#' @title Perform Differential Expression Test on One Gene
#' @description
#' Test if one gene is differentially expressed along pseudotime.
#' @param gene A string of gene name. It should be one of the row names in sce.
#' @param ori.tbl A tibble or dataframe which contains the original cells and pseudotime as two columns.
#' @param sub.tbl A list of tibbles or dataframes where each is the fit of a subsample. Each element is the same format as \code{ori.tbl}.
#' @param mat The input expression data. It can be:
#' (1) A SingleCellExperment object which contain the expression data;
#' (2) An matrix;
#' (3) A Seurat object which contain the expression data.
#' Its row names should be genes and col names should be cells.
#' @param assay.use The \code{assay} used in SingleCellExperiment or \code{slot} used in Seurat. Default is \code{counts}.
#' @param model A string of the model name. One of \code{nb}, \code{zinb}, \code{gaussian}, \code{auto} and \code{qgam}.
#' @param k A integer of the basis dimension. Default is 6. The reults are usually robust to different k; we recommend to use k from 5 to 10.
#' @param knots A numeric vector of the location of knots. Default is evenly distributed between 0 to 1. For instance, if your k = 6, and your range is [0, 10], then the position of knots should be \code{c(0:5)*(10-0)}.
#' @param fix.weight A logic variable indicating if the ZINB-GAM will use the zero weights from the original model. Used for saving time since ZINB-GAM is computationally intense.
#' @param aicdiff A numeric variable of the threshold of model selection. Only works when \code{model = `auto`}.
#' @param seed A numeric variable of the random seed. It mainly affects the parametricfitting of null distribution.
#' @param quant The quantile of interest for quantile regression (qgam), range from 0 to 1, default as 0.5.
#' @param usebam A logical variable. If use \code{mgcv::bam}, which may be faster with large sample size (e.g., > 10'000 cells).
#' @param seurat.assay The \code{assay} used in Seurat. Default is \code{'RNA'}.
#' @return A list with the components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{fix.pv}}{The p-value assuming the pseudotime is fixed}
#' \item{\code{emp.pv}}{The permutation p-value}
#' \item{\code{para.pv}}{The permutation p-value by fitting a parametric null distribution}
#' \item{\code{ad.pv}}{P-value of Anderson-Darling test on comparing null distribution and its parametric fit}
#' \item{\code{rank}}{The estimated effect degree of freedom of the original model}
#' \item{\code{gam.fit}}{The fitted gam model on original data}
#' \item{\code{zinf}}{Whether the model is zero inflated}
#' \item{\code{aic}}{The AIC of the orignial model}
#' \item{\code{expv.quantile}}{Quantiles of the log counts plus 1}
#' \item{\code{expv.mean}}{Mean of the log counts plus 1}
#' \item{\code{expv.zero}}{Zero proportions of counts}
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stats fitted
#' @export pseudotimeDE
#' @author Dongyuan Song, Shiyu Ma
pseudotimeDE <- function(gene,
assay.use = "counts",
model = c("nb", "zinb", "gaussian" ,"auto", "qgam"),
k = 6,
knots = c(0:5/5),
fix.weight = TRUE,
aicdiff = 10,
seed = 123,
quant = 0.5,
usebam = FALSE,
seurat.assay = 'RNA') {
## Set seed
## ori.tbl is a dataframe containing cell and pseudotime. "cell" must be the same order as in mat
## Avoid R checking warning
splits <- time.res <- NULL
# mgcv::gam <<- function(...) {
# if(usebam){
# mgcv::bam(..., discrete = TRUE)
# }else{
# mgcv::gam(...)
# }
# }
## Construct formula
fit.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste0("expv ~ s(pseudotime, k = ", k, ",bs = 'cr')"))
num_cell <- length(ori.tbl$cell)
pseudotime <- ori.tbl$pseudotime
num_total_cell <- dim(mat)[2]
#expv <- assays(sce)$counts[gene, ori.tbl$cell]
#count.v <- expv
if(class(mat)[1] == "SingleCellExperiment") {
expv <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(mat, assay.use)[gene, ori.tbl$cell]
count.v <- expv
else if(class(mat)[1] == "Seurat") {
if(assay.use == 'logcounts'){
assay_alter <- 'data'
assay_alter <- assay.use
expv <- Seurat::GetAssayData(object = mat, slot = assay_alter, assay = seurat.assay)[gene, ori.tbl$cell]
count.v <- expv
else {
expv <- mat[gene, ori.tbl$cell]
count.v <- expv
dat <- cbind(pseudotime, expv) |> tibble::as_tibble()
#if(assay.use == "logcounts"){ ## We remove the special setting of counts since the assay name can be arbitrary from users
expv.quantile <- stats::quantile(count.v)
expv.mean <- mean(count.v)
expv.zero <- sum(count.v == 0)/length(count.v)
# expv.quantile <- stats::quantile(log(count.v + 1))
# expv.mean <- mean(log(count.v + 1))
# expv.zero <- sum(count.v == 0)/length(count.v)
if(model == "gaussian"){
fit.gaussian <- fit_gam(dat, distribution = "gaussian", use_weights = FALSE, k = k, knots = knots, usebam = usebam)
aic.gaussian <- stats::AIC(fit.gaussian)
else if(model == "qgam"){
fit.qgam <- fit_qgam(dat, k = k, quant = quant)
aic.qgam <- stats::AIC(fit.qgam)
## zinb model only uses the mu part.
if(model == "nb") {
fit <- fit_gam(dat, distribution = "nb", use_weights = FALSE, k = k, knots = knots, usebam = usebam)
zinf <- FALSE
distri <- "nb"
aic <- stats::AIC(fit)
else if(model == "gaussian"){
fit <- fit.gaussian
zinf <- FALSE
distri <- "gaussian"
aic <- aic.gaussian
else if (model == "zinb"){
fit.zinb <- zinbgam(fit.formula, ~ logmu, data = dat, knots = knots, k = k, usebam = usebam)
aic.zinb <- fit.zinb$aic
fit.zinb <- fit.zinb$fit.mu
zinf <- TRUE
distri <- "zinb"
fit <- fit.zinb
aic <- aic.zinb
else if (model == "auto") {
fit.nb <- fit_gam(dat, distribution = "nb", use_weights = FALSE, k = k, knots = knots, usebam = usebam)
aic.nb <- stats::AIC(fit.nb)
fit.zinb <- zinbgam(fit.formula, ~ logmu, data = dat, knots = knots, k = k, usebam = usebam)
aic.zinb <- fit.zinb$aic
fit.zinb <- fit.zinb$fit.mu
if(aic.nb - aic.zinb > aicdiff) {
fit <- fit.zinb
zinf <- TRUE
distri <- "zinb"
aic <- aic.zinb
else {
fit <- fit.nb
zinf <- FALSE
distri <- "nb"
aic <- aic.nb
else if (model == "qgam"){
fit <- fit.qgam
zinf <- FALSE
aic <- aic.qgam
else {stop("Specified 'method=' parameter is invalid. Must be one of 'nb', 'zinb', 'gaussian' ,'auto', 'qgam'.")}
## ori p-value
edf1 <- sum(fit$edf1)
s.pv <- summary(fit)$s.pv
## Simon 2012 test statistic for sample. Copied from mgcv, but drop the subsampling part.
res.df <- -1
p <- fit$coefficients
V <- fit$Vp
rank <- sum(fit$edf1) - 1
Xp <- stats::model.matrix(fit)
Tr <- testStat(p = p[2:k], X = Xp[, 2:k,drop=FALSE], V = V[2:k, 2:k,drop=FALSE], rank = rank, res.df = -1, type = 0)
Tr <- Tr$stat
## Matteo 2020 qgam JASA
if(is.null(sub.tbl) || model == "qgam") {
return(list(fix.pv = s.pv,
emp.pv = NA,
para.pv = NA,
ad.pv = NA,
rank = rank,
test.statistic = Tr,
gam.fit = fit,
zinf = zinf,
aic = aic,
expv.quantile = expv.quantile,
expv.mean = expv.mean,
expv.zero = expv.zero
## Subsample Tr
n.boot <- length(sub.tbl)
## Redefine count.v since the original fit not necessarily includes all cell
if(class(mat)[1] == "SingleCellExperiment") {
expv <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(mat, assay.use)[gene, ]
count.v <- expv
else if(class(mat)[1] == "Seurat") {
if(assay.use == 'logcounts'){
assay_alter <- 'data'
assay_alter <- assay.use
expv <- Seurat::GetAssayData(object = mat, slot = assay_alter, assay = seurat.assay)[gene, ]
count.v <- expv
else {
expv <- mat[gene, ]
count.v <- expv
## Use weights
if(fix.weight && zinf) {
## Use the weights estimated from ori pseudotime
cell_weights <- rep(1, num_cell)
cell_weights <- fit.zinb$prior.weights
names(cell_weights) <- ori.tbl$cell
else {
## All weights are 1
cell_weights <- base::rep(1, dim(mat)[2]) #num_total_cell
names(cell_weights) <- colnames(mat)}
## Start permutation
boot_tbl <- tibble::tibble(id = seq_len(length(sub.tbl)), time.res = sub.tbl)
boot_models <- boot_tbl |>
dplyr::mutate(splits = purrr::map(time.res, function(x){
x <- cbind(expv = count.v[x$cell], pseudotime = base::sample(x$pseudotime), cellWeights = cell_weights[x$cell]) |> as.data.frame(); x
})) |>
dplyr::mutate(model = lapply(X = splits, FUN = fit_gam, distribution = distri, use_weights = fix.weight, k = k, knots = knots, usebam = usebam),
stat = sapply(model, function(fit) {
if(is.logical(fit)) {Tr <- NA}
else {
edf1 <- sum(fit$edf1)
res.df <- -1
p <- fit$coefficients
V <- fit$Vp
rank <- sum(fit$edf1) - 1
Xp <- stats::model.matrix(fit)
Tr <- testStat(p = p[2:k], X = Xp[, 2:k,drop=FALSE], V = V[2:k, 2:k,drop=FALSE], rank = rank, res.df = -1, type = 0)
Tr <- as.numeric(Tr$stat)}
## empirical permutation p-value
s.pv.p <- (sum(Tr <= boot_models$stat)+1)/(n.boot+1)
## parametric permutation p-value
smooth_pv <- suppressMessages(cal_pvalue(y = Tr, x = boot_models$stat, plot.fit = FALSE))
return(list(fix.pv = s.pv,
emp.pv = s.pv.p,
para.pv = smooth_pv$p,
ad.pv = smooth_pv$ad.pv,
rank = rank,
test.statistics = Tr,
gam.fit = fit,
zinf = zinf,
aic = aic,
expv.quantile = expv.quantile,
expv.mean = expv.mean,
expv.zero = expv.zero
# added qgam model
fit_qgam <- function(dat, quant, k) {
fit.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste0("expv ~ s(pseudotime, k = ", k, ",bs = 'cr')"))
fit.qgam <- tryCatch(expr = {
fit <- qgam::qgam(fit.formula, data = dat, qu = quant)
error = function(e){return(FALSE)})
## Define the fit_gam function
## set distribution method
# zinf
fit_gam <- function(dat, nthreads = 1, distribution, use_weights, knots, k, usebam) {
if(use_weights) {cellWeights <- dat$cellWeights}
else cellWeights <- rep(1, dim(dat)[1])
fit.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste0("expv ~ s(pseudotime, k = ", k, ",bs = 'cr')"))
fit.gam <- tryCatch(expr = {
if(distribution == "nb") {
if(usebam) {
fit <- mgcv::bam(fit.formula, family = mgcv::nb(link = "log"),
data = dat,
knots = list(pseudotime = knots), control = list(nthreads = nthreads), discrete = TRUE)
} else {
fit <- mgcv::gam(fit.formula, family = mgcv::nb(link = "log"),
data = dat,
knots = list(pseudotime = knots), control = list(nthreads = nthreads))
else if(distribution == "gaussian"){
if(usebam) {
fit <- mgcv::bam(fit.formula, family = stats::gaussian(link = "identity"),
data = dat,
knots = list(pseudotime = knots), control = list(nthreads = nthreads), discrete = TRUE)
} else {
fit <- mgcv::gam(fit.formula, family = stats::gaussian(link = "identity"),
data = dat,
knots = list(pseudotime = knots), control = list(nthreads = nthreads))
else if(distribution == "zinb"){
if(!use_weights) {
fit <- zinbgam(fit.formula, ~ logmu,
data = dat, knots = knots, k = k, usebam = usebam)
fit <- fit$fit.mu
else {
if(usebam) {
fit <- mgcv::bam(fit.formula, family = mgcv::nb(link = "log"),
data = dat,
knots = list(pseudotime = knots), control = list(nthreads = nthreads), weights = cellWeights, discrete = TRUE)
} else {
fit <- mgcv::gam(fit.formula, family = mgcv::nb(link = "log"),
data = dat,
knots = list(pseudotime = knots), control = list(nthreads = nthreads), weights = cellWeights)
else{stop("Specified 'distribution=' parameter is invalid. Must be one of 'nb', 'zinb', 'gaussian'.")}
error = function(e){return(FALSE)})
## Zero Inflated NB GAM. Refer to https://github.com/AustralianAntarcticDataCentre/zigam.
## Log ZINB density
dzinb.log <- function(x,mu,pi,shape) {
logp <- log(1 - pi)+stats::dnbinom(x,size=shape,mu=mu,log=T)
logp[x==0] <- log(exp(logp[x==0])+(pi[x==0]))
## Main function
zinbgam <- function(mu.formula,
usebam) {
## As matrix
#data <- data.frame(data)
## Extract the response y
mf <- stats::model.frame(stats::update(mu.formula,.~1),data=data)
y <- stats::model.response(mf)
N <- length(y)
## Response for pi component is the weights
pi.formula <- stats::update(pi.formula, z ~ .)
## Get inital NB fit
if(usebam) {
fit.gam <- mgcv::bam(formula = mu.formula,
data = data, family = mgcv::nb(link = "log"), knots = list(pseudotime = knots), discrete = TRUE)
} else {
fit.gam <- mgcv::gam(formula = mu.formula,
data = data, family = mgcv::nb(link = "log"), knots = list(pseudotime = knots))
## Set initial pi, mu
if(is.null(mu)) mu <- stats::fitted(fit.gam)
if(is.null(pi)) pi <- mean(y>0)
logL <- double(max.em)
theta <- fit.gam$family$getTheta(TRUE)
for(k in 1:max.em) {
## Evaluate weights for current iteration
z <- ifelse(y==0,pi/(pi+ (1-pi)*stats::dnbinom(0,size=theta,mu=mu)),0)
## Update the data (with mu and z)
data$z <- z
data$mu <- mu
data$logmu <- log(mu)
## Update models for current iteration
if(usebam) {
fit.pi <- suppressWarnings(mgcv::bam(formula = pi.formula,family=stats::binomial(),data=data))
fit.mu <- suppressWarnings(mgcv::bam(formula = mu.formula,weights=1-z,family=mgcv::nb(link = log), data=data, knots = list(pseudotime = knots), discrete = TRUE))
} else {
fit.pi <- suppressWarnings(mgcv::gam(formula = pi.formula,family=stats::binomial(),data=data))
fit.mu <- suppressWarnings(mgcv::gam(formula = mu.formula,weights=1-z,family=mgcv::nb(link = log), data=data, knots = list(pseudotime = knots)))
pi <- stats::predict(fit.pi,type="response")
mu <- stats::predict(fit.mu,type="response")
theta <- fit.mu$family$getTheta(TRUE)
## Evaluate likelihood
logL[k] <- sum(dzinb.log(y,mu,pi,theta))
if(k >= 2) {
if(abs(logL[k]-logL[k-1]) < tol) {
logL <- logL[1:k]
## Calculate degrees of freedom and aic
df <- attr(stats::logLik(fit.pi),"df")+attr(stats::logLik(fit.mu),"df")
aic <- 2*(df-logL[length(logL)])
## Return results
fit <- list(fit.mu=fit.mu,
class(fit) <- "zinbgam"
###### mgcv function #######
#### These functions copied from Simon Woods's mgcv package.
## testStat
testStat <- function(p,X,V,rank=NULL,type=0,res.df= -1) {
## Implements Wood (2013) Biometrika 100(1), 221-228
## The type argument specifies the type of truncation to use.
## on entry `rank' should be an edf estimate
## 0. Default using the fractionally truncated pinv.
## 1. Round down to k if k<= rank < k+0.05, otherwise up.
## res.df is residual dof used to estimate scale. <=0 implies
## fixed scale.
qrx <- qr(X,tol=0)
R <- qr.R(qrx)
V <- R%*%V[qrx$pivot,qrx$pivot,drop=FALSE]%*%t(R)
V <- (V + t(V))/2
ed <- eigen(V,symmetric=TRUE)
## remove possible ambiguity from statistic...
siv <- sign(ed$vectors[1,]);siv[siv==0] <- 1
ed$vectors <- sweep(ed$vectors,2,siv,"*")
k <- max(0,floor(rank))
nu <- abs(rank - k) ## fractional part of supplied edf
if (type==1) { ## round up is more than .05 above lower
if (rank > k + .05||k==0) k <- k + 1
nu <- 0;rank <- k
if (nu>0) k1 <- k+1 else k1 <- k
## check that actual rank is not below supplied rank+1
r.est <- sum(ed$values > max(ed$values)*.Machine$double.eps^.9)
if (r.est<k1) {k1 <- k <- r.est;nu <- 0;rank <- r.est}
## Get the eigenvectors...
# vec <- qr.qy(qrx,rbind(ed$vectors,matrix(0,nrow(X)-ncol(X),ncol(X))))
vec <- ed$vectors
if (k1<ncol(vec)) vec <- vec[,1:k1,drop=FALSE]
## deal with the fractional part of the pinv...
if (nu>0&&k>0) {
if (k>1) vec[,1:(k-1)] <- t(t(vec[,1:(k-1)])/sqrt(ed$val[1:(k-1)]))
b12 <- .5*nu*(1-nu)
if (b12<0) b12 <- 0
b12 <- sqrt(b12)
B <- matrix(c(1,b12,b12,nu),2,2)
ev <- diag(ed$values[k:k1]^-.5,nrow=k1-k+1)
B <- ev%*%B%*%ev
eb <- eigen(B,symmetric=TRUE)
rB <- eb$vectors%*%diag(sqrt(eb$values))%*%t(eb$vectors)
vec1 <- vec
vec1[,k:k1] <- t(rB%*%diag(c(-1,1))%*%t(vec[,k:k1]))
vec[,k:k1] <- t(rB%*%t(vec[,k:k1]))
} else {
vec1 <- vec <- if (k==0) t(t(vec)*sqrt(1/ed$val[1])) else
if (k==1) rank <- 1
## there is an ambiguity in the choise of test statistic, leading to slight
## differences in the p-value computation depending on which of 2 alternatives
## is arbitrarily selected. Following allows both to be computed and p-values
## averaged (can't average test stat as dist then unknown)
d <- t(vec)%*%(R%*%p)
d <- sum(d^2)
d1 <- t(vec1)%*%(R%*%p)
d1 <- sum(d1^2)
##d <- d1 ## uncomment to avoid averaging
rank1 <- rank ## rank for lower tail pval computation below
## note that for <1 edf then d is not weighted by EDF, and instead is
## simply refered to a chi-squared 1
if (nu>0) { ## mixture of chi^2 ref dist
if (k1==1) rank1 <- val <- 1 else {
val <- rep(1,k1) ##ed$val[1:k1]
rp <- nu+1
val[k] <- (rp + sqrt(rp*(2-rp)))/2
val[k1] <- (rp - val[k])
if (res.df <= 0) pval <- (liu2(d,val) + liu2(d1,val))/2 else ## pval <- davies(d,val)$Qq else
pval <- (simf(d,val,res.df) + simf(d1,val,res.df))/2
} else { pval <- 2 }
## integer case still needs computing, also liu/pearson approx only good in
## upper tail. In lower tail, 2 moment approximation is better (Can check this
## by simply plotting the whole interesting range as a contour plot!)
if (pval > .5) {
if (res.df <= 0) pval <- (stats::pchisq(d,df=rank1,lower.tail=FALSE)+stats::pchisq(d1,df=rank1,lower.tail=FALSE))/2 else
pval <- (stats::pf(d/rank1,rank1,res.df,lower.tail=FALSE)+stats::pf(d1/rank1,rank1,res.df,lower.tail=FALSE))/2
} ## end of testStat
## Other functions within testStat()
liu2 <- function(x, lambda, h = rep(1,length(lambda)),lower.tail=FALSE) {
# Evaluate Pr[sum_i \lambda_i \chi^2_h_i < x] approximately.
# Code adapted from CompQuadForm package of Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux
# and directly from....
# H. Liu, Y. Tang, H.H. Zhang, A new chi-square approximation to the
# distribution of non-negative definite quadratic forms in non-central
# normal variables, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Volume 53,
# (2009), 853-856. Actually, this is just Pearson (1959) given that
# the chi^2 variables are central.
# Note that this can be rubbish in lower tail (e.g. lambda=c(1.2,.3), x = .15)
# if (FALSE) { ## use Davies exact method in place of Liu et al/ Pearson approx.
# require(CompQuadForm)
# r <- x
# for (i in 1:length(x)) r[i] <- davies(x[i],lambda,h)$Qq
# return(pmin(r,1))
# }
if (length(h) != length(lambda)) stop("lambda and h should have the same length!")
lh <- lambda*h
muQ <- sum(lh)
lh <- lh*lambda
c2 <- sum(lh)
lh <- lh*lambda
c3 <- sum(lh)
s1 <- c3/c2^1.5
s2 <- sum(lh*lambda)/c2^2
sigQ <- sqrt(2*c2)
t <- (x-muQ)/sigQ
if (s1^2>s2) {
a <- 1/(s1-sqrt(s1^2-s2))
delta <- s1*a^3-a^2
l <- a^2-2*delta
} else {
a <- 1/s1
delta <- 0
l <- c2^3/c3^2
muX <- l+delta
sigX <- sqrt(2)*a
simf <- function(x,a,df,nq=50) {
## suppose T = sum(a_i \chi^2_1)/(chi^2_df/df). We need
## Pr[T>x] = Pr(sum(a_i \chi^2_1) > x *chi^2_df/df). Quadrature
## used here. So, e.g.
## 1-pf(4/3,3,40);simf(4,rep(1,3),40);1-pchisq(4,3)
p <- (1:nq-.5)/nq
q <- stats::qchisq(p,df)
x <- x*q/df
pr <- sum(liu2(x,a)) ## Pearson/Liu approx to chi^2 mixture
## Gamma Mixture Fit of Permutation p-value
# Gamma / Two Component Gamma Mixture Permutation p-value (parametric p-value)
### Mix gamma pdf
dgammamix <- function(x, lambda, gamma.pars, k = dim(gamma.pars)[2]) {
if(k == 2) d <- lambda[1]*stats::dgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 1], scale = gamma.pars[2, 1]) + lambda[2]*stats::dgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 2], scale = gamma.pars[2, 2])
else if(k == 3) d <- lambda[1]*stats::dgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 1], scale = gamma.pars[2, 1]) +
lambda[2]*stats::dgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 2], scale = gamma.pars[2, 2]) + lambda[3]*stats::dgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 3], scale = gamma.pars[2, 3])
else d <- NA
### Mix gamma cdf
pgammamix <- function(x, lambda, gamma.pars, k = dim(gamma.pars)[2], lower.tail = FALSE) {
if(k == 2) p <- lambda[1]*stats::pgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 1], scale = gamma.pars[2, 1], lower.tail = lower.tail) + lambda[2]*stats::pgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 2], scale = gamma.pars[2, 2], lower.tail = lower.tail)
else if (k == 3) p <- lambda[1]*stats::pgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 1], scale = gamma.pars[2, 1], lower.tail = lower.tail) +
lambda[2]*stats::pgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 2], scale = gamma.pars[2, 2], lower.tail = lower.tail) + lambda[3]*stats::pgamma(x, shape = gamma.pars[1, 3], scale = gamma.pars[2, 3], lower.tail = lower.tail)
else p <- NA
### Mix gamma rv
rgammamix <- function(n = 1, lambda, gamma.pars, k = dim(gamma.pars)[2]) {
if(k == 2) {
z <- stats::rbinom(n, size = 1, lambda[1])
r <- z*stats::rgamma(n, shape = gamma.pars[1, 1], scale = gamma.pars[2, 1]) + (1 - z)*stats::rgamma(n, shape = gamma.pars[1, 2], scale = gamma.pars[2, 2])
else if (k == 3) {
z <- stats::rmultinom(n, size = 1, prob = c(lambda[1], lambda[2], lambda[3]))
y1 <- stats::rgamma(n, shape = gamma.pars[1, 1], scale = gamma.pars[2, 1])
y2 <- stats::rgamma(n, shape = gamma.pars[1, 2], scale = gamma.pars[2, 2])
y3 <- stats::rgamma(n, shape = gamma.pars[1, 3], scale = gamma.pars[2, 3])
y <- rbind(y1, y2, y3)
r <- colSums(z*y)
else r <- NA
### Suppress print in mixtools
quiet <- function(x) {
### Calculate p-value
cal_pvalue <- function(x, y, epsilon = 1e-4, p.thresh = 0.01, plot.fit = FALSE) {
x <- as.vector(x)
## gamma fit
fit1 <- suppressWarnings(fitdistrplus::fitdist(x, "gamma"))
test.res <- goftest::ad.test(x, null = "pgamma", shape = fit1$estimate[1], rate = fit1$estimate[2], estimated = TRUE)
p <- stats::pgamma(y, shape = fit1$estimate[1], rate = fit1$estimate[2], lower.tail = FALSE)
## gamma mix fit
if(test.res$p.value < 1) {
fit2 <- quiet(mixtools::gammamixEM(x, maxit = 100, k = 2, epsilon = epsilon, mom.start = TRUE, maxrestarts = 20))
## three random start
for (i in 1:3) {
fit.temp <- quiet(mixtools::gammamixEM(x, maxit = 100, k = 2, epsilon = epsilon, maxrestarts = 20, lambda = c(i/10, 1-i/10)))
if(fit2$loglik < fit.temp$loglik) fit2 <- fit.temp
test.res2 <- goftest::ad.test(x, null = pgammamix, lambda = fit2$lambda, gamma.pars = fit2$gamma.pars, lower.tail = TRUE, estimated = TRUE)
## LRT gamma vs gamma mix
LRT.p <- stats::pchisq(2*(fit2$loglik - fit1$loglik), df = 3, lower.tail = FALSE)
if(LRT.p < p.thresh) {
p <- pgammamix(y, lambda = fit2$lambda, gamma.pars = fit2$gamma.pars)
test.res <- test.res2
#if(test.res2$p.value < p.thresh) warning(paste0("Final fit does not pass AD test, with p-value ", test.res2$p.value))
return(list(p = p, ad.pv = test.res$p.value))
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