
Defines functions generateRdFiles writeContent createClassRdContent createMethodContent createFunctionRdContent getExample getReturned getDescription pyVerbiageToLatex parseArgDescriptionsFromDetails insertLatexNewLines changeSphinxHyperlinksToLatex convertSphinxToLatex getDictDocString formatArgsForArgumentSection usage autoGenerateRdFiles initAutoGenerateRdFiles generateRWrappers cleanUpStackTrace determineArgsAndKwArgs getClassInfo getEnumInfo getFunctionInfo removeNulls addPrefix snakeToCamel capitalizeFirstLetter autoGenerateFunctions defineFunction autoGenerateClasses defineConstructor .createFormalArgs defineEnum autoGenerateEnum

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   Helpers for wrapping python packages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Helper function to generate R wrappers for Enum classes in a python module
# @param assignEnumCallback the callback to define the enum in the target R package
# @param enumInfo the Enum classes to generate R wrappers for
autoGenerateEnum <- function(assignEnumCallback, enumInfo) {
  for (e in enumInfo) {
    defineEnum(assignEnumCallback, e$name, e$keys, e$values)

# Define an R wrapper for an Enum in Python
# @param assignEnumCallback the callback to define the enum in the target R package
# @param name the Enum class name
# @param keys the Enum item names
# @param values the Enum item values
defineEnum <- function(assignEnumCallback, name, keys, values) {
  assignEnumCallback(name, keys, values)

# Create formal args that can be assigned to a function
# based on the inspected Python signature.
# @param pyParams the function info args as from getFunctionInfo
.createFormalArgs <- function(pyParams) {
  argNames <- pyParams$args
  defaults <- pyParams$defaults

  if (length(argNames) > 0 && argNames[1] == 'self') {
    argNames <- argNames[-1]

  newArgs <- setNames(rep(list(quote(expr =)), length(argNames)), argNames)

  if (length(defaults) > 0) {
    ## Otherwise fill in arguments with defaults at the end, and add empty symbols
    ## to any remaining arguments
    nArgs <- length(argNames)
    nDefs <- length(defaults)

    ## Position of the last default-less argument
    lastEmpty <- nArgs - nDefs

    ## Add the defaults to the end
    newArgs[(lastEmpty + 1):nArgs] <- defaults

  if (!is.null(pyParams$varargs) || !is.null(pyParams$keywords)) {
    # if the Python signature uses *args or **kwargs we add
    # dots to the R signature to match
    newArgs <- append(newArgs, alist(... =))


# Define an R wrapper for a object constructor in Python
# @param module the python module
# @param setGenericCallback the callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
# @param name the class name
# @param pyParams the function info args as from getFunctionInfo
defineConstructor <- function(module, setGenericCallback, name, pyParams) {

  rWrapperName <- sprintf(".%s", name)
  gateway <- reticulate::import("gateway")
  assign(rWrapperName, function(...) {
    pyModule <- reticulate::py_eval(module)
    argsAndKwArgs <- determineArgsAndKwArgs(...)
    returnedObject <- cleanUpStackTrace(
        method = list(pyModule, name),
        args = argsAndKwArgs$args,
        kwargs = argsAndKwArgs$kwargs

  rFn <- function(...) {
    # formals will be assigned below, re-create the dots
    # so we can pass them through to the py call
    call <- sys.call()
    call[[1]] <- as.name('list')
    dots <- eval.parent(call)
    do.call(rWrapperName, args = dots)

  newArgs <- .createFormalArgs(pyParams)
  if (length(newArgs) > 0) {
    formals(rFn) <- newArgs

  setGenericCallback(name, rFn)

# Helper function to generate R wrappers for classes in a python module
# @param module the python module
# @param setGenericCallback the callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
# @param classInfo the classes to generate R wrappers for
autoGenerateClasses <- function(module, setGenericCallback, classInfo) {
  for (c in classInfo) {
    defineConstructor(module, setGenericCallback, c$name, c$args)

# Define an R wrappers for a function in a python module
# @param rName the R function name
# @param pyName the Python function name
# @param functionContainerName the function container name in Python
# @param pyParams the function info args as from getFunctionInfo
# @param setGenericCallback the callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
# @param transformReturnObject optional function to change returned values in R
defineFunction <- function(rName,
                           transformReturnObject = NULL) {
  rWrapperName <- sprintf(".%s", rName)
  assign(rWrapperName, function(...) {
    functionContainer <- reticulate::py_eval(functionContainerName)
    argsAndKwArgs <- determineArgsAndKwArgs(...)
    gateway <- reticulate::import("gateway")
    returnedObject <- cleanUpStackTrace(
        method = list(functionContainer, pyName),
        args = argsAndKwArgs$args,
        kwargs = argsAndKwArgs$kwargs
    if (grepl("GeneratorWrapper", class(returnedObject)[1])) {
      class(returnedObject)[1] <- "GeneratorWrapper"
    if (grepl("CsvFileTable", class(returnedObject)[1])) {
      class(returnedObject)[1] <- "CsvFileTable"

    if (!is.null(transformReturnObject)) {
    } else {

  rFn <- function(...) {
    # formals will be assigned below, re-create the dots
    # so we can pass them through to the py call
    call <- sys.call()
    call[[1]] <- as.name('list')
    dots <- eval.parent(call)
    do.call(rWrapperName, args = dots)

  newArgs <- .createFormalArgs(pyParams)
  if (length(newArgs) > 0) {
    formals(rFn) <- newArgs

  setGenericCallback(rName, rFn)

# Helper function to generate R wrappers for functions in a python module
# @param setGenericCallback the callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
# @param functionInfo the functions to generate R wrappers for
# @param transformReturnObject optional function to change returned values in R
autoGenerateFunctions <- function(setGenericCallback,
                                  transformReturnObject = NULL) {
  for (f in functionInfo) {

# Helper function to capitalize the first letter of the input
# @param x the input string
capitalizeFirstLetter <- function(x) {
    toupper(substring(x, 1, 1)),
    substring(x, 2, nchar(x))

# Helper function to camel case the given input
# @param x the input string
snakeToCamel <- function(x) {
    strsplit(x, "_"),
    function(x) {
      paste(capitalizeFirstLetter(x), collapse="")

# Helper function to add prefix to a name
# @param name the name to add prefix to
# @param prefix the prefix to add
addPrefix <- function(name, prefix) {
    sep = ""

# Helper function to remove NULL in a list
# @param x the list to remove NULL
removeNulls <- function(x) {
  nullIndices <- sapply(x, is.null)
  if (any(nullIndices)) {
    x <- x[-which(nullIndices)]

# Helper function to get a list of Python functions in a given module
# @param pyPkg the Python package name
# @param module the Python module
# @param functionFilter optional function to modify the returned functions
# @param functionPrefix optional text to add to the name of the functions
# @param pySingletonName optional singleton object in python
getFunctionInfo <- function(pyPkg,
                            functionFilter = NULL,
                            functionPrefix = NULL,
                            pySingletonName = NULL) {
  reticulate::py_run_string("import pyPkgInfo")
  reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("import %s", pyPkg))
  functionInfo <- reticulate::py_eval(sprintf("pyPkgInfo.getFunctionInfo(%s)", module))

  if (!is.null(functionFilter)) {
    functionInfo <- lapply(X = functionInfo, functionFilter)
  # scrub the nulls
  functionInfo <- removeNulls(functionInfo)
  functionContainerName <- module
  if (!is.null(pySingletonName)) {
    functionContainerName <- pySingletonName

  functionInfo <- lapply(X = functionInfo, function(x) {
    if (!is.null(functionPrefix)) {
      rName <- addPrefix(x$name, functionPrefix)
    } else {
      rName <- x$name
      pyName = x$name,
      rName = rName,
      functionContainerName = functionContainerName,
      args = x$args,
      doc = x$doc,
      title = rName

# Helper function to get a list of Python Enum classes in a given module
# @param pyPkg the Python package name
# @param module the Python module
# @param enumFilter optional function to modify the returned Enum classes
getEnumInfo <- function(pyPkg, module, enumFilter = NULL) {
  reticulate::py_run_string("import sys")
  reticulate::py_run_string("import pyPkgInfo")
  reticulate::py_run_string(paste("import", pyPkg))
  enumInfo <- reticulate::py_eval(sprintf("pyPkgInfo.getEnumInfo(%s)", module))
  if (!is.null(enumFilter)) {
    enumInfo <- lapply(X = enumInfo, enumFilter)
  # scrub the nulls

# Helper function to get a list of Python classes in a given module
# @param pyPkg the Python package name
# @param module the Python module
# @param classFilter optional function to modify the returned classes
getClassInfo <- function(pyPkg, module, classFilter = NULL) {
  reticulate::py_run_string("import sys")
  reticulate::py_run_string("import pyPkgInfo")
  reticulate::py_run_string(paste("import", pyPkg))
  classInfo <- reticulate::py_eval(sprintf("pyPkgInfo.getClassInfo(%s)", module))
  if (!is.null(classFilter)) {
    classInfo <- lapply(X = classInfo, classFilter)
  # scrub the nulls

# Determines args and kwargs
# This function takes the list of arguments passed to an R function and groups them
#  into the (1) unnamed / positional arguments and the (2) the named / keyword arguments
#  to pass to the corresponding Python function.
# @param ... the list of arguments passed to an R function
# @return The grouping of arguments into 'args' (the unnamed or positional arguments) and
#  'kwargs' (the named or keyword arguments) to be passed to the corresponding Python function.
determineArgsAndKwArgs <- function(...) {
  values <- list(...)
  valuenames <- names(values)
  n <- length(values)
  args <- list()
  kwargs <- list()
  if (n > 0) {
    positionalArgument <- TRUE
    for (i in 1:n) {
      if (is.null(valuenames) ||
        length(valuenames[[i]]) == 0 ||
        nchar(valuenames[[i]]) == 0) {
        # it's a positional argument
        if (!positionalArgument) {
          stop("positional argument follows keyword argument")
        if (is.null(values[[i]])) {
          # inserting a value into a list at best is a no-op, at worst removes an existing value
          # to get the desired insertion we must wrap it in a list
          args[length(args) + 1] <- list(NULL)
        } else {
          args[[length(args) + 1]] <- values[[i]]
      } else {
        # It's a keyword argument.  All subsequent arguments must also be keyword arg's
        positionalArgument <- FALSE
        # a repeated value will overwite an earlier one
        if (is.null(values[[i]])) {
          # inserting a value into a list at best is a no-op, at worst removes an existing value
          # to get the desired insertion we must wrap it in a list
          kwargs[valuenames[[i]]] <- list(NULL)
        } else {
          kwargs[[valuenames[[i]]]] <- values[[i]]
  list(args = args, kwargs = kwargs)

# The purpose of this function is to remove the Python stack trace from an error message
#  generated when calling Python from R. This makes the command line response more readable
#  when an error occurs. To support debugging the stack trace truncation can be overridden
#  by setting the global option 'verbose' to TRUE.
# @param callable the function to be called
# @param args the arguments to be passed to the function 'callable'
# @return the result of calling the given function with the given arguments
cleanUpStackTrace <- function(callable, args) {
  conn <- textConnection("outputCapture", open = "w", local = TRUE)
    result <- do.call(callable, args)
    cat(paste(outputCapture, collapse = ""))
  error = function(e) {
    errorToReport <- paste(c(outputCapture, e$message), collapse = "\n")
    if (!getOption("verbose")) {
      # extract the error message
      splitArray <- strsplit(errorToReport,
        fixed = TRUE
      if (length(splitArray) >= 2) errorToReport <- splitArray[2]

#' @title Generate R wrappers for Python classes and functions
#' @description This function generates R wrappers for Python classes and functions
#'   in the given Python container
#' @param pyPkg The Python package name
#' @param container The fully qualified name of a Python module or a Python class to be wrapped
#' @param setGenericCallback The callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
#' @param assignEnumCallback The callback to define the Python Enum in the target R package.
#' @param functionFilter Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated function metadata.
#' @param classFilter Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated class metadata.
#' @param functionPrefix Optional text to add to the name of the wrapped functions.
#' @param pySingletonName Optional parameter used to expose a set Python functions which are an object's
#'   methods, but without exposing the object itself. If the `container` parameter is a class then this must
#'   be the name of a Python variable referencing an instance of the class. Otherwise, this must be NULL.
#'   See example 4.
#' @param transformReturnObject Optional function to change returned values in R.
#' @details
#' * `container` can take the same value as `pyPkg`, can be a module or class within the Python package.
#' * `setGeneric` function must be defined in the same environment that `generateRWrappers`
#'   is called. See example 1.
#' * `functionFilter` and `classFilter` are optional functions defined by the caller.
#' * `functionFilter` takes as input the metadata for a generated function and either modifies it
#'   or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated functions. The metadata object is a list
#'   having fields:
#'   ```
#'   'name': character
#'   'args': named list having fields:
#'       'args': a list of the argument names
#'       'varargs':  character
#'       'keywords': character
#'       'defaults': character
#'   'doc': character
#'   'module':character
#'   ```
#'   Please see [inspect.getargspec](https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#inspect.getargspec)
#'     for more information about the named list `args`.
#'   See example 2.
#' * `classFilter` takes as input the metadata for a generated class and either modifies it
#'   or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated classes The metadata object is a list
#'   having fields:
#'   ```
#'   'name': character
#'   'constructorArgs': named list having fields:
#'       'args': a list of the argument names
#'       'varargs':  character
#'       'keywords': character
#'       'defaults': character
#'   'doc': character
#'   'methods':named list having fields:
#'       'name': character
#'       'doc': character
#'       'args': named list having fields:
#'           'args': a list of the argument names
#'           'varargs':  character
#'           'keywords': character
#'           'defaults': character
#'   ```
#'   Please see [inspect.getargspec](https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#inspect.getargspec)
#'     for more information about the named list `args`.
#'   See example 3.
#' * `transformReturnObject` is used to intercept and modify the values returned by the
#'   auto-generated R functions.`transformReturnObject` will be applied to the returned values
#'   from all generated functions. The transformation cannot depend on the function which generated
#'   the returned value. See example 5.
#' @note
#' * `generateRWrappers` should be called at load time.
#' * `generateRWrappers` and `generateRdFiles` must be called with corresponding parameters to ensure
#'    all R wrappers has sufficient documentation.
#' @examples
#' # 1. Generate R wrappers for all functions, classes, and enums in "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName"
#' callback <- function(name, def) {
#'   setGeneric(name, def)
#' }
# .NAMESPACE <- environment()
#' assignEnumCallback <- function(name, keys, values) {
#'   assign(name, setNames(values, keys), .NAMESPACE)
#' }
#' generateRWrappers(
#'   pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#'   container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#'   setGenericCallback = callback,
#'   assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback)
#' # 2. Generate R wrappers for module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting function "myFun"
#' myfunctionFilter <- function(x) {
#'   if (any(x$name == "myFun")) NULL else x
#' }
#' generateRWrappers(
#'   pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#'   container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#'   setGenericCallback = callback,
#'   assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback,
#'   functionFilter = myfunctionFilter)
#' # 3. Generate R wrappers for module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting the "MyObj" class
#' myclassFilter <- function(x) {
#'   if (any(x$name == "MyObj")) NULL else x
#' }
#' generateRWrappers(
#'   pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#'   container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#'   setGenericCallback = callback,
#'   assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback,
#'   classFilter = myclassFilter)
#' # 4. Generate R wrappers for class "synapseclient.client.Synapse" without exposing the "Synapse" object
#' reticulate::py_run_string("import synapseclient")
#' reticulate::py_run_string("syn = synapseclient.Synapse()")
#' # `pySingletonName` must be the name of the object defined in Python.
#' generateRWrappers(pyPkg = "synapseclient",
#'                   container = "synapseclient.client.Synapse",
#'                   setGenericCallback = callback,
#'                   assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback,
#'                   pySingletonName = "syn")
#' # 5. Generate R wrappers for module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", transforming all returned values,
#'    setting each returned object class name to "newName"
#' myTransform <- function(x) {
#'   # replace the object name
#'   class(x) <- "newName"
#' }
#' generateRWrappers(
#'   pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#'   container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#'   setGenericCallback = callback,
#'   assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback,
#'   transformReturnObject = myTransform)
#' @md
generateRWrappers <- function(pyPkg,
                              assignEnumCallback = NULL,
                              functionFilter = NULL,
                              classFilter = NULL,
                              enumFilter = NULL,
                              functionPrefix = NULL,
                              pySingletonName = NULL,
                              transformReturnObject = NULL) {
  # validate the args
  reticulate::py_run_string("import inspect")
  reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("import %s", pyPkg))
  isClass <- reticulate::py_eval(sprintf("inspect.isclass(%s)", container))
  if (isClass && is.null(pySingletonName))
    stop("`container` is a class, but `pySingtonName` is not specified.")
  if (!isClass && !is.null(pySingletonName))
    stop("`container` is not a class, but `pySingtonName` is specified.")
  if (is.null(assignEnumCallback) && !is.null(enumFilter))
    stop("`enumFilter` is specified, but `assignEnumCallback` is not.")

  functionInfo <- getFunctionInfo(
  classInfo <- getClassInfo(

  if (!is.null(assignEnumCallback)) {
    enumInfo <- getEnumInfo(

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   Helpers for generating R docs from python docs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This is factored out of autoGenerateRdFiles so it can be called during testing
initAutoGenerateRdFiles <- function(templateDir) {
  dictDocString <<- getDictDocString(templateDir)

# This function generates R documentation (.Rd) files
#  (https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Rd-format) from
#  Python doc-strings using Sphinx tags (http://www.sphinx-doc.org). The files are
#  written to the directory /auto-man, allowing manual touch up prior to copying to
#  man/ (the standard location for R documentation).
# @param srcRootDir is the root directory for the code base (i.e., prior to installation)
# @param functionInfo list of functions for which to generate doc's
# @param classInfo list of classes for which to generate doc's
# @param templateDir (optional) custom templates for the docs
autoGenerateRdFiles <- function(srcRootDir,
                                templateDir = NULL) {
  if (!file.exists(srcRootDir)) {
    stop(sprintf("%s does not exist.", srcRootDir))
  if (is.null(templateDir)) {
    # use default templates
    templateDir <- system.file("templates", package = "SynapseR")

  targetFolder <- file.path(srcRootDir, "auto-man")
  if ((!keepContent) || (!file.exists(targetFolder))) {
    # start from a clean slate
    unlink(targetFolder, recursive = T, force = T)

  # create a list for the constructors that's structured the same as the info for the functions
  constructorInfo <- lapply(X = classInfo, function(x) {
      rName = x$name,
      args = x$constructorArgs,
      doc = x$doc,
      title = sprintf("Constructor for objects of type %s", x$name),
      returned = sprintf("An object of type %s", x$name)
  # create doc's for all functions and constructors
  for (f in c(functionInfo, constructorInfo)) {
    name <- f$rName
    args <- f$args
    doc <- f$doc
    title <- f$title
    if (is.null(f$returned)) {
      returned <- getReturned(doc)
    } else {
      returned <- f$returned
      argDescriptionsFromDoc <- parseArgDescriptionsFromDetails(doc)
      argNames <- args$args
      formatArgsResult <- formatArgsForArgumentSection(
      content <- createFunctionRdContent(
        templateDir = templateDir,
        alias = name,
        title = title,
        description = doc,
        usage = usage(
        argument = formatArgsResult,
        returned = returned
      # make sure all place holders were replaced
      p <- regexpr("##(title|description|usage|arguments|value|examples)##", content)[1]
      if (p > 0) stop(sprintf("Failed to replace all placeholders in %s.Rd", name))
      writeContent(content, name, targetFolder)
    error = function(e) {
      stop(sprintf("Error generating doc for %s: %s\n", name, e[[1]]))

  for (c in classInfo) {
      content <- createClassRdContent(
        templateDir = templateDir,
        alias = paste0(c$name, "-class"),
        title = c$name,
        description = c$doc,
        methods = lapply(
          X = c$methods,
          function(x) {
            argDescriptionsFromDoc <- parseArgDescriptionsFromDetails(x$doc)
              name = x$name,
              description = x$doc,
              args = x$args,
              argDescriptionsFromDoc = argDescriptionsFromDoc
      p <- regexpr("##(alias|title|description|methods)##", content)[1]
      if (p > 0) stop(sprintf("Failed to replace all placeholders in %s.Rd", name))
      writeContent(content, paste0(c$name, "-class"), targetFolder)
    error = function(e) {
      stop(sprintf("Error generating doc for %s: %s\n", name, e[[1]]))

# create the 'usage' section of the doc
# this is also used to document the 'methods' of a class
usage <- function(name, args, argDescriptionsFromDoc) {
  result <- NULL
  argNames <- args$args
  defaults <- args$defaults
  result <- NULL
  if (length(argNames) > 0) {
    # self can be the first arg of a method or function, typ can be the first arg of a constructor
    if (argNames[1] != "self" && argNames[1] != "typ") argStart <- 1 else argStart <- 2
    if (argStart <= length(argNames)) {
      for (i in argStart:length(argNames)) {
        argName <- argNames[[i]]
        defaultIndex <- i + length(defaults) - length(argNames)
        if (defaultIndex > 0) {
          result <- append(result, sprintf("%s=%s", argName, defaults[defaultIndex]))
        } else {
          result <- append(result, argName)
        # remove it from the list of arguments mentioned in the docstring
        argDescriptionsFromDoc[[argName]] <- NULL
  # are there any remaining arguments, not included in the argument list?
  # if so, they are kwargs / named parameters
  if (length(names(argDescriptionsFromDoc)) > 0) {
    result <- append(result, lapply(
      function(x) {
        sprintf("%s=NULL", x)
  sprintf("%s(%s)", name, paste(result, collapse = ", "))

# create a named list of arguments and their descriptions
# suitable for use in the arguments section
# argNames is the list of explicit arguments from inspecting the function
# argDescriptionsFromDoc is the result of parsing the docstring, looking for parameters
formatArgsForArgumentSection <- function(argNames, argDescriptionsFromDoc) {
  result <- NULL
  if (length(argNames) > 0) {
    if (argNames[1] != "self" && argNames[1] != "typ") argStart <- 1 else argStart <- 2
    if (argStart <= length(argNames)) {
      for (i in argStart:length(argNames)) {
        argName <- argNames[[i]]
        argDescription <- argDescriptionsFromDoc[[argName]]
        # remove it from the list of arguments mentioned in the docstring
        argDescriptionsFromDoc[[argName]] <- NULL
        if (is.null(argDescription)) argDescription <- ""
        result <- append(result, sprintf("\\item{%s}{%s}", argName, argDescription))
  # are there any remaining arguments, not included in the argument list?
  # if so, they are kwargs / named parameters
  if (length(argDescriptionsFromDoc) > 0) {
    result <- append(result, lapply(
      function(x) {
        sprintf("\\item{%s}{optional named parameter: %s}", x, argDescriptionsFromDoc[[x]])
  paste(result, collapse = "\n")

getDictDocString <- function(templateDir) {
  file <- sprintf("%s/dictDocString.txt", templateDir)
  connection <- file(file, open = "r")
  result <- paste(readLines(connection), collapse = "\n")

# any conversion of Sphinx text to Latex text goes here
convertSphinxToLatex <- function(raw) {

changeSphinxHyperlinksToLatex <- function(raw) {
  gsub("`([^<\n]*) <([^>\n]*)>`_", "\\\\href{\\2}{\\1}", raw)

insertLatexNewLines <- function(raw) {
  gsub("\n", "\\cr\n", raw, fixed = TRUE)

# returns a named list in which the names are arguments
# and the values are their descriptions
parseArgDescriptionsFromDetails <- function(raw) {
  # escape any escaped-escapes
  preprocessed <- gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", raw)
  # change all quotes to escaped quotes
  preprocessed <- gsub("\"", "\\\\\"", preprocessed)
  # change \r\n to \n
  preprocessed <- gsub("\r\n", "\n", preprocessed)

  # find parameters and convert them, along with their def'ns, to json
  # reminder: \w in a regexp means "word character", [A-Za-z0-9_]
  json <- gsub(":(parameter|param|var) (\\w+):", "\",\"\\2\":\"", preprocessed)
  # prepend "{\"unusedPrefix\":\""
  # add "\"}" to the end
  json <- paste0("{\"unusedPrefix\":\"", json, "\"}")
  # parse JSON into named list
  paramsList <- fromJSON(json)
  # truncate each entry at end
  result <- lapply(
    X = paramsList,
    function(x) {
      p <- regexpr("\n\n|\n:returns?:|\n[Ee]xample:", x)[1]
      if (p < 0) {
        result <- x
      } else {
        result <- substr(x, 1, p - 1)
      # now do any conversion of the description
      result <- pyVerbiageToLatex(result)
      result <- insertLatexNewLines(result)
  result$unusedPrefix <- NULL
  if (length(names(result)) != length(unique(names(result)))) {
    message(sprintf("Warning:  encountered repeated function arguments definitions in docstring: %s", raw))

pyVerbiageToLatex <- function(raw) {
  if (missing(raw) || is.null(raw) || length(raw) == 0 || nchar(raw) == 0) return("")
  # this replaces ':param <param name>:' with '\nparam name:'
  # same for parameter, type, var
  result <- raw
  result <- gsub(":(parameter|param|var) (\\w+):", "\n\\2:", result)
  # Reminder:  \\S means 'not whitespace'
  result <- gsub(":py:class:`(\\S+\\.)*(\\S+)`", "\\2", result)

  convertToUpper <- "##convertToUpper##" # marks character to convert
  result <- gsub(":py:mod:`(\\S+\\.)*(\\S+)`", paste0(convertToUpper, "\\2"), result)
  # anything else we simply leave in place for manual curation:
  result <- gsub(":py:(func|meth):`([^`]*)`", "\\2", result)

  while (TRUE) {
    ctuIndex <- regexpr(convertToUpper, result)[[1]]
    if (ctuIndex < 0) break
    lcChar <- nchar(convertToUpper) + ctuIndex
    result <- paste0(
      substring(result, 1, ctuIndex - 1),
      toupper(substring(result, lcChar, lcChar)),
      substring(result, lcChar + 1)

  result <- gsub(dictDocString, "\nConstructor accepts named arguments.\n", result, fixed = TRUE)

  result <- convertSphinxToLatex(result)

getDescription <- function(raw) {
  if (missing(raw) || is.null(raw) || length(raw) == 0 || nchar(raw) == 0) return("")
  preprocessed <- gsub("\r\n", "\n", raw, fixed = TRUE)
  # find everything up to the first syphinx token following the description
  terminatorIndex <- regexpr("\n*:(parameter|param|type|var)|\n*?:returns?:|\n{1,}[Ee]xample:", preprocessed)[1]
  if (terminatorIndex < 1) return(preprocessed)
  substr(preprocessed, 1, terminatorIndex - 1)

getReturned <- function(raw) {
  if (missing(raw) || is.null(raw) || length(raw) == 0 || nchar(raw) == 0) return("")
  preprocessed <- gsub("\r\n", "\n", raw, fixed = TRUE)
  if (!grepl(":returns?:", preprocessed)) return("")
  # get whatever follows :return: or :returns:
  result <- gsub(".*:returns?:(.*)", "\\1", preprocessed)
  # check for any trailing content
  doubleNewLineIndex <- regexpr("\n\n", result)[1]
  if (doubleNewLineIndex <= 1) return(result)
  substr(result, 1, doubleNewLineIndex - 1)

getExample <- function(raw) {
  if (missing(raw) || is.null(raw) || length(raw) == 0 || nchar(raw) == 0) return("")
  preprocessed <- gsub("\r\n", "\n", raw, fixed = TRUE)
  pattern <- ".*[Ee]xample::?\n\n(.*)"
  if (!grepl(pattern, preprocessed)) return("")
  result <- gsub(pattern, "\\1", preprocessed)
  # check for any trailing content
  doubleNewLineIndex <- regexpr("\n\n", result)[1]
  if (doubleNewLineIndex <= 1) return(result)
  substr(result, 1, doubleNewLineIndex - 1)

createFunctionRdContent <- function(templateDir, alias, title, description, usage, argument, returned) {
  templateFile <- sprintf("%s/rdFunctionTemplate.Rd", templateDir)
  connection <- file(templateFile, open = "r")
  template <- paste(readLines(connection), collapse = "\n")

  content <- template
  content <- gsub("##alias##", alias, content, fixed = TRUE)
  if (!missing(title) && !is.null(title)) content <- gsub("##title##", title, content, fixed = TRUE)
  examples <- NULL
  if (!missing(description) && !is.null(description)) {
    processedDescription <- pyVerbiageToLatex(getDescription(description))
    content <- gsub("##description##", processedDescription, content, fixed = TRUE)
    examples <- pyVerbiageToLatex(getExample(description))
  } else {
    content <- gsub("##description##", "", content, fixed = TRUE)
  if (!missing(returned) && !is.null(returned)) {
    value <- pyVerbiageToLatex(returned)
    content <- gsub("##value##", value, content, fixed = TRUE)
  } else {
    content <- gsub("##value##", "", content, fixed = TRUE)
  if (!missing(usage) && !is.null(usage)) content <- gsub("##usage##", usage, content, fixed = TRUE)
  if (!missing(argument) && !is.null(argument)) content <- gsub("##arguments##", argument, content, fixed = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(examples) && length(examples) > 0 && nchar(examples) > 0) {
    content <- paste(content, "\n\\examples{\n##examples##\n}", collapse = "\n")
    # we comment out the examples which come from the Python client and need to be curated
    content <- gsub("##examples##", paste0("%\\dontrun{\n%", gsub("\n", "\n%", examples), "\n%}"), content, fixed = TRUE)

createMethodContent <- function(f) {
  paste0("\\item \\code{", usage(f$name, f$args, f$argDescriptionsFromDoc), "}: ", f$description)

createClassRdContent <- function(templateDir, alias, title, description, methods) {
  templateFile <- sprintf("%s/rdClassTemplate.Rd", templateDir)
  connection <- file(templateFile, open = "r")
  template <- paste(readLines(connection), collapse = "\n")

  content <- template
  content <- gsub("##alias##", alias, content, fixed = TRUE)
  if (!missing(title) && !is.null(title)) content <- gsub("##title##", title, content, fixed = TRUE)
  if (!missing(description) && !is.null(description)) {
    processedDescription <- pyVerbiageToLatex(getDescription(description))
    content <- gsub("##description##", processedDescription, content, fixed = TRUE)
  methodContent <- NULL
  for (method in methods) {
    methodDescription <- method$description
    if (method$name == title) {
      method$description <- sprintf("Constructor for \\code{\\link{%s}}", title)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(methodDescription)) {
        methodDescription <- pyVerbiageToLatex(getDescription(methodDescription))
        methodDescription <- insertLatexNewLines(methodDescription)
        method$description <- methodDescription
    methodContent <- c(methodContent, createMethodContent(method))
  content <- gsub("##methods##", paste(methodContent, collapse = "\n"), content, fixed = TRUE)

writeContent <- function(content, name, targetFolder) {
  filePath <- file.path(targetFolder, sprintf("%s.Rd", name))
  connection <- file(filePath, open = "w")
  writeChar(content, connection, eos = NULL)
  writeChar("\n", connection, eos = NULL)

#' @title Generate .Rd files for Python classes and functions
#' @description This function generates .Rd files for Python classes and functions
#'   in a given Python container
#' @param srcRootDir The root directory under which another directory, `auto-man/` is created to hold
#'   the output, Rd files.
#' @param pyPkg The Python package name
#' @param container The fully qualified name of a Python module, or a Python class to be wrapped
#' @param functionFilter Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated function metadata.
#' @param classFilter Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated class metadata.
#' @param functionPrefix Optional text to add to the name of the wrapped functions.
#' @param keepContent Optional whether the existing files at the target directory should be kept.
#' @param templateDir Optional path to a template directory. Set `templateDir` to NULL to use the default
#'   templates in the `/templates/` folder.
#' @details
#' * `container` can take the same value as `pyPkg`, can be a module or a class within the Python package.
#' * `functionFilter` and `classFilter` are optional functions defined by the caller.
#' * `functionFilter` takes as input the metadata for a generated function and either modifies it
#'   or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated functions. The metadata object is a list
#'   having fields:
#'   ```
#'   'name': character
#'   'args': named list having fields:
#'       'args': a list of the argument names
#'       'varargs':  character
#'       'keywords': character
#'       'defaults': character
#'   'doc': character
#'   'module':character
#'   ```
#'   Please see [inspect.getargspec](https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#inspect.getargspec)
#'     for more information about the named list `args`.
#'   See example 2.
#' * `classFilter` takes as input the metadata for a generated class and either modifies it
#'   or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated classes The metadata object is a list
#'   having fields:
#'   ```
#'   'name': character
#'   'constructorArgs': named list having fields:
#'       'args': a list of the argument names
#'       'varargs':  character
#'       'keywords': character
#'       'defaults': character
#'   'doc': character
#'   'methods':named list having fields:
#'       'name': character
#'       'doc': character
#'       'args': named list having fields:
#'           'args': a list of the argument names
#'           'varargs':  character
#'           'keywords': character
#'           'defaults': character
#'   ```
#'   Please see [inspect.getargspec](https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#inspect.getargspec)
#'     for more information about the named list `args`.
#'   See example 3.
#' @note Python documentation may contains key words and terms that are only meaningful to Python users.
#'   The generated .Rd files, located in 'srcRootDir/auto-man', do not auto correct these terms, nor provide
#'   examples in R. One must copy all auto-generated .Rd files to their package `/man` folder and make sure
#'   that the language being used in these documents are friendly to R users.
#' @examples
#' # 1. Generate .Rd files for all functions and classes in "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName"
#' generateRdFiles(
#'   srcRootDir = "path/to/R/pkg",
#'   pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#'   container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName")
#' # 2. Generate docs for the module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting the function "myFun"
#' myfunctionFilter <- function(x) {
#'   if (any(x$name == "myFun")) NULL else x
#' }
#' generateRdFiles(
#'   srcRootDir = "path/to/R/pkg",
#'   pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#'   container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#'   functionFilter = myfunctionFilter)
#' # 3.Generate docs for the module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting the "MyObj" constructor
#' myclassFilter <- function(x) {
#'   if (any(x$name == "MyObj")) NULL else x
#' }
#' generateRdFiles(
#'   srcRootDir = "path/to/R/pkg",
#'   pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#'   container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#'   classFilter = myclassFilter)
#' @md
generateRdFiles <- function(srcRootDir,
                            functionFilter = NULL,
                            classFilter = NULL,
                            functionPrefix = NULL,
                            keepContent = FALSE,
                            templateDir = NULL) {

  functionInfo <- getFunctionInfo(pyPkg, container, functionFilter, functionPrefix)
  classInfo <- getClassInfo(pyPkg, container, classFilter)

  autoGenerateRdFiles(srcRootDir, functionInfo, classInfo, keepContent, file.path(srcRootDir, "inst", "templates"))
Sage-Bionetworks/synapser documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 11:07 a.m.