data@placebo) && cohort_size_placebo > 0) {
    this_data <- update(
      object = data,
      x = dose_grid,
      y = dlts_placebo,
      check = FALSE

    ## update the data with active dose
    this_data <- update(
      object = this_data,
      x = dose,
      y = dlts,
      new_cohort = FALSE
  } else {
    ## update the data with this cohort
    this_data <- update(
      object = data,
      x = dose,
      y = dlts
Roche/crmPack documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:31 a.m.