
Defines functions PlotReportBootstrapOne getSubPlotNames_PlotReportBootstrap getRemainingGroupingVariables_PlotReportBootstrap PlotReportBootstrap

Documented in getSubPlotNames_PlotReportBootstrap PlotReportBootstrap

#' Plot ReportBootstrapData
#' @inheritParams ModelData
#' @inheritParams RstoxBase::general_plot_arguments
#' @inheritParams RstoxBase::general_map_plot_arguments
#' @param PlotType The type of plot to produce. Currently only "ErrorBarPlot" is implemented.
#' @param PlottingVariable The variable to plot the points for. Normally this is the variable giving the mean.
#' @param PlottingVariableLower The variable to use for the lower end of the error bars.
#' @param PlottingVariableUpper The variable to use for the upper end of the error bars. 
#' @param AddCVToPlot Logical: If TRUE add a dotted line with points for the coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by mean) CV. Setting this to TRUE requires to specify the \code{CVVariable}.
#' @param CVVariable The name of the variable holding the CV. Must be given if \code{AddCVToPlot} is TRUE.
#' @param GroupingVariables A vector of length 1 or 2 giving the names of the variables to plot along the x axis, where the second is coded with colors in the plot.
#' @param SubPlots A vector of the names of the plots to produce. To get a list of possible plot names use getSubPlotNames_PlotReportBootstrap(ReportBootstrapData, GroupingVariables). The subplot names cannot contain slashes, which are replaced by underscore.
#' @return
#' A \code{\link{PlotReportBootstrapData}} object.
#' @export
PlotReportBootstrap <- function(
    PlotType = c("ErrorBarPlot"), 
    PlottingVariable = character(), 
    PlottingVariableLower = character(), 
    PlottingVariableUpper = character(), 
    AddCVToPlot = FALSE, 
    CVVariable = character(), 
    GroupingVariables = character(), 
    SubPlots = character(), 
    # Options for the labels and other text:
    UseDefaultTextSettings = TRUE, 
    Title = character(), 
    AxisTitleSize = numeric(), 
    AxisTickSize = numeric(), 
    LegendTitleSize = numeric(), 
    LegendTextSize = numeric(), 
    # Options for the output file:
    #Format = c("png", "tiff", "jpeg", "pdf"), 
    UseDefaultFileSettings = TRUE, 
    Format = character(), 
    Width = numeric(), 
    Height = numeric(), 
    DotsPerInch = numeric()	
) {
    PlotType <- RstoxData::match_arg_informative(PlotType)
    # Get the formals:
    plotArguments <- RstoxBase::allargs()
    # Make a copy as we do modification by reference:
    plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData <- data.table::copy(plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData)
    plotArguments <- RstoxBase::setDefaultsInStoxFunction(plotArguments, StoxFunctionName = "PlotReportBootstrap", stoxFunctionAttributes = stoxFunctionAttributes)
    ### # Hardcode to "royalblue4"
    ### plotArguments$CVColor <- "royalblue4"
    ### plotArguments$CVColor <- "blue4"
    ### plotArguments$CVColor <- "purple4"
    ### plotArguments$CVColor <- "purple4"
    if(length(plotArguments$PlottingVariable) != 1) {
        stop("StoX: PlottingVariable must have length 1.")
    if(length(plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower) != 1) {
        stop("StoX: PlottingVariableLower must have length 1.")
    if(length(plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper) != 1) {
        stop("StoX: PlottingVariableUpper must have length 1.")
    # Giving the same variable as PlottingVariable and PlottingVariableLower or PlottingVariableUpper is not valid:
    if(plotArguments$PlottingVariable == plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower) {
        stop("StoX: PlottingVariable and PlottingVariableLower cannot be equal.")
    if(plotArguments$PlottingVariable == plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper) {
        stop("StoX: PlottingVariable and PlottingVariableUpper cannot be equal.")
    if(plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower == plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper) {
        stop("StoX: PlottingVariableLower and PlottingVariableUpper cannot be equal.")
    # Control the GroupingVariables specified in this function (maximum 2 allowed in the plot):
    if(length(GroupingVariables) > 2) {
        stop("Only up to 2 variables can be specified in GroupingVariables The ReportBootstrapData may contain several grouping variables, but only 1 or 2 of these can be included in the plot, with one plot produced for each combination of the remaining grouping variables.")
    # Get the remaining variables (those that are not used in the plot):
    by <- getRemainingGroupingVariables_PlotReportBootstrap(ReportBootstrapData, GroupingVariables)
    if(length(by)) {
        # Get the sub plot names:
        subPlotNames <- getSubPlotNames_PlotReportBootstrap(plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData, plotArguments$GroupingVariables)
        # Split into subgroups for convenience:
        plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData <- split(plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData, by = by)
        # Get the requested sub plot:
        subPlotsInd <- if(is.character(SubPlots)) match(SubPlots, subPlotNames) else if(is.numeric(SubPlots)) SubPlots else stop("SubPlots must be numeric or character.")
        subPlotsInd <- stats::na.omit(subPlotsInd)
        if(!length(subPlotsInd)) {
            warning("StoX: No plots selected using SubPlot. If GroupingVariables was changed, SubPlot must be changed accordinglly. Choose between the following plots:\n", paste(subPlotNames, collapse = ", "))
        # Run and name the plots:
        plots <- lapply(subPlotsInd, function(ind) PlotReportBootstrapOne(plotArguments, ind = ind))
        names(plots) <- subPlotNames[subPlotsInd]
    else {
        plots <- PlotReportBootstrapOne(plotArguments)

getRemainingGroupingVariables_PlotReportBootstrap <- function(ReportBootstrapData, GroupingVariables) {
    # Get the original GroupingVariables and InformationVariables used in the report:
    originalGroupingVariables <- attr(ReportBootstrapData, "GroupingVariables")
    originalInformationVariables <- attr(ReportBootstrapData, "InformationVariables")
    # Get the variables that are not to be used as GroupingVariables in the plot:
    setdiff(c(originalGroupingVariables, originalInformationVariables), GroupingVariables)

#' List PlotReportBootstrap plots
#' @inheritParams ModelData
#' @inheritParams PlotReportBootstrap
#' @export
getSubPlotNames_PlotReportBootstrap <- function(ReportBootstrapData, GroupingVariables) {
#getSubPlotNames_PlotReportBootstrap <- function(ReportBootstrapData, GroupingVariables, SubPlots = NULL) {
        if(!length(ReportBootstrapData)) {
    # Get the variables that are not to be used as GroupingVariables in the plot:
    by <- getRemainingGroupingVariables_PlotReportBootstrap(ReportBootstrapData, GroupingVariables)
    if(!length(by)) {
    # Get unique groupings:
    uniqueSubGroups <- unique(subset(ReportBootstrapData, select = by))
    subPlotNames <- apply(do.call(cbind, mapply(paste, by, uniqueSubGroups, sep = "-", SIMPLIFY = F)), 1, paste, collapse = "_")
    # The subPlotNames cannot contain file separator:
    if(any(grepl("/", subPlotNames, fixed = TRUE))) {
        warning("StoX: Slash (\"/\") was replaced by underscore (\"_\") in the subplot names to avoid confusion with file names. This will result in discrepancy between subplot names and the corresponding variables in the ReportBootstrapData. To avoid this, it is recommended to translate values that contain slashes, e.g. by translating SpeciesCategory using TranslateStoxBiotic().")
        subPlotNames <- gsub("/", "_", subPlotNames)
    # This caused a bug in the GUI
    #subPlotNames <- setdiff(subPlotNames, SubPlots)

PlotReportBootstrapOne <- function(plotArguments, ind = NULL) {
    if(length(ind)) {
        plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData <- plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData[[ind]]
    # Set grouping variables to factor with NA last:
    for(var in plotArguments$GroupingVariables) {
        plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData[, eval(var) := RstoxBase::factorNAfirst(get(var))]
    xlab <-plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1]
    ylab <- plotArguments$PlottingVariable
    if("Unit" %in% names(plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData)) {
        ylab <- paste0(ylab, " (", plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData$Unit[1], ")")
    # Add info about the lower and upper value:
    #ylab <- paste0(ylab, " (Lower: ", plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower, ", Upper: ", plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper, ")")
    ylab <- c(ylab, paste0("(", plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower, ", ", plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper, ")"))
    approximateMaxWidthXlab <- 50 * plotArguments$Width / plotArguments$AxisTitleSize
    approximateMaxWidthYlab <- 50 * plotArguments$Height / plotArguments$AxisTitleSize
    xlab <- paste(stringi::stri_wrap(xlab, width = approximateMaxWidthXlab), collapse = "\n")
    ylab <- paste(stringi::stri_wrap(ylab, width = approximateMaxWidthYlab), collapse = "\n")
    approximateMaxWidthXtick <- approximateMaxWidthXlab / length(levels(plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1]))
    #if(!length(plotArguments$Title)) {
    #    plotArguments$Title <- paste0(plotArguments$PlotType, " of ", plotArguments$PlottingVariable, "(min/max: ", paste(plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower, plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper, sep = "/"), ")", " by ", paste(plotArguments$GroupingVariables, collapse = " and "), if(plotArguments$AddCVToPlot) paste(" (CV in dashed line)"))
    # Strip GroupingVariables and PlottingVariable and all columns of the ReportBootstrapData[[ind]] of %:
    plotArguments$GroupingVariables <- gsub("%", "percent", plotArguments$GroupingVariables)
    plotArguments$PlottingVariable <- gsub("%", "percent", plotArguments$PlottingVariable)
    plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower <- gsub("%", "percent", plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower)
    plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper <- gsub("%", "percent", plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper)
    data.table::setnames(plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData, names(plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData), gsub("%", "percent", names(plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData)))
    maxPlottingVariable <- plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData[, max(get(plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper), na.rm = TRUE)]
    if(plotArguments$AddCVToPlot) {
        maxCV <- plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData[, max(get(plotArguments$CVVariable), na.rm = TRUE)]
        cvScalingFactor <- maxPlottingVariable / maxCV
        plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData[, eval(plotArguments$CVVariable) := get(plotArguments$CVVariable) * cvScalingFactor]
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = plotArguments$ReportBootstrapData)
    if(length(plotArguments$GroupingVariables) == 1){
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_errorbar(
            ggplot2::aes_string(x = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1], y = plotArguments$PlottingVariable, ymin = plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower, ymax = plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper), 
            position = ggplot2::position_dodge(0.5),
            width = 0.5
        ) + 
        #ggplot2::geom_line() +
            ggplot2::aes_string(x = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1], y = plotArguments$PlottingVariable), 
            position = ggplot2::position_dodge(0.5)
        if(plotArguments$AddCVToPlot) {
            p <- p + 
                    ggplot2::aes_string(x = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1], y = plotArguments$CVVariable, group = 1), 
                    show.legend = FALSE, 
                    linetype = "dashed"
                    #color = plotArguments$CVColor
                ) + 
                    ggplot2::aes_string(x = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1], y = plotArguments$CVVariable, group = 1), 
                    show.legend = FALSE, 
                    shape = 17
                    #color = plotArguments$CVColor
            if(!is.na(cvScalingFactor)) {
                p <- p + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = ggplot2::sec_axis(~./cvScalingFactor, name = paste0(plotArguments$CVVariable, " (trianngles on dashed line)")))
    else if(length(plotArguments$GroupingVariables) == 2){
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_errorbar(
            ggplot2::aes_string(x = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1], y = plotArguments$PlottingVariable, ymin = plotArguments$PlottingVariableLower, ymax = plotArguments$PlottingVariableUpper, color = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[2]), 
            position = ggplot2::position_dodge(0.5),
            width = 0.5
        ) + 
        #    ggplot2::aes_string(x = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1], y = plotArguments$PlottingVariable, color = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[2])
        #) +
            ggplot2::aes_string(x = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1], y = plotArguments$PlottingVariable, color = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[2]), 
            position = ggplot2::position_dodge(0.5)
        if(plotArguments$AddCVToPlot) {
            p <- p + 
                        x = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1], 
                        y = plotArguments$CVVariable, 
                        group = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[2], 
                        color = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[2]
                    show.legend = FALSE, 
                    linetype = "dashed"
                    #color = plotArguments$CVColor
                ) + 
                        x = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[1], 
                        y = plotArguments$CVVariable, 
                        group = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[2], 
                        color = plotArguments$GroupingVariables[2]
                    show.legend = FALSE, 
                    shape = 17
                    #color = plotArguments$CVColor
            if(!is.na(cvScalingFactor)) {
                p <- p + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = ggplot2::sec_axis(~./cvScalingFactor, name = "CV (trianngles on dashed line)"))
    else {
        stop("One or two GroupingVariables must be given.")
    p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(
        drop = FALSE, 
        labels = scales::label_wrap(approximateMaxWidthXtick)
    p <- p + 
        ggplot2::xlab(xlab) +
        ggplot2::ylab(ylab) + 
    p <- p + ggplot2::theme(
        axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = if(length(plotArguments$AxisTitleSize)) plotArguments$AxisTitleSize else 10, vjust = -0.5), 
        axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = if(length(plotArguments$AxisTitleSize)) plotArguments$AxisTitleSize else 10, vjust = 1.5), 
        axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = if(length(plotArguments$AxisTickSize)) plotArguments$AxisTickSize else 10), 
        axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = if(length(plotArguments$AxisTickSize)) plotArguments$AxisTickSize else 10), 
        legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = if(length(plotArguments$LegendTextSize)) plotArguments$LegendTextSize else 10), 
        legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = if(length(plotArguments$LegendTitleSize)) plotArguments$LegendTitleSize else 10)
    if(plotArguments$AddCVToPlot) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::theme(
            axis.title.y.right = ggplot2::element_text(size = if(length(plotArguments$AxisTitleSize)) plotArguments$AxisTitleSize else 10, vjust = 1.5)
    # Set the plot attributes to the output:
    p <- setPlotAttributes(
        plotObject = p, 
        plotArguments = plotArguments
StoXProject/RstoxFramework documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 1:24 p.m.