### Plot for all modalitites
#' Map all modalities
#' Creates a map of all active and supplementary modalities on two selected
#' dimension.
#' @param object a soc.ca class object as created by \link{soc.mca} and
#' \link{soc.csa}
#' @param dim the dimensions in the order they are to be plotted. The first
#' number defines the horizontal axis and the second number defines the
#' vertical axis.
#' @param map.title the title of the map. If set to its default the standard
#' title is used.
#' @param labelx the label of the horizontal axis. If set to NULL a standard
#' label is used.
#' @param labely the label of the vertical axis. If set to NULL a standard label
#' is used.
#' @param point.shape a numerical value defining the shape of the points. If set
#' to its default, the default scale is used. It may be mapped to a variable
#' with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.alpha defines the alpha of the points. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.fill defines the fill color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.color defines the color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param point.size a numerical value defining the size of the points. If set
#' to its default, the size is determined by the frequency of each modality.
#' It may be defined by a variable with a suitable length.
#' @param label if TRUE each point is assigned its label, defined in the soc.ca
#' object. See \link{assign.label} and \link{add.to.label} for ways to alter
#' the labels.
#' @param label.repel if TRUE overlapping labels are rearranged, see \link{geom_text_repel} or \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param label.alpha defines the alpha of the labels. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.color defines the color of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param label.size defines the size of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.fill defines the color of the box behind the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. This only works if label.repel is TRUE. See \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param legend if set to TRUE a legend is provided. Change the legend with the
#' \link{guides}, \link{theme} and link{guide_legend} functions from the
#' ggplot2 package.
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' map.mod(result)
#' map.mod(result, dim = c(3, 2), point.size = 2)
#' @export
map.mod <- function(object, dim = c(1, 2),
point.shape = "variable", point.alpha = 0.8,
point.fill = "whitesmoke", point.color = "black", point.size = "freq",
label = TRUE, label.repel = FALSE, label.alpha = 0.8, label.color = "black", label.size = 4, label.fill = NULL,
map.title = "mod", labelx = "default", labely = "default", legend = NULL){
plot.type <- "mod"
dim = dim,
point.shape = point.shape,
point.alpha = point.alpha,
point.fill = point.fill,
point.color = point.color,
point.size = point.size,
label = label,
label.repel = label.repel,
label.alpha = label.alpha,
label.color = label.color,
label.size = label.size,
label.fill = label.fill,
map.title = map.title,
labelx = labelx,
labely = labely,
legend = legend,
plot.type = plot.type)
#' Map the most contributing modalities
#' Creates a map of the modalities contributing above average to one or more
#' dimensions on two selected dimension.
#' @param object a soc.ca class object as created by \link{soc.mca} and
#' \link{soc.csa}
#' @param dim the dimensions in the order they are to be plotted. The first
#' number defines the horizontal axis and the second number defines the
#' vertical axis.
#' @param ctr.dim the dimensions of the contribution values
#' @param map.title the title of the map. If set to its default the standard
#' title is used.
#' @param labelx the label of the horizontal axis. If set to NULL a standard
#' label is used.
#' @param labely the label of the vertical axis. If set to NULL a standard label
#' is used.
#' @param point.shape a numerical value defining the shape of the points. If set
#' to its default, the default scale is used. It may be mapped to a variable
#' with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.alpha defines the alpha of the points. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.fill defines the fill color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.color defines the color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param point.size a numerical value defining the size of the points. If set
#' to its default, the size is determined by the frequency of each modality.
#' It may be defined by a variable with a suitable length.
#' @param label if TRUE each point is assigned its label, defined in the soc.ca
#' object. See \link{assign.label} and \link{add.to.label} for ways to alter
#' the labels.
#' @param label.repel if TRUE overlapping labels are rearranged, see \link{geom_text_repel} or \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param label.alpha defines the alpha of the labels. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.color defines the color of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param label.size defines the size of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.fill defines the color of the box behind the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. This only works if label.repel is TRUE. See \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param legend if set to TRUE a legend is provided. Change the legend with the
#' \link{guides}, \link{theme} and link{guide_legend} functions from the
#' ggplot2 package.
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' map.ctr(result)
#' map.ctr(result, ctr.dim = c(1, 2))
#' @export
map.ctr <- function(object, dim = c(1, 2), ctr.dim = 1,
point.shape = "variable", point.alpha = 0.8, point.fill = "whitesmoke",
point.color = "black", point.size = "freq",
label = TRUE, label.repel = TRUE, label.alpha = 0.8, label.color = "black", label.size = 4, label.fill = NULL,
map.title = "ctr", labelx = "default", labely = "default", legend = NULL){
plot.type <- "ctr"
dim = dim,
ctr.dim = ctr.dim,
point.shape = point.shape,
point.alpha = point.alpha,
point.fill = point.fill,
point.color = point.color,
point.size = point.size,
label = label,
label.repel = label.repel,
label.alpha = label.alpha,
label.color = label.color,
label.size = label.size,
label.fill = label.fill,
map.title = map.title,
labelx = labelx,
labely = labely,
legend = legend,
plot.type = plot.type)
#' Map the active modalities
#' Creates a map of the active modalities on two selected dimensions.
#' @param object a soc.ca class object as created by \link{soc.mca} and
#' \link{soc.csa}
#' @param dim the dimensions in the order they are to be plotted. The first
#' number defines the horizontal axis and the second number defines the
#' vertical axis.
#' @param map.title the title of the map. If set to its default the standard
#' title is used.
#' @param labelx the label of the horizontal axis. If set to NULL a standard
#' label is used.
#' @param labely the label of the vertical axis. If set to NULL a standard label
#' is used.
#' @param point.shape a numerical value defining the shape of the points. If set
#' to its default, the default scale is used. It may be mapped to a variable
#' with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.alpha defines the alpha of the points. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.fill defines the fill color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.color defines the color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param point.size a numerical value defining the size of the points. If set
#' to its default, the size is determined by the frequency of each modality.
#' It may be defined by a variable with a suitable length.
#' @param label if TRUE each point is assigned its label, defined in the soc.ca
#' object. See \link{assign.label} and \link{add.to.label} for ways to alter
#' the labels.
#' @param label.repel if TRUE overlapping labels are rearranged, see \link{geom_text_repel} or \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param label.alpha defines the alpha of the labels. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.color defines the color of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param label.size defines the size of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.fill defines the color of the box behind the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. This only works if label.repel is TRUE. See \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param legend if set to TRUE a legend is provided. Change the legend with the
#' \link{guides}, \link{theme} and link{guide_legend} functions from the
#' ggplot2 package.
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' map.active(result)
#' map.active(result, dim = c(2, 1))
#' map.active(result, point.size = result$ctr.mod[, 1],
#' map.title = "All active modalities with size according to contribution")
#' @export
map.active <- function(object, dim = c(1, 2),
point.shape = "variable", point.alpha = 0.8, point.fill = "whitesmoke",
point.color = "black", point.size = "freq",
label = TRUE, label.repel = FALSE, label.alpha = 0.8, label.color = "black", label.size = 4, label.fill = NULL,
map.title = "active", labelx = "default", labely = "default", legend = NULL){
plot.type <- "active"
dim = dim,
point.shape = point.shape,
point.alpha = point.alpha,
point.fill = point.fill,
point.color = point.color,
point.size = point.size,
label = label,
label.repel = label.repel,
label.alpha = label.alpha,
label.color = label.color,
label.size = label.size,
label.fill = label.fill,
map.title = map.title,
labelx = labelx,
labely = labely,
legend = legend,
plot.type = plot.type)
#' Map the supplementary modalities
#' Creates a map of the supplementary modalities on two selected dimension.
#' @param object a soc.ca class object as created by \link{soc.mca} and
#' \link{soc.csa}
#' @param dim the dimensions in the order they are to be plotted. The first
#' number defines the horizontal axis and the second number defines the
#' vertical axis.
#' @param map.title the title of the map. If set to its default the standard
#' title is used.
#' @param labelx the label of the horizontal axis. If set to NULL a standard
#' label is used.
#' @param labely the label of the vertical axis. If set to NULL a standard label
#' is used.
#' @param point.shape a numerical value defining the shape of the points. If set
#' to its default, the default scale is used. It may be mapped to a variable
#' with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.alpha defines the alpha of the points. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.fill defines the fill color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.color defines the color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param point.size a numerical value defining the size of the points. If set
#' to its default, the size is determined by the frequency of each modality.
#' It may be defined by a variable with a suitable length.
#' @param label if TRUE each point is assigned its label, defined in the soc.ca
#' object. See \link{assign.label} and \link{add.to.label} for ways to alter
#' the labels.
#' @param label.repel if TRUE overlapping labels are rearranged, see \link{geom_text_repel} or \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param label.alpha defines the alpha of the labels. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.color defines the color of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param label.size defines the size of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.fill defines the color of the box behind the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. This only works if label.repel is TRUE. See \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param legend if set to TRUE a legend is provided. Change the legend with the
#' \link{guides}, \link{theme} and link{guide_legend} functions from the
#' ggplot2 package.
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' map.sup(result)
#' map.sup(result, dim = c(2, 1))
#' map.sup(result, point.size = result$coord.sup[, 4],
#' map.title = "All supplementary modalities with size according to coordinate on the 4th dimension")
#' @export
map.sup <- function(object, dim = c(1, 2),
point.shape = "variable", point.alpha = 0.8, point.fill = "whitesmoke",
point.color = "black", point.size = "freq",
label = TRUE, label.repel = TRUE, label.alpha = 0.8, label.color = "black", label.size = 4, label.fill = NULL,
map.title = "sup", labelx = "default", labely = "default", legend = NULL){
plot.type <- "sup"
dim = dim,
point.shape = point.shape,
point.alpha = point.alpha,
point.fill = point.fill,
point.color = point.color,
point.size = point.size,
label = label,
label.repel = label.repel,
label.alpha = label.alpha,
label.color = label.color,
label.size = label.size,
label.fill = label.fill,
map.title = map.title,
labelx = labelx,
labely = labely,
legend = legend,
plot.type = plot.type)
#' Map the individuals of a soc.ca analysis
#' Creates a map of the individuals on two selected dimension.
#' @param object a soc.ca class object as created by \link{soc.mca} and
#' \link{soc.csa}
#' @param dim the dimensions in the order they are to be plotted. The first
#' number defines the horizontal axis and the second number defines the
#' vertical axis.
#' @param map.title the title of the map. If set to its default the standard
#' title is used.
#' @param labelx the label of the horizontal axis. If set to NULL a standard
#' label is used.
#' @param labely the label of the vertical axis. If set to NULL a standard label
#' is used.
#' @param point.shape a numerical value defining the shape of the points. It may
#' be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.alpha defines the alpha of the points. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.fill defines the fill color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.color defines the color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param point.size a numerical value defining the size of the points. It may
#' be defined by a variable with a suitable length.
#' @param label if TRUE each point is assigned its label, defined in the soc.ca
#' object. See \link{assign.label} and \link{add.to.label} for ways to alter
#' the labels.
#' @param label.repel if TRUE overlapping labels are rearranged, see \link{geom_text_repel} or \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param label.alpha defines the alpha of the labels. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.color defines the color of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param label.size defines the size of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.fill defines the color of the box behind the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. This only works if label.repel is TRUE. See \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param legend if set to TRUE a legend is provided. Change the legend with the
#' \link{guides}, \link{theme} and link{guide_legend} functions from the
#' ggplot2 package.
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' map.ind(result)
#' map.ind(result, map.title = "Each individual is given its shape according to a value in a factor",
#' point.shape = active[, 1], legend = TRUE)
#' map <- map.ind(result, map.title = "The contribution of the individuals with new scale",
#' point.color = result$ctr.ind[, 1], point.shape = 18)
#' map + scale_color_continuous(low = "white", high = "red")
#' quad <- create.quadrant(result)
#' map.ind(result, map.title = "Individuals in the space given shape and color by their quadrant",
#' point.shape = quad, point.color = quad)
#' @export
map.ind <- function(object, dim = c(1, 2),
point.shape = 21, point.alpha = 0.8, point.fill = "whitesmoke",
point.color = "black", point.size = 3,
label = FALSE, label.repel = FALSE, label.alpha = 0.8, label.color = "black", label.size = 4, label.fill = NULL,
map.title = "ind", labelx = "default", labely = "default", legend = NULL){
plot.type <- "ind"
dim = dim,
point.shape = point.shape,
point.alpha = point.alpha,
point.fill = point.fill,
point.color = point.color,
point.size = point.size,
label = label,
label.repel = label.repel,
label.alpha = label.alpha,
label.color = label.color,
label.size = label.size,
label.fill = label.fill,
map.title = map.title,
labelx = labelx,
labely = labely,
legend = legend,
plot.type = plot.type)
#' Map select modalities and individuals
#' Creates a map of selected modalities or individuals
#' @param object a soc.ca class object as created by \link{soc.mca} and
#' \link{soc.csa}
#' @param dim the dimensions in the order they are to be plotted. The first
#' number defines the horizontal axis and the second number defines the
#' vertical axis.
#' @param list.mod a numerical vector indicating which active modalities to
#' plot. It may also be a logical vector of the same length and order as the
#' modalities in object$names.mod.
#' @param list.sup a numerical vector indicating which supplementary modalities
#' to plot. It may also be a logical vector of the same length and order as
#' the modalities in object$names.sup.
#' @param list.ind a numerical vector indicating which individuals to plot. It
#' may also be a logical vector of the same length and order as the modalities
#' in object$names.ind.
#' @param ctr.dim the dimensions of the contribution values
#' @param map.title the title of the map. If set to its default the standard
#' title is used.
#' @param labelx the label of the horizontal axis. If set to NULL a standard
#' label is used.
#' @param labely the label of the vertical axis. If set to NULL a standard label
#' is used.
#' @param point.shape a numerical value defining the shape of the points. If set
#' to its default, the default scale is used. It may be mapped to a variable
#' with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.alpha defines the alpha of the points. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.fill defines the fill color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.color defines the color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param point.size a numerical value defining the size of the points. If set
#' to its default, the size is determined by the frequency of each modality.
#' It may be defined by a variable with a suitable length.
#' @param label if TRUE each point is assigned its label, defined in the soc.ca
#' object. See \link{assign.label} and \link{add.to.label} for ways to alter
#' the labels.
#' @param label.repel if TRUE overlapping labels are rearranged, see \link{geom_text_repel} or \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param label.alpha defines the alpha of the labels. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.color defines the color of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param label.size defines the size of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.fill defines the color of the box behind the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. This only works if label.repel is TRUE. See \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param legend if set to TRUE a legend is provided. Change the legend with the
#' \link{guides}, \link{theme} and \link{guide_legend} functions from the
#' ggplot2 package.
#' @param ... further arguments are currently ignored.
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' map.select(result, map.title = "Map of the first ten modalities", list.mod = 1:10)
#' select <- active[, 3]
#' select <- select == levels(select)[2]
#' map.select(result, map.title = "Map of all individuals sharing a particular value",
#' list.ind = select, point.size = 3)
#' map.select(result, map.title = "Map of both select individuals and modalities",
#' list.ind = select, list.mod = 1:10)
#' @export
map.select <- function(object, dim = c(1, 2), ctr.dim = 1,
list.mod = NULL, list.sup = NULL, list.ind = NULL,
point.shape = "variable", point.alpha = 0.8, point.fill = "whitesmoke",
point.color = "black", point.size = "freq",
label = TRUE, label.repel = FALSE, label.alpha = 0.8, label.color = "black", label.size = 4, label.fill = NULL,
map.title = "select", labelx = "default", labely = "default", legend = NULL, ...){
modal.list <- list(list.mod = list.mod, list.sup = list.sup, list.ind = list.ind)
plot.type <- "select"
dim = dim,
ctr.dim = ctr.dim,
modal.list = modal.list,
point.shape = point.shape,
point.alpha = point.alpha,
point.fill = point.fill,
point.color = point.color,
point.size = point.size,
label = label,
label.repel = label.repel,
label.alpha = label.alpha,
label.color = label.color,
label.size = label.size,
label.fill = label.fill,
map.title = map.title,
labelx = labelx,
labely = labely,
legend = legend,
plot.type = plot.type)
#' Add points to an existing map created by one of the soc.ca mapping functions.
#' @param object a soc.ca class object as created by \link{soc.mca} and
#' \link{soc.csa}
#' @param ca.map a map created using one of the soc.ca map functions
#' @param plot.type defines which type of points to add to the map. Accepted
#' values are: "mod", "sup", "ind", "ctr". These values correspond to the
#' different forms of
#' @param list.mod a numerical vector indicating which active modalities to
#' plot. It may also be a logical vector of the same length and order as the
#' modalities in object$names.mod.
#' @param list.sup a numerical vector indicating which supplementary modalities
#' to plot. It may also be a logical vector of the same length and order as
#' the modalities in object$names.sup.
#' @param list.ind a numerical vector indicating which individuals to plot. It
#' may also be a logical vector of the same length and order as the modalities
#' in object$names.ind.
#' @param dim the dimensions in the order they are to be plotted. The first
#' number defines the horizontal axis and the second number defines the
#' vertical axis.
#' @param ctr.dim the dimensions of the contribution values
#' @param labelx the label of the horizontal axis. If set to NULL a standard
#' label is used.
#' @param labely the label of the vertical axis. If set to NULL a standard label
#' is used.
#' @param point.shape a numerical value defining the shape of the points. If set
#' to its default, the default scale is used. It may be mapped to a variable
#' with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.alpha defines the alpha of the points. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.fill defines the fill color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param point.color defines the color of the points. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param point.size a numerical value defining the size of the points. If set
#' to its default, the size is determined by the frequency of each modality.
#' It may be defined by a variable with a suitable length.
#' @param label if TRUE each point is assigned its label, defined in the soc.ca
#' object. See \link{assign.label} and \link{add.to.label} for ways to alter
#' the labels.
#' @param label.repel if TRUE overlapping labels are rearranged, see \link{geom_text_repel} or \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param label.alpha defines the alpha of the labels. Values range from 0 to 1.
#' It may be mapped to a variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.color defines the color of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. See \link{colors} for some of
#' the valid values.
#' @param label.size defines the size of the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order.
#' @param label.fill defines the color of the box behind the labels. It may be mapped to a
#' variable with a suitable length and order. This only works if label.repel is TRUE. See \link{geom_label_repel}.
#' @param legend if set to TRUE a legend is provided. Change the legend with the
#' \link{guides}, \link{theme} and link{guide_legend} functions from the
#' ggplot2 package.
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' original.map <- map.sup(result)
#' map.add(result, original.map, plot.type = "ctr", ctr.dim = 2)
#' map.add(result, map.ind(result), plot.type = "select",list.ind = 1:50,
#' point.color = "red", label = FALSE, point.size = result$ctr.ind[1:50, 1]*2000)
#' @export
map.add <- function(object, ca.map, plot.type = NULL,
ctr.dim = 1, list.mod = NULL, list.sup = NULL, list.ind = NULL,
point.shape = "variable", point.alpha = 0.8, point.fill = "whitesmoke",
point.color = "black", point.size = "freq",
label = TRUE, label.repel = TRUE, label.alpha = 0.8, label.color = "black", label.size = 4, label.fill = NULL,
labelx = "default", labely = "default", legend = NULL){
p <- ca.map
dim <- ca.map$dimensions
org.scales <- ca.map$ca.scales
modal.list <- list(list.mod = list.mod, list.sup = list.sup, list.ind = list.ind)
gg.data <- data.plot(object,
plot.type = plot.type,
dim = dim,
ctr.dim = ctr.dim,
modal.list = modal.list,
point.size = point.size,
point.variable = point.shape)
if(identical(point.shape,"variable")) point.shape <- gg.data$variable
if(identical(point.size,"freq")) point.size <- gg.data$freq
point.l <- list(x = gg.data$x,
y = gg.data$y,
shape = point.shape,
alpha = point.alpha,
fill = point.fill,
color = point.color,
size = point.size)
p.i <- unlist(lapply(point.l, length)) == 1
point.attributes <- point.l[p.i == TRUE]
point.aes <- point.l[p.i == FALSE]
label.l <- list(x = gg.data$x,
y = gg.data$y,
label = gg.data$names,
alpha = label.alpha,
color = label.color,
fill = label.fill,
size = label.size)
t.i <- unlist(lapply(label.l, length)) == 1
label.attributes <- label.l[t.i == TRUE]
label.aes <- label.l[t.i == FALSE]
gg.input <- list(gg.data = gg.data,
label = label,
repel = label.repel,
point.aes = point.aes,
point.attributes = point.attributes,
label.aes = label.aes,
label.attributes = label.attributes)
# Plot
# Points
point.attributes <- gg.input$point.attributes
point.attributes$mapping <- do.call("aes", gg.input$point.aes)
p <- p + do.call("geom_point", point.attributes, quote = TRUE)
shapes <- c(21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18,
42, 45, 61, 48, 50:120)
p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values = shapes)
# label
if (gg.input$label == TRUE){
label.attributes <- gg.input$label.attributes
label.attributes$vjust <- 1.8
label.attributes$family <- "sans"
label.attributes$lineheight <- 0.9
label.attributes$mapping <- do.call("aes", gg.input$label.aes)
if(is.null(gg.input$label.aes$fill) & gg.input$repel == TRUE & is.null(label.attributes$fill)){
label.attributes$vjust <- NULL
p <- p + do.call("geom_text_repel", label.attributes, quote = TRUE)
if(is.null(gg.input$label.aes$fill) == FALSE | is.null(label.attributes$fill) == FALSE){
label.attributes$vjust <- NULL
p <- p + do.call("geom_label_repel", label.attributes, quote = TRUE)
if(is.null(gg.input$label.aes$fill) & gg.input$repel == FALSE){
p <- p + do.call("geom_text", label.attributes, quote = TRUE)
# Scales and labels
org.max <- org.scales$lim.max
org.min <- org.scales$lim.min
n.max <- max(c(max(gg.data[,1:2]), org.max))
n.min <- (c(min(gg.data[,1:2]), org.min))
tscales <- gg.data
tscales[1, 1:2] <- n.max
tscales[2, 1:2] <- n.min
scales <- breaksandscales(tscales)
p <- p + scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales$scalebreaks, labels = scales$breaklabel)
p <- p + scale_y_continuous(breaks = scales$scalebreaks, labels = scales$breaklabel)
p$ca.scales <- scales
#### Legend
if(is.null(legend)) p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
if(identical(legend,"bottom")) p <- p + theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.direction = "horizontal", legend.box = "horizontal")
#' Density plot for the cloud of individuals
#' Draws a 2d density plot on top of an existing soc.ca map. The density is
#' calculated by the \link[MASS]{kde2d} function from MASS and plotted by
#' \link[ggplot2]{geom_density2d} from \code{ggplot2} \code{map.density} uses the
#' coordinates of the individuals as a basis for the density calculation.
#' Borders are arbitrary.
#' @param object a soc.ca class object
#' @param map a soc.ca map object created by one of the soc.ca mapping functions
#' @param group a factor determining group membership. Density is mapped for
#' each group individually.
#' @param color a single value or vector determining the color. See the scale
#' functions of \code{ggplot2} for ways to alter the scales.
#' @param alpha a single value or vector determining the alpha.
#' @param size a single value or vector determining the size of the lines.
#' @param linetype a single value or vector determining the linetype
#' @export
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' map.density(result, map.ind(result, dim = 2:3, point.alpha = 0.2))
#' map.density(result, map.ind(result, legend = TRUE, point.alpha = 0.2),
#' group = duplicated(active), color = duplicated(active),
#' linetype = duplicated(active))
#' map.density(result, map.ctr(result))
map.density <- function(object, map = map.ind(object), group = NULL,
color = "red", alpha = 0.8, size = 0.5, linetype = "solid"){
dim <- map$dimensions
dens.data <- as.data.frame(object$coord.ind[, dim])
colnames(dens.data) <- c("x", "y")
density.l <- list(color = color,
alpha = alpha,
size = size,
linetype = linetype,
n = 100,
group = group,
na.rm = TRUE)
d.i <- unlist(lapply(density.l, length)) == 1
density.attributes <- density.l[d.i]
density.aes <- density.l[unlist(lapply(density.l, length)) > 1]
density.aes$x <- dens.data$x
density.aes$y <- dens.data$y
density.attributes$mapping <- do.call("aes", density.aes)
p <- map + do.call("geom_density2d", density.attributes, quote = TRUE)
############################## Plot delfunktioner ########################################
plot.flow <- function(object, dim = c(1, 2), ctr.dim = NULL, modal.list = NULL,
point.shape = 21, point.alpha = 0.8, point.fill = "whitesmoke",
point.color = "black", point.size = 3,
label = FALSE, label.repel = FALSE, label.alpha = 0.8, label.color = "black", label.size = 4, label.fill = NULL,
map.title = map.title, labelx = "default", labely = "default", legend = NULL,
plot.type = plot.type){
gg.proc <- round(object$adj.inertia[,4]) # Adjusted inertia
gg.data <- data.plot(object,
plot.type = plot.type,
ctr.dim = ctr.dim,
modal.list = modal.list,
point.size = point.size,
point.color = point.color) # Data selection
axis.labels <- plot.axis(labelx = labelx, labely = labely, gg.proc = gg.proc, dim = dim) # Axis labels
map.title <- plot.title(map.title = map.title, ctr.dim = ctr.dim) # Plot title
scales <- breaksandscales(gg.data) # Scales og breaks
if (identical(point.shape,"variable")) point.shape <- gg.data$variable
if (identical(point.size,"freq")) point.size <- gg.data$freq
point.l <- list(x = gg.data$x,
y = gg.data$y,
shape = point.shape,
alpha = point.alpha,
fill = point.fill,
color = point.color,
size = point.size)
p.i <- unlist(lapply(point.l, length)) == 1
point.attributes <- point.l[p.i == TRUE]
point.aes <- point.l[p.i == FALSE]
label.l <- list(x = gg.data$x,
y = gg.data$y,
label = gg.data$names,
alpha = label.alpha,
color = label.color,
fill = label.fill,
size = label.size)
t.i <- unlist(lapply(label.l, length)) == 1
label.attributes <- label.l[t.i == TRUE]
label.aes <- label.l[t.i == FALSE]
gg.input <- list(gg.data = gg.data,
axis.inertia = gg.proc,
map.title = map.title,
labelx = axis.labels$x,
labely = axis.labels$y,
scales = scales,
label = label,
repel = label.repel,
point.aes = point.aes,
point.attributes = point.attributes,
label.aes = label.aes,
label.attributes = label.attributes)
b.plot <- basic.plot(gg.input)
t.plot <- b.plot + theme_min()
if(is.null(legend)) t.plot <- t.plot + theme(legend.position = "none")
if(identical(legend,"bottom")) t.plot <- t.plot + theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.direction = "horizontal", legend.box = "horizontal")
t.plot$dimensions <- dim
# Soc.ca.graphics environment
# soc.ca.scales <- function(...){
# soc.ca.graphics <- new.env()
# assign("scale_colour_continuous", function(...) ggplot2::scale_colour_continuous(..., low = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[1], high = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[2]), envir = soc.ca.graphics)
# assign("scale_color_continuous", function(...) ggplot2::scale_colour_continuous(..., low = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[1], high = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[2]), envir = soc.ca.graphics)
# assign("scale_fill_continuous", function(...) ggplot2::scale_fill_continuous(..., low = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[1], high = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[2]), envir = soc.ca.graphics)
# assign("scale_colour_gradient", function(...) ggplot2::scale_colour_continuous(..., low = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[1], high = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[2]), envir = soc.ca.graphics)
# assign("scale_color_gradient", function(...) ggplot2::scale_colour_continuous(..., low = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[1], high = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[2]), envir = soc.ca.graphics)
# assign("scale_fill_gradient", function(...) ggplot2::scale_fill_continuous(..., low = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[1], high = getOption("soc.ca.gradient")[2]), envir = soc.ca.graphics)
# assign("scale_colour_discrete", function(...) ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(..., values = getOption("soc.ca.colors")), envir = soc.ca.graphics)
# assign("scale_color_discrete", function(...) ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(..., values = getOption("soc.ca.colors")), envir = soc.ca.graphics)
# assign("scale_fill_discrete", function(...) ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(..., values = getOption("soc.ca.colors")), envir = soc.ca.graphics)
# if(("soc.ca.graphics" %in% search()) == FALSE) attach(soc.ca.graphics)
# }
basic.plot <- function(gg.input){
# Changing default ggplot2 behaviour
# soc.ca.scales() # When loading the soc.ca.graphics environment, certain functions are masked from ggplot2. This is intended.
# Her skal der perhaps en on.exit
# Defining point.size
p <- ggplot()
# The middle plot axis
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "grey50", size = 0.5, linetype = "solid")
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = "grey50", size = 0.5, linetype = "solid")
# Points
point.attributes <- gg.input$point.attributes
point.attributes$mapping <- do.call("aes", gg.input$point.aes)
p <- p + do.call("geom_point", point.attributes, quote = TRUE)
shapes <- getOption("soc.ca.shape")
p <- p + scale_shape_manual(values = shapes)
# label
if (gg.input$label == TRUE){
label.attributes <- gg.input$label.attributes
label.attributes$vjust <- 1.8
label.attributes$family <- "sans"
label.attributes$lineheight <- 0.9
label.attributes$mapping <- do.call("aes", gg.input$label.aes)
if(is.null(gg.input$label.aes$fill) & gg.input$repel == TRUE & is.null(label.attributes$fill)){
label.attributes$vjust <- NULL
label.attributes$max.iter <- 2000
p <- p + do.call("geom_text_repel", label.attributes, quote = TRUE)
if(is.null(gg.input$label.aes$fill) == FALSE | is.null(label.attributes$fill) == FALSE){
label.attributes$vjust <- NULL
label.attributes$max.iter <- 2000
p <- p + do.call("geom_label_repel", label.attributes, quote = TRUE)
if(is.null(gg.input$label.aes$fill) & gg.input$repel == FALSE){
p <- p + do.call("geom_text", label.attributes, quote = TRUE)
# Title and axis labels
p <- p + ggtitle(label = gg.input$map.title)
p <- p + xlab(gg.input$labelx) + ylab(gg.input$labely)
p <- p + labs(alpha = "Alpha", shape = "Shape",
color = "Color", linetype = "Linetype", size = "Size", fill = "Fill")
# Scales and breaks
p <- p + scale_x_continuous(breaks = gg.input$scales$scalebreaks, labels = gg.input$scales$breaklabel)
p <- p + scale_y_continuous(breaks = gg.input$scales$scalebreaks, labels = gg.input$scales$breaklabel)
p <- p + coord_fixed()
p$ca.scales <- gg.input$scales
# detach(soc.ca.graphics) # Detaches the environment containing the soc.ca version of the scales, see(soc.ca.scales)
####################### Plot title
plot.title <- function(map.title = NULL, ctr.dim = NULL){
# Map title for ctr plot
if (identical(map.title, "ctr") == TRUE) {
map.title <- paste("The modalities contributing above average to dimension ",
paste(ctr.dim, collapse = " & "), sep = "")
# Map title for all plot
if (identical(map.title, "mod") == TRUE) {
map.title <- "Map of all modalities"
# Map title for active plot
if (identical(map.title, "active") == TRUE) {
map.title <- "Map of active modalities"
# Map title for sup plot
if (identical(map.title, "sup") == TRUE) {
map.title <- "Map of supplementary modalities"
# Map title for id plot
if (identical(map.title, "ind") == TRUE) {
map.title <- "Map of individuals"
# Map title for list plot
if (identical(map.title, "select") == TRUE) {
map.title <- "Map of selected modalities"
############# Axis labels
plot.axis <- function(labelx = "default", labely = "default", gg.proc = NA, dim = NULL){
if (identical(labelx, "default") == TRUE) {
labelx <- paste(dim[1], ". Dimension: ", gg.proc[dim[1]], "%", sep = "")
if (identical(labely, "default") == TRUE) {
labely <- paste(dim[2], ". Dimension: ", gg.proc[dim[2]], "%", sep = "")
axis.labels <- list(x = labelx, y = labely)
####################### breaksandscales
breaksandscales <- function(gg.data){
mround <- function(x, base){
lim.min.x <- min(gg.data[, 1])
lim.min.y <- min(gg.data[, 2])
lim.max.x <- max(gg.data[, 1])
lim.max.y <- max(gg.data[, 2])
scalebreaks <- seq(-10,10, by = 0.25)
nolabel <- seq(-10, 10, by = 0.5)
inter <- intersect(scalebreaks, nolabel)
truelabel <- is.element(scalebreaks, nolabel)
breaklabel <- scalebreaks
breaklabel[truelabel == FALSE] <- ""
length.x <- sqrt(lim.min.x^2) + sqrt(lim.max.x^2)
length.y <- sqrt(lim.min.y^2) + sqrt(lim.max.y^2)
scales <- list(scalebreaks = scalebreaks,
breaklabel = breaklabel,
lim.min.x = lim.min.x,
lim.min.y = lim.min.y,
lim.max.x = lim.max.x,
lim.max.y = lim.max.y,
length.x = length.x,
length.y = length.y)
#################### data.plot v.2
data.plot <- function(object, plot.type, dim, ctr.dim = NULL,
modal.list = NULL, point.size = "freq", point.variable = NULL, point.color = NULL){
# Types: mod, active, sup, ctr, ind, list
# mod
if (identical(plot.type, "mod") == TRUE){
coord <- rbind(object$coord.mod, object$coord.sup)
mnames <- c(object$names.mod, object$names.sup)
freq <- c(object$freq.mod, object$freq.sup)
variable <- c(object$variable, object$variable.sup)
# ctr
if (identical(plot.type, "ctr") == TRUE){
av.ctr <- contribution(object, ctr.dim, indices = TRUE, mode = "mod")
coord <- object$coord.mod[av.ctr, ]
mnames <- object$names.mod[av.ctr]
freq <- object$freq.mod[av.ctr]
variable <- object$variable[av.ctr]
# active
if (identical(plot.type, "active") == TRUE){
coord <- object$coord.mod
mnames <- object$names.mod
freq <- object$freq.mod
variable <- object$variable
# sup
if (identical(plot.type, "sup") == TRUE){
coord <- object$coord.sup
mnames <- object$names.sup
freq <- object$freq.sup
variable <- object$variable.sup
# ind
if (identical(plot.type, "ind") == TRUE){
coord <- object$coord.ind
mnames <- object$names.ind
freq <- rep(1, object$n.ind)
if(identical(point.variable, NULL)){
variable <- rep("ind", nrow(object$coord.ind))
variable <- point.variable
if(identical(point.color, NULL) == FALSE)
point.color <- point.color
# select
if (identical(plot.type, "select") == TRUE){
coord.mod <- object$coord.mod[modal.list$list.mod, ]
coord.sup <- object$coord.sup[modal.list$list.sup, ]
coord.ind <- object$coord.ind[modal.list$list.ind, ]
names.mod <- object$names.mod[modal.list$list.mod]
names.sup <- object$names.sup[modal.list$list.sup]
names.ind <- object$names.ind[modal.list$list.ind]
coord <- rbind(coord.mod, coord.sup, coord.ind)
rownames(coord) <- NULL
mnames <- c(names.mod, names.sup, names.ind)
freq.mod <- object$freq.mod[modal.list$list.mod]
freq.sup <- object$freq.sup[modal.list$list.sup]
freq.ind <- rep(1, object$n.ind)[modal.list$list.ind]
freq <- c(freq.mod, freq.sup, freq.ind)
variable.mod <- object$variable[modal.list$list.mod]
variable.sup <- object$variable.sup[modal.list$list.sup]
variable.ind <- rep("ind", object$n.ind)[modal.list$list.ind]
variable <- c(variable.mod, variable.sup, variable.ind)
if(is.numeric(point.size)) freq <- rep(point.size, length.out = nrow(coord))
if(is.null(point.color)) point.color <- rep("Nothing", length.out = nrow(coord))
gg.data <- data.frame(cbind(coord[, dim[1]], coord[,dim[2]]), mnames, freq, variable, point.color)
colnames(gg.data) <- c("x", "y", "names", "freq", "variable", "point.color")
#' Add a new layer of points on top of an existing plot with output from the
#' min_cut function
#' @param x a matrix created by the min_cut function
#' @param p is a ggplot object, preferably from one of the mapping functions in
#' soc.ca
#' @param label if TRUE the labels of points will be shown
#' @param ... further arguments are passed on to geom_path, geom_point and
#' geom_text
add.count <- function(x, p, label = TRUE, ...){
p <- p + geom_point(data = x, x = x$X, y = x$Y, ...) + geom_path(data = x, x = x$X, y = x$Y, ...)
if (identical(label, TRUE)) p <- p + geom_text(data = x, x = x$X, y = x$Y, label = x$label, vjust = 0.2, ...)
#' Map path along an ordered variable
#' Plot a path along an ordered variable. If the variable is numerical it is cut
#' into groups by the \link{min_cut} function.
#' @param object is a soc.ca result object
#' @param x is an ordered vector, either numerical or factor
#' @param map is a plot object created with one of the mapping functions in the
#' soc.ca package
#' @param dim the dimensions in the order they are to be plotted. The first
#' number defines the horizontal axis and the second number defines the
#' vertical axis.
#' @param label if TRUE the label of the points are shown
#' @param min.size is the minimum size given to the groups of a numerical
#' variable, see \link{min_cut}.
#' @param ... further arguments are passed onto \link{geom_path},
#' \link{geom_point} and \link{geom_text} from the ggplot2 package
#' @export
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' map <- map.ind(result, point.color = as.numeric(sup$Age))
#' map <- map + scale_color_continuous(high = "red", low = "yellow")
#' map.path(result, sup$Age, map)
map.path <- function(object, x, map = map.ind(object, dim), dim = c(1, 2),
label = TRUE, min.size = length(x)/10, ...){
x.c <- x
if (is.numeric(x)) x.c <- min_cut(x, min.size = min.size)
x.av <- average.coord(object = object, x = x.c, dim = dim)
x.av["X"] <- x.av["X"] * sqrt(object$eigen[dim[1]])
x.av["Y"] <- x.av["Y"] * sqrt(object$eigen[dim[2]])
map.p <- add.count(x.av, map, label, ...)
map.top.ind <- function(result, ctr.dim = 1, dim = c(1,2), top = 15){
sc <- list()
sc$fill <- scale_fill_continuous(low = "white", high = "darkblue")
sc$alpha <- scale_alpha_manual(values = c(0.5, 1))
ctr <- result$ctr.ind[, ctr.dim]
above.average <- ctr >= mean(ctr)
important <- rank(ctr) > length(ctr) - top
r <- result
r$names.ind[-which(important)] <- NA
#r <- add.to.label(r, value = "linebreak")
m <- map.ind(r, point.alpha = above.average, label = TRUE, point.shape = 21, point.fill = ctr, label.repel = TRUE, dim = dim, label.size = 3)
m + sc + ggtitle(paste("Map of the", top, "most contributing individuals for dim.", ctr.dim))
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