#' Conservation Area Mapping
#' Runs gbm.auto for multiple subsets of the same overall dataset and
#' scales the combined results, leading to maps which highlight areas of high
#' conservation importance for multiple species in the same study area e.g.
#' using juvenile and adult female subsets to locate candidate nursery grounds
#' and spawning areas respectively.
#' @param mygrids Gridded lat+long+data object to predict to.
#' @param subsets Subset name(s): character; single or vector, corresponding to
#' matching-named dataset objects e.g. read in by read.csv().
#' @param alerts Play sounds to mark progress steps.
#' @param map Produce maps.
#' @param BnW Also produce B&W maps?
#' @param resvars Vector of resvars cols from dataset objects for gbm.autos,
#' length(subsets)*species, no default.
#' @param gbmautos Do gbm.auto runs for species? Default TRUE, set FALSE if
#' already run and output files in expected directories.
#' @param savedir Save outputs to a temporary directory (default) else change to
#' current directory e.g. "/home/me/folder". Do not use getwd() here.
#' @param expvars List object of expvar vectors for gbm.autos, length = no. of
#' subsets * no. of species. No default.
#' @param tcs Gbm.auto parameters, auto-calculated below if not provided by user.
#' @param lrs Gbm.auto parameter, uses defaults if not provided by user.
#' @param bfs Gbm.auto parameter, uses defaults if not provided by user.
#' @param ZIs Gbm.auto parameter, autocalculated below if not provided by user.
#' Choose one entry.
#' @param colss Gbm.auto parameter, uses defaults if not provided by user.
#' @param linesfiless Gbm.auto parameter, uses defaults if not provided by user.
#' @param savegbms Gbm.auto parameter, uses defaults if not provided by user.
#' @param varints Gbm.auto parameter, uses defaults if not provided by user.
#' @param maps Gbm.auto parameter, uses defaults if not provided by user.
#' @param RSBs Gbm.auto parameter, uses defaults if not provided by user.
#' @param BnWs Gbm.auto parameter, uses defaults if not provided by user.
#' @param zeroes For breaks.grid, include zero-only category in colour
#' breakpoints and subsequent legend. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param shape Coastline file for gbm.map.
#' @param pngtype File-type for png files, alternatively try "quartz" on Mac.
#' Choose one.
#' @param gridslat Per Gbm.auto defaults to 2.
#' @param gridslon Per Gbm.auto defaults to 1.
#' @param grids Dummy param for package testing for CRAN, ignore.
#' @return Maps via gbm.map & saved data as csv file.
#' @export
#' @importFrom beepr beep
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off grey.colors png
#' @importFrom graphics legend lines par
#' @importFrom utils read.csv write.csv
#' @author Simon Dedman, \email{simondedman@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Not run: downloads and saves external data.
#' data(grids)
#' gbm.cons(mygrids = grids, subsets = c("Juveniles","Adult_Females"),
#' resvars = c(44:47,11:14),
#' expvars = list(c(4:11,15,17,21,25,29,37),
#' c(4:11,15,18,22,26,30,38),
#' c(4:11,15,19,23,27,31),
#' c(4:11,15,20,24,28,32,39),
#' 4:10, 4:10, 4:10, 4:10),
#' tcs = list(c(2,14), c(2,14), 13, c(2,14), c(2,6), c(2,6), 6,
#' c(2,6)),
#' lrs = list(c(0.01,0.005), c(0.01,0.005), 0.005, c(0.01,0.005),
#' 0.005, 0.005, 0.001, 0.005),
#' ZIs = rep(TRUE, 8),
#' savegbms = rep(FALSE, 8),
#' varints = rep(FALSE, 8),
#' RSBs = rep(FALSE, 8),
#' BnWs = rep(FALSE, 8),
#' zeroes = rep(FALSE,8))
#' }
gbm.cons <- function(mygrids, # gridded lat+long+data object to predict to
subsets, # Subset name(s): character; single or vector
# corresponding to matching-named dataset objects in the
# environment e.g. read in by read.csv.
alerts = TRUE, # play sounds to mark progress steps.
map = TRUE, # produce maps.
BnW = TRUE, # also produce B&W maps.
resvars, # vector of resvars cols from dataset objects for
# gbm.autos, length(subsets)*species, no default.
gbmautos = TRUE, # do gbm.auto runs for species?
savedir = tempdir(), # save outputs to a temporary directory (default) else
# change to current directory e.g. "/home/me/folder". Do not use getwd() here.
expvars, # list object of expvar vectors for gbm.autos,
# length = no. of subsets * no. of species. No default.
tcs = NULL, # autocalculated below if not provided by user.
lrs = rep(list(c(0.01, 0.005)), length(resvars)),
bfs = rep(0.5, length(resvars)),
ZIs = rep("CHECK", length(resvars)), # "CHECK"/FALSE/TRUE.
# Choose one.
# rep(FALSE, length(resvars)),
# rep(TRUE, length(resvars))), # Choose one.
colss = rep(list(grey.colors(1,1,1)), length(resvars)),
linesfiless = rep(FALSE, length(resvars)),
savegbms = rep(TRUE, length(resvars)),
varints = rep(TRUE, length(resvars)),
maps = rep(TRUE, length(resvars)),
RSBs = rep(TRUE, length(resvars)),
BnWs = rep(TRUE, length(resvars)),
zeroes = rep(TRUE, length(resvars)),
shape = NULL, # coastline file for gbm.map
pngtype = c("cairo-png", "quartz", "Xlib"), # file-type for png files,
# alternatively try "quartz" on Mac. Choose one.
gridslat = 2, #per Gbm.auto defaults to 2
gridslon = 1, #per Gbm.auto defaults to 1
grids = NULL) # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
####todo: make running gbm.auto optional####
# if they've already been run.
# Have to have subset folders & species folder names correct.
# test this. Changes default requirement of grids. And samples? And loads of stuff.
# utils::globalVariables("grids") # addresses devtools::check's no visible binding for global variable https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/vignettes/datatable-importing.html#globals
pngtype <- match.arg(pngtype) # populate object from function argument in proper way
ZIs <- match.arg(ZIs)
####Load functions & data####
# if (map) if (!exists("gbm.map")) {stop("you need to install the gbm.map function to run this function")}
# if (is.null(shape)) {if (!exists("gbm.basemap")) {stop("you need to install gbm.basemap to run this function")}}
# if (alerts) if (!require(beepr)) {stop("you need to install the beepr package to run this function")}
# if (alerts) require(beepr)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # defensive block, thanks to Gregor Sayer
oldwd <- getwd()
oldoptions <- options()
on.exit(setwd(oldwd), add = TRUE)
on.exit(options(oldoptions), add = TRUE)
if (alerts) options(error = function() {
graphics.off()}) # give warning noise if it fails
if (gbmautos) {if (is.null(tcs)) {tcs = list() #make blank then loop populate w/ 2 & expvar length
for (g in 1:length(resvars)) {tcs[[g]] <- c(2,length(expvars[[g]]))}}}
# load saved models if re-running aspects from a previous run
# load("Bin_Best_Model")
# load("Gaus_Best_Model")
# create basemap if not provided
if (map) {
if (is.null(shape)) {
bounds = c(range(grids[,gridslon]),range(grids[,gridslat]))
#create standard bounds from data, and extra bounds for map aesthetic
shape <- gbm.basemap(bounds = bounds, extrabounds = TRUE)
} else {shape <- shape}} # use user-defined otherwise; close map section
# create a list of response variables for name ranges
GS <- length(resvars)/length(subsets) # calculate group size, e.g. 8/2
resvarrange = list() # create blank list to populate with subset values
for (h in 1:length(subsets)) { #e.g. 1:2
resvarrange[[h]] <- (1 + (GS * (h - 1))):(GS * h)} # e.g. 1:4, 5:8
####gbm.auto loops subsets & species####
# Loop through subsets
for (i in 1:length(subsets)) { #currently 2
if (gbmautos) {dir.create(paste0("./", subsets[i]))} # Create WD for subset[i] name
setwd(paste0("./", subsets[i])) # go there
for (j in 1:GS) { #loop through all species in group e.g. 4
# below: ((i-1)*GS)+j is the subset-loop-disregarding number
# e.g. CTBS,CTBS = 1:8. Allows (e.g.) length=8 lists to be entered by user in
# function terms & used by gbm.auto calls across subset loops
mysamples <- get(subsets[i]) # for gbm.auto (default) & later
# gbm.auto pulls relevant group-ignoring variable from user entries or defaults
if (gbmautos) {gbm.auto(grids = mygrids,
samples = mysamples,
expvar = expvars[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
resvar = resvars[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
tc = tcs[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
lr = lrs[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
bf = bfs[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
ZI = ZIs[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
gridslat = gridslat,
gridslon = gridslon,
cols = colss[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
linesfiles = linesfiless[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
savegbm = savegbms[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
varint = varints[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
map = maps[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
RSB = RSBs[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
BnW = BnWs[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
zero = zeroes[[((i - 1) * GS) + j]],
shape = shape)
if (alerts) beep(2)} # ping for each completion
# create object for resulting abundance preds csv, e.g. Juveniles_Cuckoo
assign(paste0(subsets[i], "_", names(mysamples)[(resvars)[resvarrange[[i]]]][j]),
read.csv(paste0("./", names(mysamples)[(resvars)[resvarrange[[i]]]][j], "/Abundance_Preds_only.csv"), header = TRUE))
# names(mysamples)[(resvars)[resvarrange[[i]]]][j] is the (species) name for the
# column no. in samples, for the j'th response variable in this subsets' group
print(paste0("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Species ", j, " of ", GS, ", Subset ", i, " of ", length(subsets), " XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))
} # reloop/end j loop of species
setwd("../") # go back up to /Maps root folder for correct placement @ restart
} # reloop/end i loop of subsets
####Conservation maps####
dir.create("ConservationMaps") # create conservation maps directory
# Loop through subsets then add them together
for (k in names(mysamples)[(resvars)[resvarrange[[length(subsets)]]]]) {
# name list from last mysamples & last subset resvarnames list, e.g. CTBS
# make grids-length blank objects e.g. All_Cuckoo, Scaled_Cuckoo & allscaled
assign(paste0("All_", k),rep(0,dim(mygrids)[1]))
assign(paste0("Scaled_", k),rep(0,dim(mygrids)[1]))
allscaled <- rep(0,dim(mygrids)[1])
# loop subsets
for (i in 1:length(subsets)) {
# replace All_Cuckoo (starts blank) w/ All_Cuckoo + e.g. Juveniles_Cuckoo
assign(paste0("All_", k),get(paste0("All_", k)) + get(paste0(subsets[i], "_", k))[,3])
# scale subsets' values to 1 for species k & add to blanks
assign(paste0("Scaled_", k),
get(paste0("Scaled_", k))
+ (get(paste0(subsets[i], "_", k))[,3]
/ max(get(paste0(subsets[i], "_", k))[,3], na.rm = TRUE)))
###could have option here to normalise another way than scaling to 1
xtmp <- get(paste0(subsets[i], "_", k))[,2] # LONG for later
ytmp <- get(paste0(subsets[i], "_", k))[,1] # LAT for later
} # end/reloop i & add next subset of same species e.g. Adult Females_Cuckoo
print(paste0("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Both subsets scaled for ", k, " XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))
# create simple temp object name for e.g. All_Cuckoo
ztmp <- get(paste0("All_", k)) # already includes the [,3]
dir.create(paste0("./ConservationMaps/", k))
setwd(paste0("./ConservationMaps/", k))
####Unscaled conservation maps####
# map all subsets' abundance for species k
if (map) {
png(filename = paste0("./Conservation_Map_", k, ".png"),
width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48,
bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0),xpd = FALSE)
gbm.map(x = xtmp,
y = ytmp,
z = ztmp,
mapmain = "Predicted CPUE (numbers per hour): ",
species = k,
zero = FALSE,
legendtitle = "CPUE",
shape = shape) # set coast shapefile, else downloaded and autogenerated
if (BnW) { # again in B&W
png(filename = paste0("./Conservation_Map_BnW_", k, ".png"),
width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48,
bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
gbm.map(x = xtmp,
y = ytmp,
z = ztmp,
mapmain = "Predicted CPUE (numbers per hour): ",
species = k,
zero = FALSE,
colournumber = 5,
heatcolours = grey.colors(5, start = 1, end = 0),
mapback = "white",
legendtitle = "CPUE",
shape = shape)
} # close BnW
if (alerts) beep(2)
print(paste0("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Unscaled ", k, " conservation map(s) generated XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))
} # close mapping IF
####Scaled-to-1 conservation maps####
if (map) {
png(filename = paste0("./Scale1-1_Conservation_Map_",k,".png",sep = ""),
width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48,
bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
gbm.map(x = xtmp,
y = ytmp,
z = (get(paste0("Scaled_", k))) * (100/length(subsets)),
mapmain = "Predicted CPUE (numbers per hour): ",
species = k,
zero = FALSE,
breaks = c(0,20,40,60,80,100),
colournumber = 5,
legendtitle = "CPUE (Scaled %)",
shape = shape)
if (BnW) { # again in B&W
png(filename = paste0("./Scale1-1_Conservation_Map_BnW_",k,".png"),
width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48,
bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
gbm.map(x = xtmp,
y = ytmp,
z = (get(paste0("Scaled_", k))) * (100/length(subsets)),
mapmain = "Predicted CPUE (numbers per hour): ",
species = k,
zero = FALSE,
breaks = c(0,20,40,60,80,100),
colournumber = 5,
heatcolours = grey.colors(5, start = 1, end = 0),
mapback = "white",
legendtitle = "CPUE (Scaled %)",
shape = shape)
} # close BnW
if (alerts) beep(2) # ping on completion
print(paste0("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Scaled ", k, " conservation map(s) generated XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))
} # close mapping IF
setwd("../") # go back up to ConservationMaps
setwd("../") # go back up to Maps
} # end/reloop k for next species
####Add scaled outputs, all species####
# loop & add each species' combined scaled values
for (l in names(mysamples)[(resvars)[resvarrange[[length(subsets)]]]]) {
allscaled <- allscaled + get(paste0("Scaled_", l))}
#save as csv
allscaleddf <- data.frame(LATITUDE = ytmp, LONGITUDE = xtmp, allscaled)
write.csv(allscaleddf, row.names = FALSE, file = paste0("./AllScaledData.csv"))
if (map) {
png(filename = "Scaled_Conservation_Map.png",
width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48,
bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
gbm.map(x = xtmp,
y = ytmp,
z = allscaled * (100/length(resvars)), # multiplier raises to 100
mapmain = "Predicted CPUE (numbers per hour): ",
species = "All Species",
zero = FALSE,
legendtitle = "CPUE (Scaled %)",
shape = shape)
if (BnW) { # again in B&W
png(filename = "Scaled_Conservation_Map_BnW.png",
width = 4*1920, height = 4*1920, units = "px", pointsize = 4*48,
bg = "white", res = NA, family = "", type = pngtype)
par(mar = c(3.2,3,1.3,0), las = 1, mgp = c(2.1,0.5,0), xpd = FALSE)
gbm.map(x = xtmp,
y = ytmp,
z = allscaled * (100/length(resvars)),
mapmain = "Predicted CPUE (numbers per hour): ",
species = "All Species",
zero = FALSE,
heatcolours = grey.colors(5, start = 1, end = 0),
mapback = "white",
legendtitle = "CPUE (Scaled %)",
shape = shape)
} # close BnW
if (alerts) beep(2) # ping on completion
print(paste0("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX All-scaled conservation map(s) generated XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"))
} # close mapping IF
setwd("../../") # return to original directory
if (alerts) beep(8) # complete sound & close function
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