#' Create a list containing the equivalence classes objects for the bulk RNA-seq data
#' \code{load_bulk_EC} imports the bulk equivalence classes (computed by salmon), and stores them into a list.
#' @param path_to_eq_classes a vector of length equals to the number of samples:
#' each element indicates the path to the equivalence classes counts of the respective sample
#' (i.e., aux_info/eq_classes.txt.gz file).
#' @param n_cores the number of cores to parallelize the tasks on.
#' Since parallelization is at the sample level (each sample is parallelized on a thread),
#' we suggest setting n_cores to the number of sample, as set by default if 'n_cores' is not specified.
#' @return A \code{list} object.
#' @examples
#' # load internal data to the package:
#' data_dir = system.file("extdata", package = "DifferentialRegulation")
#' # specify samples ids:
#' sample_ids = paste0("sample", seq_len(6))
#' # Equivalence classes:
#' equiv_classes_files = file.path(data_dir, "salmon", sample_ids, "aux_info/eq_classes.txt.gz")
#' file.exists(equiv_classes_files)
#' # load EC:
#' EC_list = load_bulk_EC(path_to_eq_classes = equiv_classes_files,
#' n_cores = 2)
#' @author Simone Tiberi \email{simone.tiberi@unibo.it}
#' @seealso \code{\link{load_bulk_US}}, \code{\link{DifferentialRegulation_bulk}}
#' @export
load_bulk_EC = function(path_to_eq_classes = NULL,
n_cores = NULL){ # type can be salmon or kallisto
if( !all(file.exists(path_to_eq_classes)) ){ # if at least 1 file not found
message("'path_to_eq_classes' files not found")
# define the number of parellel cores (if left unspecified):
message("'n_cores' was left 'NULL'.")
message("Since tasks are paralellized on samples,
we will set 'n_cores' to the number of samples.")
n_cores = length(path_to_eq_classes)
message("'n_cores' set to: ", n_cores)
# initialize parallel cores (if n_cores > 1)
if( n_cores > 1.5){ # if n_cores > 1, I use parallel computing tools
cl = makeCluster(n_cores, setup_strategy = "sequential")
cl = NULL
# load the data:
x = load_salmon_EC(path_to_eq_classes = path_to_eq_classes,
n_cores = n_cores, cl = cl)
EC_counts = lapply(x, function(y){
list_EC_tr_id = lapply(x, function(y){
list_EC_US_id = lapply(x, function(y){
tr_id = x[[1]][[4]] # same for all samples
# report % of counts that are multi-mapping across transcripts (or S/U versions of the same transcript):
for(i in seq_along(EC_counts)){
n_distinct_transcripts_per_EC = vapply(list_EC_tr_id[[i]], length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
sel_EC = n_distinct_transcripts_per_EC == 1
pp = round( 100 * sum(EC_counts[[i]][!sel_EC])/ sum(EC_counts[[i]]) )
message("The percentage of multi-mapping reads in sample ", i, " is: ", pp)
list(EC_counts = EC_counts,
list_EC_gene_id = list_EC_tr_id,
list_EC_USA_id = list_EC_US_id,
gene_id = tr_id)
load_salmon_EC = function(path_to_eq_classes,
n_cores, cl){
if( !all(file.exists(path_to_eq_classes)) ){ # if at least 1 file not found
message("'path_to_eq_classes' files not found")
N = length(path_to_eq_classes)
# MAKE SURE THAT "_" is not present in the list of transcript ids:
# otherwise crease a longer list of "_".
if( n_cores > 1.5){ # if n_cores > 1, I use parallel computing tools
x = parLapply(cl = cl, X = path_to_eq_classes, fun = salmon_read_eq_classes)
x = lapply(X = path_to_eq_classes, FUN = salmon_read_eq_classes)
salmon_read_eq_classes = function(fn){
fr = fread(fn, sep = " ", quote = "", header = FALSE)
ids = fr$V1[3:(as.integer(fr$V1[1])+2)] # vector with all transcript ids
ecs = fr$V1[(as.integer(fr$V1[1])+3):nrow(fr)]
ecs.s = strsplit(ecs,"\t",fixed=TRUE)
cnt = as.integer(vapply(ecs.s, last, FUN.VALUE = character(1)))
# as.integer(sapply(ecs.s, last)) # counts for each equiv class
trans = lapply(ecs.s, function(u) as.integer(u[2:(length(u)-1)]))
# trans: from 0 to N-1 (like in DR, NOT like in BANDITS).
# identify U transcripts (ending in "-U"):
len = nchar(ids)
last = substr(ids, len-1, len)
sel_U = last == "-U"
# turn T/F indicator into 0/1:
# 0 for S; 1 for U
sel_U_01 = ifelse(sel_U, 1, 0)
# select S transcripts only:
ids_S = ids[!sel_U]
# remove "-U" from U transcripts:
ids[sel_U] = substr(ids[sel_U], 1, nchar(ids[sel_U])-2)
# make a map from ids to ids_S:
transform_ids = match(ids, ids_S)
# turn character ids into numeric:
EC_US_type = lapply(trans, function(x){
sel_U_01[x + 1]
# manually check a few to ensure it is correct!
# transform gene ids -> from 1...3*n_genes to 1...n_genes.
EC_tr_id = lapply(trans, function(x){
transform_ids[x + 1] - 1
}) # gene ids as in "gene_id" file.
list(counts=cnt, EC_tr_id=EC_tr_id, EC_US_type=EC_US_type, tr_id = ids_S)
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