# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers for wrapping python packages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper function to generate R wrappers for Enum classes in a python module
# @param assignEnumCallback the callback to define the enum in the target R package
# @param enumInfo the Enum classes to generate R wrappers for
autoGenerateEnum <- function(assignEnumCallback, enumInfo) {
for (e in enumInfo) {
defineEnum(assignEnumCallback, e$name, e$keys, e$values)
# Define an R wrapper for an Enum in Python
# @param assignEnumCallback the callback to define the enum in the target R package
# @param name the Enum class name
# @param keys the Enum item names
# @param values the Enum item values
defineEnum <- function(assignEnumCallback, name, keys, values) {
assignEnumCallback(name, keys, values)
# Create formal args that can be assigned to a function
# based on the inspected Python signature.
# @param pyParams the function info args as from getFunctionInfo
.createFormalArgs <- function(pyParams) {
argNames <- pyParams$args
defaults <- pyParams$defaults
if (length(argNames) > 0 && argNames[1] == 'self') {
argNames <- argNames[-1]
newArgs <- setNames(rep(list(quote(expr =)), length(argNames)), argNames)
if (length(defaults) > 0) {
## Otherwise fill in arguments with defaults at the end, and add empty symbols
## to any remaining arguments
nArgs <- length(argNames)
nDefs <- length(defaults)
## Position of the last default-less argument
lastEmpty <- nArgs - nDefs
## Add the defaults to the end
newArgs[(lastEmpty + 1):nArgs] <- defaults
if (!is.null(pyParams$varargs) || !is.null(pyParams$keywords)) {
# if the Python signature uses *args or **kwargs we add
# dots to the R signature to match
newArgs <- append(newArgs, alist(... =))
# Define an R wrapper for a object constructor in Python
# @param module the python module
# @param setGenericCallback the callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
# @param name the class name
# @param pyParams the function info args as from getFunctionInfo
defineConstructor <- function(module, setGenericCallback, name, pyParams) {
rWrapperName <- sprintf(".%s", name)
gateway <- reticulate::import("gateway")
assign(rWrapperName, function(...) {
pyModule <- reticulate::py_eval(module)
argsAndKwArgs <- determineArgsAndKwArgs(...)
returnedObject <- cleanUpStackTrace(
method = list(pyModule, name),
args = argsAndKwArgs$args,
kwargs = argsAndKwArgs$kwargs
rFn <- function(...) {
# formals will be assigned below, re-create the dots
# so we can pass them through to the py call
call <- sys.call()
call[[1]] <- as.name('list')
dots <- eval.parent(call)
do.call(rWrapperName, args = dots)
newArgs <- .createFormalArgs(pyParams)
if (length(newArgs) > 0) {
formals(rFn) <- newArgs
setGenericCallback(name, rFn)
# Helper function to generate R wrappers for classes in a python module
# @param module the python module
# @param setGenericCallback the callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
# @param classInfo the classes to generate R wrappers for
autoGenerateClasses <- function(module, setGenericCallback, classInfo) {
for (c in classInfo) {
defineConstructor(module, setGenericCallback, c$name, c$args)
# Define an R wrappers for a function in a python module
# @param rName the R function name
# @param pyName the Python function name
# @param functionContainerName the function container name in Python
# @param pyParams the function info args as from getFunctionInfo
# @param setGenericCallback the callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
# @param transformReturnObject optional function to change returned values in R
defineFunction <- function(rName,
transformReturnObject = NULL) {
rWrapperName <- sprintf(".%s", rName)
assign(rWrapperName, function(...) {
functionContainer <- reticulate::py_eval(functionContainerName)
argsAndKwArgs <- determineArgsAndKwArgs(...)
gateway <- reticulate::import("gateway")
returnedObject <- cleanUpStackTrace(
method = list(functionContainer, pyName),
args = argsAndKwArgs$args,
kwargs = argsAndKwArgs$kwargs
if (grepl("GeneratorWrapper", class(returnedObject)[1])) {
class(returnedObject)[1] <- "GeneratorWrapper"
if (grepl("CsvFileTable", class(returnedObject)[1])) {
class(returnedObject)[1] <- "CsvFileTable"
if (!is.null(transformReturnObject)) {
} else {
rFn <- function(...) {
# formals will be assigned below, re-create the dots
# so we can pass them through to the py call
call <- sys.call()
call[[1]] <- as.name('list')
dots <- eval.parent(call)
do.call(rWrapperName, args = dots)
newArgs <- .createFormalArgs(pyParams)
if (length(newArgs) > 0) {
formals(rFn) <- newArgs
setGenericCallback(rName, rFn)
# Helper function to generate R wrappers for functions in a python module
# @param setGenericCallback the callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
# @param functionInfo the functions to generate R wrappers for
# @param transformReturnObject optional function to change returned values in R
autoGenerateFunctions <- function(setGenericCallback,
transformReturnObject = NULL) {
for (f in functionInfo) {
# Helper function to capitalize the first letter of the input
# @param x the input string
capitalizeFirstLetter <- function(x) {
toupper(substring(x, 1, 1)),
substring(x, 2, nchar(x))
# Helper function to camel case the given input
# @param x the input string
snakeToCamel <- function(x) {
strsplit(x, "_"),
function(x) {
paste(capitalizeFirstLetter(x), collapse="")
# Helper function to add prefix to a name
# @param name the name to add prefix to
# @param prefix the prefix to add
addPrefix <- function(name, prefix) {
sep = ""
# Helper function to remove NULL in a list
# @param x the list to remove NULL
removeNulls <- function(x) {
nullIndices <- sapply(x, is.null)
if (any(nullIndices)) {
x <- x[-which(nullIndices)]
# Helper function to get a list of Python functions in a given module
# @param pyPkg the Python package name
# @param module the Python module
# @param functionFilter optional function to modify the returned functions
# @param functionPrefix optional text to add to the name of the functions
# @param pySingletonName optional singleton object in python
getFunctionInfo <- function(pyPkg,
functionFilter = NULL,
functionPrefix = NULL,
pySingletonName = NULL) {
reticulate::py_run_string("import pyPkgInfo")
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("import %s", pyPkg))
functionInfo <- reticulate::py_eval(sprintf("pyPkgInfo.getFunctionInfo(%s)", module))
if (!is.null(functionFilter)) {
functionInfo <- lapply(X = functionInfo, functionFilter)
# scrub the nulls
functionInfo <- removeNulls(functionInfo)
functionContainerName <- module
if (!is.null(pySingletonName)) {
functionContainerName <- pySingletonName
functionInfo <- lapply(X = functionInfo, function(x) {
if (!is.null(functionPrefix)) {
rName <- addPrefix(x$name, functionPrefix)
} else {
rName <- x$name
pyName = x$name,
rName = rName,
functionContainerName = functionContainerName,
args = x$args,
doc = x$doc,
title = rName
# Helper function to get a list of Python Enum classes in a given module
# @param pyPkg the Python package name
# @param module the Python module
# @param enumFilter optional function to modify the returned Enum classes
getEnumInfo <- function(pyPkg, module, enumFilter = NULL) {
reticulate::py_run_string("import sys")
reticulate::py_run_string("import pyPkgInfo")
reticulate::py_run_string(paste("import", pyPkg))
enumInfo <- reticulate::py_eval(sprintf("pyPkgInfo.getEnumInfo(%s)", module))
if (!is.null(enumFilter)) {
enumInfo <- lapply(X = enumInfo, enumFilter)
# scrub the nulls
# Helper function to get a list of Python classes in a given module
# @param pyPkg the Python package name
# @param module the Python module
# @param classFilter optional function to modify the returned classes
getClassInfo <- function(pyPkg, module, classFilter = NULL) {
reticulate::py_run_string("import sys")
reticulate::py_run_string("import pyPkgInfo")
reticulate::py_run_string(paste("import", pyPkg))
classInfo <- reticulate::py_eval(sprintf("pyPkgInfo.getClassInfo(%s)", module))
if (!is.null(classFilter)) {
classInfo <- lapply(X = classInfo, classFilter)
# scrub the nulls
# Determines args and kwargs
# This function takes the list of arguments passed to an R function and groups them
# into the (1) unnamed / positional arguments and the (2) the named / keyword arguments
# to pass to the corresponding Python function.
# @param ... the list of arguments passed to an R function
# @return The grouping of arguments into 'args' (the unnamed or positional arguments) and
# 'kwargs' (the named or keyword arguments) to be passed to the corresponding Python function.
determineArgsAndKwArgs <- function(...) {
values <- list(...)
valuenames <- names(values)
n <- length(values)
args <- list()
kwargs <- list()
if (n > 0) {
positionalArgument <- TRUE
for (i in 1:n) {
if (is.null(valuenames) ||
length(valuenames[[i]]) == 0 ||
nchar(valuenames[[i]]) == 0) {
# it's a positional argument
if (!positionalArgument) {
stop("positional argument follows keyword argument")
if (is.null(values[[i]])) {
# inserting a value into a list at best is a no-op, at worst removes an existing value
# to get the desired insertion we must wrap it in a list
args[length(args) + 1] <- list(NULL)
} else {
args[[length(args) + 1]] <- values[[i]]
} else {
# It's a keyword argument. All subsequent arguments must also be keyword arg's
positionalArgument <- FALSE
# a repeated value will overwite an earlier one
if (is.null(values[[i]])) {
# inserting a value into a list at best is a no-op, at worst removes an existing value
# to get the desired insertion we must wrap it in a list
kwargs[valuenames[[i]]] <- list(NULL)
} else {
kwargs[[valuenames[[i]]]] <- values[[i]]
list(args = args, kwargs = kwargs)
# The purpose of this function is to remove the Python stack trace from an error message
# generated when calling Python from R. This makes the command line response more readable
# when an error occurs. To support debugging the stack trace truncation can be overridden
# by setting the global option 'verbose' to TRUE.
# @param callable the function to be called
# @param args the arguments to be passed to the function 'callable'
# @return the result of calling the given function with the given arguments
cleanUpStackTrace <- function(callable, args) {
conn <- textConnection("outputCapture", open = "w", local = TRUE)
result <- do.call(callable, args)
cat(paste(outputCapture, collapse = ""))
error = function(e) {
errorToReport <- paste(c(outputCapture, e$message), collapse = "\n")
if (!getOption("verbose")) {
# extract the error message
splitArray <- strsplit(errorToReport,
fixed = TRUE
if (length(splitArray) >= 2) errorToReport <- splitArray[2]
#' @title Generate R wrappers for Python classes and functions
#' @description This function generates R wrappers for Python classes and functions
#' in the given Python container
#' @param pyPkg The Python package name
#' @param container The fully qualified name of a Python module or a Python class to be wrapped
#' @param setGenericCallback The callback to setGeneric defined in the target R package
#' @param assignEnumCallback The callback to define the Python Enum in the target R package.
#' @param functionFilter Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated function metadata.
#' @param classFilter Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated class metadata.
#' @param functionPrefix Optional text to add to the name of the wrapped functions.
#' @param pySingletonName Optional parameter used to expose a set Python functions which are an object's
#' methods, but without exposing the object itself. If the `container` parameter is a class then this must
#' be the name of a Python variable referencing an instance of the class. Otherwise, this must be NULL.
#' See example 4.
#' @param transformReturnObject Optional function to change returned values in R.
#' @details
#' * `container` can take the same value as `pyPkg`, can be a module or class within the Python package.
#' * `setGeneric` function must be defined in the same environment that `generateRWrappers`
#' is called. See example 1.
#' * `functionFilter` and `classFilter` are optional functions defined by the caller.
#' * `functionFilter` takes as input the metadata for a generated function and either modifies it
#' or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated functions. The metadata object is a list
#' having fields:
#' ```
#' 'name': character
#' 'args': named list having fields:
#' 'args': a list of the argument names
#' 'varargs': character
#' 'keywords': character
#' 'defaults': character
#' 'doc': character
#' 'module':character
#' ```
#' Please see [inspect.getargspec](https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#inspect.getargspec)
#' for more information about the named list `args`.
#' See example 2.
#' * `classFilter` takes as input the metadata for a generated class and either modifies it
#' or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated classes The metadata object is a list
#' having fields:
#' ```
#' 'name': character
#' 'constructorArgs': named list having fields:
#' 'args': a list of the argument names
#' 'varargs': character
#' 'keywords': character
#' 'defaults': character
#' 'doc': character
#' 'methods':named list having fields:
#' 'name': character
#' 'doc': character
#' 'args': named list having fields:
#' 'args': a list of the argument names
#' 'varargs': character
#' 'keywords': character
#' 'defaults': character
#' ```
#' Please see [inspect.getargspec](https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#inspect.getargspec)
#' for more information about the named list `args`.
#' See example 3.
#' * `transformReturnObject` is used to intercept and modify the values returned by the
#' auto-generated R functions.`transformReturnObject` will be applied to the returned values
#' from all generated functions. The transformation cannot depend on the function which generated
#' the returned value. See example 5.
#' @note
#' * `generateRWrappers` should be called at load time.
#' * `generateRWrappers` and `generateRdFiles` must be called with corresponding parameters to ensure
#' all R wrappers has sufficient documentation.
#' @examples
#' 1. Generate R wrappers for all functions, classes, and enums in "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName"
#' callback <- function(name, def) {
#' setGeneric(name, def)
#' }
# .NAMESPACE <- environment()
#' assignEnumCallback <- function(name, keys, values) {
#' assign(name, setNames(values, keys), .NAMESPACE)
#' }
#' PythonEmbedInR::generateRWrappers(
#' pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#' container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#' setGenericCallback = callback,
#' assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback)
#' 2. Generate R wrappers for module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting function "myFun"
#' myfunctionFilter <- function(x) {
#' if (any(x$name == "myFun")) NULL else x
#' }
#' PythonEmbedInR::generateRWrappers(
#' pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#' container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#' setGenericCallback = callback,
#' assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback,
#' functionFilter = myfunctionFilter)
#' 3. Generate R wrappers for module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting the "MyObj" class
#' myclassFilter <- function(x) {
#' if (any(x$name == "MyObj")) NULL else x
#' }
#' PythonEmbedInR::generateRWrappers(
#' pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#' container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#' setGenericCallback = callback,
#' assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback,
#' classFilter = myclassFilter)
#' 4. Generate R wrappers for class "synapseclient.client.Synapse" without exposing the "Synapse" object
#' reticulate::py_run_string("import synapseclient")
#' reticulate::py_run_string("syn = synapseclient.Synapse()")
#' # `pySingletonName` must be the name of the object defined in Python.
#' generateRWrappers(pyPkg = "synapseclient",
#' container = "synapseclient.client.Synapse",
#' setGenericCallback = callback,
#' assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback,
#' pySingletonName = "syn")
#' 5. Generate R wrappers for module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", transforming all returned values,
#' setting each returned object class name to "newName"
#' myTransform <- function(x) {
#' # replace the object name
#' class(x) <- "newName"
#' }
#' PythonEmbedInR::generateRWrappers(
#' pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#' container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#' setGenericCallback = callback,
#' assignEnumCallback = assignEnumCallback,
#' transformReturnObject = myTransform)
#' @md
generateRWrappers <- function(pyPkg,
assignEnumCallback = NULL,
functionFilter = NULL,
classFilter = NULL,
enumFilter = NULL,
functionPrefix = NULL,
pySingletonName = NULL,
transformReturnObject = NULL) {
# validate the args
reticulate::py_run_string("import inspect")
reticulate::py_run_string(sprintf("import %s", pyPkg))
isClass <- reticulate::py_eval(sprintf("inspect.isclass(%s)", container))
if (isClass && is.null(pySingletonName))
stop("`container` is a class, but `pySingtonName` is not specified.")
if (!isClass && !is.null(pySingletonName))
stop("`container` is not a class, but `pySingtonName` is specified.")
if (is.null(assignEnumCallback) && !is.null(enumFilter))
stop("`enumFilter` is specified, but `assignEnumCallback` is not.")
functionInfo <- getFunctionInfo(
classInfo <- getClassInfo(
if (!is.null(assignEnumCallback)) {
enumInfo <- getEnumInfo(
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers for generating R docs from python docs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is factored out of autoGenerateRdFiles so it can be called during testing
initAutoGenerateRdFiles <- function(templateDir) {
dictDocString <<- getDictDocString(templateDir)
# This function generates R documentation (.Rd) files
# (https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Rd-format) from
# Python doc-strings using Sphinx tags (http://www.sphinx-doc.org). The files are
# written to the directory /auto-man, allowing manual touch up prior to copying to
# man/ (the standard location for R documentation).
# @param srcRootDir is the root directory for the code base (i.e., prior to installation)
# @param functionInfo list of functions for which to generate doc's
# @param classInfo list of classes for which to generate doc's
# @param templateDir (optional) custom templates for the docs
autoGenerateRdFiles <- function(srcRootDir,
templateDir = NULL) {
if (!file.exists(srcRootDir)) {
stop(sprintf("%s does not exist.", srcRootDir))
if (is.null(templateDir)) {
# use default templates
templateDir <- system.file("templates", package = "SynapseR")
targetFolder <- file.path(srcRootDir, "auto-man")
if ((!keepContent) || (!file.exists(targetFolder))) {
# start from a clean slate
unlink(targetFolder, recursive = T, force = T)
# create a list for the constructors that's structured the same as the info for the functions
constructorInfo <- lapply(X = classInfo, function(x) {
rName = x$name,
args = x$constructorArgs,
doc = x$doc,
title = sprintf("Constructor for objects of type %s", x$name),
returned = sprintf("An object of type %s", x$name)
# create doc's for all functions and constructors
for (f in c(functionInfo, constructorInfo)) {
name <- f$rName
args <- f$args
doc <- f$doc
title <- f$title
if (is.null(f$returned)) {
returned <- getReturned(doc)
} else {
returned <- f$returned
argDescriptionsFromDoc <- parseArgDescriptionsFromDetails(doc)
argNames <- args$args
formatArgsResult <- formatArgsForArgumentSection(
content <- createFunctionRdContent(
templateDir = templateDir,
alias = name,
title = title,
description = doc,
usage = usage(
argument = formatArgsResult,
returned = returned
# make sure all place holders were replaced
p <- regexpr("##(title|description|usage|arguments|value|examples)##", content)[1]
if (p > 0) stop(sprintf("Failed to replace all placeholders in %s.Rd", name))
writeContent(content, name, targetFolder)
error = function(e) {
stop(sprintf("Error generating doc for %s: %s\n", name, e[[1]]))
for (c in classInfo) {
content <- createClassRdContent(
templateDir = templateDir,
alias = paste0(c$name, "-class"),
title = c$name,
description = c$doc,
methods = lapply(
X = c$methods,
function(x) {
argDescriptionsFromDoc <- parseArgDescriptionsFromDetails(x$doc)
name = x$name,
description = x$doc,
args = x$args,
argDescriptionsFromDoc = argDescriptionsFromDoc
p <- regexpr("##(alias|title|description|methods)##", content)[1]
if (p > 0) stop(sprintf("Failed to replace all placeholders in %s.Rd", name))
writeContent(content, paste0(c$name, "-class"), targetFolder)
error = function(e) {
stop(sprintf("Error generating doc for %s: %s\n", name, e[[1]]))
# create the 'usage' section of the doc
# this is also used to document the 'methods' of a class
usage <- function(name, args, argDescriptionsFromDoc) {
result <- NULL
argNames <- args$args
defaults <- args$defaults
result <- NULL
if (length(argNames) > 0) {
# self can be the first arg of a method or function, typ can be the first arg of a constructor
if (argNames[1] != "self" && argNames[1] != "typ") argStart <- 1 else argStart <- 2
if (argStart <= length(argNames)) {
for (i in argStart:length(argNames)) {
argName <- argNames[[i]]
defaultIndex <- i + length(defaults) - length(argNames)
if (defaultIndex > 0) {
result <- append(result, sprintf("%s=%s", argName, defaults[defaultIndex]))
} else {
result <- append(result, argName)
# remove it from the list of arguments mentioned in the docstring
argDescriptionsFromDoc[[argName]] <- NULL
# are there any remaining arguments, not included in the argument list?
# if so, they are kwargs / named parameters
if (length(names(argDescriptionsFromDoc)) > 0) {
result <- append(result, lapply(
function(x) {
sprintf("%s=NULL", x)
sprintf("%s(%s)", name, paste(result, collapse = ", "))
# create a named list of arguments and their descriptions
# suitable for use in the arguments section
# argNames is the list of explicit arguments from inspecting the function
# argDescriptionsFromDoc is the result of parsing the docstring, looking for parameters
formatArgsForArgumentSection <- function(argNames, argDescriptionsFromDoc) {
result <- NULL
if (length(argNames) > 0) {
if (argNames[1] != "self" && argNames[1] != "typ") argStart <- 1 else argStart <- 2
if (argStart <= length(argNames)) {
for (i in argStart:length(argNames)) {
argName <- argNames[[i]]
argDescription <- argDescriptionsFromDoc[[argName]]
# remove it from the list of arguments mentioned in the docstring
argDescriptionsFromDoc[[argName]] <- NULL
if (is.null(argDescription)) argDescription <- ""
result <- append(result, sprintf("\\item{%s}{%s}", argName, argDescription))
# are there any remaining arguments, not included in the argument list?
# if so, they are kwargs / named parameters
if (length(argDescriptionsFromDoc) > 0) {
result <- append(result, lapply(
function(x) {
sprintf("\\item{%s}{optional named parameter: %s}", x, argDescriptionsFromDoc[[x]])
paste(result, collapse = "\n")
getDictDocString <- function(templateDir) {
file <- sprintf("%s/dictDocString.txt", templateDir)
connection <- file(file, open = "r")
result <- paste(readLines(connection), collapse = "\n")
# any conversion of Sphinx text to Latex text goes here
convertSphinxToLatex <- function(raw) {
changeSphinxHyperlinksToLatex <- function(raw) {
gsub("`([^<\n]*) <([^>\n]*)>`_", "\\\\href{\\2}{\\1}", raw)
insertLatexNewLines <- function(raw) {
gsub("\n", "\\cr\n", raw, fixed = TRUE)
# returns a named list in which the names are arguments
# and the values are their descriptions
parseArgDescriptionsFromDetails <- function(raw) {
# escape any escaped-escapes
preprocessed <- gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", raw)
# change all quotes to escaped quotes
preprocessed <- gsub("\"", "\\\\\"", preprocessed)
# change \r\n to \n
preprocessed <- gsub("\r\n", "\n", preprocessed)
# find parameters and convert them, along with their def'ns, to json
# reminder: \w in a regexp means "word character", [A-Za-z0-9_]
json <- gsub(":(parameter|param|var) (\\w+):", "\",\"\\2\":\"", preprocessed)
# prepend "{\"unusedPrefix\":\""
# add "\"}" to the end
json <- paste0("{\"unusedPrefix\":\"", json, "\"}")
# parse JSON into named list
paramsList <- fromJSON(json)
# truncate each entry at end
result <- lapply(
X = paramsList,
function(x) {
p <- regexpr("\n\n|\n:returns?:|\n[Ee]xample:", x)[1]
if (p < 0) {
result <- x
} else {
result <- substr(x, 1, p - 1)
# now do any conversion of the description
result <- pyVerbiageToLatex(result)
result <- insertLatexNewLines(result)
result$unusedPrefix <- NULL
if (length(names(result)) != length(unique(names(result)))) {
message(sprintf("Warning: encountered repeated function arguments definitions in docstring: %s", raw))
pyVerbiageToLatex <- function(raw) {
if (missing(raw) || is.null(raw) || length(raw) == 0 || nchar(raw) == 0) return("")
# this replaces ':param <param name>:' with '\nparam name:'
# same for parameter, type, var
result <- raw
result <- gsub(":(parameter|param|var) (\\w+):", "\n\\2:", result)
# Reminder: \\S means 'not whitespace'
result <- gsub(":py:class:`(\\S+\\.)*(\\S+)`", "\\2", result)
convertToUpper <- "##convertToUpper##" # marks character to convert
result <- gsub(":py:mod:`(\\S+\\.)*(\\S+)`", paste0(convertToUpper, "\\2"), result)
# anything else we simply leave in place for manual curation:
result <- gsub(":py:(func|meth):`([^`]*)`", "\\2", result)
while (TRUE) {
ctuIndex <- regexpr(convertToUpper, result)[[1]]
if (ctuIndex < 0) break
lcChar <- nchar(convertToUpper) + ctuIndex
result <- paste0(
substring(result, 1, ctuIndex - 1),
toupper(substring(result, lcChar, lcChar)),
substring(result, lcChar + 1)
result <- gsub(dictDocString, "\nConstructor accepts named arguments.\n", result, fixed = TRUE)
result <- convertSphinxToLatex(result)
getDescription <- function(raw) {
if (missing(raw) || is.null(raw) || length(raw) == 0 || nchar(raw) == 0) return("")
preprocessed <- gsub("\r\n", "\n", raw, fixed = TRUE)
# find everything up to the first syphinx token following the description
terminatorIndex <- regexpr("\n*:(parameter|param|type|var)|\n*?:returns?:|\n{1,}[Ee]xample:", preprocessed)[1]
if (terminatorIndex < 1) return(preprocessed)
substr(preprocessed, 1, terminatorIndex - 1)
getReturned <- function(raw) {
if (missing(raw) || is.null(raw) || length(raw) == 0 || nchar(raw) == 0) return("")
preprocessed <- gsub("\r\n", "\n", raw, fixed = TRUE)
if (!grepl(":returns?:", preprocessed)) return("")
# get whatever follows :return: or :returns:
result <- gsub(".*:returns?:(.*)", "\\1", preprocessed)
# check for any trailing content
doubleNewLineIndex <- regexpr("\n\n", result)[1]
if (doubleNewLineIndex <= 1) return(result)
substr(result, 1, doubleNewLineIndex - 1)
getExample <- function(raw) {
if (missing(raw) || is.null(raw) || length(raw) == 0 || nchar(raw) == 0) return("")
preprocessed <- gsub("\r\n", "\n", raw, fixed = TRUE)
pattern <- ".*[Ee]xample::?\n\n(.*)"
if (!grepl(pattern, preprocessed)) return("")
result <- gsub(pattern, "\\1", preprocessed)
# check for any trailing content
doubleNewLineIndex <- regexpr("\n\n", result)[1]
if (doubleNewLineIndex <= 1) return(result)
substr(result, 1, doubleNewLineIndex - 1)
createFunctionRdContent <- function(templateDir, alias, title, description, usage, argument, returned) {
templateFile <- sprintf("%s/rdFunctionTemplate.Rd", templateDir)
connection <- file(templateFile, open = "r")
template <- paste(readLines(connection), collapse = "\n")
content <- template
content <- gsub("##alias##", alias, content, fixed = TRUE)
if (!missing(title) && !is.null(title)) content <- gsub("##title##", title, content, fixed = TRUE)
examples <- NULL
if (!missing(description) && !is.null(description)) {
processedDescription <- pyVerbiageToLatex(getDescription(description))
content <- gsub("##description##", processedDescription, content, fixed = TRUE)
examples <- pyVerbiageToLatex(getExample(description))
} else {
content <- gsub("##description##", "", content, fixed = TRUE)
if (!missing(returned) && !is.null(returned)) {
value <- pyVerbiageToLatex(returned)
content <- gsub("##value##", value, content, fixed = TRUE)
} else {
content <- gsub("##value##", "", content, fixed = TRUE)
if (!missing(usage) && !is.null(usage)) content <- gsub("##usage##", usage, content, fixed = TRUE)
if (!missing(argument) && !is.null(argument)) content <- gsub("##arguments##", argument, content, fixed = TRUE)
if (is.null(examples) || length(examples) == 0 || nchar(examples) == 0) {
content <- gsub("##examples##", "", content, fixed = TRUE)
} else {
# we comment out the examples which come from the Python client and need to be curated
content <- gsub("##examples##", paste0("%\\dontrun{\n%", gsub("\n", "\n%", examples), "\n%}"), content, fixed = TRUE)
createMethodContent <- function(f) {
paste0("\\item \\code{", usage(f$name, f$args, f$argDescriptionsFromDoc), "}: ", f$description)
createClassRdContent <- function(templateDir, alias, title, description, methods) {
templateFile <- sprintf("%s/rdClassTemplate.Rd", templateDir)
connection <- file(templateFile, open = "r")
template <- paste(readLines(connection), collapse = "\n")
content <- template
content <- gsub("##alias##", alias, content, fixed = TRUE)
if (!missing(title) && !is.null(title)) content <- gsub("##title##", title, content, fixed = TRUE)
if (!missing(description) && !is.null(description)) {
processedDescription <- pyVerbiageToLatex(getDescription(description))
content <- gsub("##description##", processedDescription, content, fixed = TRUE)
methodContent <- NULL
for (method in methods) {
methodDescription <- method$description
if (method$name == title) {
method$description <- sprintf("Constructor for \\code{\\link{%s}}", title)
} else {
if (!is.null(methodDescription)) {
methodDescription <- pyVerbiageToLatex(getDescription(methodDescription))
methodDescription <- insertLatexNewLines(methodDescription)
method$description <- methodDescription
methodContent <- c(methodContent, createMethodContent(method))
content <- gsub("##methods##", paste(methodContent, collapse = "\n"), content, fixed = TRUE)
writeContent <- function(content, name, targetFolder) {
filePath <- file.path(targetFolder, sprintf("%s.Rd", name))
connection <- file(filePath, open = "w")
writeChar(content, connection, eos = NULL)
writeChar("\n", connection, eos = NULL)
#' @title Generate .Rd files for Python classes and functions
#' @description This function generates .Rd files for Python classes and functions
#' in a given Python container
#' @param srcRootDir The root directory under which another directory, `auto-man/` is created to hold
#' the output, Rd files.
#' @param pyPkg The Python package name
#' @param container The fully qualified name of a Python module, or a Python class to be wrapped
#' @param functionFilter Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated function metadata.
#' @param classFilter Optional function to intercept and modify the auto-generated class metadata.
#' @param functionPrefix Optional text to add to the name of the wrapped functions.
#' @param keepContent Optional whether the existing files at the target directory should be kept.
#' @param templateDir Optional path to a template directory. Set `templateDir` to NULL to use the default
#' templates in the `/templates/` folder.
#' @details
#' * `container` can take the same value as `pyPkg`, can be a module or a class within the Python package.
#' * `functionFilter` and `classFilter` are optional functions defined by the caller.
#' * `functionFilter` takes as input the metadata for a generated function and either modifies it
#' or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated functions. The metadata object is a list
#' having fields:
#' ```
#' 'name': character
#' 'args': named list having fields:
#' 'args': a list of the argument names
#' 'varargs': character
#' 'keywords': character
#' 'defaults': character
#' 'doc': character
#' 'module':character
#' ```
#' Please see [inspect.getargspec](https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#inspect.getargspec)
#' for more information about the named list `args`.
#' See example 2.
#' * `classFilter` takes as input the metadata for a generated class and either modifies it
#' or returns NULL to omit it from the set of generated classes The metadata object is a list
#' having fields:
#' ```
#' 'name': character
#' 'constructorArgs': named list having fields:
#' 'args': a list of the argument names
#' 'varargs': character
#' 'keywords': character
#' 'defaults': character
#' 'doc': character
#' 'methods':named list having fields:
#' 'name': character
#' 'doc': character
#' 'args': named list having fields:
#' 'args': a list of the argument names
#' 'varargs': character
#' 'keywords': character
#' 'defaults': character
#' ```
#' Please see [inspect.getargspec](https://docs.python.org/2/library/inspect.html#inspect.getargspec)
#' for more information about the named list `args`.
#' See example 3.
#' @note Python documentation may contains key words and terms that are only meaningful to Python users.
#' The generated .Rd files, located in 'srcRootDir/auto-man', do not auto correct these terms, nor provide
#' examples in R. One must copy all auto-generated .Rd files to their package `/man` folder and make sure
#' that the language being used in these documents are friendly to R users.
#' @examples
#' 1. Generate .Rd files for all functions and classes in "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName"
#' PythonEmbedInR::generateRdFiles(
#' srcRootDir = "path/to/R/pkg",
#' pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#' container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName")
#' 2. Generate docs for the module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting the function "myFun"
#' myfunctionFilter <- function(x) {
#' if (any(x$name == "myFun")) NULL else x
#' }
#' PythonEmbedInR::generateRdFiles(
#' srcRootDir = "path/to/R/pkg",
#' pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#' container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#' functionFilter = myfunctionFilter)
#' 3.Generate docs for the module "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName", omitting the "MyObj" constructor
#' myclassFilter <- function(x) {
#' if (any(x$name == "MyObj")) NULL else x
#' }
#' PythonEmbedInR::generateRdFiles(
#' srcRootDir = "path/to/R/pkg",
#' pyPkg = "pyPackageName",
#' container = "pyPackageName.aModuleInPyPackageName",
#' classFilter = myclassFilter)
#' @md
generateRdFiles <- function(srcRootDir,
functionFilter = NULL,
classFilter = NULL,
functionPrefix = NULL,
keepContent = FALSE,
templateDir = NULL) {
functionInfo <- getFunctionInfo(pyPkg, container, functionFilter, functionPrefix)
classInfo <- getClassInfo(pyPkg, container, classFilter)
autoGenerateRdFiles(srcRootDir, functionInfo, classInfo, keepContent, file.path(srcRootDir, "inst", "templates"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.