
#TESTING plot.dispRity


## Loading the data

## Finding number of elements
test_that("find.num.elements internal", {
    expect_error(find.num.elements(nrow(matrix(NA, 5, 5))))
    expect_equal(find.num.elements(nrow(matrix(data = runif(42), ncol = 2))), 7)

## Testing the examples
test_that("testing examples", {

    data <- matrix(data = runif(42), ncol = 2)
    test <- pair.plot(data, what = 1, col = c("orange", "blue"), legend = TRUE, diag = 1)
    expect_equal(names(test), c("rect", "text"))
    expect_equal(unique(unlist(lapply(test, lapply, class))), "numeric")

    test <- pair.plot(data, what = 1, col = c("orange", "blue"), legend = TRUE, diag = "max")
    expect_equal(names(test), c("rect", "text"))
    expect_equal(unique(unlist(lapply(test, lapply, class))), "numeric")

    expect_error(pair.plot(data, what = 2, binary = 0.2, add = TRUE, cex = 2))
    expect_error(pair.plot(data, what = 2, add = "*", cex = 2))
    test <- pair.plot(data, what = 2, binary = 0.2, add = "*", cex = 2)
    test <- pair.plot(data, what = 2, binary = 0.2, add = 19, cex = 2, lower = FALSE)

    tests <- test.dispRity(disparity, test = wilcox.test, correction = "bonferroni")
    test <- pair.plot(as.data.frame(tests), what = "p.value", binary = 0.05)

    expect_error(pair.plot(as.data.frame(tests), what = "bob", binary = 0.05))

    test <- pair.plot(data, what = 1, col = c("orange", "blue"), legend = TRUE, diag = "min")
    expect_equal(names(test), c("rect", "text"))
    expect_equal(unique(unlist(lapply(test, lapply, class))), "numeric")
    expect_error(pair.plot(data, what = 1, col = c("orange", "blue"), legend = TRUE, diag = "bob"))

    data[,1] <- 1
    test <- pair.plot(data, what = 1, col = c("orange", "blue"), legend = TRUE, diag = "min")

    data2 <- data
    colnames(data2) <- letters[1:2]
    test <- pair.plot(data2, what = "a", legend = TRUE)
    expect_is(test, "list")
    expect_null(pair.plot(data2, what = "a", legend = TRUE, add = 5, binary = 0.05))
    expect_null(pair.plot(data2, what = "a", legend = TRUE, add = "TRUE", lower = FALSE, binary = 0.05))

TGuillerme/dispRity documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 4:05 a.m.