
Defines functions gbm.step.sd

Documented in gbm.step.sd

#' Function to assess optimal no of boosting trees using k-fold cross validation
#' SD fork of dismo's gbm.step to add evaluation metrics like d.squared and rmse. J. Leathwick and
#' J. Elith - 19th September 2005, version 2.9. Function to assess optimal no of boosting trees
#' using k-fold cross validation. Implements the cross-validation procedure described on page 215 of
#'  Hastie T, Tibshirani R, Friedman JH (2001) The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining,
#' Inference, and Prediction Springer-Verlag, New York.
#' @param data The input dataframe.
#' @param gbm.x The predictors.
#' @param gbm.y The response.
#' @param offset Allows an offset to be specified.
#' @param fold.vector Allows a fold vector to be read in for CV with offsets,.
#' @param tree.complexity Sets the complexity of individual trees.
#' @param learning.rate Sets the weight applied to inidivudal trees.
#' @param bag.fraction Sets the proportion of observations used in selecting variables.
#' @param site.weights Allows varying weighting for sites.
#' @param var.monotone Restricts responses to individual predictors to monotone.
#' @param n.folds Number of folds.
#' @param prev.stratify Prevalence stratify the folds - only for p/a data.
#' @param family Family - bernoulli (=binomial), poisson, laplace or gaussian.
#' @param n.trees Number of initial trees to fit.
#' @param step.size Numbers of trees to add at each cycle.
#' @param max.trees Max number of trees to fit before stopping.
#' @param tolerance.method Method to use in deciding to stop - "fixed" or "auto".
#' @param tolerance Tolerance value to use - if method == fixed is absolute, if auto is multiplier * total mean deviance.
#' @param plot.main Plot hold-out deviance curve.
#' @param plot.folds Plot the individual folds as well.
#' @param verbose Control amount of screen reporting.
#' @param silent To allow running with no output for simplifying model).
#' @param keep.fold.models Keep the fold models from cross valiation.
#' @param keep.fold.vector Allows the vector defining fold membership to be kept.
#' @param keep.fold.fit Allows the predicted values for observations from CV to be kept.
#' @param... Allows for any additional plotting parameters.
#' @return GBM models using gbm as the engine.
#' @details Divides the data into 10 subsets, with stratification by prevalence if required for pa data then
#' fits a gbm model of increasing complexity along the sequence from n.trees to n.trees + (n.steps *
#'  step.size) calculating the residual deviance at each step along the way after each fold
#'  processed, calculates the average holdout residual deviance and its standard error then
#'  identifies the optimal number of trees as that at which the holdout deviance is minimised and
#'  fits a model with this number of trees, returning it as a gbm model along with additional
#'  information from the cv selection process.
#'  D squared is 1 - (cv.dev / total.deviance). Abeare thesis: For each of the
#'  fitted models, the pseudo-R2, or D2, or Explained Deviance, was calculated
#'  for comparison, where: D2 = 1 – (residual deviance/total deviance).
#' requires gbm library from Cran
#' requires roc and calibration scripts of J Elith
#' requires calc.deviance script of J Elith/J Leathwick

#' @importFrom Metrics rmse
#' @importFrom gbm predict.gbm gbm.more
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @importFrom stats approx cor lm ppoints runif
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @export

gbm.step.sd <- function(
    data,                                     # the input dataframe
    gbm.x,                                    # the predictors
    gbm.y,                                    # and response
    offset = NULL,                            # allows an offset to be specified
    fold.vector = NULL,                       # allows a fold vector to be read in for CV with offsets,
    tree.complexity = 1,                      # sets the complexity of individual trees
    learning.rate = 0.01,                     # sets the weight applied to inidivudal trees
    bag.fraction = 0.75,                      # sets the proportion of observations used in selecting variables
    site.weights = rep(1, nrow(data)),        # allows varying weighting for sites
    var.monotone = rep(0, length(gbm.x)),     # restricts responses to individual predictors to monotone
    n.folds = 10,                             # number of folds
    prev.stratify = TRUE,                     # prevalence stratify the folds - only for p/a data
    family = "bernoulli",                     # family - bernoulli (=binomial), poisson, laplace or gaussian
    n.trees = 50,                             # number of initial trees to fit
    step.size = n.trees,                      # numbers of trees to add at each cycle
    max.trees = 10000,                        # max number of trees to fit before stopping
    tolerance.method = "auto",                # method to use in deciding to stop - "fixed" or "auto"
    tolerance = 0.001,                        # tolerance value to use - if method == fixed is absolute,
    # if auto is multiplier * total mean deviance
    plot.main = TRUE,                         # plot hold-out deviance curve
    plot.folds = FALSE,                       # plot the individual folds as well
    verbose = TRUE,                           # control amount of screen reporting
    silent = FALSE,                           # to allow running with no output for simplifying model)
    keep.fold.models = FALSE,                 # keep the fold models from cross valiation
    keep.fold.vector = FALSE,                 # allows the vector defining fold membership to be kept
    keep.fold.fit = FALSE,                    # allows the predicted values for observations from CV to be kept
    ...)                                      # allows for any additional plotting parameters

  if (!requireNamespace('gbm') ) { stop('you need to install the gbm package to run this function') }

  if (silent) verbose <- FALSE

  # initiate timing call

  z1 <- Sys.time()

  # setup input data and assign to position one

  #  dataframe.name <- deparse(substitute(data))   # get the dataframe name
  #  data <- eval(data)
  x.data <- data[, gbm.x, drop = FALSE]                 #form the temporary datasets
  #names(x.data) <- names(data)[gbm.x]
  y.data <- data[, gbm.y]
  sp.name <- names(data)[gbm.y]
  if (family == "bernoulli") {
    prevalence <- mean(y.data)

  #  assign("x.data", x.data, env = globalenv())               #and assign them for later use
  #  assign("y.data", y.data, env = globalenv())

  #offset.name <- deparse(substitute(offset))   # get the dataframe name
  #offset <- eval(offset)

  n.cases <- nrow(data)
  n.preds <- length(gbm.x)

  if (!silent) {
    cat("\n","\n","GBM STEP - version 2.9.SD","\n","\n")
    cat("Performing cross-validation optimisation of a boosted regression tree model \n")
    cat("for", sp.name, "and using a family of",family,"\n")
    cat("Using",n.cases,"observations and",n.preds,"predictors \n")

  # set up the selector variable either with or without prevalence stratification

  if (is.null(fold.vector)) {

    if (prev.stratify & family == "bernoulli") {
      presence.mask <- data[,gbm.y] == 1
      absence.mask <- data[,gbm.y] == 0
      n.pres <- sum(presence.mask)
      n.abs <- sum(absence.mask)

      # create a vector of randomised numbers and feed into presences
      selector <- rep(0, n.cases)
      temp <- rep(seq(1, n.folds, by = 1), length = n.pres)
      temp <- temp[order(runif(n.pres, 1, 100))]
      selector[presence.mask] <- temp

      # and then do the same for absences
      temp <- rep(seq(1, n.folds, by = 1), length = n.abs)
      temp <- temp[order(runif(n.abs, 1, 100))]
      selector[absence.mask] <- temp
    } else {  #otherwise make them random with respect to presence/absence
      selector <- rep(seq(1, n.folds, by = 1), length = n.cases)
      selector <- selector[order(runif(n.cases, 1, 100))]
  } else {
    if (length(fold.vector) != n.cases) {
      stop("supplied fold vector is of wrong length")
    cat("loading user-supplied fold vector \n")
    selector <- fold.vector

  # set up the storage space for results

  pred.values <- rep(0, n.cases)

  cv.loss.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = n.folds, ncol = 1)
  training.loss.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = n.folds, ncol = 1)
  trees.fitted <- n.trees

  model.list <- list(paste("model", 1:n.folds, sep = ""))     # dummy list for the tree models

  # set up the initial call to gbm

  if (is.null(offset)) {
    gbm.call <- paste("gbm::gbm(y.subset ~ .,data=x.subset, n.trees = n.trees, interaction.depth = tree.complexity, shrinkage = learning.rate, bag.fraction = bag.fraction, weights = weight.subset, distribution = as.character(family), var.monotone = var.monotone, verbose = FALSE)", sep = "")
  } else {
    gbm.call <- paste("gbm::gbm(y.subset ~ . + offset(offset.subset), data=x.subset, n.trees = n.trees, interaction.depth = tree.complexity, shrinkage = learning.rate, bag.fraction = bag.fraction, weights = weight.subset, distribution = as.character(family), var.monotone = var.monotone, verbose = FALSE)", sep = "")

  n.fitted <- n.trees

  # calculate the total deviance

  y_i <- y.data

  u_i <- sum(y.data * site.weights) / sum(site.weights)
  u_i <- rep(u_i,length(y_i))

  total.deviance <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weights = site.weights, family = family, calc.mean = FALSE)

  mean.total.deviance <- total.deviance/n.cases

  tolerance.test <- tolerance

  if (tolerance.method == "auto") {
    tolerance.test <- mean.total.deviance * tolerance

  # now step through the folds setting up the initial call

  if (!silent) {
    cat("creating",n.folds,"initial models of",n.trees,"trees","\n")
    if (prev.stratify & family == "bernoulli") {
      cat("\n","folds are stratified by prevalence","\n")
    } else {
      cat("\n","folds are unstratified","\n")
    cat("total mean deviance = ",round(mean.total.deviance,4),"\n")
    cat("tolerance is fixed at ",round(tolerance.test,4),"\n")
    if (tolerance.method != "fixed" & tolerance.method != "auto") {
      stop("invalid argument for tolerance method - should be auto or fixed")

  if (verbose) {
    cat("ntrees resid. dev.","\n")

  for (i in 1:n.folds) {

    model.mask <- selector != i  #used to fit model on majority of data
    pred.mask <- selector == i   #used to identify the with-held subset

    y.subset <- y.data[model.mask]
    x.subset <- x.data[model.mask, ,drop = FALSE]
    weight.subset <- site.weights[model.mask]

    if (!is.null(offset)) {
      offset.subset <- offset[model.mask]
    } else {
      offset.subset <- NULL

    model.list[[i]] <- eval(parse(text = gbm.call))

    fitted.values <- model.list[[i]]$fit  #predict.gbm(model.list[[i]], x.subset, type = "response", n.trees = n.trees)
    if (!is.null(offset)) {
      fitted.values <- fitted.values + offset[model.mask]
    if (family == "bernoulli") {
      fitted.values <- exp(fitted.values)/(1 + exp(fitted.values))
    } else if (family == "poisson") {
      fitted.values <- exp(fitted.values)

    pred.values[pred.mask] <- gbm::predict.gbm(model.list[[i]], x.data[pred.mask, ,drop = FALSE], n.trees = n.trees)

    if (!is.null(offset)) {
      pred.values[pred.mask] <- pred.values[pred.mask] + offset[pred.mask]
    if (family == "bernoulli") {
      pred.values[pred.mask] <- exp(pred.values[pred.mask])/(1 + exp(pred.values[pred.mask]))
    } else if (family == "poisson") {
      pred.values[pred.mask] <- exp(pred.values[pred.mask])

    # calc training deviance

    y_i <- y.subset
    u_i <- fitted.values
    weight.fitted <- site.weights[model.mask]
    training.loss.matrix[i,1] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.fitted, family = family)

    # calc holdout deviance

    y_i <- y.data[pred.mask]
    u_i <- pred.values[pred.mask]
    weight.preds <- site.weights[pred.mask]
    cv.loss.matrix[i,1] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.preds, family = family)

  } # end of first loop

  # now process until the change in mean deviance is =< tolerance or max.trees is exceeded

  delta.deviance <- 1

  cv.loss.values <- apply(cv.loss.matrix,2,mean)
  if (verbose) {
    cat(n.fitted,"  ",round(cv.loss.values,4),"\n")
  if (!silent) {
    cat("now adding trees...","\n")

  j <- 1

  while (delta.deviance > tolerance.test & n.fitted < max.trees) {
    # beginning of inner loop

    # add a new column to the results matrice..

    training.loss.matrix <- cbind(training.loss.matrix,rep(0,n.folds))
    cv.loss.matrix <- cbind(cv.loss.matrix,rep(0,n.folds))

    n.fitted <- n.fitted + step.size
    trees.fitted <- c(trees.fitted,n.fitted)

    j <- j + 1

    for (i in 1:n.folds) {

      model.mask <- selector != i  #used to fit model on majority of data
      pred.mask <- selector == i   #used to identify the with-held subset

      y.subset <- y.data[model.mask]
      x.subset <- x.data[model.mask, ,drop = FALSE]
      weight.subset <- site.weights[model.mask]
      if (!is.null(offset)) {
        offset.subset <- offset[model.mask]
      model.list[[i]] <- gbm::gbm.more(model.list[[i]], weights = weight.subset, step.size)

      fitted.values <- model.list[[i]]$fit # predict.gbm(model.list[[i]],x.subset, type = "response", n.trees = n.fitted)
      if (!is.null(offset)) {
        fitted.values <- fitted.values + offset[model.mask]
      if (family == "bernoulli") {
        fitted.values <- exp(fitted.values)/(1 + exp(fitted.values))
      } else if (family == "poisson") {
        fitted.values <- exp(fitted.values)
      pred.values[pred.mask] <- gbm::predict.gbm(model.list[[i]], x.data[pred.mask, ,drop = FALSE], n.trees = n.fitted)

      if (!is.null(offset)) {
        pred.values[pred.mask] <- pred.values[pred.mask] + offset[pred.mask]

      if (family == "bernoulli") {
        pred.values[pred.mask] <- exp(pred.values[pred.mask])/(1 + exp(pred.values[pred.mask]))
      } else if (family == "poisson") {
        pred.values[pred.mask] <- exp(pred.values[pred.mask])
      # calculate training deviance

      y_i <- y.subset
      u_i <- fitted.values
      weight.fitted <- site.weights[model.mask]
      training.loss.matrix[i,j] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.fitted, family = family)

      # calc holdout deviance

      u_i <- pred.values[pred.mask]
      y_i <- y.data[pred.mask]
      weight.preds <- site.weights[pred.mask]
      cv.loss.matrix[i,j] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.preds, family = family)

    }  # end of inner loop

    cv.loss.values <- apply(cv.loss.matrix,2,mean)

    if (j < 5) {
      if (cv.loss.values[j] > cv.loss.values[j - 1]) {
        if (!silent) {
          cat("restart model with a smaller learning rate or smaller step size...")

    if (j >= 20) {   #calculate stopping rule value
      test1 <- mean(cv.loss.values[(j - 9):j])
      test2 <- mean(cv.loss.values[(j - 19):(j - 9)])
      delta.deviance <- test2 - test1

    if (verbose) {
      cat(n.fitted," ",round(cv.loss.values[j],4),"\n")
  } # end of while loop

  # now begin process of calculating optimal number of trees

  training.loss.values <- apply(training.loss.matrix,2,mean)

  cv.loss.ses <- rep(0,length(cv.loss.values))
  cv.loss.ses <- sqrt(apply(cv.loss.matrix,2,var)) / sqrt(n.folds)

  # find the target holdout deviance

  y.bar <- min(cv.loss.values)

  # identify the optimal number of trees

  target.trees <- trees.fitted[match(TRUE, cv.loss.values == y.bar)]

  # plot out the resulting curve of holdout deviance
  if (plot.main) {

    y.min <- min(cv.loss.values - cv.loss.ses)  #je added multiplier 10/8/05
    y.max <- max(cv.loss.values + cv.loss.ses)  #je added multiplier 10/8/05 }

    if (plot.folds) {
      y.min <- min(cv.loss.matrix)
      y.max <- max(cv.loss.matrix)

    plot(trees.fitted, cv.loss.values, type = 'l', ylab = "holdout deviance", xlab = "no. of trees", ylim = c(y.min,y.max), ...)
    abline(h = y.bar, col = 2)

    lines(trees.fitted, cv.loss.values + cv.loss.ses, lty = 2)
    lines(trees.fitted, cv.loss.values - cv.loss.ses, lty = 2)

    if (plot.folds) {
      for (i in 1:n.folds) {
        lines(trees.fitted, cv.loss.matrix[i,],lty = 3)
    abline(v = target.trees, col = 3)
    title(paste(sp.name,", d - ",tree.complexity,", lr - ",learning.rate, sep = ""))

  # estimate the cv deviance and test statistics
  # includes estimates of the standard error of the fitted values added 2nd may 2005

  cv.deviance.stats <- rep(0, n.folds)
  cv.roc.stats <- rep(0, n.folds)
  cv.cor.stats <- rep(0, n.folds)
  cv.rmse.stats <- rep(0, n.folds)
  cv.calibration.stats <- matrix(0, ncol = 5, nrow = n.folds)
  if (family == "bernoulli") {
    threshold.stats <- rep(0, n.folds)
  fitted.matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.cases, ncol = n.folds)  # used to calculate se's
  fold.fit <- rep(0, n.cases)

  for (i in 1:n.folds) {

    pred.mask <- selector == i   #used to identify the with-held subset
    model.mask <- selector != i  #used to fit model on majority of data

    fits <- gbm::predict.gbm(model.list[[i]], x.data[model.mask, ,drop = FALSE], n.trees = target.trees)
    if (!is.null(offset)) {
      fits <- fits + offset[model.mask]
    if (family == "bernoulli") {
      fits <- exp(fits)/(1 + exp(fits))
    } else if (family == "poisson") {
      fits <- exp(fits)
    fitted.matrix[model.mask,i] <- fits

    fits <- gbm::predict.gbm(model.list[[i]], x.data[pred.mask, ,drop = FALSE], n.trees = target.trees)
    if (!is.null(offset)) fits <- fits + offset[pred.mask]
    fold.fit[pred.mask] <- fits  # store the linear predictor values
    if (family == "bernoulli") {
      fits <- exp(fits)/(1 + exp(fits))
    } else if (family == "poisson") {
      fits <- exp(fits)
    fitted.matrix[pred.mask,i] <- fits

    y_i <- y.data[pred.mask]
    u_i <- fitted.matrix[pred.mask,i]  #pred.values[pred.mask]
    weight.preds <- site.weights[pred.mask]

    cv.deviance.stats[i] <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weight.preds, family = family)

    cv.cor.stats[i] <- cor(y_i,u_i)
    cv.rmse.stats[i] <- Metrics::rmse(y_i,u_i)

    if (family == "bernoulli") {
      cv.roc.stats[i] <- roc(y_i,u_i)
      cv.calibration.stats[i,] <- calibration(y_i,u_i,"binomial")
      threshold.stats[i] <- approx(ppoints(u_i), sort(u_i,decreasing = T), prevalence)$y

    if (family == "poisson") {
      cv.calibration.stats[i,] <- calibration(y_i,u_i,"poisson")

  fitted.vars <- apply(fitted.matrix,1, var, na.rm = TRUE)

  # now calculate the mean and se's for the folds

  cv.dev <- mean(cv.deviance.stats, na.rm = TRUE)
  cv.dev.se <- sqrt(var(cv.deviance.stats)) / sqrt(n.folds)

  cv.cor <- mean(cv.cor.stats, na.rm = TRUE)
  cv.cor.se <- sqrt(var(cv.cor.stats, use = "complete.obs")) / sqrt(n.folds)

  cv.rmse <- mean(cv.rmse.stats, na.rm = TRUE)
  cv.rmse.se <- sqrt(var(cv.rmse.stats, use = "complete.obs")) / sqrt(n.folds)

  cv.roc <- 0.0
  cv.roc.se <- 0.0

  if (family == "bernoulli") {
    cv.roc <- mean(cv.roc.stats,na.rm = TRUE)
    cv.roc.se <- sqrt(var(cv.roc.stats, use = "complete.obs")) / sqrt(n.folds)
    cv.threshold <- mean(threshold.stats, na.rm = T)
    cv.threshold.se <- sqrt(var(threshold.stats, use = "complete.obs")) / sqrt(n.folds)

  cv.calibration <- 0.0
  cv.calibration.se <- 0.0

  if (family == "poisson" | family == "bernoulli") {
    cv.calibration <- apply(cv.calibration.stats,2,mean)
    cv.calibration.se <- apply(cv.calibration.stats,2,var)
    cv.calibration.se <- sqrt(cv.calibration.se) / sqrt(n.folds)

  # fit the final model

  if (is.null(offset)) {
    gbm.call <- paste("gbm::gbm(y.data ~ .,data=x.data, n.trees = target.trees, interaction.depth = tree.complexity, shrinkage = learning.rate, bag.fraction = bag.fraction, weights = site.weights, distribution = as.character(family), var.monotone = var.monotone, verbose = FALSE)", sep = "")
  } else {
    gbm.call <- paste("gbm::gbm(y.data ~ . + offset(offset),data=x.data, n.trees = target.trees, interaction.depth = tree.complexity, shrinkage = learning.rate, bag.fraction = bag.fraction, weights = site.weights, distribution = as.character(family), var.monotone = var.monotone,  verbose = FALSE)", sep = "")

  if (!silent) {
    message("fitting final gbm model with a fixed number of ", target.trees, " trees for ", sp.name)
  gbm.object <- eval(parse(text = gbm.call))

  best.trees <- target.trees

  #extract fitted values and summary table

  gbm.summary <- summary(gbm.object,n.trees = target.trees, plotit = FALSE)

  fits <- gbm::predict.gbm(gbm.object, x.data, n.trees = target.trees)
  if (!is.null(offset)) fits <- fits + offset
  if (family == "bernoulli") {
    fits <- exp(fits)/(1 + exp(fits))
  } else if (family == "poisson") {
    fits <- exp(fits)
  fitted.values <- fits

  y_i <- y.data
  u_i <- fitted.values
  resid.deviance <- calc.deviance(y_i, u_i, weights = site.weights, family = family, calc.mean = FALSE)

  self.cor <- cor(y_i,u_i)
  self.calibration <- 0.0
  self.roc <- 0.0

  if (family == "bernoulli") {  # do this manually as we need the residuals
    deviance.contribs <- (y_i * log(u_i)) + ((1 - y_i) * log(1 - u_i))
    residuals <- sqrt(abs(deviance.contribs * 2))
    residuals <- ifelse((y_i - u_i) < 0, 0 - residuals, residuals)
    self.roc <- roc(y_i,u_i)
    self.calibration <- calibration(y_i,u_i,"binomial")

  if (family == "poisson") {   # do this manually as we need the residuals
    deviance.contribs <- ifelse(y_i == 0, 0, (y_i * log(y_i/u_i))) - (y_i - u_i)
    residuals <- sqrt(abs(deviance.contribs * 2))
    residuals <- ifelse((y_i - u_i) < 0, 0 - residuals, residuals)
    self.calibration <- calibration(y_i,u_i,"poisson")

  if (family == "gaussian" | family == "laplace") {
    residuals <- y_i - u_i

  mean.resid.deviance <- resid.deviance/n.cases

  z2 <- Sys.time()
  elapsed.time.minutes <- round(as.numeric(z2 - z1) / 60, 2)  #calculate the total elapsed time

  if (verbose) {
    cat("mean total deviance =", round(mean.total.deviance,3),"\n")
    cat("mean residual deviance =", round(mean.resid.deviance,3),"\n","\n")
    cat("estimated cv deviance =", round(cv.dev,3),"; se =", round(cv.dev.se,3),"\n","\n")
    cat("training data correlation =",round(self.cor,3),"\n")
    cat("cv correlation = ",round(cv.cor,3),"; se =",round(cv.cor.se,3),"\n","\n")
    cat("cv rmse = ",round(cv.rmse,3),"; se =",round(cv.rmse.se,3),"\n","\n")
    if (family == "bernoulli") {
      cat("training data AUC score =",round(self.roc,3),"\n")
      cat("cv AUC score =",round(cv.roc,3),"; se =",round(cv.roc.se,3),"\n","\n")
    cat("elapsed time - ",round(elapsed.time.minutes,2),"minutes","\n")

  if (n.fitted == max.trees & !silent) {
    cat("\n","########### warning ##########","\n","\n")
    cat("maximum tree limit reached - results may not be optimal","\n")
    cat("  - refit with faster learning rate or increase maximum number of trees","\n")

  # now assemble data to be returned

  gbm.detail <- list(dataframe = data, gbm.x = gbm.x, predictor.names = names(x.data),
                     gbm.y = gbm.y, response.name = sp.name, offset = offset, family = family, tree.complexity = tree.complexity,
                     learning.rate = learning.rate, bag.fraction = bag.fraction, cv.folds = n.folds,
                     prev.stratification = prev.stratify, max.fitted = n.fitted, n.trees = target.trees,
                     best.trees = target.trees, train.fraction = 1.0, tolerance.method = tolerance.method,
                     tolerance = tolerance, var.monotone = var.monotone, date = date(),
                     elapsed.time.minutes = elapsed.time.minutes)

  training.stats <- list(null = total.deviance, mean.null = mean.total.deviance,
                         resid = resid.deviance, mean.resid = mean.resid.deviance, correlation = self.cor,
                         discrimination = self.roc, calibration = self.calibration)

  cv.stats <- list(deviance.mean = cv.dev,
                   deviance.se = cv.dev.se,
                   d.squared = 1 - (cv.dev / total.deviance), # SD addition
                   correlation.mean = cv.cor,
                   correlation.se = cv.cor.se,
                   cv.rmse = cv.rmse,
                   cv.rmse.se = cv.rmse.se,
                   discrimination.mean = cv.roc,
                   discrimination.se = cv.roc.se,
                   calibration.mean = cv.calibration,
                   calibration.se = cv.calibration.se)

  if (family == "bernoulli") {
    cv.stats$cv.threshold <- cv.threshold
    cv.stats$cv.threshold.se <- cv.threshold.se

  #  rm(x.data,y.data, envir = globalenv())           #finally, clean up the temporary dataframes

  # and assemble results for return

  gbm.object$gbm.call <- gbm.detail
  gbm.object$fitted <- fitted.values
  gbm.object$fitted.vars <- fitted.vars
  gbm.object$residuals <- residuals
  gbm.object$contributions <- gbm.summary
  gbm.object$self.statistics <- training.stats
  gbm.object$cv.statistics <- cv.stats
  gbm.object$weights <- site.weights
  gbm.object$trees.fitted <- trees.fitted
  gbm.object$training.loss.values <- training.loss.values
  gbm.object$cv.values <- cv.loss.values
  gbm.object$cv.loss.ses <- cv.loss.ses
  gbm.object$cv.loss.matrix <- cv.loss.matrix
  gbm.object$cv.roc.matrix <- cv.roc.stats

  if (keep.fold.models) {
    gbm.object$fold.models <- model.list
  } else {
    gbm.object$fold.models <- NULL

  if (keep.fold.vector) {
    gbm.object$fold.vector <- selector
  } else {
    gbm.object$fold.vector <- NULL
  if (keep.fold.fit) {
    gbm.object$fold.fit <- fold.fit
  } else {
    gbm.object$fold.fit <- NULL

SimonDedman/gbm.auto documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 8:57 p.m.