Man pages for SWittouck/tidyamplicons
Functions to Manipulate and Visualize Amplicon Abundance Data

abundancesExtract the abundance table
abundances_matrixReturn an abundances matrix
add_alphasAdd alpha diversity measures
add_clusterAdd cluster number
add_codifabPerform compositional differential abundance analysis
add_copcaAdd compositional principal components to the sample table
add_diversity_measuresAdd some alpha diversity measures
add_jervis_bardyApply the taxon QC method of Jervis-Bardy
add_lib_sizeAdd total abundance per sample
add_logratiosAdd logratios
add_max_rel_abundanceAdd the maximum relative abundance of taxa to the taxon table
add_mean_rel_abundancesAdd average relative abundances
add_occurrencesAdd taxon occurrences to the taxon table
add_pcoaAdd first two dimensions of PCOA
add_presence_countsAdd absolute occurrences of taxa to the taxon table
add_rel_abundanceAdd relative abundance to abundance table
add_rel_occurrenceAdd the relative occurrence of taxa to the taxon table
add_sample_clusteredAdd clustered sample order
add_sample_tibbleAdd sample table to the tidyamplicons object
add_spike_ratioAdd spike ratio
add_taxon_nameCreate sensible names for the taxa and add to taxon table
add_taxon_name_colorCreate taxon names suitable for visualization with color. A...
add_taxon_tibbleAdd taxon metadata to the tidyamplicons object
add_total_rel_abundanceAdd the total relative abundance of taxa to the taxon table
aggregate_samplesAggregate samples with identical values for all metadata
aggregate_taxaAggregate taxa on a given taxonomic rank
as_abundancesConvert matrix with abundances to tidy data frame
as_abundances_matrixConvert abundances tidy data frame to matrix.
as_phyloseqConvert tidyamplicons object to phyloseq object
as_tidyampliconsConvert phyloseq object to tidyamplicons object
bar_plotReturn a bar plot of the samples
bar_plot_lyReturn an interactive bar plot of the samples
betasGet beta diversity table
change_id_samplesChange sample IDs to a given expression
change_id_taxaChange taxon IDs to a given expression
classify_taxa(Re)classify amplicon sequences
codifab_plotGenerate a compositional differential abundance plot
create_test_taCreate a tidyamplicons object for testing/example purporses
create_tidyampliconsInitiate tidyamplicons object
everythingGet all data in one single table
filter_abundancesFilter the abundances
filter_samplesFilter the samples
filter_taxaFilter the taxa
get_abundances_extendedSynonym of 'everything'.
get_bar_plotReturn a bar plot of the samples
get_betasGet beta diversity table
get_history_plotReturn a history plot of the samples
get_numbersReturn some descriptive numbers
get_rel_abundance_matrixReturn a relative abundance matrix
history_plotReturn a history plot of the samples
make_tidyampliconsCreate a tidyamplicons object from three tidy tables
mean_rel_abundancesGet mean relative abundances of taxa in general or per...
merge_samplesSynonym of 'aggregate_samples'.
merge_taxaSynonym of 'aggregate_taxa'.
merge_tidyampliconsMerge two tidyamplicons objects.
mutate_abundancesCreate extra variables in the abundances table
mutate_samplesCreate extra variables in the sample table
mutate_taxaCreate extra variables in the taxon table
numbersReturn some descriptive numbers
occurrencesGet occurrences of taxa in general or per condition
pcoa_plot_lyReturn an interactive pcoa plot of the samples
perform_adonisPerform an adonis test
pipePipe operator
process_abundance_selectionApply an abundance filtering to the taxon table
process_sample_selectionApply a sample filtering to the taxon and abundance tables
process_taxon_selectionApply a taxon filtering to the abundance table
rank_namesReturn rank names associated with a tidyamplicons object
rarefyRarefy the samples to a given number of reads
read_tidyampliconsRead community data written by tidyamplicons
remove_empty_samplesRemoves empty samples from the tidyamplicons object
report_numbersReport numbers
reset_idsReset the taxon and sample IDs
sample_plotReturn a visualization designed for a small number of samples
samplesExtract the sample table
select_abundancesRetain or remove a set of abundance variables
select_samplesRetain or remove a set of sample variables
select_taxaRetain or remove a set of taxon variables
set_rank_namesSet rank names for a tidyamplicons object
taxaExtract the taxon table
taxon_counts_in_conditionsGet occurrences of taxa in general or in conditions
tidyampliconstidyamplicons: Functions to manipulate and visualize amplicon...
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
tidy_phyloseqConvert phyloseq object to tidyamplicons object
trim_asvsTrim all sequences
update_id_namesRename the "sample" and "taxon" columns to "sample_id" and...
update_lib_sizesUpdate library sizes in the lib_size table
update_tidyampliconsUpdate old tidyamplicons object to new one.
write_tidyampliconsWrite community data in tidyamplicons format
SWittouck/tidyamplicons documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 3:14 a.m.