#' Run demographic simulation
#' Run the simulation. Currently, it runs all time steps, but for the economic
#' model, the structure will need to be slightly adjusted to run a single time
#' step. The initialization is separated from this function for that reason.
#' @param ngrid Number of grid cells in entire map
#' @param ncell Number of inbound grid cells
#' @param g.p Named list of global parameters set with \code{\link{set_g_p}}
#' @param lc.df Dataframe or tibble with xy coords, land cover proportions, and
#' cell id info
#' @param sdd Output with short distance dispersal neighborhoods created by
#' \code{\link{sdd_set_probs}}
#' @param N.init Matrix or array with initial population sizes created by
#' \code{\link{pop_init}}
#' @param control.p NULL or named list of buckthorn control treatment parameters
#' set with \code{\link{set_control_p}}
#' @param verbose \code{TRUE} Show progress bar?
#' @param save_yrs \code{NULL} Vector of years to save; if \code{NULL}, all
#' years are returned
#' @param K_max \code{NULL} Maximum carrying capacity to avoid memory overloads
#' @param dem_out \code{TRUE} Store nFl, nSd, nSdStay, D?
#' @param collapse_LCs \code{TRUE} Sum abundances within each cell?
#' @return Array N of abundances for each cell and age group, matrix B of seed
#' bank abundances, matrix nFl with number of flowering individuals, matrix
#' nSd of total seeds produced in each cell, matrix nSdStay of total seeds
#' remaining in each cell, and matrix D of immigrants into each cell.
#' @keywords run, simulate
#' @export
run_sim <- function(ngrid, ncell, g.p, lc.df, sdd, N.init, control.p,
verbose=TRUE, save_yrs=NULL, K_max=NULL, dem_out=TRUE,
collapse_LCs=TRUE) {
library(tidyverse); library(magrittr)
# Unpack parameters
list2env(g.p, environment())
m.max <- max(m)
id.i <- lc.df %>% select(id, id.in)
m.d <- n_distinct(m) > 1 # does m vary across cells?
if(method=="lm" && m.d) stop("m must be uniform if method==\"lm\"")
# identify which years to store data
if(is.null(save_yrs)) {
n_yrs <- tmax
yrs <- setNames(1:tmax, 1:tmax)
} else {
n_yrs <- length(save_yrs)
yrs <- setNames(1:n_yrs, save_yrs)
# If buckthorn is being actively managed...
p.trt <- NULL
if(!is.null(control.p)) {
list2env(control.p, environment())
est.trt <- N.trt <- tibble(id=numeric(), Trt=character())
# 1. Initialize populations
## storage objects to return: x
## annual temp objects: x.0 = start of year, x.1 = end of year
N.0 <- N.1 <- N.init
B.0 <- rep(0, ngrid)
B <- matrix(0, nrow=ngrid, ncol=n_yrs)
if(dem_out) nFl <- nSd <- nSdStay <- D <- B
if(m.d) {
N <- array(0, dim=c(ngrid, n_yrs, n.lc, m.max))
} else {
N <- array(0, dim=c(ngrid, n_yrs, m.max))
# 2. Pre-multiply compositional parameters for cell expectations
pm <- cell_E(lc.df, K, s.M, s.N, mu, p.f, p.c, p, g.B, g.D, p.trt, edges, method)
if(!is.null(K_max)) pm$K.E <- pmin(K_max, pm$K.E)
if(verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=tmax, width=80, style=3)
for(k in 1:tmax) {
if(dem_out) nFl.1 <- nSd.1 <- nSdStay.1 <- D.1 <- rep(0, ngrid)
# 3. Implement management
if(!is.null(control.p) && k >= t.trt) {
# 3A. Adjust LC %
if(lc.chg && nChg >= 1) {
# i. decide which cells change and how much of each kind of forest
chg.asn <- cut_assign(pChg, ncell, chg.i, lc.df, forest.col=6:9)
# ii. cut forest & update SDD neighborhoods
lc.df[chg.asn$id.chg$id,] <- cut_forest(chg.asn$id.chg, chg.asn$mx,
forest.col=6:9, lc.df)
sdd.i <- tibble(id.in=unique(
arrayInd(which(sdd$i %in% chg.asn$id.chg$id.in), dim(sdd$i))[,4]),
id=id.i$id[match(id.in, id.i$id.in)])
sdd_new <- sdd_update_probs(lc.df, g.p, sdd.i, sdd$i)
sdd$i[,,,sdd.i$id.in] <- sdd_new$i
sdd$sp[sdd.i$id.in] <- sdd_new$sp
# 3B. Adjust p
if(pTrt.grd*ncell > 0.5 || !is.null(grd.i)) {
est.trt <- trt_assign(id.i=id.i, ncell=ncell, assign_i=grd.i,
pTrt=pTrt.grd, trt.eff=grd.trt,
addOwners=add.owners, trt.m1=est.trt)
p.trt <- trt_ground(est.trt, grd.trt)
pm <- cell_E(lc.df, K, s.M, s.N, mu, p.f, p.c, p, p.trt, edges, method)
if(!is.null(K_max)) pm$K.E <- pmin(K_max, pm$K.E)
# 3C. Adjust N
if(pTrt.man*ncell > 0.5 || !is.null(man.i)) {
N.trt <- trt_assign(id.i=id.i, ncell=ncell, assign_i=man.i,
pTrt=pTrt.man, trt.eff=man.trt,
addOwners=add.owners, trt.m1=N.trt)
N.0 <- trt_manual(N.0, m.max, N.trt, man.trt)
# 4. Local fruit production
N.f <- make_fruits(N.0, pm$lc.mx, pm$mu.E, pm$p.f.E, m.max, m.d, dem.st)
if(dem_out) nFl.1[N.f$id] <- N.f$N.rpr
# 5. Short distance dispersal
N.Sd <- sdd_disperse(id.i, N.f, gamma, pm$p.c.E, s.c,
sdd$sp, sdd.rate, sdd.st, edges)
if(dem_out) {
nSd.1[N.Sd$N.source$id] <- N.Sd$N.source$N.produced
nSdStay.1[N.Sd$N.source$id] <- N.Sd$N.source$N.dep
D.1[N.Sd$N.seed$id] <- N.Sd$N.seed$N
D.1 <- D.1 - nSdStay.1
# 6. Seedling establishment
estab.out <- new_seedlings(ngrid, N.Sd$N.seed, B.0, pm$p.E, pm$g.D, pm$g.B,
s.B, dem.st, bank)
B.1 <- estab.out$B
# 7. Long distance dispersal
estab.out$M.0 <- ldd_disperse(ncell, id.i, estab.out$M.0, n.ldd)
# 8. Calculate abundances
N.1[] <- 0
if(m.d) {
M.occ <- which(estab.out$M.0 > 0)
for(l in 1:n.lc) {
if(m[l] > 2) {
N.1[M.occ,l,1] <- rbinom(length(M.occ), estab.out$M.0[M.occ],
# N.1[,l,1] <- round(estab.out$M.0 * pm$lc.mx[,l])
N.1[,l,2:(m[l]-1)] <- round(N.0[,l,1:(m[l]-2)]*s.M[l])
N.1[,l,m.max] <- pmin(round(N.0[,l,m.max]*s.N[l] +
} else {
N.1[M.occ,l,1] <- rbinom(length(M.occ), estab.out$M.0[M.occ],
# N.1[,l,1] <- round(estab.out$M.0 * pm$lc.mx[,l])
N.1[,l,m.max] <- pmin(round(N.0[,l,m.max]*pm$s.N.E +
} else if(m.max > 2) {
N.1[,1] <- round(estab.out$M.0)
N.1[,2:(m.max-1)] <- round(N.0[,1:(m.max-2)]*pm$s.M.E)
N.1[,m.max] <- pmin(round(N.0[,m.max]*pm$s.N.E + N.0[,m.max-1]*pm$s.M.E),
} else if(m.max == 2 ) {
N.1[,1] <- round(estab.out$M.0)
N.1[,m.max] <- pmin(round(N.0[,m.max]*pm$s.N.E + N.0[,1]*pm$s.M.E),
} else {
N.1[,1] <- pmin(round(N.0[,1]*pm$s.N.E + estab.out$M.0),
# 9. Store years
if(k %in% names(yrs)) {
yr_k <- which(names(yrs)==k)
if(m.d) { N[,yr_k,,] <- N.1
} else { N[,yr_k,] <- N.1 }
B[,yr_k] <- B.1
if(dem_out) {
nFl[,yr_k] <- nFl.1
nSd[,yr_k] <- nSd.1
nSdStay[,yr_k] <- nSdStay.1
D[,yr_k] <- D.1
# 10. Update objects
N.0 <- N.1
B.0 <- B.1
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)
if(verbose) close(pb)
if(collapse_LCs) N <- apply(N, c(1,2,4), sum, na.rm=TRUE)
if(!dem_out) nFl <- nSd <- nSdStay <- D <- NULL
return(list(N=N, B=B, nFl=nFl, nSd=nSd, nSdStay=nSdStay, D=D))
#' Run lambda simulation
#' Run the simulation. Currently, it runs all time steps, but for the economic
#' model, the structure will need to be slightly adjusted to run a single time
#' step. The initialization is separated from this function for that reason.
#' @param ngrid Number of grid cells in entire map
#' @param ncell Number of inbound grid cells
#' @param g.p Named list of global parameters set with \code{\link{set_g_p}}
#' @param lambda Vector of length \code{n.lc} with lambdas for each land cover
#' type
#' @param lc.df Dataframe or tibble with xy coords, land cover proportions, and
#' cell id info
#' @param sdd.pr Array with sdd probabilities and neighborhoods created by
#' \code{\link{sdd_set_probs}}
#' @param N.init Matrix or array with initial population sizes created by
#' \code{\link{pop_init}}
#' @param method \code{"wt.mn"} Method for calculating cell expectations, taking
#' values of \code{"wt.mn"} or \code{"lm"}. If \code{"wt.mn"}, the expectation
#' for each parameter is the weighted mean across land cover types
#' proportional to their coverage, with the land cover specific values stored
#' in the parameter vectors. If \code{"lm"}, the expectation is calculated in
#' a regression with the slopes contained in each parameter vector.
#' Individuals cannot be assigned to specific land cover categories with
#' \code{"lm"}, so \code{"m"} must be scalar.
#' @param verbose \code{TRUE} Show progress bar?
#' @return Matrix N of abundances for each cell and time step and vector
#' lambda.E of predicted lambda value for each cell
#' @keywords run, simulate, lambda
#' @export
run_sim_lambda <- function(ngrid, ncell, g.p, lambda, lc.df, sdd.pr,
N.init, method="wt.mn", verbose=F) {
library(tidyverse); library(magrittr)
# Unpack parameters
list2env(g.p, environment())
id.i <- lc.df %>% select(id, id.in)
# 1. Initialize populations
N <- matrix(0, ngrid, tmax+1)
N[,1] <- apply(N.init, 1, sum)
if(verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=tmax, width=80, style=3)
for(t in 1:tmax){
# 2. Pre-multiply compositional parameters
if(method=="wt.mn") {
K.E <- as.matrix(lc.df[,4:9]) %*% K
lambda.E <- as.matrix(lc.df[,4:9]) %*% lambda
} else if(method=="lm") {
lc.mx <- cbind(1, as.matrix(select(lc.df,
-one_of("x", "y", "x_y", "inbd", "id", "id.in"))))
K.E <- exp(lc.mx[,1:length(K)] %*% K)
lambda.E <- exp(lc.mx[,1:length(lambda)] %*% lambda)
# 3. Local growth
N.new <- grow_lambda(N[,t], lambda.E, sdd.rate)
# 4. Short distance dispersal
N.emig <- sdd_lambda(N.new, id.i, sdd.pr, sdd.rate, K.E, sdd.st)
# 5. Long distance dispersal
N.emig$N <- ldd_disperse(ncell, id.i, N.emig$N, n.ldd)
# 6. Update population sizes
N[,t+1] <- N.emig$N
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, t)
if(verbose) close(pb)
return(list(N=N, lam.E=lambda.E))
#' Implement management and iterate buckthorn populations for one time step
#' Run one time step of the simulation, possibly implementing management actions
#' @param ngrid Number of grid cells in entire map
#' @param ncell Number of inbound grid cells
#' @param N.0 Array with initial population sizes, either returned from a
#' previous iteration or read from a stored .rds file in \code{path}
#' @param B.0 Vector of initial seed bank abundances, either returned from a
#' previous iteration or read from a stored .rds file in \code{path}
#' @param g.p Named list of global parameters set with \code{\link{set_g_p}}
#' @param lc.df Dataframe or tibble with xy coords, land cover proportions, and
#' cell id info
#' @param sdd Output with short distance dispersal neighborhoods created by
#' \code{\link{sdd_set_probs}}
#' @param control.p \code{NULL} NULL or named list of buckthorn control
#' treatment parameters set with \code{\link{set_control_p}}
#' @param grd_cover.i \code{NULL} Dataframe with a row for each cell
#' implementing ground cover management, and columns \code{id} and \code{Trt}
#' detailing the cell ID and ground cover treatment (\code{"Cov", "Com",
#' "Lit"} for ground cover crop, compaction, or litter, respectively).
#' @param mech_chem.i \code{NULL} Dataframe with a row for each cell
#' implementing manual management of adults, and columns \code{id} and
#' \code{Trt} detailing the cell ID and manual treatment (\code{"M", "C",
#' "MC"} for mechanical, chemical, or mechanical and chemical, respectively).
#' @param read_write \code{FALSE} Read and write \code{N} and \code{B}
#' @param path \code{NULL} Directory for stored output. Overwrites files
#' (path/N.rds, path/B.rds) each iteration.
#' @param p.trt_OpnOnly \code{FALSE} Should ground cover treatments only apply
#' to Open canopy land cover types?
#' @return Array N of abundances for each cell and age group, and vector B of
#' seed bank abundances.
#' @keywords run, simulate
#' @export
iterate_pop <- function(ngrid, ncell, N.0=NULL, B.0=NULL, g.p, lc.df, sdd,
control.p=NULL, grd_cover.i=NULL, mech_chem.i=NULL,
read_write=FALSE, path=NULL, p.trt_OpnOnly=FALSE) {
library(gbPopMod); library(tidyverse); library(magrittr)
if(read_write) {
N.0 <- readRDS(paste0(path, "/N.rds"))
B.0 <- readRDS(paste0(path, "/B.rds"))
list2env(g.p, environment())
id.i <- lc.df %>% dplyr::select(id, id.in)
m.max <- max(m)
N.1 <- array(0, dim=dim(N.0))
#--- update parameters
if(!is.null(grd_cover.i)) {
p.trt <- trt_ground(grd_cover.i, control.p$grd.trt)
} else {
p.trt <- NULL
if(!is.null(mech_chem.i)) {
N.0 <- trt_manual(N.0, m.max, mech_chem.i, control.p$man.trt,
# pre-multiply compositional parameters for cell expectations
pm <- cell_E(lc.df, K, s.M, s.N, mu, p.f, p.c, p, p.trt, p.trt_OpnOnly=p.trt_OpnOnly)
#--- fruit production
N.f <- make_fruits(N.0, pm$lc.mx, pm$mu.E, pm$p.f.E, m.max, T)
#--- short distance dispersal
N.Sd <- sdd_disperse(id.i, N.f, gamma, pm$p.c.E, s.c, sdd$sp, sdd.rate)
#--- seedling establishment
estab.out <- new_seedlings(ngrid, N.Sd$N.seed, B.0, pm$p.E, g.D, g.B, s.B)
estab.out$M.0 <- ldd_disperse(ncell, id.i, estab.out$M.0, n.ldd)
#--- update abundances
B.1 <- estab.out$B
for(l in 1:6) {
N.1[,l,1] <- ceiling(estab.out$M.0 * pm$lc.mx[,l])
N.1[,l,2:(m[l]-1)] <- round(N.0[,l,1:(m[l]-2)]*s.M[l])
N.1[,l,m.max] <- pmin(round(N.0[,l,m.max]*s.N[l] + N.1[,l,m[l]-1]*s.M[l]),
if(read_write) {
saveRDS(N.1, paste0(path, "/N.rds"))
saveRDS(B.1, paste0(path, "/B.rds"))
return(list(N=N.1, B=B.1))
#' Implement management and iterate buckthorn for one time step for parcels
#' Run one time step of the simulation, implementing management actions at the
#' sub-pixel parcel level. This is specifically designed for integration with
#' the USDA-NIFA economic decision model, where management actions are taken by
#' individual parcels which may be smaller than the land cover map pixels. The
#' indexing is consequently different than for the other iteration functions.
#' @param parcel.df Dataframe with index columns ("id", "id.in", "id.pp"), and
#' columns detailing land cover proportions and grid proportions.
#' @param pp.ls List of length ncell where each element i identifies which
#' id.i$id.pp are within pixel i
#' @param N.0 Array with initial population sizes, either returned from a
#' previous iteration or read from a stored .rds file in \code{path}
#' @param B.0 Vector of initial seed bank abundances, either returned from a
#' previous iteration or read from a stored .rds file in \code{path}
#' @param g.p Named list of global parameters set with \code{\link{set_g_p}}
#' @param lc.df Dataframe or tibble with xy coords, land cover proportions, and
#' cell id info
#' @param sdd Output with short distance dispersal neighborhoods created by
#' \code{\link{sdd_set_probs}}
#' @param control.p NULL or named list of buckthorn control treatment parameters
#' set with \code{\link{set_control_p}}
#' @param grd_cover.i \code{NULL} Dataframe with a row for each cell
#' implementing ground cover management, and columns \code{id} and \code{Trt}
#' detailing the cell ID and ground cover treatment (\code{"Cov", "Com",
#' "Lit"} for ground cover crop, compaction, or litter, respectively).
#' @param mech_chem.i \code{NULL} List of dataframes (one for forest, one for
#' open), each with a row for each cell implementing manual management,and
#' columns \code{id} and \code{mort} detailing the cell ID and mortality rate
#' from manual management
#' @param read_write \code{FALSE} Read and write \code{N} and \code{B}
#' @param path \code{NULL} Directory for stored output. Overwrites files
#' (path/N.rds, path/B.rds) each iteration.
#' @return Array N of abundances for each cell and age group, and vector B of
#' seed bank abundances.
#' @keywords run, simulate
#' @export
iterate_pop_econ <- function(parcel.df, pp.ls, N.0, B.0, g.p, lc.df, sdd,
control.p, grd_cover.i=NULL, mech_chem.i=NULL,
read_write=FALSE, path=NULL) {
library(gbPopMod); library(tidyverse); library(magrittr)
if(read_write) {
N.0 <- readRDS(paste0(path, "/N.rds"))
B.0 <- readRDS(paste0(path, "/B.rds"))
LCs <- names(lc.df)[(1:dim(N.0)[2])+3]
ncell <- n_distinct(parcel.df$id.in)
npp <- nrow(parcel.df)
list2env(g.p, environment())
m.max <- max(m)
N.1 <- array(0, dim=dim(N.0))
#--- pre-multiply compositional parameters for cell expectations
p.trt <- NULL
pm <- cell_E(lc.df, K, s.M, s.N, mu, p.f, p.c, p, g.B, g.D, p.trt=p.trt)
#--- implement management
if(!is.null(grd_cover.i)) {
p.trt <- trt_ground(grd_cover.i, control.p$grd.trt)
if(!is.null(mech_chem.i)) {
N.0[,1,] <- trt_econ(N.0[,1,], m.max, mech_chem.i$id.trt.open)
N.0[,3:6,] <- trt_econ(N.0[,3:6,], m.max, mech_chem.i$id.trt.forest)
#--- sum abundance within pixels
N.0.px <- unique(parcel.df$id.in[rowSums(N.0[,,7])>0])
N.px <- array(0, dim=c(ncell, length(LCs), m.max))
N.px[N.0.px,,] <- aperm(vapply(N.0.px,
function(x) apply(N.0[pp.ls[[x]],,], 2:3, sum),
N.0[1,,]), c(3,1,2))
#--- fruit production
N.f <- make_fruits(N.px, pm$lc.mx[lc.df$inbd,], pm$mu.E[lc.df$inbd,,drop=F],
pm$p.f.E[lc.df$inbd,,drop=F], m.max, T)
N.f$id <- lc.df$id[match(N.f$id, lc.df$id.in)] # convert from id.in to id
#--- short distance dispersal
N.Sd <- sdd_disperse(lc.df[,c("id", "id.in")], N.f, gamma, pm$p.c.E,
s.c, sdd$sp, sdd.rate)
#--- seedling establishment
estab.out <- new_seedlings(ngrid, N.Sd$N.seed, B.0, pm$p.E, pm$g.D, pm$g.B, s.B)
estab.out$M.0 <- estab.out$M.0[lc.df$inbd]
#--- allocate seedlings among parcels
B.1 <- estab.out$B
for(l in 1:n.lc) {
N.1[,l,1] <- round(estab.out$M.0[parcel.df$id.in] *
parcel.df[,LCs[l]] * parcel.df$Grid_Proportion)
N.1[,l,2:(m[l]-1)] <- round(N.0[,l,1:(m[l]-2)]*s.M[l])
N.1[,l,m.max] <- pmin(round(N.0[,l,m.max]*s.N[l] + N.1[,l,m[l]-1]*s.M[l]),
parcel.df[,paste0("K_", LCs[l])])
#--- retroactively apply ground cover treatment by recalculating establishment
if(!is.null(p.trt)) {
N.1[p.trt$id,,1] <- round(N.1[p.trt$id,,1] /
pm$p.E[parcel.df$id[p.trt$id]] * p.trt$p)
#--- long distance dispersal
if(n.ldd > 0) {
ldd_id.pp <- sample.int(npp, n.ldd)
N.1[ldd_id.pp,, 1] <- N.1[ldd_id.pp,, 1] + 1
if(read_write) {
saveRDS(N.1, paste0(path, "/N.rds"))
saveRDS(B.1, paste0(path, "/B.rds"))
return(list(N=N.1, B=B.1))
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