
Defines functions collapse_values collapse_path path_enriched_df .get_formatted_colnames handle_rdf_row .remove_root_elems_from_path do_data_row do_content_row do_label_row make_result_df_md_colnames .make_numeric_char_mf .remove_empty_elements result_df_v0_experimental lookup_result_df_specfun result_df_specs .simplify_result_df as_result_df

Documented in as_result_df path_enriched_df result_df_specs

# data.frame output ------------------------------------------------------------

#' Generate a result data frame
#' Collection of utilities to extract `data.frame` objects from `TableTree` objects.
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param spec (`string`)\cr the specification to use to extract the result data frame. See Details below.
#' @param simplify (`flag`)\cr whether the result data frame should only have labels and result columns visible.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to spec-specific result data frame conversion function. Currently it can be
#'   one or more of the following parameters (valid only for `v0_experimental` spec. for now):
#'   - `expand_colnames`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have expanded column names above the usual
#'     output. This is useful when the result data frame is used for further processing.
#'   - `simplify`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have only visible labels and result columns.
#'   - `as_strings`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have all values as strings, as they appear
#'     in the final table (it can also be retrieved from `matrix_form(tt)$strings`). This is also true for
#'     column counts if `expand_colnames = TRUE`.
#'   - `as_viewer`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have all values as they appear in the final table,
#'     i.e. with the same precision and numbers, but in easy-to-use numeric form.
#'   - `keep_label_rows`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have all labels as they appear in the
#'     final table.
#'   - `as_is`: when `TRUE`, the result data frame will have all the values as they appear in the final table,
#'     but without information about the row structure. Row labels will be assigned to rows so to work well
#'     with [df_to_tt()].
#' @details `as_result_df()`: Result data frame specifications may differ in the exact information
#' they include and the form in which they represent it. Specifications whose names end in "_experimental"
#' are subject to change without notice, but specifications without the "_experimental"
#' suffix will remain available *including any bugs in their construction* indefinitely.
#' @return
#' * `as_result_df` returns a result `data.frame`.
#' @seealso [df_to_tt()] when using `as_is = TRUE` and [formatters::make_row_df()] to have a comprehensive view of the
#'   hierarchical structure of the rows.
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'   split_rows_by("STRATA1") %>%
#'   analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2"))
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
#' as_result_df(tbl)
#' @name data.frame_export
#' @export
as_result_df <- function(tt, spec = "v0_experimental", simplify = FALSE, ...) {
  checkmate::assert_class(tt, "VTableTree")

  if (nrow(tt) == 0) {

  result_df_fun <- lookup_result_df_specfun(spec)
  out <- result_df_fun(tt, ...)

  if (simplify) {
    out <- .simplify_result_df(out)


# Function that selects specific outputs from the result data frame
.simplify_result_df <- function(df) {
  col_df <- colnames(df)
  row_names_col <- which(col_df == "row_name")
  result_cols <- seq(which(col_df == "node_class") + 1, length(col_df))

  df[, c(row_names_col, result_cols)]

# Not used in rtables
# .split_colwidths <- function(ptabs, nctot, colwidths) {
#   ret <- list()
#   i <- 1L
#   rlw <- colwidths[1]
#   colwidths <- colwidths[-1]
#   donenc <- 0
#   while (donenc < nctot) {
#     curnc <- NCOL(ptabs[[i]])
#     ret[[i]] <- c(rlw, colwidths[seq_len(curnc)])
#     colwidths <- colwidths[-1 * seq_len(curnc)]
#     donenc <- donenc + curnc
#     i <- i + 1
#   }
#   ret
# }

#' @describeIn data.frame_export A list of functions that extract result data frames from `TableTree`s.
#' @return
#' * `result_df_specs()` returns a named list of result data frame extraction functions by "specification".
#' @examples
#' result_df_specs()
#' @export
result_df_specs <- function() {
  list(v0_experimental = result_df_v0_experimental)

lookup_result_df_specfun <- function(spec) {
  if (!(spec %in% names(result_df_specs()))) {
      "unrecognized result data frame specification: ",
      "If that specification is correct you may need to update your version of rtables"

result_df_v0_experimental <- function(tt,
                                      as_viewer = FALSE,
                                      as_strings = FALSE,
                                      expand_colnames = FALSE,
                                      keep_label_rows = FALSE,
                                      as_is = FALSE) {

  if (as_is) {
    keep_label_rows <- TRUE
    expand_colnames <- FALSE

  raw_cvals <- cell_values(tt)
  ## if the table has one row and multiple columns, sometimes the cell values returns a list of the cell values
  ## rather than a list of length 1 representing the single row. This is bad but may not be changeable
  ## at this point.
  if (nrow(tt) == 1 && length(raw_cvals) > 1) {
    raw_cvals <- list(raw_cvals)

  # Flatten the list of lists (rows) of cell values into a data frame
  cellvals <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, raw_cvals))
  row.names(cellvals) <- NULL

  if (nrow(tt) == 1 && ncol(tt) == 1) {
    colnames(cellvals) <- names(raw_cvals)

  if (as_viewer || as_strings) {
    # we keep previous calculations to check the format of the data
    mf_tt <- matrix_form(tt)
    mf_result_chars <- mf_strings(mf_tt)[-seq_len(mf_nlheader(mf_tt)), -1]
    mf_result_chars <- .remove_empty_elements(mf_result_chars)
    mf_result_numeric <- as.data.frame(
    mf_result_chars <- as.data.frame(mf_result_chars)
    if (!setequal(dim(mf_result_numeric), dim(cellvals)) || !setequal(dim(mf_result_chars), dim(cellvals))) {
        "The extracted numeric data.frame does not have the same dimension of the",
        " cell values extracted with cell_values(). This is a bug. Please report it."
      ) # nocov
    if (as_strings) {
      colnames(mf_result_chars) <- colnames(cellvals)
      cellvals <- mf_result_chars
    } else {
      colnames(mf_result_numeric) <- colnames(cellvals)
      cellvals <- mf_result_numeric

  rdf <- make_row_df(tt)

  df <- rdf[, c("name", "label", "abs_rownumber", "path", "reprint_inds", "node_class")]
  # Removing initial root elements from path (out of the loop -> right maxlen)
  df$path <- lapply(df$path, .remove_root_elems_from_path,
    which_root_name = c("root", "rbind_root"),
    all = TRUE
  maxlen <- max(lengths(df$path))

  # Loop for metadata (path and details from make_row_df)
  metadf <- do.call(
      function(ii) {
        handle_rdf_row(df[ii, ], maxlen = maxlen)

  # Should we keep label rows with NAs instead of values?
  if (keep_label_rows) {
    cellvals_mat_struct <- as.data.frame(
      matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(rdf), ncol = ncol(cellvals))
    colnames(cellvals_mat_struct) <- colnames(cellvals)
    cellvals_mat_struct[metadf$node_class != "LabelRow", ] <- cellvals
    ret <- cbind(metadf, cellvals_mat_struct)
  } else {
    ret <- cbind(
      metadf[metadf$node_class != "LabelRow", ],

  # If we want to expand colnames
  if (expand_colnames) {
    col_name_structure <- .get_formatted_colnames(clayout(tt))
    number_of_non_data_cols <- which(colnames(ret) == "node_class")
    if (NCOL(ret) - number_of_non_data_cols != NCOL(col_name_structure)) {
        "When expanding colnames structure, we were not able to find the same",
        " number of columns as in the result data frame. This is a bug. Please report it."
      ) # nocov

    buffer_rows_for_colnames <- matrix(
      rep("<only_for_column_names>", number_of_non_data_cols * NROW(col_name_structure)),
      nrow = NROW(col_name_structure)

    header_colnames_matrix <- cbind(buffer_rows_for_colnames, data.frame(col_name_structure))
    colnames(header_colnames_matrix) <- colnames(ret)

    count_row <- NULL
    if (disp_ccounts(tt)) {
      ccounts <- col_counts(tt)
      if (as_strings) {
        ccounts <- mf_strings(mf_tt)[mf_nlheader(mf_tt), ]
        ccounts <- .remove_empty_elements(ccounts)
      count_row <- c(rep("<only_for_column_counts>", number_of_non_data_cols), ccounts)
      header_colnames_matrix <- rbind(header_colnames_matrix, count_row)
    ret <- rbind(header_colnames_matrix, ret)

  # Using only labels for row names and losing information about paths
  if (as_is) {
    tmp_rownames <- ret$label_name
    ret <- ret[, -seq_len(which(colnames(ret) == "node_class"))]
    if (length(unique(tmp_rownames)) == length(tmp_rownames)) {
      rownames(ret) <- tmp_rownames
    } else {
      ret <- cbind("label_name" = tmp_rownames, ret)
      rownames(ret) <- NULL
  } else {
    rownames(ret) <- NULL


.remove_empty_elements <- function(char_df) {
  if (is.null(dim(char_df))) {
    return(char_df[nzchar(char_df, keepNA = TRUE)])

  apply(char_df, 2, function(col_i) col_i[nzchar(col_i, keepNA = TRUE)])

# Helper function to make the character matrix numeric
.make_numeric_char_mf <- function(char_df) {
  if (is.null(dim(char_df))) {
    return(as.numeric(stringi::stri_extract_all(char_df, regex = "\\d+.\\d+|\\d+")))

  ret <- apply(char_df, 2, function(col_i) {
      stringi::stri_extract_all(col_i, regex = "\\d+.\\d+|\\d+"),

  do.call(cbind, ret)

make_result_df_md_colnames <- function(maxlen) {
  spllen <- floor((maxlen - 2) / 2)
  ret <- character()
  if (spllen > 0) {
    ret <- paste(c("spl_var", "spl_value"), rep(seq_len(spllen), rep(2, spllen)), sep = "_")
  ret <- c(ret, c("avar_name", "row_name", "label_name", "row_num", "is_group_summary", "node_class"))

do_label_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {
  pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]]
  # Adjusting for the fact that we have two columns for each split
  extra_nas_from_splits <- floor((maxlen - length(pth)) / 2) * 2

  # Special cases with hidden labels
  if (length(pth) %% 2 == 1) {
    extra_nas_from_splits <- extra_nas_from_splits + 1

    as.list(pth[seq_len(length(pth) - 1)]),
    as.list(replicate(extra_nas_from_splits, list(NA_character_))),
    as.list(tail(pth, 1)),
      label_name = rdfrow$label,
      row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber,
      content = FALSE,
      node_class = rdfrow$node_class

do_content_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {
  pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]]
  contpos <- which(pth == "@content")

  seq_before <- seq_len(contpos - 1)

    as.list(replicate(maxlen - contpos, list(NA_character_))),
    list(tail(pth, 1)),
      label_name = rdfrow$label,
      row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber,
      content = TRUE,
      node_class = rdfrow$node_class

do_data_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {
  pth <- rdfrow$path[[1]]
  pthlen <- length(pth)
  ## odd means we have a multi-analsysis step in the path, we dont' want that in the result data frame
  if (pthlen %% 2 == 1) {
    pth <- pth[-1 * (pthlen - 2)]
  pthlen_new <- length(pth)
  if (maxlen == 1) pthlen_new <- 3
    as.list(pth[seq_len(pthlen_new - 2)]),
    replicate(maxlen - pthlen, list(NA_character_)),
    as.list(tail(pth, 2)),
      label_name = rdfrow$label,
      row_num = rdfrow$abs_rownumber,
      content = FALSE,
      node_class = rdfrow$node_class

.remove_root_elems_from_path <- function(path, which_root_name = c("root", "rbind_root"), all = TRUE) {
  any_root_paths <- path[1] %in% which_root_name
  if (any_root_paths) {
    if (isTRUE(all)) {
      # Selecting the header grouping of root and rbind_root (we do not want to remove other root labels-path later)
      root_indices <- which(path %in% which_root_name)
      if (any(diff(root_indices) > 1)) { # integer(0) for diff means FALSE
        end_point_root_headers <- which(diff(root_indices) > 1)[1]
      } else {
        end_point_root_headers <- length(root_indices)
      root_path_to_remove <- seq_len(end_point_root_headers)
    } else {
      root_path_to_remove <- 1
    path <- path[-root_path_to_remove]

  # Fix for very edge case where we have only root elements
  if (length(path) == 0) {
    path <- which_root_name[1]


handle_rdf_row <- function(rdfrow, maxlen) {
  nclass <- rdfrow$node_class

  ret <- switch(nclass,
    LabelRow = do_label_row(rdfrow, maxlen),
    ContentRow = do_content_row(rdfrow, maxlen),
    DataRow = do_data_row(rdfrow, maxlen),
    stop("Unrecognized node type in row dataframe, unable to generate result data frame")
  setNames(ret, make_result_df_md_colnames(maxlen))

# Helper recurrent function to get the column names for the result data frame from the VTableTree
.get_formatted_colnames <- function(clyt) {
  ret <- obj_label(clyt)
  if (!nzchar(ret)) {
    ret <- NULL
  if (is.null(tree_children(clyt))) {
  } else {
    ret <- rbind(ret, do.call(cbind, lapply(tree_children(clyt), .get_formatted_colnames)))
    colnames(ret) <- NULL
    rownames(ret) <- NULL

#' @describeIn data.frame_export Transform a `TableTree` object to a path-enriched `data.frame`.
#' @param path_fun (`function`)\cr function to transform paths into single-string row/column names.
#' @param value_fun (`function`)\cr function to transform cell values into cells of a `data.frame`. Defaults to
#'   `collapse_values`, which creates strings where multi-valued cells are collapsed together, separated by `|`.
#' @return
#' * `path_enriched_df()` returns a `data.frame` of `tt`'s cell values (processed by `value_fun`, with columns named by
#'   the full column paths (processed by `path_fun` and an additional `row_path` column with the row paths (processed
#'   by `path_fun`).
#' @examples
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'   split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
#'   analyze(c("AGE", "BMRKR2"))
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, ex_adsl)
#' path_enriched_df(tbl)
#' @export
path_enriched_df <- function(tt, path_fun = collapse_path, value_fun = collapse_values) {
  rdf <- make_row_df(tt)
  cdf <- make_col_df(tt)
  cvs <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, cell_values(tt)))
  cvs <- as.data.frame(lapply(cvs, value_fun))
  row.names(cvs) <- NULL
  colnames(cvs) <- path_fun(cdf$path)
  preppaths <- path_fun(rdf[rdf$node_class != "LabelRow", ]$path)
  cbind.data.frame(row_path = preppaths, cvs)

.collapse_char <- "|"
.collapse_char_esc <- "\\|"

collapse_path <- function(paths) {
  if (is.list(paths)) {
    return(vapply(paths, collapse_path, ""))
  paste(paths, collapse = .collapse_char)

collapse_values <- function(colvals) {
  if (!is.list(colvals)) { ## || all(vapply(colvals, length, 1L) == 1))
  } else if (all(vapply(colvals, length, 1L) == 1)) {
  vapply(colvals, paste, "", collapse = .collapse_char)
Roche/rtables documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 12:18 p.m.