
Defines functions multiFit

Documented in multiFit

#' calcPercChangeSimple
#' this function applies the function \code{\link{comparePercChange}} to each DU in a data set and generates summary outputs plus diagnostic plots.
#' @param data.df data frame with columns DU, Year, Abd
#' @param window.df data frame with time windows for each DU (e.g. 3 gen +1)
#' @param plot.file text string with path and filename for pdf of diagnostic plots
#' @export

multiFit  <- function(data.df, window.df, plot.file =  "PercChange_Plots.pdf"){

# set up empty data frame (as per https://stackoverflow.com/a/32342704)
out.df <- data.frame() 
prob.decl.df <- data.frame()

# start the timer
loop.start <- proc.time()

# open the pdf file
pdf(plot.file ,onefile=TRUE,height=8.5, width = 11)

# start the loop
for(du.do in sort(unique(data.df$DU)) ){

print(paste("starting",du.do, "--------------------------------"))

# extract the data for the current DU
df.use <- data.df %>% dplyr::filter(DU == du.do) %>%  select(Year,Abd)
last.yr <- max(df.use$Year)

# only do fits if have at least X data points and at least Y data points are >  0
if(sum(!is.na(df.use$Abd)) > 6 ){
  if(sum(df.use$Abd != 0,na.rm=TRUE)> 5 ){

# OLD: Now handling inside comparePercChange 
#see issue: https://github.com/SOLV-Code/MetricsCOSEWIC/issues/15
# TEMPORARY PATCH (replace 0 b/c log transform inside of fn call below)
#df.use <- df.use  %>% mutate(Abd = recode(Abd, "0" = 0.1))

# Do the calculations


fit.out <- comparePercChange(du.label = du.do,
                              du.df = df.use,
                              yrs.window = window.df  %>% dplyr::filter(DU == du.do) %>%  select(Window) %>% unlist,
                             calc.yr = last.yr,
                              samples.out = FALSE,
                             plot.pattern = TRUE,
							 plot.fitted = FALSE, #TRUE,
                             plot.posteriors = TRUE,
                             plot.boxes  = TRUE)

out.df <- rbind(out.df, cbind(DU = du.do, Year = last.yr, rownames_to_column(as.data.frame(fit.out$Summary),"Var")))

prob.decl.df <- rbind(prob.decl.df, cbind(DU = du.do, Year = last.yr, fit.out$ProbDecl))

}} # end if have data

} # end looping through DUs


# generate summary tables
summary.out <- out.df %>% select(DU,Year,Var, pchange) %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("MLE", Var ) | grepl("Med", Var )) %>%
   mutate(pchange = round(pchange,1)) %>%
   pivot_wider(id_cols = c(DU,Year),names_from = Var, values_from = pchange ) %>%
  rowwise() %>% mutate(Min = min(MLE,Jags_Med, na.rm= TRUE),
                       Max = max(MLE,Jags_Med, na.rm= TRUE)) %>%
  mutate(Diff = Max- Min) %>% arrange(Min)


print("total time for this set of perc change calcs")
print(proc.time() - loop.start )

out.list <- list(Output = out.df, Summary = summary.out,ProbDecl = prob.decl.df )


} # end multiFit function
SOLV-Code/MetricsCOSEWIC documentation built on Nov. 3, 2022, 8:59 p.m.