
Defines functions AgLife AgFun AgPoisson AgNormal AgCertain Exact Round3 PoissonBinomial Model TFixed NormalFixed Normal LN2 Binomial CMP Poisson Dispersion

Documented in AgCertain AgFun AgLife AgNormal AgPoisson Binomial CMP Dispersion Exact LN2 Model Normal NormalFixed Poisson PoissonBinomial Round3 TFixed

#' Specify the prior for the dispersion parameter in a CMP model.
#' Specify the prior for the dispersion parameter (often denoted
#' 'nu') in a CMP or COM-Poisson model. The dispersion parameter
#' is assumed to have a distribution
#' \deqn{log \nu_i \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)}
#' @param mean A scalar, defaulting to 0.
#' @param sd A scalar, defaulting to 1.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Dispersion}}.
#' @seealso CMP models are specified with function \code{\link{CMP}}.
#' @examples
#' Dispersion()
#' Dispersion(mean = 1, sd = 0.3)
#' @export
Dispersion <- function(mean = 0, sd = 1) {
    meanLogNuCMP <- checkAndTidyMeanOrProb(mean, name = "mean")
    checkNonNegativeNumeric(sd, name = "sd")
    meanLogNuCMP <- methods::new("Parameter", meanLogNuCMP)
    sdLogNuCMP <- methods::new("Scale", sd)
                 meanLogNuCMP = meanLogNuCMP,
                 sdLogNuCMP = sdLogNuCMP)

#' Specify first two levels of hierarchical model.
#' Specify the likelihood and part of the prior for a
#' Poisson, binomial, or normal hierarchical model.
#' Specify a likelihood and prior of the form
#' \deqn{y_i \sim Poisson(\gamma_i n_i)}
#' \deqn{log(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),}
#' \deqn{y_i \sim Poisson(\gamma_i)}
#' \deqn{log(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),}
#' \deqn{y_i \sim CMP(\gamma_i n_i, \nu_i)}
#' \deqn{log(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),}
#' \deqn{log(\nu_i) \sim N(m, s^2)}
#' \deqn{y_i \sim CMP(\gamma_i, \nu_i)}
#' \deqn{log(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),}
#' \deqn{log(\nu_i) \sim N(m, s^2)}
#' \deqn{y_i \sim binomial(n_i, \gamma_i)}
#' \deqn{logit(\gamma_i) \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i),}
#' or
#' \deqn{y_i \sim normal(\gamma_i, \phi^2 / w_i)}
#' \deqn{\gamma_i \sim N(x_i \beta, \sigma_i)}.
#' Subscript \eqn{i} denotes a cell within a multiway array,
#' such as an array with dimensions age, sex, and time.  In
#' Poisson and binomial models, \eqn{y_i} is a count.
#' The \eqn{n_i} term is an exposure in the case of Poisson
#' and CMP (COMPoisson) models and a
#' sample size in the case of binomial models.
#' It is not supplied in calls to function \code{Poisson}
#' or \code{Binomial}.  In normal models \eqn{y_i}
#' is a cell-specific value such as a mean,
#' and \eqn{w_i} is a cell-specific weight.  Weights
#' are not supplied in calls to function \code{Normal}.
#' Vector \eqn{\beta} contains main effects
#' and interactions, such as age effects, time effects,
#' and age-region interactions. Vector \eqn{x_i} is the
#' \eqn{i}th row from the design matrix \eqn{X}.
#' The main effects and interactions are specified
#' via the \code{formula} argument. For instance,
#'   \code{mean ~ age * sex + time}
#' specifies a model with age, sex, and time main effects,
#' and an age-sex interaction.
#' The main effects and interactions in a hierarchical model are only weakly
#' identified: see the documentation for function \code{\link{fetch}} for
#' details.
#' If a model has two or more levels, the second level
#' typically contains more than just main effects
#' and interactions.  For instance, the second level of
#' Poisson, binomial, and normal hierarchical models
#' contains a variance term.  The remaining parts of
#' the second level, such as the variances, as well
#' as any higher levels, are specified
#' in calls to function \code{\link{Model}}, or to
#' functions \code{\link{estimateModel}},
#' \code{\link{estimateCounts}}, or \code{\link{estimateAccount}}.
#' Poisson and CMP models allow structural zeros in the data,
#' that is, cells whose value must be zero by definition.
#' Examples include the number of pregnant males or the
#' number of people transitioning straight from "single"
#' to "divorced". The most general way to specify structural zeros
#' is to supply an object of class \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}},
#' with zeros in the places where structural zeros are expected,
#' and non-zero values elsewhere. The Values object only has to
#' contain enough dimensions to specify the positions where the structural
#' zeros appear: other dimensions will be added as needed.  See below
#' for an example.
#' The most common situation where structural zeros
#' are required is when the data has origin and destination dimensions,
#' and values on the diagonal are always zero.  Setting
#' \code{structuralZeros} to \code{"diag"} is equivalent to
#' supplying a Values object with zeros on the diagonal.
#' @param formula A \code{\link[stats]{formula}} with response
#' \code{mean} and names of dimensions of demographic
#' series or dataset being modelled.
#' @param sd Standard deviation in the likelihood for the
#' normal model.  If a value is not supplied,
#' it is estimated from the data.
#' @param priorSD An object of class \code{HalfT} specifying
#' a non-default prior for the standard deviation in the
#' likelihood for the normal model.
#' @param useExpose Whether the model includes an
#' exposure term. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param structuralZeros Location of any structural zeros
#' in the data. An object of class \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}},
#' or, for the typical case, the word \code{"diag"}.
#' @param boxcox Parameter determining transformation of rates
#' or counts used in Poisson or CMP models. Defaults to 0,
#' implying that a log transform is used.
#' @param dispersion The dispersion parameter for a CMP model.
#' An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Dispersion}},
#' typically created by a call to function \code{\link{Dispersion}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecLikelihood}}.
#' @seealso
#' Functions \code{Poisson}, \code{Binomial}, and \code{Normal} are
#' used as part of a call to function \code{\link{Model}}.
#' @examples
#' ## age effect, sex effect, age-sex interaction,
#' ## and time effect
#' Poisson(mean ~ age * sex + time)
#' ## same model, but without exposure term
#' Poisson(mean ~ age * sex + time, useExpose = FALSE)
#' ## use formula notation to specify second-order interactions
#' Binomial(mean ~ (age + sex + region)^2)
#' Normal(mean ~ age + education + income)
#' ## specify the exact value of the standard deviation
#' Normal(mean ~ age + education + income,
#'        sd = 0.3)
#' ## specify a non-default prior for the standard deviation
#' Normal(mean ~ age + education + income,
#'        priorSD = HalfT(scale = 100))
#' ## Specify structural zero on the diagonal
#' struc.zeros <- Values(array(c(0, 1, 1,
#'                               1, 0, 1,
#'                               1, 1, 0),
#'                             dim = c(3, 3),
#'                             dimnames = list(region_orig = c("A", "B", "C"),
#'                                           region_dest = c("A", "B", "C"))))
#' ## Note that the model contains age and sex dimensions. These
#' ## The pattern of zeros specified by 'struc.zeros' will be
#' ## replicated for each combination of these dimensions.
#' Poisson(mean ~ region_orig * region_dest + age * sex,
#'         structuralZeros = struc.zeros)
#' ## The same pattern of structural zeros, with zeros on the diagonal
#' ## formed by the origina and destination dimensions, can be specified
#' ## by using the word "diag"
#' Poisson(mean ~ region_orig * region_dest + age * sex,
#'         structuralZeros = "diag")
#' @name likelihood
#' @aliases Binomial Normal Poisson

#' @rdname likelihood
#' @export
Poisson <- function(formula, useExpose = TRUE, structuralZeros = NULL,
                    boxcox = 0) {
    useExpose <- checkAndTidyLogicalFlag(x = useExpose,
                                         name = "useExpose")
    structuralZeros <- checkAndTidyStructuralZeros(structuralZeros)
                 formulaMu = formula,
                 useExpose = useExpose,
                 structuralZeros = structuralZeros,
                 boxCoxParam = boxcox)

#' @rdname likelihood
#' @export
CMP <- function(formula, dispersion = Dispersion(), useExpose = TRUE,
                structuralZeros = NULL, boxcox = 0) {
    ## formula
    ## dispersion
    if (!methods::is(dispersion, "Dispersion"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      dispersion, class(dispersion)))
    meanLogNuCMP <- dispersion@meanLogNuCMP
    sdLogNuCMP <- dispersion@sdLogNuCMP
    ## useExpose
    useExpose <- checkAndTidyLogicalFlag(x = useExpose,
                                         name = "useExpose")
    ## structural zeros
    structuralZeros <- checkAndTidyStructuralZeros(structuralZeros)
                 formulaMu = formula,
                 meanLogNuCMP = meanLogNuCMP,
                 sdLogNuCMP = sdLogNuCMP,
                 useExpose = useExpose,
                 boxCoxParam = boxcox,
                 structuralZeros = structuralZeros)

#' @rdname likelihood
#' @export
Binomial <- function(formula, structuralZeros = NULL) {
    structuralZeros <- checkAndTidyStructuralZeros(structuralZeros)
                 structuralZeros = structuralZeros,
                 formulaMu = formula)

#' Log-normal model with two levels
#' A hierarchical model for datasets with systematic
#' biases, where these biases are modelled as proportional
#' differences.
#' When \code{add1} is \code{TRUE} (the default), the
#' model assumes
#' \deqn{y[i] + 1 \sim N(exposure[i] + 1 + alpha[j[i]], sd^2)}
#' and when \code{add1} is \code{FALSE}, the model
#' assumes
#' \deqn{y[i] \sim N(exposure[i] + alpha[j[i]], sd^2)}.
#' The \code{alpha} term measures bias. It has
#' the same level of detail as the constraints,
#' which will almost always be less than the level of detail
#' of \code{y}.
#' The constraints are specified via a \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}},
#' object composed of 0s, -1s, 1s, and NAs. A 0
#' implies that the bias term is set to 0; a
#' -1 implies that it must be negative; a 1
#' implies that it must be positive, and a NA
#' implies that there is no constraint.
#' Adding 1 to the response and exposure is a way of dealing with
#' zeros in the response.
#' @inheritParams likelihood
#' @param constraint An object of class \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}},
#' with values 0, -1, 1, and NA.
#' @param concordances A named list of concordances used to
#' map between \code{y} and \code{constraint}.
#' @param sd Standard deviation of data-level errors. Either a
#' fixed value or a prior distribution. The prior distribution
#' is specified via \code{\link{HalfT}} or \code{\link{InvChiSq}}.
#' Defaults to a half-t distribution.
#' @param add1 Whether to add 1 to the response and exposure.
#' @examples
#' constraint <- ValuesOne(c(NA, NA, -1),
#'                         labels = c("0-19", "20-64", "65"),
#'                         name = "age")
#' spec <- LN2(constraint)
#' spec
#' @export
LN2 <- function(constraint, structuralZeros = NULL,
                concordances = list(), sd = HalfT(),
                add1 = TRUE) {
    ## constraint
    if (!methods::is(constraint, "Values"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "constraint", class(constraint)))
    is.invalid <- !(constraint@.Data %in% c(NA, -1L, 0L, 1L))
    i.invalid <- match(TRUE, is.invalid, nomatch = 0L)
    if (i.invalid > 0L)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has invalid value [%s]",
                      "constraint", constraint@.Data[[i.invalid]]))
    constraint <- toInteger(constraint)
    ## structuralZeros
    structuralZeros <- checkAndTidyStructuralZeros(structuralZeros)
    ## concordances
    if (!identical(concordances, list())) {
        if (!is.list(concordances))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                          "concordances", class(concordances)))
        if (!all(sapply(concordances, methods::is,"ManyToOne")))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has elements not of class \"%s\"",
                          "concordances", "ManyToOne"))
        names.conc <- names(concordances)
        if (is.null(names.conc))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' does not have names",
        if (any(duplicated(names.conc)))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has duplicate names",
    ## sd
    sd.is.half.t <- methods::is(sd, "HalfT")
    sd.is.inv.chi.sq <- methods::is(sd, "InvChiSq")
    sd.is.num <- is.numeric(sd)
    if (sd.is.half.t || sd.is.inv.chi.sq) {
        AVarsigma <- sd@A
        multVarsigma <- if (sd.is.half.t) sd@mult else methods::new("Scale", 1)
        nuVarsigma <- sd@nu
        varsigmaMax <- sd@scaleMax
        varsigmaLN2 <- 1
        updateVarsigmaLN2 <- TRUE
    else if (sd.is.num) {
        checkNonNegativeNumeric(x = sd,
                                name = "sd")
        varsigmaLN2 <- as.numeric(sd)
        sd.tmp <- HalfT()
        AVarsigma <- sd.tmp@A
        multVarsigma <- sd.tmp@mult
        nuVarsigma <- sd.tmp@nu
        varsigmaMax <- sd.tmp@scaleMax
        updateVarsigmaLN2 <- FALSE
    else {
        stop(gettextf("value for '%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "sd", class(sd)))
    varsigmaLN2 <- methods::new("Scale", varsigmaLN2)
    updateVarsigmaLN2 <- methods::new("LogicalFlag", updateVarsigmaLN2)
    varsigmaLN2HasHalfT <- methods::new("LogicalFlag", sd.is.half.t)
    ## add1
    checkLogical(x = add1,
                 name = "add1")
    add1 <- methods::new("LogicalFlag", add1)    
    ## return
                 AVarsigma = AVarsigma,
                 add1 = add1,
                 concordances = concordances,
                 multVarsigma = multVarsigma,
                 constraintLN2 = constraint,
                 nuVarsigma = nuVarsigma,
                 structuralZeros = structuralZeros,
                 updateVarsigmaLN2 = updateVarsigmaLN2,
                 varsigmaLN2HasHalfT = varsigmaLN2HasHalfT,
                 varsigmaLN2 = varsigmaLN2,
                 varsigmaMax = varsigmaMax)

#' @rdname likelihood
#' @export
Normal <- function(formula, sd = NULL, priorSD = HalfT()) {
    if (is.null(sd)) {
        if (!methods::is(priorSD, "HalfT"))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                          "priorSD", class(priorSD)))
        AVarsigma <- priorSD@A
        nuVarsigma <- priorSD@nu
        varsigmaMax <- priorSD@scaleMax
                     formulaMu = formula,
                     AVarsigma = AVarsigma,
                     nuVarsigma = nuVarsigma,
                     varsigmaMax = varsigmaMax)
    else {
        checkNonNegativeNumeric(x = sd, name = "sd")
        varsigma <- methods::new("Scale", as.double(sd))
        varsigmaSetToZero <- isTRUE(all.equal(sd, 0))
        varsigmaSetToZero <- methods::new("LogicalFlag", varsigmaSetToZero)
                     formulaMu = formula,
                     varsigma = varsigma,
                     varsigmaSetToZero = varsigmaSetToZero)

#' Specify a model based on a normal distribution with known
#' means and standard deviations.
#' Specify a model of the form
#'   \deqn{y_i = N(mean[i], sd[i])}
#' or
#'   \deqn{y_i = N(exposure[i] * mean[i], sd[i])}.
#' Among other things, the model is useful as a data model for
#' surveys.  In such cases, \code{exposure} represents the
#' true underlying counts, \code{mean} represents coverage rates,
#' \code{sd} represents standard errors for the coverage rates,
#' and \code{y} represents the observered counts.  If the model
#' is being used to represent a census post-enumeration survey,
#' for instance, then \code{exposure} would be the true population,
#' \code{mean} the coverage rates as estimated from the survey,
#' \code{se} the survey-based standard errors, and \code{y} the
#' census counts.
#' Subscript \eqn{i} denotes a cell within a classification
#' defined by variables such as age, sex, and time.
#' For instance cell \eqn{i} might be 30-34 year old females
#' in 2020.
#' @inheritParams likelihood
#' @param mean An object of class \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}}
#' holding means.
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the means. \code{sd} can be an object
#' of class \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}}, or it can be
#' a single number, in which case it is applied to all
#' elements of \code{mean}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecLikelihoodNormalFixed}}.
#' @seealso \code{NormalFixed} is typically used as
#' part of a call to function \code{\link{Model}}.
#' More flexible normal models can be specified using
#' \code{\link{Normal}}.
#' @examples
#' mean <- Values(array(c(0.95, 0.96, 0.95, 0.94),
#'                      dim = c(2, 2),
#'                      dimnames = list(age = c("0-39", "40+"),
#'                                      sex = c("Female", "Male"))))
#' sd <- Values(array(c(0.05, 0.08, 0.05, 0.04),
#'                    dim = c(2, 2),
#'                    dimnames = list(age = c("0-39", "40+"),
#'                                    sex = c("Female", "Male"))))
#' NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = sd)
#' NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1)
#' NormalFixed(mean = mean, sd = 0.1, useExpose = FALSE)
#' @export
NormalFixed <- function(mean, sd, useExpose = TRUE) {
    ## 'mean' is "Values"
    if (!methods::is(mean, "Values"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "mean", class(mean)))
    metadata <- mean@metadata
    ## 'metadata' does not have any dimensions with dimtype "iteration"
    if ("iteration" %in% dimtypes(metadata))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has dimension with dimtype \"%s\"",
                      "mean", "iteration"))
    ## 'metadata' does not have any dimensions with dimtype "quantile"
    if ("quantile" %in% dimtypes(metadata))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has dimension with dimtype \"%s\"",
                      "mean", "quantile"))
    ## 'mean' has no missing values
    if (any(is.na(mean)))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has missing values",
    mean.param <- as.double(mean)
    mean.param <- methods::new("ParameterVector", mean.param)
    if (methods::is(sd, "Values")) {
        ## 'sd' is compatible with 'mean'
        sd <- tryCatch(dembase::makeCompatible(x = sd, y = mean, subset = TRUE),
                       error = function(e) e)
        if (methods::is(sd, "error"))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' and '%s' not compatible : %s",
                          "sd", "mean", sd$message))
        sd <- as.double(sd)
        ## 'sd' has no missing values
        if (any(is.na(sd)))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has missing values",
        ## 'sd' has no negative values
        if (any(sd < 0))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has negative values",
    else if (methods::is(sd, "numeric")) {
        sd <- as.double(sd)
        ## 'sd' has length 1
        if (!identical(length(sd), 1L))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' is numeric but does not have length %d",
                          "sd", 1L))
        ## 'sd' is not missing
        if (is.na(sd))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' is missing",
        ## 'sd' is non-negative
        if (sd < 0)
            stop(gettextf("'%s' is negative",
        sd <- rep(sd, times = length(mean))
    else { ## sd is Values or numeric
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "sd", class(sd)))
    sd <- methods::new("ScaleVec", sd)
    useExpose <- checkAndTidyLogicalFlag(x = useExpose,
                                         name = "useExpose")
        mean = mean.param,
        sd = sd,
        metadata = metadata,
        useExpose = useExpose)

#' Specify a model based on a Student's t distribution with known
#' location, scale, and degrees of freedom.
#' Specify a model of the form
#'   \deqn{y_i = t(location[i], scale[i], df)}
#' or
#'   \deqn{y_i = t(exposure[i] * location[i], scale[i], df)}.
#' The model is useful as a data model where a few cells
#' have much larger errors than the rest. Smaller values for \code{df}
#' lead to thicker tails (ie larger probabilities of extreme values.)
#' Subscript \eqn{i} denotes a cell within a classification
#' defined by variables such as age, sex, and time.
#' For instance cell \eqn{i} might be 30-34 year old females
#' in 2020.
#' @inheritParams likelihood
#' @param location An object of class \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}}
#' specifying the center of the distribution.
#' @param scale Parameter governing dispersion. Can be an object
#' of class \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}}, or a single number,
#' a single number, in which case it is applied to all
#' elements of \code{location}.
#' @param df A positive number. Defaults to 7.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecLikelihoodTFixed}}.
#' @seealso \code{TFixed} is typically used as
#' part of a call to function \code{\link{Model}}.
#' Similar data models that do not allow for the possibility of occasional
#' large errors can be specified using \code{\link{Normal}} (though
#' setting \code{df} to a value greater than 30 in \code{TFixed} will
#' have much the same effect.)
#' Flexible normal models can be specified using
#' \code{\link{Normal}}.
#' @examples
#' location <- Values(array(c(0.95, 0.96, 0.95, 0.94),
#'                      dim = c(2, 2),
#'                      dimnames = list(age = c("0-39", "40+"),
#'                                      sex = c("Female", "Male"))))
#' scale <- Values(array(c(0.05, 0.08, 0.05, 0.04),
#'                    dim = c(2, 2),
#'                    dimnames = list(age = c("0-39", "40+"),
#'                                    sex = c("Female", "Male"))))
#' TFixed(location = location, scale = scale)
#' TFixed(location = location, scale = 0.1, df = 1)
#' TFixed(location = location, scale = 0.1, useExpose = FALSE)
#' ## indistinguishable from normal distribution:
#' TFixed(location = location, scale = scale, df = 30)
#' ## Cauchy distribution (very heavy tails):
#' TFixed(location = location, scale = scale, df = 1)
#' @export
TFixed <- function(location, scale, df = 7, useExpose = TRUE) {
    ## 'location' is "Values"
    if (!methods::is(location, "Values"))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "location", class(location)))
    metadata <- location@metadata
    ## 'metadata' does not have any dimensions with dimtype "iteration"
    if ("iteration" %in% dimtypes(metadata))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has dimension with dimtype \"%s\"",
                      "location", "iteration"))
    ## 'metadata' does not have any dimensions with dimtype "quantile"
    if ("quantile" %in% dimtypes(metadata))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has dimension with dimtype \"%s\"",
                      "location", "quantile"))
    ## 'location' has no missing values
    if (any(is.na(location)))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has missing values",
    location.param <- as.double(location)
    location.param <- methods::new("ParameterVector", location.param)
    if (methods::is(scale, "Values")) {
        ## 'scale' is compatible with 'location'
        scale <- tryCatch(dembase::makeCompatible(x = scale, y = location, subset = TRUE),
                          error = function(e) e)
        if (methods::is(scale, "error"))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' and '%s' not compatible : %s",
                          "scale", "location", scale$message))
        scale <- as.double(scale)
        ## 'scale' has no missing values
        if (any(is.na(scale)))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has missing values",
        ## 'scale' has no negative values
        if (any(scale < 0))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has negative values",
    else if (methods::is(scale, "numeric")) {
        scale <- as.double(scale)
        ## 'scale' has length 1
        if (!identical(length(scale), 1L))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' is numeric but does not have length %d",
                          "scale", 1L))
        ## 'scale' is not missing
        if (is.na(scale))
            stop(gettextf("'%s' is missing",
        ## 'scale' is non-negative
        if (scale < 0)
            stop(gettextf("'%s' is negative",
        scale <- rep(scale, times = length(location))
    else { ## scale is Values or numeric
        stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                      "scale", class(scale)))
    scale <- methods::new("ScaleVec", scale)
    df <- checkAndTidyNu(x = df,
                         name = "df")
    useExpose <- checkAndTidyLogicalFlag(x = useExpose,
                                         name = "useExpose")
        mean = location.param,
        sd = scale,
        nu = df,
        metadata = metadata,
        useExpose = useExpose)

#' Specify a model for a single demographic series or
#' dataset.
#' The likelihood and, if the model has a second level,
#' main effects and interactions from that level, are
#' specified via functions such as \code{\link{Poisson}},
#' \code{\link{CMP}}, \code{\link{Binomial}},
#' \code{\link{Normal}}, or
#' \code{\link{PoissonBinomial}}.  \code{Model} is used
#' to specify the remaining parts of the model.
#' The \code{\dots} argument is used to specify non-default
#' hyper-priors.  Each main effect or interaction
#' specified via functions such as \code{\link{Poisson}}
#' has a default prior, which is determined from information such
#' as the {\link[dembase]{dimtype}} of the associated dimensions
#' of the series or dataset.  Since the characteristics of
#' the series or dataset are not known until functions
#' \code{\link{estimateModel}}, \code{\link{estimateCounts}},
#' or \code{\link{estimateAccount}} have been called, the
#' the process of choosing the default is not completed until
#' the \code{estimate} functions are called.
#' The \code{\dots} argument can be used to specify
#' non-default priors.  This is done by through expressions
#' such as
#' \code{region ~ Exch(error = Error(robust = TRUE))}
#' or
#' \code{region:time ~ DLM(trend = HalfT(scale = 0.2))}
#' where \code{region} and \code{time} are names of dimensions
#' in the dataset, and \code{\link{Exch}} and \code{\link{DLM}}
#' are functions for construction hyper-priors.
#' The \code{priorSD} argument refers to the standard
#' deviation at the second level of the model (if there
#' is a second level.)  It should not be confused with the
#' \code{priorsSD} argument to function \code{\link{Normal}},
#' which refers to the standard deviation in the likelihood.
#' The \code{lower} and \code{upper} arguments can be used
#' to constrain the range of the rate or count parameters
#' in the likelihood for Poisson models, the probability
#' parameters in the likelihood for binomial models,
#' or the mean parameters in the likelihood for normal models.
#' These constraints may reflect substantive features
#' of the application: for instance, in a normal model
#' it may make sense to constrain the means to be non-negative.
#' However, setting \code{lower} to a value slightly above 0
#' may also help resolve numerical problems in binomial
#' models were many estimated probabilities are close to 0,
#' and setting \code{upper} to a value slightly below 1 may
#' resolve problems when estimated probabilities are close to
#' 1.
#' Printing the object created by \code{Model}, typically by typing
#' the name of the object at the console, shows the specification.
#' The \code{trunc-half-t(df, s^2, max)} in the printed results refers to a
#' truncated \code{\link[=halft-distn]{half-t}} distribution with \code{df}
#' degrees of freedom, scale \code{s^2}, and maximum value \code{max}.
#' @section Warning:
#' The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo updating is still under development,
#' and the functions are rather fragile.
#' @param formula A \code{\link[stats]{formula}} describing
#'     the likelihood, and possibly parts of the  prior.
#'     Constructed using functions such as \code{\link{Poisson}}.
#' @param \dots  Non-default hyper-priors, in models that
#'     include hyper-priors.  Constructed using functions
#'     such as \code{\link{Exch}} and \code{\link{DLM}}.
#' @param priorSD An object of class \code{HalfT} specifying
#'      the prior for the prior-level standard deviation.
#' @param lower A lower bound for estimates of data-level
#'    means or probabilities (the \eqn{gamma_i}).
#' @param upper An upper bound for estimates of data-level
#'    means or probabilities (the \eqn{gamma_i}).
#' @param jump The standard deviation of the proposal density
#'    for Metropolis-Hasting updates.
#' @param series The name of the demographic series (eg
#'     \code{"population"} or \code{"births"}) that
#'     is being modelled. Only needed when the model is to
#'     be used in a call to \code{\link{estimateAccount}}.
#' @param aggregate An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecAggregate}}.
#' @examples
#' ## model where all hyper-priors follow defaults
#' Model(y ~ Poisson(mean ~ age * sex + age * time))
#' ## override default hyper-prior for age effect
#' Model(y ~ Poisson(mean ~ age * sex + age * time),
#'       age ~ DLM(trend = NULL))
#' ## impose lower and upper bounds.
#' Model(y ~ Binomial(mean ~ age * region + time),
#'       lower = 0.001, upper = 0.999)
#' ## increase size of Metropolis-Hastings steps
#' Model(y ~ Poisson(mean ~ age * sex + age * time),
#'       jump = 0.2)
#' ## data model
#' Model(reg.births ~ PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98),
#'       series = "births")
#' overall.av <- AgNormal(value = 0.3, sd = 0.01)
#' Model(y ~ Binomial(mean ~ region + sex),
#'       aggregate = overall.av)
#' @export
Model <- function(formula, ..., lower = NULL, upper = NULL,
                  priorSD = NULL, jump = NULL,
                  series = NULL,
                  aggregate = NULL) {
    kValidDistributions <- c("Poisson", "Binomial", "Normal", "CMP",
                             "PoissonBinomial", "NormalFixed", "TFixed",
                             "Round3", "Exact", "LN2")
    kValidDistributions <- c(kValidDistributions,
                             paste0("demest::", kValidDistributions))
    call <- match.call()
    dots <- list(...)
    correct.length <- identical(length(formula), 3L)
    if (!correct.length)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a valid formula for the likelihood",
    name.y <- extractResponse(formula)
    y.has.non.standard.name <- !identical(name.y, "y")
    name.y <- methods::new("Name", name.y)
    if (y.has.non.standard.name && is.null(series))
        series <- "y"
    right.hand.side <- formula[[3L]]
    ## use explicit list of valid distributions to give
    ## more meaningful error message, including catching
    ## inappropriate use of valid functions such as
    ## functions specifying priors
    distribution <- deparse(right.hand.side[[1L]])
    if (!(distribution %in% kValidDistributions))
        stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a valid distribution",
    spec.inner <- eval(right.hand.side, envir = environment(formula))
    SpecModel(specInner = spec.inner,
              call = call,
              nameY = name.y,
              dots = dots,
              lower = lower,
              upper = upper,
              priorSD = priorSD,
              jump = jump,
              series = series,
              aggregate = aggregate)

#' Specify a model based on a Poisson-binomial mixture.
#' Specify a model of the form
#'   \deqn{y_i = U_i + V_i}
#'   \deqn{U_i \sim Poisson((1-p) n_i)}
#'   \deqn{V_i \sim binomial(n_i, p)}.
#' The model is useful mainly as a way of representing
#' the relationship between a true set of counts (the
#' \eqn{n_i}) and measurements of those counts (the
#' \eqn{y_i}.)  For instance, \eqn{n_i} could be true
#' counts of births, and \eqn{y_i} could be births
#' recorded in an accurate births registration system.
#' Subscript \eqn{i} denotes a cell within a classification
#' defined by variables such as age, sex, and time.
#' For instance cell \eqn{i} might be 30-34 year old females
#' in 2020.
#' Higher values of \eqn{p} imply greater accuracy;
#' \eqn{p} can be interpreted as the probability that
#' a person or event is enumerated in the correct
#' cell \eqn{i}.
#' One limitation of the model is that it does not allow
#' for the possibility that \eqn{y_i > 0} when
#' \eqn{n_i = 0}. In other words, it does not allow for the
#' possibility that a person or event is erroneously
#' enumerated in a cell that has no people or events.
#' @param prob The probability that a person or event
#' is correctly enumerated. A number between 0 and 1,
#' and typically close to 1.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecLikelihood}}.
#' @seealso \code{PoissonBinomial} is typically used as
#' part of a call to function \code{\link{Model}}.
#' @examples
#' PoissonBinomial(prob = 0.98)
#' @export
PoissonBinomial <- function(prob) {
    prob <- checkAndTidyMeanOrProb(prob, name = "prob")
    if (prob < 0)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' is less than %d",
                      "prob", 0L))
    if (prob > 1)
        stop(gettextf("'%s' is greter than %d",
                      "prob", 1L))
        prob = prob)

#' Specify a data model for random rounding to base 3.
#' Specify a model in which the rounded value \code{x[i]} is obtained from the
#' original value \code{q[i]} using the rule described in
#' \code{\link[dembase:Values-class]{Values}}.
#' The model is useful for analysing data that have been
#' confidentialised to base 3. It is used as a data model
#' in calls to \code{\link{estimateCounts}}, and
#' \code{\link{estimateAccount}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecLikelihood}}.
#' @seealso \code{Round3} is typically used as
#' part of a call to function \code{\link{Model}}.
#' @examples
#' Round3()
#' @export
Round3 <- function() {

#' Specify that a dataset is to be treated as error-free.
#' Specify that a dataset gives complete, and error-free,
#' measurements of a series in a demographic account.
#' The dataset is used to populate the corresponding
#' series in the demographic account, and after that
#' the series is never updated.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecLikelihood}}.
#' @seealso \code{Exact} is typically used as
#' part of a call to function \code{\link{Model}}.
#' @examples
#' Exact()
#' @export
Exact <- function() {

## SpecModel ############################################################

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodBinomial"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, 
                   lower, upper, priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              formula.mu <- specInner@formulaMu
              structuralZeros <- specInner@structuralZeros              
              specs.priors <- makeSpecsPriors(dots)
              names.specs.priors <- makeNamesSpecsPriors(dots)
              if (is.null(lower))
                  lower <- 0
              if (is.null(upper))
                  upper <- 1
              checkLowerAndUpper(lower = lower,
                                 upper = upper,
                                 distribution = "Binomial")
              if (is.null(priorSD))
                  priorSD <- HalfT()
              else {
                  if (!methods::is(priorSD, "HalfT"))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                                    "priorSD", class(priorSD)))
              ## We can set A.sigma now. Even if no value for
              ## 'A' was supplied in the call to 'priorSD',
              ## we know there is an exposure term, so we can
              ## default to 1 * mult
              A.sigma <- priorSD@A
              mult.sigma <- priorSD@mult
              nu.sigma <- priorSD@nu
              sigma.max <- priorSD@scaleMax
              A.sigma <- makeASigma(A = A.sigma,
                                    sY = NULL,
                                    mult = mult.sigma,
                                    isSpec = TRUE)
              sigma.max <- makeScaleMax(scaleMax = sigma.max,
                                        A = A.sigma,
                                        nu = nu.sigma,
                                        isSpec = TRUE)
              scale.theta <- checkAndTidyJump(jump)
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
              if (is.null(aggregate))
                  aggregate <- methods::new("SpecAgPlaceholder")
              else {
                  if (methods::is(aggregate, "SpecAgPoisson"))
                      stop(gettextf("Poisson model for accuracy of aggregate values cannot be combined with %s likelihood",
                           ASigma = A.sigma,
                           call = call,
                           formulaMu = formula.mu,
                           lower = lower,
                           specsPriors = specs.priors,
                           namesSpecsPriors = names.specs.priors,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           nuSigma = nu.sigma,
                           scaleTheta = scale.theta,
                           series = series,
                           sigmaMax = sigma.max,
                           structuralZeros = structuralZeros,
                           upper = upper,
                           aggregate = aggregate)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodCMP"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              formula.mu <- specInner@formulaMu
              useExpose <- specInner@useExpose
              boxCoxParam <- specInner@boxCoxParam
              structuralZeros <- specInner@structuralZeros
              meanLogNuCMP <- specInner@meanLogNuCMP
              sdLogNuCMP <- specInner@sdLogNuCMP
              specs.priors <- makeSpecsPriors(dots)
              names.specs.priors <- makeNamesSpecsPriors(dots)
              if (is.null(lower))
                  lower <- 0
              if (is.null(upper))
                  upper <- Inf
              checkLowerAndUpper(lower = lower,
                                 upper = upper,
                                 distribution = "Poisson")
              if (is.null(priorSD))
                  priorSD <- HalfT()
              else {
                  if (!methods::is(priorSD, "HalfT"))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                                    "priorSD", class(priorSD)))
              ## We can set A.sigma to 1 * mult now if
              ## the model has an exposure term.
              A.sigma <- priorSD@A
              mult.sigma <- priorSD@mult
              nu.sigma <- priorSD@nu
              sigma.max <- priorSD@scaleMax
              if (useExpose@.Data) {
                  A.sigma <- makeASigma(A = A.sigma,
                                        sY = NULL,
                                        mult = mult.sigma,
                                        isSpec = TRUE)
                  sigma.max <- makeScaleMax(scaleMax = sigma.max,
                                            A = A.sigma,
                                            nu = nu.sigma,
                                            isSpec = TRUE)
              scale.theta <- checkAndTidyJump(jump)
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
              if (is.null(aggregate))
                  aggregate <- methods::new("SpecAgPlaceholder")
                           ASigma = A.sigma,
                           boxCoxParam = boxCoxParam,
                           call = call,
                           formulaMu = formula.mu,
                           lower = lower,
                           multSigma = mult.sigma,
                           specsPriors = specs.priors,
                           namesSpecsPriors = names.specs.priors,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           nuSigma = nu.sigma,
                           scaleTheta = scale.theta,
                           series = series,
                           sigmaMax = sigma.max,
                           structuralZeros = structuralZeros,
                           upper = upper,
                           useExpose = useExpose,
                           meanLogNuCMP = meanLogNuCMP,
                           sdLogNuCMP = sdLogNuCMP,
                           aggregate = aggregate)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodNormalVarsigmaKnown"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              formula.mu <- specInner@formulaMu
              varsigma <- specInner@varsigma
              varsigmaSetToZero <- specInner@varsigmaSetToZero
              specs.priors <- makeSpecsPriors(dots)
              names.specs.priors <- makeNamesSpecsPriors(dots)
              if (is.null(lower))
                  lower <- -Inf
              if (is.null(upper))
                  upper <- Inf
              checkLowerAndUpper(lower = lower,
                                 upper = upper,
                                 distribution = "Normal")
              if (is.null(priorSD))
                  priorSD <- HalfT()
              else {
                  if (!methods::is(priorSD, "HalfT"))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                                    "priorSD", class(priorSD)))
              A.sigma <- priorSD@A
              mult.sigma <- priorSD@mult
              nu.sigma <- priorSD@nu
              sigma.max <- priorSD@scaleMax
              if (is.null(aggregate) && !is.null(jump))
                  warning(gettextf("'%s' is ignored in Normal model when '%s' is %s",
                                   "jump", "aggregate", "NULL"))
              scale.theta <- checkAndTidyJump(jump) # needed for aggregate models
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
              if (is.null(aggregate))
                  aggregate <- methods::new("SpecAgPlaceholder")
              else {
                  if (methods::is(aggregate, "SpecAgPoisson"))
                      stop(gettextf("Poisson model for accuracy of aggregate values cannot be combined with %s likelihood",
                           ASigma = A.sigma,
                           call = call,
                           formulaMu = formula.mu,
                           lower = lower,
                           specsPriors = specs.priors,
                           namesSpecsPriors = names.specs.priors,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           nuSigma = nu.sigma,
                           scaleTheta = scale.theta,
                           series = series,
                           multSigma = mult.sigma,
                           sigmaMax = sigma.max,
                           upper = upper,
                           varsigma = varsigma,
                           varsigmaSetToZero = varsigmaSetToZero,
                           aggregate = aggregate)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodNormalVarsigmaUnknown"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              formula.mu <- specInner@formulaMu
              A.varsigma <- specInner@AVarsigma
              nu.varsigma <- specInner@nuVarsigma
              varsigma.max <- specInner@varsigmaMax
              specs.priors <- makeSpecsPriors(dots)
              names.specs.priors <- makeNamesSpecsPriors(dots)
              if (is.null(lower))
                  lower <- -Inf
              if (is.null(upper))
                  upper <- Inf
              checkLowerAndUpper(lower = lower,
                                 upper = upper,
                                 distribution = "Normal")
              if (is.null(priorSD))
                  priorSD <- HalfT()
              else {
                  if (!methods::is(priorSD, "HalfT"))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                                    "priorSD", class(priorSD)))
              A.sigma <- priorSD@A
              mult.sigma <- priorSD@mult
              nu.sigma <- priorSD@nu
              sigma.max <- priorSD@scaleMax
              if (is.null(aggregate) && !is.null(jump))
                  warning(gettextf("'%s' is ignored in Normal model when '%s' is %s",
                                   "jump", "aggregate", "NULL"))
              scale.theta <- checkAndTidyJump(jump) # needed for aggregate models
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
              if (is.null(aggregate))
                  aggregate <- methods::new("SpecAgPlaceholder")
              else {
                  if (methods::is(aggregate, "SpecAgPoisson"))
                      stop(gettextf("Poisson model for accuracy of aggregate values cannot be combined with %s likelihood",
                           ASigma = A.sigma,
                           AVarsigma = A.varsigma,
                           call = call,
                           formulaMu = formula.mu,
                           lower = lower,
                           specsPriors = specs.priors,
                           namesSpecsPriors = names.specs.priors,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           nuSigma = nu.sigma,
                           nuVarsigma = nu.varsigma,
                           scaleTheta = scale.theta,
                           series = series,
                           multSigma = mult.sigma,
                           sigmaMax = sigma.max,
                           upper = upper,
                           varsigmaMax = varsigma.max,
                           aggregate = aggregate)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodPoisson"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              formula.mu <- specInner@formulaMu
              useExpose <- specInner@useExpose
              boxCoxParam <- specInner@boxCoxParam
              structuralZeros <- specInner@structuralZeros
              specs.priors <- makeSpecsPriors(dots)
              names.specs.priors <- makeNamesSpecsPriors(dots)
              if (is.null(lower))
                  lower <- 0
              if (is.null(upper))
                  upper <- Inf
              checkLowerAndUpper(lower = lower,
                                 upper = upper,
                                 distribution = "Poisson")
              if (is.null(priorSD))
                  priorSD <- HalfT()
              else {
                  if (!methods::is(priorSD, "HalfT"))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                                    "priorSD", class(priorSD)))
              ## can set 'ASigma' to 1 * mult now,
              ## if useExpose is TRUE
              A.sigma <- priorSD@A
              mult.sigma <- priorSD@mult
              nu.sigma <- priorSD@nu
              sigma.max <- priorSD@scaleMax
              if (useExpose@.Data) {
                  A.sigma <- makeASigma(A = A.sigma,
                                        sY = NULL,
                                        mult = mult.sigma,
                                        isSpec = TRUE)
                  sigma.max <- makeScaleMax(scaleMax = sigma.max,
                                            A = A.sigma,
                                            nu = nu.sigma,
                                            isSpec = TRUE)
              scale.theta <- checkAndTidyJump(jump)
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
              if (is.null(aggregate))
                  aggregate <- methods::new("SpecAgPlaceholder")
                           ASigma = A.sigma,
                           boxCoxParam = boxCoxParam,
                           call = call,
                           formulaMu = formula.mu,
                           lower = lower,
                           specsPriors = specs.priors,
                           namesSpecsPriors = names.specs.priors,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           nuSigma = nu.sigma,
                           scaleTheta = scale.theta,
                           series = series,
                           multSigma = mult.sigma,
                           sigmaMax = sigma.max,
                           structuralZeros = structuralZeros,
                           upper = upper,
                           useExpose = useExpose,
                           aggregate = aggregate)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodPoissonBinomialMixture"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              prob <- specInner@prob
              if (length(dots) > 0L)
                  stop(gettextf("priors specified, but distribution is %s",
                                "Poisson-binomial mixture"))
              for (name in c("lower", "upper", "priorSD", "jump",
                             "aggregate")) {
                  value <- get(name)
                  if (!is.null(value))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' specified, but distribution is %s",
                                    name, "Poisson-binomial mixture"))
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
                           call = call,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           series = series,
                           prob = prob)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodRound3"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              if (length(dots) > 0L)
                  stop(gettextf("priors specified, but model is %s",
              for (name in c("lower", "upper", "priorSD", "jump",
                             "aggregate")) {
                  value <- get(name)
                  if (!is.null(value))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' specified, but model is %s",
                                    name, "Round3"))
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
                           call = call,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           series = series)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodExact"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              if (length(dots) > 0L)
                  stop(gettextf("priors specified, but model is %s",
              for (name in c("lower", "upper", "priorSD", "jump",
                             "aggregate")) {
                  value <- get(name)
                  if (!is.null(value))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' specified, but model is %s",
                                    name, "Exact"))
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
                           call = call,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           series = series)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodNormalFixed"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              mean <- specInner@mean
              sd <- specInner@sd
              metadata <- specInner@metadata
              useExpose <- specInner@useExpose
              if (length(dots) > 0L)
                  stop(gettextf("priors specified, but distribution is %s",
              for (name in c("lower", "upper", "priorSD", "jump",
                             "aggregate")) {
                  value <- get(name)
                  if (!is.null(value))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' specified, but distribution is %s",
                                    name, "NormalFixed"))
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
                           call = call,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           series = series,
                           mean = mean,
                           sd = sd,
                           metadata = metadata,
                           useExpose = useExpose)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodTFixed"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              mean <- specInner@mean
              sd <- specInner@sd
              nu <- specInner@nu
              metadata <- specInner@metadata
              useExpose <- specInner@useExpose
              if (length(dots) > 0L)
                  stop(gettextf("priors specified, but distribution is %s",
              for (name in c("lower", "upper", "priorSD", "jump",
                             "aggregate")) {
                  value <- get(name)
                  if (!is.null(value))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' specified, but distribution is %s",
                                    name, "TFixed"))
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
                           call = call,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           series = series,
                           mean = mean,
                           sd = sd,
                           nu = nu,
                           metadata = metadata,
                           useExpose = useExpose)

          signature(specInner = "SpecLikelihoodLN2"),
          function(specInner, call, nameY, dots, lower, upper,
                   priorSD, jump,
                   series, aggregate) {
              A.varsigma <- specInner@AVarsigma
              add1 <- specInner@add1
              concordances <- specInner@concordances
              constraintLN2 <- specInner@constraintLN2
              mult.varsigma <- specInner@multVarsigma
              nu.varsigma <- specInner@nuVarsigma
              structuralZeros <- specInner@structuralZeros
              updateVarsigmaLN2 <- specInner@updateVarsigmaLN2
              varsigmaLN2 <- specInner@varsigmaLN2
              varsigmaLN2HasHalfT <- specInner@varsigmaLN2HasHalfT
              varsigma.max <- specInner@varsigmaMax
              if (is.null(priorSD))
                  priorSD <- HalfT()
              else {
                  if (!methods::is(priorSD, "HalfT"))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' has class \"%s\"",
                                    "priorSD", class(priorSD)))
              A.sigma <- priorSD@A
              mult.sigma <- priorSD@mult
              nu.sigma <- priorSD@nu
              sigma.max <- priorSD@scaleMax
              ## We can set A.varsigma and A.sigma now. Even if no value for
              ## 'A' was supplied in the calls to 'sd' and 'priorSD',
              ## we know there is an exposure term, so we can
              ## default to 1 * mult
              A.sigma <- makeASigma(A = A.sigma,
                                    sY = NULL,
                                    mult = mult.sigma,
                                    isSpec = TRUE)
              A.varsigma <- makeASigma(A = A.varsigma,
                                       sY = NULL,
                                       mult = mult.varsigma,
                                       isSpec = TRUE)
              sigma.max <- makeScaleMax(scaleMax = sigma.max,
                                        A = A.sigma,
                                        nu = nu.sigma,
                                        isSpec = TRUE)
              varsigma.max <- makeScaleMax(scaleMax = varsigma.max,
                                           A = A.varsigma,
                                           nu = nu.varsigma,
                                           isSpec = TRUE)
              if (length(dots) > 0L)
                  stop(gettextf("priors specified, but distribution is %s",
              for (name in c("lower",
                             "aggregate")) {
                  value <- get(name)
                  if (!is.null(value))
                      stop(gettextf("'%s' specified, but distribution is %s",
                                    name, "LN2"))
              series <- checkAndTidySeries(series)
                           ASigma = A.sigma,
                           AVarsigma = A.varsigma,
                           add1 = add1,
                           call = call,
                           concordances = concordances,
                           multSigma = mult.sigma,
                           multVarsigma = mult.varsigma,
                           nameY = nameY,
                           nuSigma = nu.sigma,
                           nuVarsigma = nu.varsigma,
                           constraintLN2 = constraintLN2,
                           series = series,
                           sigmaMax = sigma.max,
                           structuralZeros = structuralZeros,
                           updateVarsigmaLN2 = updateVarsigmaLN2,
                           varsigmaLN2 = varsigmaLN2,
                           varsigmaLN2HasHalfT = varsigmaLN2HasHalfT,
                           varsigmaMax = varsigma.max)

## SpecAggregate #########################################################

#' Specify aggregate values.
#' Specify values for aggregations of low-level parameters.
#' Aggregate values can be used to provide extra information to a model,
#' beyond the information contains in the main dataset.  For instance,
#' aggregate values can be used implement benchmarks or incorporate
#' expert judgements.
#' Let \eqn{\gamma_i} be a rate, count, probability, or mean for cell \eqn{i}.
#' For instance, \eqn{\gamma_i} could be the prevalence of obesity in a
#' particular combination of age, educational status, and region, or it
#' could be an age-sex-specific mortality rate during a given period.  
#' The \eqn{\gamma_i} are underlying parameters that are not observed
#' directly.
#' Let \eqn{\psi_j} be a more aggregate parameter describing the same
#' phenomenon as the \eqn{\gamma_i}.  For instance, \eqn{\psi_j} could
#' be the average prevalence of obesity in region \eqn{j}, or life expectancy
#' for sex \eqn{j}.  Like the \eqn{\gamma_i}, the \eqn{\psi_j} are not
#' observed directly.
#' Typically, \eqn{\psi_j} is a weighted sum of the associated \eqn{\gamma_i},
#' that is,
#'   \deqn{\psi_j = \sum b_{ij} \gamma_i,}
#' where \eqn{b_{ij} > 0} if \eqn{\gamma_i} is associated with \eqn{\psi_j},
#' and 0 otherwise.  For instance, if \eqn{\gamma_i} describes obesity
#' prevalence for a subpopulation in region \eqn{j}, then \eqn{b_{ij} > 0},
#' and if it describes obesity prevanece in another region, then
#' \eqn{b_{ij} = 0}.
#' However, more complicated relationships between the \eqn{\psi_j} and
#' \eqn{\gamma_j} are also permitted.  In the most general case,
#'   \deqn{\psi_j = f(B, \gamma),}
#' where \eqn{B} is a matrix of \eqn{b_{ij}}, and \eqn{f} is an arbitrary
#' function.  For instance, \eqn{f} could be a (non-linear) function that takes
#' a vector of age-specific mortality rates and returns life expectancy.
#' Let \eqn{m_j} be an estimate, prediction, or elicited value for
#' aggregate parameter \eqn{\psi_j}.  For instance, \eqn{m_j} could be a
#' previously published estimate of obesity prevalence in region \eqn{j},
#' or it could be an expert's life expectancy forecast.  In contrast to the
#' \eqn{\gamma_i} and \eqn{\psi_j}, the \eqn{m_j} are observed. The \eqn{m_j}
#' are 'aggregate values'.
#' Aggregate values are treated as data, and placed in the likelihood.  To do
#' so, a sub-model specifying the relationship between the \eqn{m_j} and
#' \eqn{\psi_j} is required.  A sub-model
#'   \deqn{p(m_j | \psi_j),}
#' is, in effect, a model for the accuracy of the \eqn{m_j}.
#' Different choices for the relationship between (i) the \eqn{\gamma_i} and
#' \eqn{\psi_j}, and (ii) the \eqn{\psi_j} and \eqn{m_j} are appropriate
#' for different applications.  The combinations that are currently available
#' in \code{demest} are documented below.
#' Default values for the \eqn{b_{ij}} vary according to the model being used:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'    Model \tab Default \cr
#'    Poisson with exposure \tab \code{exposure} argument, normalised to sum to
#' 1 for each \eqn{j}. \cr
#'    Poisson without exposure \tab All weights equal to 1. \cr
#'    Binomial \tab \code{exposure} argument, normalised to sum to 1 for each
#' \eqn{j}. \cr
#'    Normal \tab \code{weights} argument (which defaults to 1).
#' }
#' The \code{concordances} argument is needed when \code{values} has categories
#' that are collapsed versions of categories of \code{weights}, or the
#' underlying rates, probabilities, or means.  For instance, \code{values}
#' might be specified at the state level, while the rates are estimated at
#' the county level.  The mapping between the original and collapsed
#' categories is known as a \code{\link[dembase]{Concordance}}.
#' @section \code{AgCertain}:
#' The aggregate parameters are weighted sums or means of the disaggregated
#' parameters,
#'     \deqn{\psi_j = \sum b_{ij} \gamma_i,}
#' and the aggregate values are treated as error-free,
#'     \deqn{m_j = \psi_j.}
#' Although it is seldom realistic to treat an aggregate parameter as known
#' with certainty, there can be pragmatic reasons for doing so.  For
#' instance, statistical agencies sometimes require that disaggregated
#' estimates agree exactly with previously-published aggregate estimates.
#' (Within the literature on small area estimation, this practice is known
#' as 'benchmarking'.)  With \code{AgCertain}, agreement is guaranteed.
#' For instance, new estimates of obesity by age, educational status, and
#' region can be made to agree with existing estimates of obesity by region.
#' @section \code{AgNormal}:
#' The aggregate parameters are weighted sums or means of the disaggregated
#' parameters,
#'     \deqn{\psi_j = \sum b_{ij} \gamma_i.}
#' However, in contrast to \code{AgCertain}, the aggregate parameters are
#' assumed to be observed with error.  The errors have normal distributions,
#' with mean 0 and standard deviation \eqn{s_j}, so that
#'     \deqn{m_j ~ N(\psi_j, s_j^2).}
#' One possible application for \code{AgNormal} is 'inexact' benchmarking,
#' where the disaggregated parameters are pulled towards the benchmarks, but
#' complete agreement is not required.  Another application is where expert
#' judgements are treated as fallible.
#' @section \code{AgPoisson}:
#' \code{AgPoisson} is used only with Poisson models that contain an exposure
#' term.  The aggregate parameters are rates, obtained using
#'     \deqn{\psi_j = \sum b_{ij} \gamma_i,}
#' where the \eqn{b_{ij}} are proportional to exposures.  Let \eqn{n_j} be
#' exposure term associated with \eqn{\psi_i}.  The expected count implied by
#' \eqn{\psi_j} is then \eqn{\psi_j n_j}.  The expected count is implied by
#' aggregate value \eqn{m_j} is \eqn{m_j n_j}.  The two expected counts are
#' related by
#'     \deqn{m_j n_j ~ Poisson(\psi_j n_j).}
#' @section \code{AgFun}:
#' The aggregate parameters are obtained from the disaggregated parameters
#' through a user-defined function \eqn{f}.  Let \eqn{\gamma_{[j]}} denote the
#' vector of \eqn{\gamma_i} associated with aggregate parameter \eqn{\psi_j}.
#' Similarly let \eqn{b_{[j]}} denote the vector of \eqn{b_{ij}} associated
#' with \eqn{\psi_j}.  Then
#'     \deqn{\psi_j = f(\gamma_{[j]}, b_{[j]}).}
#' \code{AgFun} uses the same model as \code{AgNormal} for the accuracy of the
#' accuracy of the \eqn{m_j},
#'     \deqn{m_j ~ N(\psi_j, s_j^2).}
#' User-supplied function \code{FUN} must take two arguments, called \code{x}
#' and \code{weights}, and return a numeric vector of length 1.  The \code{x}
#' argument is for the \eqn{\gamma_{[j]}} and the \code{weights} argument is
#' for the \eqn{b_{[j]}}.  The values for \code{x} supplied to \code{FUN}
#' during estimation have class \code{\link[dembase:Values]{Values-class}}
#' and the values for \code{weights} have class
#' \code{\link[dembase:Counts]{Counts-class}}.  Function \code{FUN} can
#' take advantage of the metadata attached to \code{x} and \code{weights}:
#' see below for an example.
#' @param value The aggregate value or values.  A single number, or, if there
#' are multiple values, an object of class
#' \code{\linkS4class{DemographicArray}}.
#' @param sd Standard deviation(s) for errors. If \code{value} is a single
#' number, then \code{sd} must be a single number; otherwise \code{sd} must be
#' an object of class \code{\linkS4class{DemographicArray}}.
#' @param weights An object of class \code{\linkS4class{Counts}} holding
#' weights to be used when aggregating. Optional.
#' @param concordances A named list of objects of class
#' \code{\link[dembase:ManyToOne-class]{ManyToOne}}.
#' @param FUN A function taking arguments called \code{x} and \code{weights}
#' and returning a single number.  See below for details.
#' @param ax An object of class 
#' \code{\link[dembase:DemographicArray-class]{Values}} holding estimated
#' separation factors. Optional.
#' @param jump The standard deviation of the proposal density used in
#' Metropolis-Hastings updates.
#' @return An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SpecAggregate}}.
#' @seealso Aggregate values are typically specified as part of a call
#' to function \code{\link{Model}}.
#' @examples
#' ## Overall value of 0.8 known with certainty
#' AgCertain(0.8)
#' ## Separate values for females and males known
#' ## with certainty
#' value <- ValuesOne(c(0.5, 1.1),
#'                    labels = c("Female", "Male"),
#'                    name = "sex")
#' AgCertain(value)
#' ## Non-default weights
#' weights <- Counts(array(c(0.6, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2, 0.3),
#'                         dim = c(2, 3),
#'                         dimnames = list(sex = c("Female", "Male"),
#'                                         region = c("A", "B", "C"))))
#' AgCertain(value = value, weights = weights)
#' ## Overall value of 0.8, with all errors having
#' ## standard deviation of 0.1
#' AgNormal(value = 0.8, sd = 0.1)
#' ## Aggregate values and errors that vary by sex
#' sd <- ValuesOne(c(0.15, 0.25),
#'                 labels = c("Female", "Male"),
#'                 name = "sex")
#' AgNormal(value = value, sd = sd)
#' ## Non-default standard deviation for proposal density
#' AgNormal(value = value, sd = sd, jump = 0.02)
#' ## Poisson model
#' AgPoisson(value)
#' ## TODO - AgFun
#' @name Aggregate

#' @rdname Aggregate
#' @export
AgCertain <- function(value, weights = NULL, concordances = list()) {
    l <- makeValueAndMetaDataAg(value)
    valueAg <- l$value
    metadataAg <- l$metadata
    checkSpecWeightAg(weights = weights,
                      metadata = metadataAg)
                 metadataAg = metadataAg,
                 valueAg = valueAg,
                 weightAg = weights,
                 concordancesAg = concordances)

#' @rdname Aggregate
#' @export
AgNormal <- function(value, sd, weights = NULL, concordances = list(), jump = NULL) {
    l <- makeValueAndMetaDataAg(value)
    valueAg <- l$value
    metadataAg <- l$metadata
    checkSpecWeightAg(weights = weights,
                      metadata = metadataAg)
    sdAg <- checkAndTidySDAg(sd = sd,
                             value = value,
                             metadata = metadataAg)
    scaleAg <- checkAndTidyJump(jump)
                 metadataAg = metadataAg,
                 scaleAg = scaleAg,
                 sdAg = sdAg,
                 valueAg = valueAg,
                 weightAg = weights,
                 concordancesAg = concordances)

#' @rdname Aggregate
#' @export
AgPoisson <- function(value, concordances = list(), jump = NULL) {
    l <- makeValueAndMetaDataAg(value)
    valueAg <- l$value
    metadataAg <- l$metadata
    scaleAg <- checkAndTidyJump(jump)
                 metadataAg = metadataAg,
                 scaleAg = scaleAg,
                 valueAg = valueAg,
                 concordancesAg = concordances)

#' @rdname Aggregate
#' @export
AgFun <- function(value, sd, FUN, weights = NULL, concordances = list()) {
    l <- makeValueAndMetaDataAg(value)
    valueAg <- l$value
    metadataAg <- l$metadata
    sdAg <- checkAndTidySDAg(sd = sd,
                             value = value,
                             metadata = metadataAg)
    checkSpecWeightAg(weights = weights,
                      metadata = metadataAg)
                 funAg = FUN,
                 metadataAg = metadataAg,
                 sdAg = sdAg,
                 valueAg = valueAg,
                 weightAg = weights,
                 concordancesAg = concordances)

#' @rdname Aggregate
#' @export
AgLife <- function(value, sd, ax = NULL,
                   concordances = list()) {
    checkAxAg(ax = ax,
              value = value)
    if (methods::is(value, "DemographicArray")) {
        dimtypes <- dimtypes(value, use.names = FALSE)
        if ("age" %in% dimtypes)
            stop(gettextf("'%s' has a dimension with %s \"%s\"",
                          "values", "dimtype", "age"))
    l <- makeValueAndMetaDataAg(value)
    valueAg <- l$value
    metadataAg <- l$metadata
    sdAg <- checkAndTidySDAg(sd = sd,
                             value = value,
                             metadata = metadataAg)
                 metadataAg = metadataAg,
                 sdAg = sdAg,
                 axAg = ax,
                 valueAg = valueAg,
                 concordancesAg = concordances)
StatisticsNZ/demest documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 7:56 p.m.