En3_bias_binary: Expected sample size for phase III for bias adjustment...

En3_bias_binaryR Documentation

Expected sample size for phase III for bias adjustment programs and binary distributed outcomes


To discount for overoptimistic results in phase II when calculating the optimal sample size in phase III, it is necessary to use the functions En3_binary_L(), En3_binary_L2(), En3_binary_R() and En3_binary_R2(). Each function describes a specific case:

  • En3_binary_L(): calculates the optimal sample size for an additive adjustment factor (i.e. adjust the lower bound of the one-sided confidence interval), however the go-decision is not affected by the bias adjustment

  • En3_binary_L2(): calculates the optimal sample size for an additive adjustment factor (i.e. adjust the lower bound of the one-sided confidence interval) when the go-decision is also affected by the bias adjustment

  • En3_binary_R(): calculates the optimal sample size for a multiplicative adjustment factor (i.e. use estimate with a retention factor), however the go-decision is not affected by the bias adjustment

  • En3_binary_R2(): calculates the optimal sample size for a multiplicative adjustment factor (i.e. use estimate with a retention factor) when the go-decision is also affected by the bias adjustment


En3_binary_L(RRgo, n2, Adj, alpha, beta, p0, w, p11, p12, in1, in2, fixed)

En3_binary_L2(RRgo, n2, Adj, alpha, beta, p0, w, p11, p12, in1, in2, fixed)

En3_binary_R(RRgo, n2, Adj, alpha, beta, p0, w, p11, p12, in1, in2, fixed)

En3_binary_R2(RRgo, n2, Adj, alpha, beta, p0, w, p11, p12, in1, in2, fixed)



threshold value for the go/no-go decision rule


total sample size for phase II; must be even number


adjustment parameter


significance level


1-beta power for calculation of sample size for phase III


assumed true rate of control group


weight for mixture prior distribution


assumed true rate of treatment group


assumed true rate of treatment group


amount of information for p11 in terms of sample size


amount of information for p12 in terms of sample size


choose if true treatment effects are fixed or random, if TRUE p11 is used as fixed effect


The output of the functions En3_binary_L, En3_binary_L2, En3_binary_R and En3_binary_R2 is the expected number of participants in phase III.


res <- En3_binary_L(RRgo = 0.8, n2 = 50, Adj = 0, 
                              alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.1, p0 = 0.6,  w = 0.3,
                              p11 =  0.3, p12 = 0.5, in1 = 300, in2 = 600, 
                              fixed = FALSE)
          res <-  En3_binary_L2(RRgo = 0.8, n2 = 50, Adj = 0, 
                              alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.1, p0 = 0.6,  w = 0.3,
                              p11 =  0.3, p12 = 0.5, in1 = 300, in2 = 600, 
                              fixed = FALSE)
          res <- En3_binary_R(RRgo = 0.8, n2 = 50, Adj = 1, 
                              alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.1, p0 = 0.6,  w = 0.3,
                              p11 =  0.3, p12 = 0.5, in1 = 300, in2 = 600, 
                              fixed = FALSE)
          res <- En3_binary_R2(RRgo = 0.8, n2 = 50, Adj = 1, 
                              alpha = 0.025, beta = 0.1, p0 = 0.6,  w = 0.3,
                              p11 =  0.3, p12 = 0.5, in1 = 300, in2 = 600, 
                              fixed = FALSE)

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