
#' @title Workflow for calibrating NEON atmospheric CO2 isotope data

#' @author
#' Natchaya Pingintha-Durden \email{} \cr

#' @description
#' Workflow. Calibrating NEON atmospheric CO2 isotope data as described in Fiorella et al. (2021).

#' @param Currently none

#' @return Currently none

#' @references
#' License: Terms of use of the NEON FIU algorithm repository dated 2015-01-16. \cr
#' Metzger, S., Durden, D., Sturtevant, C., Luo, H., Pingintha-Durden, N., Sachs, T., Serafimovich, A., Hartmann, J., Li, J., Xu, K., and Desai, A. R.: eddy4R: A community-extensible processing, analysis and modeling framework for eddy-covariance data based on R, Git, Docker and HDF5, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 2017, 1-26, doi:10.5194/gmd-2016-318.
#' Fiorella, R. P., Good, S. P., Allen, S. T., Guo, J. S., Still, C. J., Noone, D. C., Anderegg, W. R. L.,  Florian, C. R., Luo, H., Pingintha-Durden, N., and Bowen, G.J.: Calibration Strategies for Detecting Macroscale Patterns in NEON Atmospheric Carbon Isotope Observations, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 2021, 126(3), e2020JG005862,

#' @keywords carbon, isotope, storage, eddy-covariance, calibration

#' @examples Currently none

#' @seealso Currently none

# changelog and author contributions / copyrights
#   Natchaya Pingintha-Durden (2023-04-18)
#     original creation
#   Natchaya Pingintha-Durden (2023-07-26)
#     adjusted workflow to be able to run a gold file
#   Natchaya Pingintha-Durden (2023-08-31)
#     updated new input and output file name base
#   Natchaya Pingintha-Durden (2023-09-15)
#     added minimum observation (min_nobs) parameter
# clean workspace
# rm(list=ls())

# clean console
# cat("\014")
# Start logging
logLevel <- Sys.getenv('LOG_LEVEL')
if (is.null(logLevel) || logLevel == "") {
  assign("rlog", eddy4R.base::def.log.init(Lvl="debug"), envir = .GlobalEnv)
} else {
  assign("rlog", eddy4R.base::def.log.init(), envir = .GlobalEnv)
rlog$info("Start ECSE CO2 isotope correction from flow.isoCo2.cor.R")

# check if require packages are installed 
packReq <- c("NEONiso", "parsedate", "Hmisc", "neonUtilities", "dplyr", "tidyr")

lapply(packReq, function(x) {
  tryCatch({rlog$debug(x)}, error=function(cond){print(x)})
  if(require(x, character.only = TRUE) == FALSE) {
    library(x, character.only = TRUE)
#install packages from Cran 
#install.packages("neonUtilities", dependencies=TRUE, repos='')
#neonUtilities >= 2.3.0
#install.packages("tidyr", dependencies=TRUE, repos='')
#tidyr >= 1.3.0
#install NEONiso from GitHub. Development version
#NEONiso >= 0.6.3
#install.packages("rlang", dependencies=TRUE, repos='')
#‘rlang’ >= 1.1.0 is required
# remove workflow package list
# load and attach packages

# names of packages
namePack <- c("DataCombine", "eddy4R.base", "eddy4R.turb", "NEONiso", "neonUtilities", "methods", "rhdf5", "deming", "dplyr", "tidyr") 

# load and attach
tmp <- sapply(namePack, library, character.only = TRUE); rm(tmp)

# INITIALIZE ENVIRONMENT #######################################################

# define global environment

# deploy workflow file in default mode (dflt, uses web-based gold file), in environmental-variables-from-host mode (host, for batch-processing from command line),
# or in user selection mode (slct, for interactive data analysis in Rstudio) [character]
# see bottom of this section for command line instruction templates

# create list to hold parametric information in a central place
Para <- list()

##Example for setting up the environment variables########################################################
# base::Sys.setenv("METH" = "host")
# base::Sys.setenv("DATEOUT" = "2018-11-28")
# base::Sys.setenv("DIRINP" = paste0("/home/", base::Sys.getenv("USER"), "/eddy/data/iso/ONAQ/inp"))
# base::Sys.setenv("DIRMNT" = paste0("/home/", Sys.getenv("USER"), "/eddy"))
# base::Sys.setenv("DIROUT" = paste0("/home/", Sys.getenv("USER"), "/eddy/data/iso/ONAQ/out"))
# base::Sys.setenv("DIRTMP" = paste0("/home/", Sys.getenv("USER"), "/eddy/tmp"))
# base::Sys.setenv("FILEINP" = NA)
# base::Sys.setenv("FILEOUTBASE" = "NEON.D06.KONZ.IP4.00200.001.ecse")
# base::Sys.setenv("OUTMETH" = "hdf5")
# base::Sys.setenv("PRDINCRCALC" = 1)
# base::Sys.setenv("PRDWNDWCALC" = 1)
# base::Sys.setenv("READ" = "hdf5")
# base::Sys.setenv("VERSDP" = NA)
# base::Sys.setenv("VERSEDDY" = NA)

#e.g. to remove Sys.unsetenv("METH")

# user selection in case corresponding environmenal variable is not assigned
if(!"METH" %in% base::names(base::Sys.getenv())) {
  Para$Flow$Meth <- c("dflt",  "host", "slct")[1]
  # if corresponding environmental variable is assigned, use that value
} else {
  Para$Flow$Meth <- base::Sys.getenv("METH")

# in case user selection mode is chosen (Para$Flow$Meth == "slct"), workflow parameters can be modified
if(Para$Flow$Meth == "slct") {
  # user-customizeable access to input and output data directories
  Para$Flow$DirUsr <- c(
    nd = "/eddy/data/iso/ABBY",
    dd = "/eddy/data/tmp"
  # for a detailed description of all default workflow parameters see ?eddy4R.base::def.para.flow.ecte, section Overview of workflow parameters
  Para$Flow$DateOut <- base::as.character(base::as.Date(base::as.character(20220506:20220506), format = "%Y%m%d"))[1:1]
  Para$Flow$DirInp <- base::paste0("/home/", base::Sys.getenv("USER"), Para$Flow$DirUsr, "/inp")
  Para$Flow$DirMnt <- base::paste0("/home/", Sys.getenv("USER"), "/eddy")
  Para$Flow$DirOut <- base::paste0("/home/", Sys.getenv("USER"), Para$Flow$DirUsr, "/out")
  Para$Flow$DirTmp <- base::paste0("/home/", Sys.getenv("USER"), "/eddy/tmp")
  Para$Flow$DirWrk <- NA
  Para$Flow$FileInp <- base::dir(Para$Flow$DirInp, pattern = "*.h5")
  Para$Flow$FileOutBase <- c("NEON.D16.ABBY.IP4.00200.001.ecse")
  Para$Flow$NameDataExt <- NA
  Para$Flow$OutMeth <- c("hdf5", "diag")[1]
  Para$Flow$OutSub <- NA
  Para$Flow$PrdIncrCalc <- 1
  #Para$Flow$PrdIncrPf <- 1
  Para$Flow$PrdWndwCalc <- 1
  #Para$Flow$PrdWndwPf <- 1
  Para$Flow$Read <- c("hdf5", "ff")[1]
  Para$Flow$VersDp <- "001"
  Para$Flow$VersEddy <- NA

# collect, and check for presence and absence of workflow parameters, create and set directories, and download reference data (if applicable)
Para$Flow <- eddy4R.base::def.para.flow.ecte(ParaFlow = Para$Flow,
                                             UrlInpRefe = "",
                                             UrlOutRefe = "")
#update some parameter if Para$Flow$Meth == "dflt"
if (Para$Flow$Meth == "dflt") {
  Para$Flow$FileOutBase <- c("NEON.D06.KONZ.IP4.00200.001.ecse")

# INITIAL CHECKS ###############################################################

# check if number of input files (Para$Flow$FileInp) cover calculation window (Para$Flow$PrdWndwCalc)
# i.e. if Para$Flow$PrdWndwCalc is equal to 7, Para$Flow$FileInp should be equal to 7 files
if(Para$Flow$PrdWndwCalc > base::length(Para$Flow$FileInp)) {
  msg <- "number of daily input files < Para$Flow$PrdWndwCalc."
  tryCatch({rlog$fatal(msg)}, error=function(cond){print(msg)})

# check that Para$Flow$DateOut is a strictly regular, daily sequence
if(!base::all(base::diff(base::as.Date(Para$Flow$DateOut)) == 1)) {
  msg <- "please ensure that Para$Flow$DateOut consists of subsequent days."
  tryCatch({rlog$fatal(msg)}, error=function(cond){print(msg)})

# determine center days
dateCntr <- Para$Flow$DateOut[base::seq(from = 1, to = base::length(Para$Flow$DateOut), by = Para$Flow$PrdIncrCalc)]

# for each center day, determine the date sequence covering calculate window (i.e. 7)
for(idx in dateCntr) {
  Para$Flow$DateCalc[[idx]] <- base::as.character(base::seq.Date(
    from = base::as.Date(idx) - ((base::as.integer(Para$Flow$PrdWndwCalc) - 1) / 2),
    to = base::as.Date(idx) + ((base::as.integer(Para$Flow$PrdWndwCalc) - 1) / 2),
    by = "day"))
}; rm(idx)

# check if there is an input file (expanded file) for each day over all calculation windows
# determine if there is an input file corresponding to each day
dateCalcExpd <- sapply(base::sort(base::unique(base::unlist(Para$Flow$DateCalc))), function(x)
  base::any(base::grepl(pattern = base::paste0(".*", x, ".expanded.h5?"), Para$Flow$FileInp))

# issue an error in case one or more files are missing
if(!base::all(dateCalcExpd)) {
  msg <- base::paste("expanded file for", base::paste0(base::names(dateCalcExpd)[!dateCalcExpd], collapse = ", "), "is missing.")
  tryCatch({rlog$fatal(msg)}, error=function(cond){print(msg)})

# check if there is an input file (basic file) for the center day (this file will be used for writing output)
# determine if there is an input file corresponding to center day

dateCalcBasc <- sapply(base::sort(base::unique(base::unlist(Para$Flow$DateCalc))), function(x)
  base::any(base::grepl(pattern = base::paste0(".*", x, ".basic.h5?"), Para$Flow$FileInp))

# issue an error in case basic file center day are missing
if(!dateCalcBasc[[dateCntr]]) {
  msg <- base::paste("basic file for ", dateCntr, " is missing.")
  tryCatch({rlog$fatal(msg)}, error=function(cond){print(msg)})
# Processing ###################################################################
# determine full input file path for current center day in data processing window
# this day is used as reference for reading parametric information
# Expanded file path
Para$FileName$EcseExpd <- base::file.path(Para$Flow$DirInp, grep(pattern = paste0("ecse.*", Para$Flow$DateOut ,".*expanded.h5"), Para$Flow$FileInp, value = TRUE))
#DirFilePara <- base::file.path(Para$Flow$DirInp, grep(pattern = base::paste0(".*", dateCntr, ".*.h5?"), Para$Flow$FileInp, value = TRUE))

# Basic file path
Para$FileName$EcseBasc <- base::file.path(Para$Flow$DirInp, grep(pattern = paste0("ecse.*",Para$Flow$DateOut ,".*basic.h5"), Para$Flow$FileInp, value = TRUE))

# Grab the NEON specific 4-letter code for the site location (Loc) from the input file
Para$Flow$Loc <- = Para$FileName$EcseExpd)$Loc

#In this case, expanded files will be used in calculation
#list all file names in inpDir
nameFile <- list.files(path = Para$Flow$DirInp,
                       pattern = "expanded.h5",
                       recursive = TRUE,
                       full.names = TRUE)

#correction processing
#correcting data using Bowling_2003 method
outData01 <- NEONiso::calibrate_carbon(inname = nameFile, site = Para$Flow$Loc, method = "Bowling_2003", write_to_file = FALSE, avg = 6, min_nobs = 130)
#if the modified calibrate_carbon() has not imported yet, run calibrate_carbon() line by line by using varibles setting at the end of this work flow
#Then run;
#outData01 <- outData

#correcting data using Linear regression (linreg) method
#NOTE: values of min, max output from linreg method are the corrected values not raw values
outData02 <- NEONiso::calibrate_carbon(inname = nameFile, site=Para$Flow$Loc, method = "linreg", write_to_file = FALSE, avg = 6, min_nobs = 130)
#if the modified calibrate_carbon() has not imported yet, run calibrate_carbon() line by line by using varibles setting at the end of this work flow
#Then run;
#outData02 <- outData

#combine data from both method into one list
outData <- list()

#adding columns, combine results, clean up, organizing, and changing column names
for(j in names(outData01$ciso_subset_cal)) {
  for (k in names (outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]])){
    if (k %in% c("dlta13CCo2", "rtioMoleDryCo2")){
      ######BOOK KEEPING######################################
      #change column names to NEON terms
      #original column names of outData01 (Bowling_2003 method)
      #dlta13CCo2 = c("timeBgn","timeEnd","mean","min","max","vari","numSamp","mean_cal","min_cal","max_cal","CVcalUcrt","LOOcalUcrt")
      #rtioMoleDryCo2 = c("timeBgn","timeEnd","mean","min","max","vari","numSamp","mean_cal","CVcalUcrt","LOOcalUcrt")
      #colnames(outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]) <- c("timeBgn","timeEnd","mean","min","max","vari","numSamp","meanCorBowl","minCorBowl","maxCorBowl","cvCalUcrt","looCalUcrt")
      #original column names of outData02 (linreg method)
      #c("timeBgn","timeEnd","mean","min","max","vari","numSamp","mean_cal","cvloo", "cv5rmse", "cv5mae")
      #NOTE: values of min, max output from linreg method are the corrected values not raw values
      #replace column names of min & max to minCor and maxCor
      #names(outData02$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]) <- c("timeBgn","timeEnd","mean","minCorLinReg","maxLinReg","vari","numSamp","meanCorLinReg","cvLoo","cv5Rmse","cv5Mae")
      #adding min_cal and max_cal to rtioMoleDryCo2
      if (k %in% c("rtioMoleDryCo2")) {
        outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$min_cal <- NaN
        outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$max_cal <- NaN
      #create temporary table to combine results from both methods in NEON format
      tmpData <- data.frame(
        #provided best estimated (output from Bowling_2003 method)
        mean = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$mean_cal,
        min = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$min_cal,
        max = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$max_cal,
        vari = NaN, #vari not calculate after applying calibration (should talk to Rich)
        numSamp = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$numSamp,
        #output from Bowling_2003 method
        meanCorBowl = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$mean_cal,
        minCorBowl = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$min_cal,
        maxCorBowl = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$max_cal,
        cvCalUcrt =outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$CVcalUcrt,
        looCalUcrt =outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$LOOcalUcrt,
        #output from linreg
        meanCorLinReg = outData02$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$mean_cal,
        minCorLinReg =  outData02$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$min, #min, max output from linreg method are the corrected values not raw values
        maxCorLinReg =  outData02$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$max,
        cvLoo = outData02$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$cvloo,
        cv5Rmse = outData02$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$cv5rmse,
        cv5Mae = outData02$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$cv5mae,
        #raw/non corrected data
        meanRaw = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$mean,
        minRaw = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$min,
        maxRaw = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$max,
        variRaw = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$vari,
        timeBgn = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeBgn,
        timeEnd = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeEnd
      #replace NA value with NaN
      tmpData[] <- NaN
      #outData$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]] <-  cbind(outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]], 
      #                                           outData02$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]][,-which(names(outData02$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]) %in% c("timeBgn", "timeEnd", "mean", "vari", "numSamp"))])
      outData$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]] <- tmpData
      #rearrange timeBgn & timeEnd to last column (NEON format)
      outData$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]] <- cbind(outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]][,-which(names(outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]) %in% c("timeBgn", "timeEnd"))],
                                                 timeBgn = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeBgn, 
                                                 timeEnd = outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeEnd)
    }#end else
  names(outData$ciso_subset_cal[[j]]) <- names(outData01$ciso_subset_cal[[j]])

#create a new cal_df table for each calibration method
outData$cal_df_Bowl <- cbind(outData01$cal_df[,-which(names(outData01$cal_df) %in% c("timeBgn", "timeEnd"))],
                             timeBgn = outData01$cal_df$timeBgn, 
                             timeEnd = outData01$cal_df$timeEnd)
outData$cal_df_LinReg <- cbind(outData02$cal_df[,-which(names(outData02$cal_df) %in% c("timeBgn", "timeEnd"))],
                               timeBgn = outData01$cal_df$timeBgn, 
                               timeEnd = outData01$cal_df$timeEnd)#there was an issue of time output from this method

#change column names to NEON terms
colnames(outData$cal_df_Bowl) <- c("slp12C", "ofst12C", "rsq12C", "cvLoo12C", "cv5Mae12C", "cv5Rmse12C",
                                   "slp13C", "ofst13C", "rsq13C", "cvLoo13C", "cv5Mae13C", "cv5Rmse13C",
                                   "timeBgn", "timeEnd")

colnames(outData$cal_df_LinReg) <- c("slpDlta13CCo2", "ofstDlta13CCo2", "rsqDlta13CCo2", "cvLooDlta13CCo2", "cv5MaeDlta13CCo2", "cv5RmseDlta13CCo2",
                                     "slpRtioMoleDryCo2", "ofstRtioMoleDryCo2", "rsqRtioMoleDryCo2", "cvLooRtioMoleDryCo2", "cv5MaeRtioMoleDryCo2", "cv5RmseRtioMoleDryCo2",
                                     "timeBgn", "timeEnd")

#grab center day data
dataDateCntr <- outData
#get start and end time
timeBgn <- base::as.POSIXct(paste(dateCntr, " ", "00:00:00.0001", sep=""), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz="UTC")
timeEnd   <- base::as.POSIXct(paste(dateCntr, " ", "23:59:59.950", sep=""), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz="UTC")

#convert NEON time to POSIXct
for (i in c("cal_df_Bowl", "cal_df_LinReg")){
  #replacing timeBgn and timeEnd when all values in dataframe are NA (timeBgn and timeEnd = "NA-NA-NATNA:NA:NA")
  if(all([[i]][,-which(names(dataDateCntr[[i]]) %in% c("timeBgn", "timeEnd"))])))){
    dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeBgn <- paste0(dateCntr, "T00:00:00.000Z")
    dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeEnd <- paste0(dateCntr, "T23:59:59.000Z")
  } else{
    dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeBgn <- as.POSIXct(paste(dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeBgn, " ", "00:00:00.00", sep=""), format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ", tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01 00:00:00")
    dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeBgn <- base::as.POSIXct(paste(dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeBgn, " ", "00:00:00.001", sep=""), format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz="UTC")
    dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeEnd <- as.POSIXct(dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeEnd, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ", tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01 00:00:00")
    #subset center day data for cal_df table
    dataDateCntr[[i]] <- dataDateCntr[[i]][which(dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeEnd >= timeBgn & dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeBgn <= timeEnd),]
    #convert time back to NEON hdf5 time
    dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeBgn <- NEONiso:::convert_POSIXct_to_NEONhdf5_time(dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeBgn)
    dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeEnd <- NEONiso:::convert_POSIXct_to_NEONhdf5_time(dataDateCntr[[i]]$timeEnd)
  }#end if
}#end loop i

#subset center day data for ciso_subset_cal
for(j in names(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal)) {
  for (k in names (dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]])){
    #replace empty dataframe with NA
    if(all($ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]][,-which(names(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]) %in% c("timeBgn", "timeEnd"))])))){
      dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeBgn <- paste0(dateCntr, "T00:00:00.000Z")
      dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeEnd <- paste0(dateCntr, "T23:59:59.000Z")
      #convert NEON time to POSIXct
      dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeBgn <- as.POSIXct(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeBgn, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ", tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01 00:00:00")
      dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeEnd <- as.POSIXct(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeEnd, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OSZ", tz = "UTC", origin = "1970-01-01 00:00:00")
      #subset data
      dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]] <-dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]][which(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeEnd >= timeBgn & dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeBgn <= timeEnd),]
      #convert time back to NEON hdf5 time
      dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeBgn <- NEONiso:::convert_POSIXct_to_NEONhdf5_time(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeBgn)
      dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeEnd <-  NEONiso:::convert_POSIXct_to_NEONhdf5_time(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]$timeEnd) 
    }#end else
  }#end loop k
}#end loop j

#Writing data to HDF5 ########################################################
#create list to hold data
data <- list()

#extract data from expanded hdf5 file for the center day
data$Expd <- eddy4R.base::def.hdf5.extr(FileInp = Para$FileName$EcseExpd)
#extract data from basic hdf5 file for the center day
data$Basc <- eddy4R.base::def.hdf5.extr(FileInp = Para$FileName$EcseBasc)

#replace isoCo2 calibrate data
for(j in names(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal)) {
  for (k in c("dlta13CCo2", "rtioMoleDryCo2")){
    var <- paste0("/",Para$Flow$Loc, "/dp01/data/isoCo2","/",j,"/",k)
    data$Expd$listData[[var]] <- dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]
    data$Basc$listData[[var]] <- dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]
    #report only mean, min, max, vari, and numSamp (results from Bowling method in this case) for basic file
    data$Basc$listData[[var]] <- dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]][,which(names(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal[[j]][[k]]) %in% c("mean", "min", "max", "vari","numSamp","timeBgn", "timeEnd"))]
    #unit re-assignment (only expanded files)
    if(k %in% c("dlta13CCo2")){
      data$Expd$listAttr[[var]]$unit <-c("permill","permill","permill","permill2","NA",
                                         "permill","permill","permill", "permill2", "permill2",
                                         "permill","permill","permill", "permill2", "permill2","permill2",
    } else {
      data$Expd$listAttr[[var]]$unit <-c("umolCo2 mol-1","umolCo2 mol-1","umolCo2 mol-1","umol2Co2 mol-2","NA",
                                         "umolCo2 mol-1","umolCo2 mol-1","umolCo2 mol-1", "umol2Co2 mol-2", "umol2Co2 mol-2",
                                         "umolCo2 mol-1","umolCo2 mol-1","umolCo2 mol-1", "umol2Co2 mol-2", "umol2Co2 mol-2","umol2Co2 mol-2",
                                         "umolCo2 mol-1","umolCo2 mol-1","umolCo2 mol-1","umol2Co2 mol-2","NA","NA") 
  }#end k loop
}#end j loop

#write out to hdf5
tmp <- eddy4R.base::def.hdf5.extr(FileInp = NULL,
                                  rpt = data$Expd,
                                  FileOut = base::paste0(Para$Flow$DirOut,"/",Para$Flow$FileOutBase, ".", dateCntr, ".", "expanded.h5"))
tmp <- eddy4R.base::def.hdf5.extr(FileInp = NULL,
                                  rpt = data$Basc,
                                  FileOut = base::paste0(Para$Flow$DirOut,"/",Para$Flow$FileOutBase, ".", dateCntr, ".", "basic.h5"))


#writing calibration parameters
print("Writing calibration parameters...")

for (packIdx in c("expanded.h5", "basic.h5")){
  outname <- base::paste0(Para$Flow$DirOut,"/",Para$Flow$FileOutBase, ".", dateCntr, ".", packIdx)  
  rhdf5::h5createGroup(outname,base::paste0("/",Para$Flow$Loc, "/dp01/data/isoCo2/calData"))
  fid <- rhdf5::H5Fopen(outname)
  calLoc <- rhdf5::H5Gopen(fid, paste0("/", Para$Flow$Loc, "/dp01/data/isoCo2/calData"))
  if (packIdx %in% c("expanded.h5")) {
    #writing calibration parameter for Bowling method
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(obj = dataDateCntr$cal_df_Bowl,
                          h5loc = calLoc,
                          name = "calDataBowl",
                          DataFrameAsCompound = TRUE)
    #writing units
    #slp12C, ofst12C, rsq12C, cvLoo12C, cv5Mae12C, cv5Rmse12C,
    #slp13C, ofst13C, rsq13C, cvLoo13C, cv5Mae13C, cv5Rmse13C,
    #timeBgn", "timeEnd"
    #using NA for now; need to update
    unitBowl <- c("NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1",
                  "NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1",
                  "NA", "NA")
    #open calDataBowl dataframe
    calLocBowl <- rhdf5::H5Dopen(calLoc, "calDataBowl")
    rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(unitBowl, h5obj = calLocBowl, name = "unit")
    #writing calibration parameter for LinReg method
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(obj = dataDateCntr$cal_df_LinReg,
                          h5loc = calLoc,
                          name = "calDataLinReg",
                          DataFrameAsCompound = TRUE)
    #writing units
    #slpDlta13CCo2, ofstDlta13CCo2, rsqDlta13CCo2, cvLooDlta13CCo2, cv5MaeDlta13CCo2, cv5RmseDlta13CCo2,
    #slpRtioMoleDryCo2, ofstRtioMoleDryCo2, rsqRtioMoleDryCo2, cvLooRtioMoleDryCo2, cv5MaeRtioMoleDryCo2, cv5RmseRtioMoleDryCo2,
    #timeBgn, timeEnd
    #using NA for now; need to update
    unitLinReg <- c("NA", "permill", "NA", "permill", "permill", "permill",
                    "NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1",
                    "NA", "NA")
    #open calDataLinReg dataframe
    calLocLinReg <- rhdf5::H5Dopen(calLoc, "calDataLinReg")
    rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(unitLinReg, h5obj = calLocLinReg, name = "unit")
  } else if (packIdx %in% c("basic.h5")) {
    rhdf5::h5writeDataset(obj = dataDateCntr$cal_df_Bowl,
                          h5loc = calLoc,
                          name = "calDataBowl",
                          DataFrameAsCompound = TRUE)
    #writing units
    #slp12C, ofst12C, rsq12C, cvLoo12C, cv5Mae12C, cv5Rmse12C,
    #slp13C, ofst13C, rsq13C, cvLoo13C, cv5Mae13C, cv5Rmse13C,
    #timeBgn", "timeEnd"
    #using NA for now; need to update
    unitBowl <- c("NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1",
                  "NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "NA", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1", "umolCo2 mol-1",
                  "NA", "NA")
    #open calDataBowl dataframe
    calLocBowl <- rhdf5::H5Dopen(calLoc, "calDataBowl")
    rhdf5::h5writeAttribute(unitBowl, h5obj = calLocBowl, name = "unit")
  # close the group and the file
}#end loop packIdx

rlog$info(paste0("dataset ", dateCntr, ": HDF5 generation complete!"))

#output csv files for diagnosis purpose
if (Para$Flow$Meth == "dflt") {
  #VersDp output version
  Para$Flow$VersDp <- paste0(Para$Flow$VersDp, "_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%Z"))
  # create directory
  dir.create(paste0(Para$Flow$DirOut, "/", Para$Flow$Loc, "/", Para$Flow$VersDp), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  for(j in names(dataDateCntr$ciso_subset_cal)) {
    for (k in c("dlta13CCo2", "rtioMoleDryCo2")){
      var <- paste0("/",Para$Flow$Loc, "/dp01/data/isoCo2","/",j,"/",k)
      #write to file
      utils::write.csv(data$Expd$listData[[var]], file = paste0(Para$Flow$DirOut, "/", Para$Flow$Loc, "/", Para$Flow$VersDp, "/", "dp01", "-", "isoCo2", "-",j, "-",k,".csv"), col.names = FALSE,
                       na = "NaN", row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE)
  #write calibration parameter
  utils::write.csv(dataDateCntr$cal_df_Bowl, file = paste0(Para$Flow$DirOut, "/", Para$Flow$Loc, "/", Para$Flow$VersDp, "/", "cal-df-Bowl.csv"), col.names = FALSE,
                   na = "NaN", row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE)
  utils::write.csv(dataDateCntr$cal_df_LinReg, file = paste0(Para$Flow$DirOut, "/", Para$Flow$Loc, "/", Para$Flow$VersDp, "/", "cal-df-LinReg.csv"), col.names = FALSE,
                   na = "NaN", row.names = FALSE, quote=FALSE)
}#end creating CSV file

##TEST RUN line by line for calibrate_carbon() 
#need to source extract_carbon_calibration_data() so the results will be match with 0.6.1 version

inname <- nameFile
outname <- NULL
site <- Para$Flow$Loc
method <- c("Bowling_2003", "linreg")[1]
calibration_half_width <- 0.5
force_cal_to_beginning <- TRUE
force_cal_to_end <- TRUE
gap_fill_parameters <- FALSE
filter_ambient <- TRUE
r2_thres <- 0.95
correct_refData <- TRUE
write_to_file <- FALSE
remove_known_bad_months <- TRUE
plot_regression_data <- FALSE
plot_directory <- NULL
avg <- 6
SPATIAL-Lab/NEONiso documentation built on April 5, 2024, 5:28 a.m.