
Defines functions interpGrid

Documented in interpGrid

##     interpGrid.R Grid interpolation
##     Copyright (C) 2017 Santander Meteorology Group (http://www.meteo.unican.es)
##     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
##     (at your option) any later version.
##     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##     GNU General Public License for more details.
##     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title Grid interpolation
#' @description Interpolation of grids (gridded data or stations) into a user-defined grid using nearest-neighbour or bilinear weights. 
#' @importFrom akima interp
#' @importFrom abind abind
#' @importFrom fields interp.surface.grid interp.surface
#' @importFrom stats na.exclude setNames
#' @param grid An input grid to be interpolated/regridded.
#' @param new.coordinates Definition of the new grid (or points) coordinates, in the form of a list with the x and y components, in this order.
#' If new coordinates correspond to an irregular grid (e.g. point locations), lengths for x and y must be the same: Each position in x and y correspond to
#' a new location (a pair of coordinates).
#' @param method Method for interpolation. Currently implemented methods are either \code{"bilinear"},
#' for bilinear interpolation, and \code{"nearest"}, for nearest-neighbor interpolation (default).
#' @param bilin.method Algorithm chosen for bilinear interpolation. Two options available: \code{"akima"} uses \code{\link[akima]{interp}} and
#' \code{"fields"} (default) the \code{\link[fields]{interp.surface.grid}} algorithm. In case any missing values exist in the input data matrix, 
#' the \code{"fields"} option, able to handle missing values, need to be used. Otherwise, the \code{"akima"} option performs much faster.
#' @param force.non.overlapping Optional logical flag for \code{method = "nearest"} (otherwise ignored). If set to \code{TRUE},
#' the nerest neighbour interpolation will be applied over non-overlapping grid domains (See the Note below). Default to \code{FALSE}. 
#' @param mask Optional. It applies for the \code{"nearest"} method only. A static C4R grid (i.e., time dimension has length one or does not exist), 
#' in which the \strong{zero values} indicate grid-cells that are not used in the nearest-neighbour search. This can be useful for selecting
#' land/sea points for example in downscaling exercises or climate index calculation.
#' @template templateParallelParams 
#' @return An interpolated object preserving the structure of the input
#' @details  The output has special attributes in the \code{xyCoords} element that indicate that the object
#'  has been interpolated. These attributes are \code{interpolation}, which indicates the method used and
#'  \code{resX} and \code{resY}, for the grid-cell resolutions in the X and Y axes respectively.
#'  It is also possible to pass the interpolator the grid of a previously existing grid dataset using the
#'  \code{\link{getGrid}} method. See examples.
#' @template templateParallel
#' @param ... Further arguments for bilinear interpolation that are passed to function \code{\link[akima]{interp}} 
#' from package \pkg{\link[akima]{akima}}.
#' @note To avoid unnecessary NA values, the function will not extrapolate using a new grid outside the
#' current extent of the dataset, returning an error message. This behaviour can be overriden with the \code{force.non.overlapping} 
#' option when using the nearest-neighbor method. 
#' @author J. Bedia, S. Herrera, M. de Felice, M. Iturbide
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#' require(climate4R.datasets)
#' require(visualizeR)
#' # boreal winter (DJF) precipitation data for the Iberian Peninsula and the period 1983-2002
#' data(EOBS_Iberia_pr)
#' spatialPlot(climatology(EOBS_Iberia_pr))
#' # Bilinear interpolation to a regular grid of 0.5 degree 
#' # resolution centered in the Iberian Peninsula
#' t1 <- interpGrid(EOBS_Iberia_pr, new.coordinates = list(x = seq(-10,5,.5),
#'                                                         y = seq(36,44,.5)),
#'                  method = "bilinear",
#'                  bilin.method = "akima")
#' spatialPlot(climatology(t1), backdrop.theme = "countries")
#' # New attributes indicate that the data have been interpolated:
#' attributes(t1$xyCoords)
#' # Using the coordinate information of another grid via getGrid()
#' data(NCEP_Iberia_pr)
#' t2 <- interpGrid(EOBS_Iberia_pr, new.coordinates = getGrid(NCEP_Iberia_pr),
#'                  method = "nearest")
#' spatialPlot(climatology(t2), backdrop.theme = "countries")
#' #From station data to grid
#' data(VALUE_Iberia_pr)
#' spatialPlot(climatology(VALUE_Iberia_pr), backdrop.theme = "countries")
#' t3 <- interpGrid(VALUE_Iberia_pr, new.coordinates = getGrid(EOBS_Iberia_pr),
#'                  method = "bilinear")
#' spatialPlot(climatology(t3), backdrop.theme = "countries")
#' #From grid to station data
#' t4 <- interpGrid(EOBS_Iberia_pr, new.coordinates = getGrid(VALUE_Iberia_pr),
#'                  method = "nearest")
#' spatialPlot(climatology(t4), backdrop.theme = "countries")
#' t5 <- interpGrid(EOBS_Iberia_pr, 
#'                  new.coordinates = list(x = c(-6.7, -4.5, 2.5), 
#'                                         y = c(41.8, 40, 39)))
#' spatialPlot(climatology(t5), backdrop.theme = "countries")
#' #From grid to a single point or station
#' t6 <- interpGrid(grid = EOBS_Iberia_pr, 
#'                  new.coordinates = list(x = -6.7, y = 41.8))
#' str(t6$Data)
#' }

interpGrid <- function(grid,
                       new.coordinates = list(x = NULL, y = NULL),
                       method = "nearest",
                       bilin.method = "fields",
                       force.non.overlapping = FALSE,
                       mask = NULL,
                       parallel = FALSE,
                       max.ncores = 16,
                       ncores = NULL,
                       ...) {
  arg.list <- list(...)
  tab <- c("member", "time", "level", "lat", "lon")
  dimNames.ref <- c("member", "time", "lat", "lon")
  mess <- FALSE
  method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("nearest", "bilinear"))
  # if (method == "nearest" & !is.null(bilin.method)) message("NOTE: argument 'bilin.method' ignored for nearest neighbour interpolation")
  if (method == "bilinear") {
    bilin.method <- match.arg(bilin.method, choices = c("akima", "fields"))
    if (!is.null(mask)) warning("mask ignored for bilinear interpolation.")
  } else {
    if (!is.null(mask)) {
      grid <- redim(grid)
      gm <- intersectGrid(grid, mask, type = "spatial", which.return = 1:2)
      mask <- redim(gm[[2]], drop = TRUE)
      if (!is.na(suppressMessages(getShape(mask, "time")))) stop("The input mask is not a static grid (time dimension has length > 1)")
      if (length(attr(mask$Data, "dimensions")) == 0) attr(mask$Data, "dimensions") <- "lat"
      mask <- redim(mask, member = FALSE, time = FALSE)
      grid <- redim(gm[[1]])
  # Mask preprocessing
  if (method != "nearest") force.non.overlapping <- FALSE
  if (isTRUE(force.non.overlapping)) warning("Nearest-neighbour method applied over non-overlapping domains")
  parallel.pars <- parallelCheck(parallel, max.ncores, ncores)
  # redim object
  grid <- redim(grid, runtime = FALSE)
  mem.ind <- grep("member", getDim(grid))
  n.members <- getShape(grid, "member")
  time.ind <- grep("^time", getDim(grid))
  n.times <- getShape(grid, "time")
  lon.ind <- grep("^lon", getDim(grid))
  # lat.ind <- grep("^lat", getDim(grid))
  coords <- getCoordinates(grid)
  # Old coordinates
  if (is.data.frame(coords)) {
    x <- coords[,1]
    y <- coords[,2]
    bilin.method <- "akima"
    message("NOTE: Input data corresponds to an irregular grid, bilin.method = 'akima'")
    mess <- TRUE
  } else if ("lon" %in% names(coords) & !"lon" %in% names(new.coordinates)) {
    x <- coords$lon
    y <- coords$lat
    if (!is.matrix(x) & !is.matrix(y)) {
      dim1 <- getShape(grid, dimension = "lat")
      dim2 <- getShape(grid, dimension = "lon")  
      x <- matrix(x, nrow = dim1, ncol = dim2)
      y <- matrix(y, nrow = dim1, ncol = dim2)
  } else if (!is.data.frame(coords)) {
    x <- list(x = outer(coords$y*0, coords$x, FUN = "+"),
              y = outer(coords$y, coords$x*0, FUN = "+"))$x
    y <- list(x = outer(coords$y*0, coords$x, FUN = "+"),
              y = outer(coords$y, coords$x*0, FUN = "+"))$y
    if ((length(coords$x) == 1) | (length(coords$y) == 1)){
      if ((length(x) != getShape(grid,"lon")) & (isRegular(getGrid(grid)))){
        x <- coords$x
      if ((length(y) != getShape(grid,"lat")) & (isRegular(getGrid(grid)))){
        y <- coords$y
  # New coordinates
  if (is.null(new.coordinates)) {
    new.coordinates <- getGrid(grid)
  } else if (!isRegular(new.coordinates)) {
    if (mess && method == "bilinear") stop("Both original and new coordinates are irregular: bilinear method is not implemented for this case")
    dimNames.ref <- c("member", "time", "loc")
    tab <- c("member", "time", "level", "loc")
    output.coords <- setNames(data.frame(cbind("x" = new.coordinates$x, "y" = new.coordinates$y)), nm = c("x", "y"))
    new.resX <- 0
    new.resY <- 0
    bilin.method <- "fields"
    if (method == "bilinear") message("NOTE: New coordinates are irregular, bilin.method = 'fields'")
  } else {
    if (is.null(new.coordinates$x)) {
      new.coordinates$x <- x
    } else if (exists("resX", where = attributes(new.coordinates))) {
      if (length(new.coordinates$x) != 2 | new.coordinates$x[2] < new.coordinates$x[1]) {
        stop("Invalid grid definition in X")
      if (((max(c(new.coordinates$x[1],
                  new.coordinates$x[2])) < min(x)) | (min(c(new.coordinates$x[1],
                                                            new.coordinates$x[2])) > max(x))) & (!force.non.overlapping)) {
        stop("The input and output grids do not overlap\nCheck the input and output grid definitions")
      if (new.coordinates$x[1] < floor(min(x)) | new.coordinates$x[2] > ceiling(max(x))) {
        warning("The new longitudes are outside the data extent")
      if (length(unique(new.coordinates$x)) == 1L) { # Single pixel width latitudinal band
        res <- 0 
      } else {
        res <- attr(new.coordinates, 'resX')
      new.coordinates$x <- do.call("seq", as.list(c(new.coordinates$x, res)))
    } else {
      new.coordinates$x <- new.coordinates$x
    # else if (length(new.coordinates$x) == 3) {
    #       if (new.coordinates$x[2] < new.coordinates$x[1]) {
    #             stop("Invalid grid definition in X")
    #       }
    #       if ((max(c(new.coordinates$x[1],new.coordinates$x[2])) < min(x)) | (min(c(new.coordinates$x[1],new.coordinates$x[2])) > max(x))) {
    #             stop("The input and output grids do not overlap\nCheck the input and output grid definitions")
    #       }
    #       if (new.coordinates$x[1] < floor(min(x)) | new.coordinates$x[2] > ceiling(max(x))) {
    #             warning("The new longitudes are outside the data extent")
    #       }
    #       if ((new.coordinates$x[2] > new.coordinates$x[1]) & (abs(new.coordinates$x[3]) < abs(new.coordinates$x[2] - new.coordinates$x[1]))) {
    #             new.coordinates$x <- seq(from = new.coordinates$x[1], to = new.coordinates$x[2], by = new.coordinates$x[3])
    #       }
    # }
    if (is.null(new.coordinates$y)) {
      new.coordinates$y <- y
    } else if (exists("resY", where = attributes(new.coordinates))) {
      if (length(new.coordinates$y) != 2 | new.coordinates$y[2] < new.coordinates$y[1]) {
        stop("Invalid grid definition in Y")
      if (((max(c(new.coordinates$y[1],
                  new.coordinates$y[2])) < min(y)) | (min(c(new.coordinates$y[1],
                                                            new.coordinates$y[2])) > max(y))) & (!force.non.overlapping)) {
        stop("The input and output grids do not overlap\nCheck the input and output grid definitions")
      if (new.coordinates$y[1] < floor(min(y)) | new.coordinates$y[2] > ceiling(max(y))) {
        warning("The new latitudes are outside the data extent")
      if (length(unique(new.coordinates$y)) == 1L) { # Single pixel height longitudinal band
        res <- 0 
      } else {
        res <- attr(new.coordinates, 'resY')
      new.coordinates$y <- do.call("seq", as.list(c(new.coordinates$y, res)))
    } else {
      new.coordinates$y <- new.coordinates$y
    # else if (length(new.coordinates$y) == 3) {
    #       if (new.coordinates$y[2] < new.coordinates$y[1]) {
    #             stop("Invalid grid definition in Y")
    #       }
    #       if ((max(c(new.coordinates$y[1],new.coordinates$y[2])) < min(y)) | (min(c(new.coordinates$y[1],new.coordinates$y[2])) > max(y))) {
    #             stop("The input and output grids do not overlap\nCheck the input and output grid definitions")
    #       }
    #       if (new.coordinates$y[1] < floor(min(y)) | new.coordinates$y[2] > ceiling(max(y))) {
    #             warning("The new latitudes are outside the data extent")
    #       }
    #       if ((new.coordinates$y[2] > new.coordinates$y[1]) & (abs(new.coordinates$y[3]) < abs(new.coordinates$y[2] - new.coordinates$y[1]))) {
    #             new.coordinates$y <- seq(from = new.coordinates$y[1], to = new.coordinates$y[2], by = new.coordinates$y[3])
    #       }
    # }
    if ("resX" %in% names(attributes(new.coordinates))) {
      new.resX <- attr(new.coordinates, "resX")
    } else {
      new.resX <- abs(new.coordinates$x[2] - new.coordinates$x[1]) 
    if ("resY" %in% names(attributes(new.coordinates))) {
      new.resY <- attr(new.coordinates, "resY")
    } else {
      new.resY <- abs(new.coordinates$y[2] - new.coordinates$y[1]) 
    output.coords <- list("x" = new.coordinates$x, "y" = new.coordinates$y)
  # function for lapply 
  apply_fun <- selectPar.pplyFun(parallel.pars, .pplyFUN = "lapply")
  if (parallel.pars$hasparallel) on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(parallel.pars$cl))
  # nearest indices
  if (method == "nearest") {
    # Apply mask
    if (!is.null(mask)) {
      x[mask$Data == 0] <- NA 
      y[mask$Data == 0] <- NA 
    if (parallel.pars$hasparallel) {
      message("NOTE: parallel option skipped for nearest method")
    message("[", Sys.time(), "] Calculating nearest neighbors...")
    ind.NN.x <- matrix(nrow = length(output.coords$x), ncol = length(output.coords$y))
    ind.NN.y <- ind.NN.x
    for (k in 1:length(new.coordinates$x)) {
      if (isRegular(new.coordinates)) {
        for (l in 1:length(new.coordinates$y)) {
          distK <- sqrt((x - new.coordinates$x[k]) ^ 2 + (y - new.coordinates$y[l]) ^ 2)
          if (any(!is.na(distK))) {
            aux.ind <- which(distK == min(distK, na.rm = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
            if (!is.data.frame(coords)) {
              aux.ind <- matrix(aux.ind, ncol = 2)
              ind.NN.x[k,l] <- aux.ind[1,2]
              ind.NN.y[k,l] <- aux.ind[1,1] 
            } else {
              ind.NN.x[k,l] <- 1
              ind.NN.y[k,l] <- aux.ind[1]
          } else {
            warning("There are not values to interpolate.")
      } else {
        distK <- sqrt((x - new.coordinates$x[k]) ^ 2 + (y - new.coordinates$y[k]) ^ 2)
        if (any(!is.na(distK))) {
        aux.ind <- which(distK == min(distK, na.rm = TRUE), arr.ind = TRUE)
        # if(nrow(aux.ind))
        if (!is.data.frame(coords)) {
          ind.NN.x[k,k] <- aux.ind[1,2]
          ind.NN.y[k,k] <- aux.ind[1,1] 
        } else {
          ind.NN.x[k,k] <- 1
          ind.NN.y[k,k] <- aux.ind[1]
        } else {
          warning("There are not values to interpolate.")
  message("[", Sys.time(), "] Performing ", method, " interpolation... may take a while")
  aux.list <- list()
  # any_is_NA_or_NAN <- any(!is.finite(grid$Data))
  # if (any_is_NA_or_NAN && bilin.method == "akima") message("The input grid contains missing values\nConsider using 'bilin.method=\"fields\"' instead")
  for (i in 1:n.members) {
    if (n.members > 1) message("[", Sys.time(), "] Interpolating member ", i, " out of ", n.members)
    if (method == "nearest") {
      int <- array(dim = c(n.times, length(new.coordinates$y), length(new.coordinates$x)))
      for (k in 1:length(new.coordinates$x)) {
        for (l in 1:length(new.coordinates$y)) {
          if (is.na(ind.NN.y[k,l]) | is.na(ind.NN.x[k,l])){
            int[,l,k] <- NA
          } else { 
            int[,l,k] <- grid$Data[i,,ind.NN.y[k,l],ind.NN.x[k,l]]
      if (!isRegular(new.coordinates)) int <- array3Dto2Dmat.stations(int)
      aux.list[[i]] <- int
      int <- NULL
    if (method == "bilinear") {
      if (isRegular(new.coordinates)) dimNames.ref <- c("member", "time", "lon", "lat")
      if (!isRegular(grid) && bilin.method == "fields") {
        irr.data <- adrop(asub(grid$Data, idx = i, dims = mem.ind, drop = FALSE), drop = lon.ind)
        z.mem <- mat2Dto3Darray.stations(asub(irr.data, idx = i, dims = mem.ind), x, y)
        z.mem <- unname(abind(z.mem, along = 0))
      } else {
        z.mem <- asub(grid$Data, idx = i, dims = mem.ind, drop = FALSE)
      interp.list <- apply_fun(1:n.times, function(j) { # iterates in time (inefficient!, to be changed)
        z <- asub(z.mem, idx = j, dims = time.ind)
        if (bilin.method == "akima") {
          indNoNA <- which(is.finite(z))
          arg.list$x <- x[indNoNA] ; arg.list$y <- y[indNoNA] ; arg.list$z <- z[indNoNA]
          arg.list$xo <- new.coordinates$x ; arg.list$yo <- new.coordinates$y
          arg.list$nx <- length(new.coordinates$x) ; arg.list$ny <- length(new.coordinates$y)
          int <- do.call("interp", arg.list)$z
        } else if (bilin.method == "fields") {
          # if (!any_is_NA_or_NAN & i == 1 & j == 1) message("NOTE: No missing values present in the input grid\nConsider using the option bilin.method=\"akima\" for improved speed")
          arg.list.fields <- list()
          arg.list.fields$obj <- list("x" = coords$x, "y" = coords$y, "z" = t(z))
          if (!isRegular(new.coordinates)) {
            arg.list.fields$loc <- cbind(new.coordinates$x, new.coordinates$y)
            int <- do.call("interp.surface", arg.list.fields)
          } else {
            arg.list.fields$grid.list <- list(x = new.coordinates$x, y = new.coordinates$y)
            int <- do.call("interp.surface.grid", arg.list.fields)$z  
        z <- NULL
      aux.list[[i]] <- unname(do.call("abind", c(interp.list, along = -1L)))
      interp.list <- NULL
  grid$Data <- unname(do.call("abind", c(aux.list, along = -1L)))
  attr(grid$Data, "dimensions") <- dimNames.ref
  aux.list <- NULL
  # Dimension ordering & Coordinate system
  grid$xyCoords <- output.coords
  attr(grid$xyCoords, "resX") <- new.resX
  attr(grid$xyCoords, "resY") <- new.resY
  if (is.null(attr(grid$xyCoords, "projection")) & !is.null(attr(new.coordinates, "projection"))) {
    attr(grid$xyCoords, "projection") <- attr(new.coordinates, "projection")
  attr(grid$xyCoords, "interpolation") <-  method
  gdims <- getDim(grid)
  b <- na.exclude(match(tab, gdims))
  gdims <- gdims[b]
  grid$Data <- aperm(grid$Data, perm = b)
  attr(grid$Data, "dimensions")  <- gdims
  if (is.null(attr(grid$xyCoords, "projection"))) {
    attr(grid$xyCoords, "projection") <- "undefined"
  grid <- redim(grid, drop = TRUE)
  message("[", Sys.time(), "] Done")
# End
SantanderMetGroup/transformeR documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 6:42 a.m.