
Defines functions glottocheck_isglottodata glottocheck_isglottosubdata_complex glottocheck_isglottosubdata_simplified glottocheck_isglottosubdata glottocheck_colmissing glottocheck_rowmissing glottocheck_glottosubcol glottocheck_glottocol glottocheck_lscolcount glottocheck_glottosubcodes glottocheck_glottocodes glottocheck_varlevels glottocheck_twolevels glottocheck_idunique glottocheck_idmissing glottocheck_metaweights glottocheck_metanames glottocheck_metatypes glottocheck_isstructure glottocheck_hassample glottocheck_hasstructure glottocheck_metadata glottocheck_subdata glottocheck_data glottocheck_id glottocheck

Documented in glottocheck

#' Quality check of glottodata or glottosubdata
#' This function first checks whether a dataset is glottodata or glottosubdata, and depending on the result calls glottocheck_data or glottocheck_subdata.
#' It subsequently checks whether:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item one column exists with the name "glottocode"
#'   \item there are rows without a glottocode  (missing IDs)
#'   \item there are rows with duplicated glottocodes (duplicate IDs)
#'   \item all variables have at least two levels
#'   \item all glottocodes are valid
#' }
#' @param glottodata User-provided glottodata
#' @param diagnostic If TRUE (default) a data viewer will be opened to show the levels of each variable (including NAs), and a data coverage plot will be shown.
#' @param checkmeta Should metadata be checked as well?
#' @family <glottocheck>
#' @export
#' @return Diagnostic messages highlighting potential issues with glottodata or glottosubdata.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata")
#' glottocheck(glottodata, diagnostic = FALSE)
#' }
glottocheck <- function(glottodata, diagnostic = TRUE, checkmeta = TRUE){
  if(glottocheck_isglottosubdata(glottodata) == FALSE){
    glottocheck_data(glottodata = glottodata, diagnostic = diagnostic)
  } else{
    glottocheck_subdata(glottosubdata = glottodata, diagnostic = diagnostic)

  if(checkmeta == TRUE){
    } else {
      message("glottodata does not contain metadata")


#' Guess id of glottodata
#' Guess whether the id of glottodata is glottocode or glottosubcode
#' @param glottodata glottodata to check
#' @param id optional, if id is specified, the function will return original id
#' @noRd
#' @return A character string with either 'glottocode' or 'glottosubcode'. If
#'   none of these are present in the data, an error will be thrown.
glottocheck_id <- function(glottodata, id = NULL){
  glottodata <- glottosimplify(glottodata)
    if("glottocode" %in% colnames(glottodata) & "glottosubcode" %nin% colnames(glottodata)){
      id <- "glottocode"
      message("glottocode used as id")
    } else if("glottocode" %nin% colnames(glottodata) & "glottosubcode" %in% colnames(glottodata)){
      id <- "glottosubcode"
      message("glottosubcode used as id")
    } else if(all(c("glottocode", "glottosubcode") %in% colnames(glottodata)) ){
      id <- "glottocode"
      message("Data contains glottocodes AND glottosubcodes, glottocode used as id. If this is not what you want, please specify id.")
    } else if(all(c("glottocode", "glottosubcode") %nin% colnames(glottodata)) ){
      stop("Please provide an id, or add a 'glottocode' or 'glottosubcode' column to your data")

#' Quality check of user-provided glottodata
#' Go through a user-provided glottodataset and check whether:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item one column exists with the name "glottocode"
#'   \item there are rows without a glottocode  (missing IDs)
#'   \item there are rows with duplicated glottocodes (duplicate IDs)
#'   \item all variables have at least two levels
#'   \item all glottocodes are valid
#' }
#' @param glottodata User-provided glottodata
#' @param diagnostic If TRUE (default) a data viewer will be opened to show the levels of each variable (including NAs), and a data coverage plot will be shown.
#' @noRd
#' @family <glottocheck>
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata")
#' glottocheck_data(glottodata, diagnostic = FALSE)
#' }
glottocheck_data <- function(glottodata, diagnostic = TRUE){
  glottodata <- glottosimplify(glottodata)
  id <- "glottocode"
  glottocheck_glottocol(glottodata = glottodata)
  glottocheck_idmissing(data = glottodata, id = id)
  glottocheck_idunique(data = glottodata, id = id)
  glottocheck_twolevels(data = glottodata)
  glottocheck_glottocodes(glottodata = glottodata)
    glottocheck_colmissing(data = glottodata, id = id, diagnostic = diagnostic)
    glottocheck_rowmissing(data = glottodata, id = id, diagnostic = diagnostic)
  if(diagnostic == TRUE){
    glottocheck_varlevels(data = glottodata)
    glottoplot_naviewer(data = glottodata, id = id)

#' Quality check of user-provided glottosubdata
#' @param glottosubdata User-provided glottosubdata
#' @param diagnostic If TRUE (default) a data viewer will be opened to show the levels of each variable (including NAs), and a data coverage plot will be shown.
#' @noRd
#' @family <glottocheck>
#' @examples
#' glottosubdata <- glottoget("demosubdata")
#' glottocheck_subdata(glottosubdata, diagnostic = FALSE)
glottocheck_subdata <- function(glottosubdata, diagnostic = TRUE){
  glottosubdata <- glottosimplify(glottosubdata)
  id <- "glottosubcode"
  glottocheck_glottosubcol(glottosubdata = glottosubdata)
  glottocheck_idmissing(data = glottosubdata, id = id)
  glottocheck_idunique(data = glottosubdata, id = id)
  glottocheck_twolevels(data = glottosubdata)
  glottocheck_glottosubcodes(glottosubdata = glottosubdata)
  glottocheck_colmissing(data = glottosubdata, id = id, diagnostic = diagnostic)
  glottocheck_rowmissing(data = glottosubdata, id = id, diagnostic = diagnostic)
  if(diagnostic == TRUE){
    glottocheck_varlevels(data = glottosubdata)
    glottoplot_naviewer(data = glottosubdata, id = id)

#' Check metadata of glottodata
#' @param glottodata glottodata
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottocheck_metadata(glottodata)
glottocheck_metadata <- function(glottodata){
  tablenames <- paste(names(glottodata), collapse = ", ")
  message( paste("This glottodataset contains the folowing tables:", tablenames) )

  } else {message("No structure table found in glottodata")}

#' Check whether glottodata contains structure table / metadata
#' In fact, this function only checks whether glottodata contains a structure table, because the structure table is the only table that is required by some glottospace functions. All other tables are for humans, not computers;-).
#' @param glottodata glottodata
#' @aliases glottocheck_hasstructure
#' @noRd
#' @family <glottocheck>
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottocheck_hasmeta(glottodata)
glottocheck_hasmeta <- glottocheck_hasstructure <- function(glottodata){
  any(is_list(glottodata)) & any(names(glottodata) %in% "structure")

#' Check whether glottodata contains a sample table
#' @param glottodata glottodata
#' @noRd
#' @family <glottocheck>
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottocheck_hassample(glottodata)
glottocheck_hassample <- function(glottodata){
  any(is_list(glottodata)) & any(names(glottodata) %in% "sample")

#' Check whether object is likely to be a structure table
#' @param structure structure table
#' @noRd
#' @family <glottocheck>
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' structure <- glottodata[["structure"]]
#' glottocheck_isstructure(structure)
glottocheck_isstructure <- function(structure){
    return(all(c("varname", "type", "weight") %in% colnames(structure) ))
  } else {

glottocheck_metatypes <- function(glottodata){
  if(!all(glottodata$structure$type %in% glottocreate_lookuptable()[,"type_lookup"]) ){
    message(paste0("The following types were not recognized: ",
            unique(glottodata$structure$type[glottodata$structure$type %nin% glottocreate_lookuptable()[,"type_lookup"]]),
            "\n maybe there was a spelling error? Check the lookup table to see the possible levels."))

  } else{message("All types recognized")}

glottocheck_metanames <- function(glottodata){

  structure <- glottodata[["structure"]]

  data <- glottosimplify(glottodata)

    strucvars <- structure$varname
    strucnindat <- strucvars[strucvars %nin% colnames(data)]
    datninstruc <- colnames(data)[colnames(data) %nin% strucvars]
      message(paste0("The following variables are in the structure table, but there are no such columns in the data: ", paste0(strucnindat, collapse = ", "), "\n Please check whether the spelling is identical, remove the rows from the structure table, or add the columns to the data. \n\n"))
      message(paste0("The following variables are in the data, but there are no such columns variables defined in the structure table: ", paste0(datninstruc, collapse = ", "), "\n Please check whether the spelling is identical, remove the rows from the structure table, or add the columns to the data. \n\n"))
  } else{
    message("Structure table does not have the correct format. Please check whether the first column is called 'varname' ")

glottocheck_metaweights <- function(glottodata){
  if(any(is.na(glottodata$structure$weight))){message("Some of the weights are NA. If you want to weigh all variables equally, please set each of them to 1.")
  } else{message("All weights are specified")}

#' Check whether rows have missing IDs.
#' @param data User glottodata
#' @param id Column index or name with IDs (glottocodes, glottosubcodes, or glottosubsubcodes)
#' @return Besides diagnostic messages, this function invisibly returns TRUE if check is passed (no missing IDs) and FALSE otherwise
#' @noRd
glottocheck_idmissing <- function(data, id){

  idmissing <- nrow(data[is.na(data[,id]),] )

  if(idmissing > 0){
      message(paste(idmissing, ' rows with missing ID'))
  } else{
      message("No missing IDs")

#' Check whether all IDs are unique
#' Some unicorns might be found...
#' @param data User glottodata
#' @param id Column index or name with IDs (glottocodes, glottosubcodes, or glottosubsubcodes)
#' @return Besides diagnostic messages, this function invisibly returns TRUE if check is passed (all IDs are unique) and FALSE otherwise
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = FALSE)
#' glottocheck_idunique(data = glottodata, id = "glottocode")
glottocheck_idunique <- function(data, id){
  freqtab <- data.frame(table(data[,id]))
  colnames(freqtab)[1] <- "id"
  colnames(freqtab)[2] <- "n"

  if(any(freqtab$n > 1)){
      duplicate <- freqtab[freqtab$n > 1, ]
      message('IDs are not unique. The following ids have duplicates:')
      message(paste(duplicate$id, ": ", duplicate$n, "\n"))
  } else {
      message("No duplicate IDs.")

#' Check whether each variable has at least two levels (excluding NA).
#' This function checks whether each variable has at least two levels (excluding NA). Use function glottocheck_varlevels to get an overview of the levels in each variable.
#' @param data
#' @return Besides diagnostic messages, this function invisibly returns TRUE if check is passed (all variables have at least two levels) and FALSE otherwise
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = FALSE)
#' glottocheck_twolevels(data = glottodata)
glottocheck_twolevels <- function(data){
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  lslevels <- lapply(data, unique)
  lslevels <- lapply(lslevels, factor, exclude = NA)

  # summary of data:
  lslevelsrmna <- lapply(lslevels, levels)
  lslevelscount <- lapply(lslevelsrmna, length)
  lslevels_lgl <- lapply(lslevelscount, function(x) {x < 2})
  lslevdf <- t(as.data.frame(lslevels_lgl))

  # How many variables have less than two levels? Which variables?
  totbelow2 <- sum(lslevdf)
  namesbelow2 <- paste(rownames(lslevdf)[lslevdf], collapse = ", ")

  if(totbelow2 != 0){
    message(paste0("There are ", totbelow2, " variables with less than two levels (excluding NA): ", namesbelow2))
  } else {
    message("All variables have two or more levels (excluding NA)")

#' Show levels of all variables.
#' This function shows the levels of all variables and is mainly intended to provide users with a quick overview of their data.
#' @param data Glottodata
#' @param diagnostic Whether diagnostic messages should be shown
#' @return Opens a data viewer showing the levels of each variable (including NA)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = FALSE)
#' glottocheck_varlevels(data = glottodata, diagnostic = FALSE)
glottocheck_varlevels <- function(data, diagnostic = TRUE){
  # readline(prompt="Do you want to view the levels of each variable (this might take a few seconds)? \n Press [enter] to view or [esc] to skip")
  lslevels <- lapply(data, unique)
  lslevels <- lapply(lslevels, factor)

  varlevels <- unlist(lapply(lslevels, paste, collapse=" , "), use.names = FALSE)
  varlevels <- data.frame(variable = colnames(data), levels = varlevels)

  if(diagnostic == TRUE){utils::View(varlevels)}

#' Check whether all IDs are valid glottocodes.
#' This is a wrapper around glottocode_exists
#' @param glottodata User-provided glottodata
#' @return Besides diagnostic messages, this function invisibly returns TRUE if check is passed and FALSE otherwise
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata")
#' glottocheck_glottocodes(glottodata)
glottocheck_glottocodes <- function(glottodata){
  glottodata <- glottosimplify(glottodata)
  glottodata <- glottodata[!is.na(glottodata[["glottocode"]]), ]
  message("Checking ", nrow(glottodata), " glottocodes...")
  existing <- glottocode_exists(glottodata[["glottocode"]])
  if(sum(!existing) > 0){
    message("Not all IDs are valid glottocodes \n The following glottocodes are not found in glottolog (checked at the language level): \n")
    nexist <- paste(glottodata[!existing,"glottocode", drop = TRUE], collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    message("All IDs are valid glottocodes")

#' Check whether all IDs are valid glottosubcodes.
#' This is a wrapper around glottosubcode_valid
#' @param glottosubdata glottosubdata
#' @return Besides diagnostic messages, this function invisibly returns TRUE if check is passed and FALSE otherwise
#' @noRd
glottocheck_glottosubcodes <- function(glottosubdata){
  glottosubdata <- glottosimplify(glottosubdata)
  v <- glottosubcode_valid(glottosubdata$glottosubcode)
  if(v == TRUE){message("All glottosubcodes are valid.")}

#' Check whether number of columns are identical across all glottodata objects in a list
#' @param langlist
#' @return Returns error message if number of columns is not identical, and invisibly returns TRUE otherwise.
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottosubdata <- glottocreate(glottocodes = c("yucu1253", "tani1257"),
#'                    variables = 3, groups = c("a", "b"), n = 5)
#' langlist <- glottosubdata[c(1,2)]
#' glottocheck_lscolcount(langlist) # invisibly returns TRUE
glottocheck_lscolcount <- function(langlist){
  colcount <- lapply(X = langlist, FUN = function(x){length(colnames(x))})
  colcount <- unlist(colcount, recursive = F)

  if(is.null(names(langlist))){names(langlist) <- seq_len(length(langlist))}

  if(length(unique(colcount)) > 1){
    message(paste(names(langlist), ": ", colcount, "\n"))
    stop('Not all languages have same number of features \n', call. = FALSE)
  } else {


#' Check whether there is one column named 'glottocode'
#' @param glottodata A glottodata table
#' @noRd
glottocheck_glottocol <- function(glottodata){
  n <- sum(colnames(glottodata) == "glottocode")
  if(n == 1){
  } else if(n == 0){
    message("No glottocode column found. Please rename your ID column to 'glottocode'.")
    } else if(n > 1){message("There are more than one columns with the name glottocode. Please remove/rename redundant column(s).")

#' Check whether there is one column named 'glottosubcode'
#' @param glottosubdata A glottodata list
#' @noRd
glottocheck_glottosubcol <- function(glottosubdata){
  n <- sum(colnames(glottosubdata) == "glottosubcode")
  if(n == 1){
  } else if(n == 0){
    message("No glottosubcode column found. Please rename your ID column to 'glottosubcode'.")
  } else if(n > 1){message("There are more than one columns with the name glottosubcode. Please remove/rename redundant column(s).")

#' Check whether rows have missing data
#' Provides a message in case there are missing data, otherwise returns NULL
#' @param data A dataset
#' @param id Column name or index with unique id's
#' @param diagnostic Whether diagnostic messages should be shown
#' @param na.rm Whether rows without id should be removed.
#' @noRd
glottocheck_rowmissing <- function(data, id, diagnostic = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE){
  if(na.rm == TRUE){data <- data[!is.na(data[[id]]), ]}
  datamissing <- tibble::column_to_rownames(data, var = id)
  datamissing$count <- rowSums(is.na(datamissing) )
  if(any(datamissing$count != 0)){
    message("Some rows have missing data.")
  if(diagnostic == TRUE){printmessage(datamissing[datamissing$count != 0, "count", drop = FALSE])}

#' Check whether columns have missing data
#' Provides a message in case there are missing data, otherwise returns NULL
#' @param data A dataset
#' @param id Column name or index with unique id's
#' @param diagnostic Whether diagnostic messages should be shown
#' @param na.rm Whether rows without id should be removed.
#' @noRd
glottocheck_colmissing <- function(data, id, diagnostic = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE){
  if(na.rm == TRUE){data <- data[!is.na(data[[id]]), ]}
  datamissing <- tibble::column_to_rownames(data, var = id)
  datamissing <- rbind(datamissing, "count" = colSums(is.na(datamissing) ) )
  if(any(datamissing["count", ] != 0)){
    message("Some columns have missing data.")
  if(diagnostic == TRUE){printmessage(datamissing["count", datamissing["count", ] != 0, drop = FALSE])}

#' Guess whether an object is glottosubdata (and not glottodata)
#' @param glottodata User-provided glottodata
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottosubdata <- glottoget("demosubdata")
#' glottocheck_isglottosubdata(glottosubdata)
#' glottosubdata <- glottosimplify(glottosubdata)
#' glottocheck_isglottosubdata(glottosubdata)
glottocheck_isglottosubdata <- function(glottosubdata){
 glottocheck_isglottosubdata_complex(glottosubdata) | glottocheck_isglottosubdata_simplified(glottosubdata) | inherits(x = glottosubdata, what = "glottosubdata")

#' Guess whether an object is (simplified) glottosubdata
#' @param glottodata User-provided glottodata
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottosubdata <- glottoget("demosubdata")
#' glottosubdata <- glottosimplify(glottosubdata)
#' glottocheck_isglottosubdata_simplified(glottosubdata)
glottocheck_isglottosubdata_simplified <- function(glottosubdata){
  if(inherits(glottosubdata, what = "list")  ){
    if(any(names(glottosubdata) %in% "glottosubdata") ){
      return(!purrr::is_empty(colnames(glottosubdata[[1]])[1] == "glottosubcode") )
    } else { # 'glottosubdata' does not exist in names
  } else{ # doesn't inherit list
      return(colnames(glottosubdata)[1] == "glottosubcode")
    } else {

#' Guess whether an object is (complex) glottosubdata
#' @param glottosubdata glottosubdata
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottosubdata <- glottoget("demosubdata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottocheck_isglottosubdata_complex(glottosubdata)
glottocheck_isglottosubdata_complex <- function(glottosubdata){
  if(inherits(glottosubdata, what = "list")  ){
    if(all(names(glottosubdata) %nin% c("glottosubdata", "glottodata") ) ){
      return(!purrr::is_empty(colnames(glottosubdata[[1]])[1] == "glottosubcode") )
    } else { # 'glottosubdata' or 'glottodata' does exist in names
  } else{ # doesn't inherit list

#' Guess whether an object is glottodata (and not glottosubdata)
#' @param glottodata glottodata
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = FALSE)
#' glottocheck_isglottodata(glottodata)
#' glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
#' glottocheck_isglottodata(glottodata)
glottocheck_isglottodata <- function(glottodata){

  glottodata <- contrans_tb2df(glottodata)
  if(inherits(glottodata, what = "list")){
    if("glottodata" %in% names(glottodata)){
        return(colnames(glottodata[["glottodata"]])[1] == "glottocode")
      } else {
    } else {
  } else {
      return(colnames(glottodata)[1] == "glottocode")
    } else {

SietzeN/glottospace documentation built on June 15, 2024, 10:45 p.m.