# Example of management treatments
# load libraries
Packages <- c("here", "doSNOW", "fastmatch", "scales", "gganimate",
"gbPopMod", "tidyverse", "magrittr")
suppressMessages(invisible(lapply(Packages, library, character.only=TRUE)))
# set parameters
n.sim <- 4
g.p <- set_g_p(tmax=50, n.cores=4, sdd.max=5, sdd.rate=1.3, N.p.t0=1)
control.p <- set_control_p(null_ctrl=FALSE,
man.i=1300:1800, # cells with manual controls
pTrt.man=NA, # for random cell assignment
man.trt=c(M=0.05, C=0.3, MC=0.95),
grd.i=1300:1500, # cells with ground cover controls
pTrt.grd=NA, # for random cell assignment
grd.trt=c(Lit=0.005, Cov=0.01, Com=0.00001),
chg.i=NULL # cells with timber harvest
# land cover
lc.df <- read_csv("data/USDA_9km2.csv") # USDA_9km2.csv or USDA_20ac.csv
ngrid <- nrow(lc.df)
ncell <- sum(lc.df$inbd)
id.i <- lc.df %>% select(id, id.in)
# short distance dispersal neighborhoods
sdd.pr <- sdd_set_probs(ncell, lc.df, g.p, verbose=T)
# initialize populations
N.init <- pop_init(ngrid, g.p, lc.df)
# how is this related to run_sim? This simulation does not have management controls
# out.lam <- run_sim_lambda(ngrid, ncell, g.p, lambda_values,
# lc.df, sdd.pr$i, N.init, TRUE)
# TODO: is this needed?
# out <- lc.df %>% mutate(lam=c(as.matrix(lc.df[,4:9]) %*% lambda_values),
# N=out.lam$N[,g.p$tmax+1])
# run simulation
if(g.p$n.cores > 1) {
p.c <- makeCluster(g.p$n.cores)
out.p <- foreach(i=1:n.sim, .packages="gbPopMod") %dopar% {
run_sim(ngrid, ncell, g.p, lc.df, sdd.pr, N.init, control.p, verbose=F)
out.ad <- map(out.p, ~.$N[,,max(g.p$m)]) %>% unlist %>%
array(., dim=c(ngrid, g.p$tmax+1, n.sim))
out.sb <- map(out.p, ~.$B) %>% unlist %>%
array(., dim=c(ngrid, g.p$tmax+1, n.sim))
} else {
out.ad <- out.sb <- array(dim=c(ngrid, g.p$tmax+1, n.sim))
for(s in 1:n.sim) {
out <- run_sim(ngrid, ncell, g.p, lc.df, sdd.pr, N.init, control.p)
out.ad[,,s] <- out$N[,,max(g.p$m)]
out.sb[,,s] <- out$B
cat("Finished simulation", s, "of", n.sim, "\n")
# plots
ad.mn <- apply(out.ad, 1:2, mean)
N.out <- cbind(lc.df, ad.mn) %>% as.tibble %>%
gather(year, ad_Ab, (1:ncol(ad.mn)) + ncol(lc.df)) %>%
mutate(ad_sd=c(apply(out.ad, 1:2, sd)),
ad_pP=c(apply(out.ad > 0, 1:2, mean)),
sb_Ab=c(apply(log(out.sb+1), 1:2, mean)),
sb_sd=c(apply(log(out.sb+1), 1:2, sd)),
sb_pP=c(apply(out.sb > 0, 1:2, mean)),
ad_L5=c(ad.mn > 0))
N.out$ad_L5 <- N.out$ad_L5 + c(ad.mn > 5)
N.out$year <- str_pad(N.out$year, 3, "left", "0")
# prepare plot paths & filenames
p.wd <- paste0("out/", ncell, "_t", g.p$tmax, "/")
if(!dir.exists(here::here(p.wd))) dir.create(here::here(p.wd), recursive=T)
# save plots
save_pars(p.wd, g.p, control.p)
make_plots_final_t(p.wd, g.p, filter(N.out, year==max(N.out$year)))
make_plots_gifs(p.wd, g.p, N.out)
make_plots_lc(p.wd, lc.df)
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