
# Script used to preprocess the example dataset used in the package vignette,
# and added to the package as tcga_brca_luma_dataset.RData




# setwd("~/Data/transcriptome-noise-in-cc")

# Downloaded files will stay here, set for your own preference.
# location <- "/disk/work/users/tp1/projects/transcriptome-noise-in-cc/data/TCGAbiolinks"
location <- "/Users/esebesty/Work/repos/group/students/tamas_por/tcga-download"
# location   <- ""

# Path depth.
pathDepth <- 16

# Location of downloaded kgXref table relative to 'location'.
# Downloaded from:
annLocation <- "/annotations/kgXrefOld5.txt"

# Read in annotation file.
annotation <- read_delim(paste0(location, annLocation), "\t",
                         escape_double = FALSE, col_names = FALSE,
                         trim_ws = TRUE) %>%
  dplyr::rename(gene_name = X5) %>%
  # Manual curation due to biological phenomena or annotation error
  # (1 transcript, 2 gene).
  mutate(isoform_id = ifelse(!str_detect(X1, "uc010nxr"),
                             str_split_fixed(X1, "\\.", 2)[, 1], X1))

# TCGA data gathering.
query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-BRCA",
                  legacy = TRUE,
                  data.category = "Gene expression",
                  data.type = "Isoform expression quantification",
                  experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
                  sample.type = c("Primary Tumor","Solid Tissue Normal"))

# Download data files.
# GDCdownload(query, directory = paste0(location, "/data"))

# Select breast cancer samples.
dataSubt <- TCGAquery_subtype(tumor = "brca") %>%
  select(patient, BRCA_Subtype_PAM50)

# Select Luminal A subtype patients.
LumAPatients <- dataSubt %>%
  filter(BRCA_Subtype_PAM50 == "LumA") %>%

# First 20 patients with both tumor and normal samples. We keep only 40 samples
# to keep running time short.
result_table <- query[[1]][[1]] %>%
  mutate(tags = as.character(tags)) %>%
  filter(str_detect(tags, "unnormalized")) %>%
  mutate(patient = str_extract(cases, "^.{12}")) %>%
  select(patient, cases, sample_type, file_name) %>%
  group_by(patient) %>%
  filter(length(patient) != 1) %>%
  filter(patient %in% LumAPatients$patient) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(patient) %>%
  slice_head(n = 40)

# Downloaded isoform read count tables.
tableLocation <- "/data/TCGA-BRCA/legacy/Gene_expression/Isoform_expression_quantification"

# Data read-in.
samples <-, tableLocation),
                                    recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE))

colnames(samples) <- "file"

# Create a vector of sample tissue types (Tumor/Normal).
samples <- samples %>%
  mutate(file_name = str_split_fixed(file, "\\/", pathDepth)[, pathDepth]) %>%
  filter(file_name %in% result_table$file_name) %>%
  left_join(result_table, by = "file_name") %>%

# The function takes a vector of strings with path to data files as an argument.
# Gives back a list of tibbles generated from the data files with 3 columns:
# isoform ID; raw read count and a scaled estimate. We do not use the scaled
# estimate, only the raw read count.
sampleRead <- function(x) {
  xd <- read_delim(x, "\t", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)

samples_data <- sapply(as.character(samples$file), FUN = sampleRead,
                       simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

# Preprocess data.
data <- bind_rows(samples_data, .id = "id") %>%
  mutate(id = str_split_fixed(id, "\\/", pathDepth)[, pathDepth],
         isoform_id = ifelse(!str_detect(isoform_id, "uc010nxr"),
                             str_split_fixed(isoform_id, "\\.", 2)[, 1],
                             isoform_id)) %>%
  left_join(result_table, by = c("id" = "file_name")) %>%
  arrange(isoform_id) %>%
  mutate(patient = ifelse(sample_type == "Solid Tissue Normal",
                          paste0(patient, "_N"), paste0(patient, "_T")))

table <- select(data, isoform_id, raw_count, scaled_estimate, patient) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = isoform_id, names_from = patient,
              values_from = c(raw_count, scaled_estimate)) %>%
  left_join(select(annotation, isoform_id, gene_name), by = "isoform_id")

genes <- table$gene_name

# Create a table with read counts; each column represents a sample.
count_table <- select(data, isoform_id, raw_count, patient) %>%
  filter(isoform_id %in% table$isoform_id) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = isoform_id, names_from = patient,
              values_from = raw_count) %>%
  select(-isoform_id) %>%

# Entropy calculation.
Laplace_diversity <- calculate_diversity(count_table, genes, method = "laplace")

# Update the SummarizedExperiment object with a new sample metadata column for
# sample types, as the the object returned by calculate_diversity does not
# contain this information.
colData(Laplace_diversity) <- cbind(colData(Laplace_diversity),
                                    sample_type = ifelse(grepl("_N",
                                                         "Normal", "Tumor"))

Laplace_readcount_Wilcox <- calculate_difference(Laplace_diversity, "sample_type",
                                                 control = "Normal",
                                                 method = "mean",
                                                 test = "wilcoxon") %>%

# Add gene names to the rows/observations.
count_table <- cbind(genes, count_table)

# Select top 100 most diverse genes to make sure that sample dataset will work.
top_genes <- Laplace_readcount_Wilcox[1:100,]

# Add further 200 genes to the sample dataset.
random_genes <- Laplace_readcount_Wilcox[sample(nrow(Laplace_readcount_Wilcox[100:nrow(Laplace_readcount_Wilcox),
                                                                              ]), 200), ]

geneset <- rbind(top_genes, random_genes) %>%

tcga_brca_luma_dataset <- count_table %>%
  filter(genes %in% geneset$genes)

save(tcga_brca_luma_dataset, file = "tcga_brca_luma_dataset.RData")

# Extract gene names and sample IDs from dataset.
sample_geneset  <- sort(unique(tcga_brca_luma_dataset[, "genes"]))
TCGA_sample_IDs <- result_table$cases

write.table(sample_geneset, "./inst/extdata/tcga_gene_ids.tsv",
            quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

write.table(TCGA_sample_IDs, "./inst/extdata/tcga_sample_ids.tsv",
            quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
SU-CompBio/SplicingFactory documentation built on March 28, 2022, 4:39 a.m.