#' Local fruit production
#' Calculate the number of fruits produces in ecah grid cell. It assumes no
#' fruit production before \code{m} and that individuals are distributed among
#' land cover types in densities relative to K.
#' @param N.t Matrix or array of abundances, with dims=c(ngrid, (lc), m.max)
#' @param lc.mx Matrix of land cover proportions from \code{\link{cell_E}}
#' @param mu.E Vector of fruit per individual from \code{\link{cell_E}}
#' @param p.f.E Vector of fruiting probability from \code{\link{cell_E}}
#' @param m.max Maximum age at maturity (i.e., \code{max(m)})
#' @param m.d \code{Logical} denoting whether \code{m} differs among land cover
#' types
#' @param dem.st \code{Logical} denoting whether to include demographic
#' stochasticity
#' @return Tibble with grid id, number of reproducing individuals, and total
#' fruit produces within the cell
#' @keywords fruit, reproduction, fecundity
#' @export
make_fruits <- function(N.t, lc.mx, mu.E, p.f.E, m.max, m.d, dem.st=F) {
# calculate N.mature in each LC in each cell
if(m.d) {
N.mature <- rowSums(N.t[,,m.max])
} else {
N.mature <- N.t[,m.max]
if(dem.st) {
N.f <- tibble(id = which(N.mature>0)) %>%
N.rpr = rbinom(n(), N.mature[id], prob=p.f.E[id]),
N.fruit = rpois(n(), lambda=N.rpr*mu.E[id])) %>%
filter(N.fruit > 0)
} else {
N.f <- tibble(id = which(N.mature>0)) %>%
N.rpr=(N.mature[id] * p.f.E[id,]) %>% round,
N.fruit=(N.rpr * mu.E[id,]) %>% round) %>%
filter(N.fruit > 0)
#' Seed germination & establishment
#' Calculate the number of new seedlings in each cell
#' @param ngrid Number of grid cells in entire map
#' @param N.seed \code{N.seed} output from \code{\link{ldd_disperse}} or
#' \code{\link{sdd_disperse}} with grid id and number of seeds in each cell
#' @param B Matrix with number of seeds in seed bank; dim=c(ngrid, tmax+1)
#' @param p.E Vector of establishment probabilities from
#' \code{\link{cell_E}}
#' @param g.D Probability of germinating in same year as produced
#' @param g.B Probability of germinating from seed bank
#' @param s.B Probability of surviving a year in the seed bank
#' @param dem.st \code{FALSE} denoting whether to include demographic
#' stochasticity
#' @param bank \code{TRUE} denoting whether to include a seed bank
#' @return Tibble
#' @keywords run, simulate
#' @export
new_seedlings <- function(ngrid, N.seed, B, p.E, g.D, g.B, s.B,
dem.st=F, bank=T) {
M.D <- germ.D <- germ.B <- rep(0, ngrid)
if(dem.st) {
M.0[N.seed$id] <- rbinom(nrow(N.seed), N.seed$N, p.E[N.seed$id])
if(bank) {
N.sbEst <- rep(0, ngrid)
# N_est_sb
N.sbEst[N.seed$id] <- rbinom(nrow(N.seed), B[N.seed$id],
# N_est_tot = N_est + N_est_sb
M.0[N.seed$id] <- M.0[N.seed$id] + N.sbEst[N.seed$id]
# N_to_sb = (N_sb_notEst + N_addedToSB) * p(SB)
B[N.seed$id] <- rbinom(nrow(N.seed),
B[N.seed$id] + N.seed$N - M.0[N.seed$id],
} else {
B <- rep(0, ngrid)
} else {
# N_est = N_seed * g.D * p(est)
germ.D[N.seed$id] <- round(N.seed$N * g.D[N.seed$id])
M.D <- round(germ.D * p.E)
if(bank) {
# N_est_sb = B * g.B * p(est)
germ.B <- round(B * g.B)
M.B <- round(germ.B * p.E)
# N_est_tot = N_est + N_est_sb
M.0 <- M.D + M.B
# N_to_sb = (N_sb_notEst + N_addedToSB) * p(SB)
B <- B - germ.B
B[N.seed$id] <- B[N.seed$id] + N.seed$N - germ.D[N.seed$id]
B <- round(B * s.B)
} else {
B <- rep(0, ngrid)
M.0 <- M.D
return(list(M.0=M.0, B=B))
#' Local population growth: lambda-based (a la Merow 2011)
#' Calculate change in population size in each cell with lambda-based
#' proportional growth.
#' @param N.t Vector of abundances with \code{length=ngrid}
#' @param lambda.E Vector with lambda for each cell with \code{length=ngrid}
#' @param sdd.rate Rate parameter for SDD exponential kernel
#' @return Sparse tibble with grid id, starting population size, change in
#' population size, and updated population size accounting for emigrants
#' @keywords lambda, growth
#' @export
grow_lambda <- function(N.t, lambda.E, sdd.rate) {
N.id <- which(N.t>0)
lam.id <- lambda.E[N.id]
N.new <- tibble(id = N.id) %>%
N.new=N.pop * (lam.id-1),
N.pop.upd=N.pop + (lam.id>=1) * N.new * pexp(0.5, sdd.rate) +
(lam.id<1) * N.new)
#' Fill population matrices and calculate lambda in each cell
#' Create a demographic matrix for each cell and calculate lambda, incorporating
#' dispersal.
#' @param g.p Named list of global parameters set with \code{\link{set_g_p}}
#' @param lc.df Dataframe or tibble with xy coords, land cover proportions, and
#' cell id info
#' @param sdd.ji List with id.in for cells dispersing TO each target cell j
#' @param p.ji List with dispersal probabilities TO each target cell j
#' @return List with array of matrices, \code{[["mx"]]}, and vector of lambdas
#' for each inbound cell, \code{[["lambda"]]}.
#' @param method \code{"wt.mn"} Method for calculating cell expectations, taking
#' either \code{"wt.mn"} or \code{"lm"}. If \code{"wt.mn"}, the expectation
#' for each parameter is the weighted mean across land cover types
#' proportional to their coverage, with the land cover specific values stored
#' in the parameter vectors. If \code{"lm"}, the expectation is calculated in
#' a regression with the slopes contained in each parameter vector.
#' Individuals cannot be assigned to specific land cover categories with
#' \code{"lm"}, so \code{"m"} must be scalar.
#' @keywords matrix, lambda
#' @export
calc_lambda <- function(g.p, lc.df, sdd.ji, p.ji, method="wt.mn") {
if(method=="wt.mn") {
lc.mx <- dplyr::filter(lc.df, inbd) %>%
dplyr::select(one_of("Opn", "Oth", "Dec", "Evg", "WP", "Mxd")) %>%
} else if(method=="lm") {
lc.mx <- dplyr::filter(lc.df, inbd) %>%
dplyr::select(., -one_of("x", "y", "x_y", "inbd", "id", "id.in")) %>%
as.matrix %>% cbind(1, .)
} else {
cat("Error: Method must be 'wt.mn' or 'lm'")
ncell <- nrow(lc.mx)
m.max <- max(g.p$m)
mx <- array(0, dim=c(ncell, m.max+1, m.max+1))
mx[,1,1] <- g.p$s.B * (1-g.p$g.B) # seed bank survival
if(method=="wt.mn") {
mx[,2,1] <- g.p$g.B * (lc.mx %*% g.p$p)
for(k in 2:m.max) {
s.kp1_k <- g.p$s.M * (k < g.p$m) # pr(k to k+1 | LC)
s.N_k <- g.p$s.M * (k == g.p$m) # pr(k to N | LC)
mx[,k+1,k] <- lc.mx %*% s.kp1_k
mx[,m.max+1,k] <- lc.mx %*% s.N_k
mx[,m.max+1,m.max+1] <- lc.mx %*% g.p$s.N # pr(m.max to m.max)
SdProd <- lc.mx %*% (g.p$p.f*g.p$mu*g.p$gamma)
mx[,1,m.max+1] <- SdProd * lc.mx %*% (1-g.p$p.c) + # i to i, dropped
SdProd * (lc.mx %*% (g.p$p.c*g.p$s.c*exp(-0.5*g.p$sdd.rate))) # i to i, eaten
D <- sapply(1:ncell, # j to i, eaten & dispersed
function(x) sum(SdProd[sdd.ji[[x]],] * p.ji[[x]] *
lc.mx[sdd.ji[[x]],] %*%
} else {
mx[,2,1] <- g.p$g.B * antilogit(g.p$p)
for(k in 2:m.max) {
mx[,k+1,k] <- antilogit(pmin(lc.mx %*% g.p$s.M, 700)) # avoid NaN
mx[,m.max+1,m.max+1] <- antilogit(pmin(lc.mx %*% g.p$s.N, 700)) # pr(N to N)
SdProd <- antilogit(lc.mx %*% g.p$p.f) * exp(lc.mx %*% g.p$mu) * g.p$gamma
mx[,1,m.max+1] <- SdProd * c(1-g.p$p.c) +
SdProd * c(g.p$p.c) * g.p$s.c * exp(-0.5*g.p$sdd.rate)
D <- sapply(1:ncell,
function(x) sum(SdProd[sdd.ji[[x]],] * p.ji[[x]] *
c(g.p$p.c) * g.p$s.c * exp(-0.5*g.p$sdd.rate)))
mx[,1,m.max+1] <- mx[,1,m.max+1] + D
lambda=sapply(1:ncell, function(x) Re(eigen(mx[x,,])$values[1]))))
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