
Defines functions rSplice qSplice pSplice dSplice SpliceFitGPD SpliceFiticPareto .trHillinternal .Hillinternal SpliceFitPareto .MEoutput tex.SpliceFit tex summary.SpliceFit .pasteVec SpliceFit EVTfit MEfit .is.wholenumber .tspliceCheck .constCheck

Documented in dSplice EVTfit MEfit pSplice qSplice rSplice SpliceFit SpliceFitGPD SpliceFiticPareto SpliceFitPareto

# This file contains the methods for fitting the spliced distribution, the S3 class SpliceFit
# and the PDF, CDF, quantile function and random number generation for the spliced distribution.
# The plots to asses the quality of the fit are implemented in Splicing_plots.R and 
# the fitting procedure for interval censored data is included in Splicing_EM.R.


# Check input for const
.constCheck <- function(const) {
  if (!is.numeric(const)) stop("const should be numeric.")
  if (any(const <= 0) | any(const >= 1)) {
    stop("const should be a vector of numbers in (0,1).")
  if (is.unsorted(const, strictly=TRUE)) {
    stop("const should be a strictly increasing vector.")

# Check input for tsplice
.tspliceCheck <- function(tsplice) {
  if (!is.numeric(tsplice)) stop("tsplice should be numeric.")

  if (is.unsorted(tsplice, strictly=TRUE)) {
    stop("tsplice should be a strictly increasing vector.")

# S3 classes

# Check if x is an integer
.is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
  abs(x - round(x)) < tol

# MEfit class
MEfit <- function(p, shape, theta, M, M_initial = NULL) {
  # Check if arguments are numeric
  if (!is.numeric(p)) stop("p must be numeric.")
  if (!is.numeric(shape)) stop("shape must be numeric.")
  if (!is.numeric(theta)) stop("theta must be numeric.")
  if (!is.numeric(M)) stop("M must be numeric.")
  # Check length of M and if it is an integer
  if (length(M) != 1) stop("M must have length 1.")
  if (!.is.wholenumber(M) | M <= 0) stop("M must be a strictly positive integer.")
  # Check length of arguments
  if (length(p) != M) stop("p must have length M.")
  if (length(shape) != M) stop("shape must have length M.")
  if (length(theta) != 1) stop("theta must have length 1")
  eps <- .Machine$double.eps
  # Check if p is a vector of probabilities that sums to one.
  if (any(p <= eps)) stop("p must contain strictly positive numbers.")
  tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
  if (abs(sum(p)-1) > tol) stop("p must have sum 1.")
  # Check if shape is a strictly increasing vector of positive integers.
  if (any(shape <= eps) | any(!.is.wholenumber(shape))) {
    stop("shape must contain strictly positive integers.")
  if (is.unsorted(shape, strictly=TRUE)) {
    stop("shape must be a strictly increasing vector.")
  # Check if theta is strictly positive
  if (theta <= eps) {
    stop("theta must be a strictly positive number.")
  # Make first list
  L <- list(p=p, shape=shape, theta=theta, M=M)
  # Optional argument M_initial
  if (!is.null(M_initial)) {
    if (!is.numeric(M_initial)) stop("M_initial must be numeric.")
    if (length(M_initial) != 1) stop("M_initial must have length 1.")
    if (!.is.wholenumber(M_initial) | M_initial <= 0) {
      stop("M_initial must be a strictly positive integer.")
    L$M_initial <- M_initial
  # Return final structure of class MEfit
  structure(L, class = "MEfit")

# EVTfit class
EVTfit <- function(gamma, endpoint = NULL, sigma = NULL) {
  # Default value
  if (is.null(endpoint)) endpoint <- rep(Inf, length(gamma))
  # Check if arguments are numeric
  if (!is.numeric(gamma)) stop("gamma must be numeric.")
  if (!is.numeric(endpoint)) stop("endpoint must be numeric.")
  # Check length of gamma and endpoint
  if (length(gamma) != length(endpoint)) stop("gamma and endpoint should have equal length.")
  # Make first list
  L <- list(gamma=gamma)
  # Optional argument sigma
  if (!is.null(sigma)) {
    if (!is.numeric(sigma)) stop("sigma must be numeric.")
    if (length(sigma) != length(gamma)) stop("gamma and sigma should have equal length.")
    eps <- .Machine$double.eps
    if (any(sigma <= eps)) {
      stop("sigma should be strictly positive.")
    L$sigma <- sigma
  # Add endpoint to list
  L$endpoint <- endpoint
  # Return final structure of class EVTfit
  structure(L, class = "EVTfit")

# SpliceFit class
SpliceFit <- function(const, trunclower, t, type, MEfit, EVTfit, loglik = NULL, IC = NULL) {
  # Check input for const
  l <- length(const)
  # Compute pi
  pi <- c(const[1], diff(const), 1-const[l])

  # Check t and trunclower
  if (!is.numeric(trunclower)) stop("trunclower should be numeric.")
  if (length(trunclower) != 1) stop("trunclower should have length 1.")
  if (length(t) != l) stop("const and t should have equal length.")
  if (is.unsorted(t, strictly=TRUE)) {
    stop("t should be a strictly increasing vector.")
  if (t[1] <= trunclower) stop("trunclower should be strictly smaller than the elements of t.")
  # Check type
  # Change tPa to TPa
  type[type == "tPa"] <- "TPa"
  if (length(type) != l+1) stop("type should have one element more than const.")
  if (!type[1] == "ME") stop("The first argument of type is \"ME\".")
  if (!all(type[-1] %in% c("Pa", "GPD", "TPa"))) stop("Invalid type.")
  if (any(type[-1] == "GPD") & any(type[-1] != "GPD")) stop("GPD cannot be combined with other EVT distributions.")

  # Check MEfit and EVTfit
  if (!is(MEfit, "MEfit")) stop("MEfit should be of class MEfit.")
  if (!is(EVTfit, "EVTfit")) stop("EVTfit should be of class EVTfit.")
  if (length(EVTfit$gamma) != l) stop("gamma should have the same length as const.")
  if (type[2] == "GPD" & !exists("sigma", where=EVTfit)) {
    stop("sigma should be included when GPD is used.")

  NAind <- which(is.na(EVTfit$gamma))
  if (any(grepl("Pa", type[-c(1, NAind)]) & EVTfit$gamma[-NAind] <= 0)) {
    stop("gamma should be strictly positive when Pareto distribution is used.")

  # Check if correct type when truncated
  ind <- which(is.finite(EVTfit$endpoint))
  if (any(substring(type[ind+1], 1, 1) != "T")) {
    stop("Invalid type when endpoint is finite.")
  # Check if truncated when indicated by type
  ind <- which(substring(type, 1, 1) == "T")
  if (any(!is.finite(EVTfit$endpoint[ind-1]) & !is.na(EVTfit$endpoint[ind-1]))) {
    stop("Infinite endpoint is not compatible with type \"TPa\".")
  # Issue warning for NAs in gamma
  if (any(is.na(EVTfit$gamma))) {
    warning("One or more NAs are present in estimate(s) for gamma.")
  # Make list
  L <- list(const=const, pi=pi, trunclower=trunclower, t=t, type=type, MEfit=MEfit, EVTfit=EVTfit)
  # Check log-likelihood and add to list
  if (!is.null(loglik)) {
    if (!is.numeric(loglik) | length(loglik) != 1) {
      stop("loglik should be a numeric of length 1.")
    L$loglikelihood <- loglik
  # Check IC and add to list
  if (!is.null(IC)) {
    if (!is.numeric(IC) | !(length(IC) %in% 1:3)) {
      stop("IC should be a numeric of length 1, 2 or 3.")
    L$IC <- IC
  # Return final structure of class Splicefit
  structure(L, class = "SpliceFit")

# Auxiliary function for summary.SpliceFit
.pasteVec <- function(s, name, vec, digits, paste_end="\n\n") {
  # Take no digits when vec is large
  digits <- ifelse(min(vec) <= 1000, digits, 0)
  # Format output in right style (after rounding): add blank spaces, remove scientific notation and
  # remove leading whitespace, remove trailing zeros
  res <- format(round(vec, digits), big.mark=" ", scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE,
  # paste_end is the last part of the string
  if (length(vec) == 1) {
    paste0(s, name, " = ", res, paste_end)
  } else {
    paste0(s, name, " = (", paste(res, collapse=", "), ")", paste_end)

# summary method for SpliceFit class
# Needs to have same input name as generic one
summary.SpliceFit <- function(object, digits = 3, ...) {
  splicefit <- object
  mefit <- splicefit$MEfit
  evtfit <- splicefit$EVTfit
  # Length of dashes and stars
  l <- 20
  # Title
  s <- "\n"
  s <- paste0(s, paste0(rep("--", l), collapse=""), "\n")
  s <- paste0(s, "Summary of splicing fit", "\n")
  s <- paste0(s, paste0(rep("--", l), collapse=""), "\n\n")
  # General splicing part
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "const", splicefit$const, digits)
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "pi", splicefit$pi, digits)
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "t0", splicefit$trunclower, digits)
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "t", splicefit$t, digits)
  s <- paste0(s, "type = (", paste(splicefit$type, collapse=", "), ")", "\n\n")
  s <- paste0(s, paste0(rep("* ", l), collapse=""), "\n\n")
  # ME part
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "p", mefit$p, digits)
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "r", mefit$shape, digits)
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "theta", mefit$theta, digits)
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "M", mefit$M, digits)
  if (exists("M_initial", where=splicefit$MEfit)) {
    s <- .pasteVec(s, "M_initial", mefit$M_initial, digits)
  s <- paste0(s, paste0(rep("* ", l), collapse=""), "\n\n")
  # EVT part
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "gamma", evtfit$gamma, digits)
  if (exists("sigma", where=splicefit$EVTfit)) {
    s <- .pasteVec(s, "sigma", evtfit$sigma, digits)
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "endpoint", evtfit$endpoint, digits)

# General tex function
tex <- function(object, ... ) UseMethod("tex", object)

# TeX method for SpliceFit class
tex.SpliceFit <- function(object, digits = 3, ...) {
  splicefit <- object
  mefit <- splicefit$MEfit
  evtfit <- splicefit$EVTfit
  s <- "\n"
  # General splicing part
  # Print all but last element of pi
  if (length(splicefit$pi) > 2) {
    for (i in 1:(length(splicefit$pi)-1)) {
      s <- .pasteVec(s, paste0("\\pi_", i), splicefit$pi[i], digits, ", ")
    # Remove last ", " and add newline (twice)
    s <- substr(s, 1, nchar(s)-2)
    s <- paste0(s, "\n\n")
  } else {
    s <- .pasteVec(s, "\\pi", splicefit$pi[1], digits)
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "t^l", splicefit$trunclower, digits)
  # Print all splicing points
  if (length(splicefit$t) > 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(splicefit$t)) {
      s <- .pasteVec(s, paste0("t_", i), splicefit$t[i], digits, ", ")
    # Remove last ", " and add newline (twice)
    s <- substr(s, 1, nchar(s)-2)
    s <- paste0(s, "\n\n")
  } else {
    s <- .pasteVec(s, "t", splicefit$t[1], digits)
  # Print splicing type
  s <- paste0(s, "type = (", paste(splicefit$type, collapse=", "), ")", "\n\n")
  # ME part
  # Print alpha
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "\\alpha", mefit$p, digits)
  # Print shape
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "r", mefit$shape, digits)
  # Print scale
  s <- .pasteVec(s, "\\theta", mefit$theta, digits)
  # EVT part
  # Print gamma
  if (length(evtfit$gamma) > 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(evtfit$gamma)) {
      s <- .pasteVec(s, paste0("\\gamma_", i), evtfit$gamma[i], digits, ", ")
    # Remove last ", " and add newline (twice)
    s <- substr(s, 1, nchar(s)-2)
    s <- paste0(s, "\n\n")
  } else {
    s <- .pasteVec(s, "\\gamma", evtfit$gamma, digits)
  # Print sigma if exists
  if (exists("sigma", where=splicefit$EVTfit)) {
    if (length(evtfit$sigma) > 1) {
      for (i in 1:length(evtfit$sigma)) {
        s <- .pasteVec(s, paste0("\\sigma_", i), evtfit$sigma[i], digits, ", ")
      # Remove last ", " and add newline (twice)
      s <- substr(s, 1, nchar(s)-2)
      s <- paste0(s, "\n\n")
    } else {
      s <- .pasteVec(s, "\\sigma", evtfit$sigma, digits)
  # Print endpoint, special case when infinite
  end <- evtfit$endpoint[length(evtfit$endpoint)]
  if (is.finite(end)) {
    s <- .pasteVec(s, "T", end, digits)
  } else {
    s <- paste0(s, "T = +\\infty", "\n")

# Only keep necessary parts from .ME_tune output
.MEoutput <- function(fit_tune) {
  # Obtain best model
  MEfit_old <- fit_tune$best_model
  # Make MEfit object
  # Use alpha not beta for future calculations!
  MEfit <- MEfit(p=MEfit_old$alpha, shape=MEfit_old$shape, theta=MEfit_old$theta, 
                 M=MEfit_old$M, M_initial=MEfit_old$M_initial)



# Fit mixed Erlang and (truncated) Pareto splicing model to uncensored data
SpliceFitPareto <- function(X, const = NULL, tsplice = NULL, M = 3, s = 1:10, trunclower = 0, truncupper = Inf, EVTtruncation = FALSE, 
                            ncores = NULL, criterium = c("BIC", "AIC"), reduceM = TRUE, 
                            eps = 10^(-3), beta_tol = 10^(-5), maxiter = Inf) {
  # Check input
  # Check if X is numeric
  if (!is.numeric(X)) stop("X should be a numeric vector.")
  n <- length(X)
  # Check input for const if not NULL
  if (!is.null(const)) {

    l <- length(const)
  # Check input for tsplice if not NULL
  if (!is.null(tsplice)) {
    l <- length(tsplice)

  if (is.null(const) & is.null(tsplice)) {
    stop("const and tsplice cannot be both NULL.")
  if (!is.null(const) & !is.null(tsplice)) {
    warning("Both const and tsplice are not NULL, the input for tsplice will be used.")
    const <- NULL
  # Check input for EVTtruncation
  if (!is.logical(EVTtruncation)) {
    stop("EVTtruncation should be a logical of length 1.")
  if (length(EVTtruncation) != 1 & length(EVTtruncation) > 0) {
    # Only use last element if length>1 (compatibility with older versions)
    EVTtruncation <- EVTtruncation[length(EVTtruncation)]
    warning("EVTtruncation has more than one element, only the last one is used.")
  } else if (length(EVTtruncation) <= 0) {
    # Stop if length 0 (or less)
    stop("EVTtruncation should be a logical of length 1.")
  # Check input for trunclower
  if (length(trunclower) != 1) {
    stop("trunclower should have length 1.")
  if (!is.numeric(trunclower)) {
    stop("trunclower should be numeric.")
  if (trunclower > min(X)) {
    stop("trunclower should be smaller than all data points.")
  if (trunclower < 0) {
    stop("trunclower cannot be strictly negative.")
  if (!is.finite(trunclower) ) {
    stop("trunclower has to be finite.")
  # Check input for truncupper
  if (length(truncupper) != 1 ) {
    stop("truncupper should have length 1.")
  if (!is.numeric(truncupper)) {
    stop("trunclower should be numeric.")
  if (truncupper < max(X)) {
    stop("truncupper should be larger than all data points.")

  if (truncupper <= trunclower) {
    stop("truncupper should be strictly larger than trunclower.")
  if (!EVTtruncation & is.finite(truncupper)) {
    # Set EVTtruncation to true when truncupper is finite
    EVTtruncation <- TRUE
    warning("truncupper is finite, EVTtruncation is set to TRUE.")
  # Match input argument for criterium
  criterium <- match.arg(criterium)
  # Check input for ncores
  if (is.null(ncores)) ncores <- max(detectCores()-1, 1)
  if (is.na(ncores)) ncores <- 1
  # Determine values of splicing points
  Xsort <- sort(X)
  if (!is.null(const)) {
    # Number of points larger than splicing points
    k_init <- ceiling((1-const)*n)
    # Splicing points
    tvec <- numeric(l)
    tvec <- Xsort[n-k_init]
    # Update const
    const <- 1-k_init/n

  } else {
    tvec <- tsplice
    # const is number of observations smaller than or equal to tvec
    f <- function(t, x) sum(x <= t)
    const <- sapply(tvec, f, Xsort)/n

    # Make sure k_init is of integer type
    k_init <- as.integer((1-const)*n)

  # Number of points in splicing part larger than splicing point
  kvec <- k_init
  if (l > 1) {
    for (i in (l-1):1) {
      kvec[i] <- kvec[i] - sum(kvec[(i+1):l])

  # Problem when first splicing point smaller than trunclower
  if (any(trunclower >= tvec[1])) {
    stop("trunclower should be strictly smaller than the first splicing point.")
  t1 <- tvec[1]
  # Mixing Erlang part
  MEind <- (X <= t1) 
  # Upper truncated at threshold t
  fit_tune <- .ME_tune(lower=X[MEind], upper=X[MEind], trunclower=trunclower, truncupper=t1,
                       M=M, s=s, nCores=ncores, criterium=criterium, reduceM=reduceM, 
                       eps=eps, beta_tol=beta_tol, maxiter=maxiter)
  # Output as MEfit object
  MEfit <- .MEoutput(fit_tune)
  # EVT part
  EVTfit <- list()
  type <- character(l)
  EVTfit$gamma <- numeric(l)
  EVTfit$endpoint <- rep(Inf, l)

  # Splicing parts
  for (i in 1:l) {

    if (i == l) {
      if (EVTtruncation) {
        if (is.finite(truncupper)) {
          # Last Pareto distribution is truncated, known truncation point
          EVTfit$gamma[i] <- .trHillinternal(X[X <= truncupper], tvec[i], truncupper)
          EVTfit$endpoint[i] <- truncupper
        } else {
          # Last Pareto distribution is truncated, estimate truncation point
          res <- trHill(X)
          resDT <- trDT(X, gamma=res$gamma)
          resEndpoint <- trEndpoint(X, gamma=res$gamma, DT=resDT$DT)
          EVTfit$gamma[i] <- res$gamma[res$k == kvec[i]]
          EVTfit$endpoint[i] <- resEndpoint$Tk[resEndpoint$k == kvec[i]]

        type[i] <- "TPa"
        # If endpoint cannot be estimated, change to ordinary Pareto distribution
        if (is.nan(EVTfit$endpoint[i])) {
          EVTfit$gamma[i] <- .Hillinternal(X, tvec[i])
          EVTfit$endpoint[i] <- Inf
          type[i] <- "Pa"
          warning("The endpoint for the (last) truncated Pareto distribution could not be estimated. An untruncated Pareto distribution has been fitted instead.")
      } else {
        # Last Pareto distribution is not truncated
        EVTfit$gamma[i] <- .Hillinternal(X, tvec[i])
        type[i] <- "Pa"
    } else {
      # Endpoint is next splicing point
      tt <- tvec[i+1]
      # Truncated Pareto distribution with truncation point tt
      EVTfit$gamma[i] <- .trHillinternal(X[X <= tt], tvec[i], tt)
      EVTfit$endpoint[i] <- tt
      type[i] <- "TPa"
  # Convert to object of class EVTfit
  EVTfit <- EVTfit(gamma=EVTfit$gamma, endpoint=EVTfit$endpoint, sigma=NULL)

  # Make SpliceFit object
  sf <- SpliceFit(const=const, trunclower=trunclower, t=tvec, type=c("ME", type), MEfit=MEfit, EVTfit=EVTfit)
  # Compute log-likelihood
  loglik <- sum(log(dSplice(X, sf)))

  # Compute ICs, parameters: alpha (-1 since sums to 1), r, theta, gamma's, last endpoint (if finite and not given), pi's
  df <- 2*MEfit$M-1 + 1 + length(EVTfit$gamma) + (is.finite(EVTfit$endpoint[length(EVTfit$endpoint)]) &  is.infinite(truncupper)) + length(const)
  aic <- -2*loglik + 2*df
  bic <- -2*loglik + log(n)*df
  ic <- c(aic, bic)
  names(ic) <- c("AIC", "BIC")

  # Return SpliceFit object
  return( SpliceFit(const=const, trunclower=trunclower, t=tvec, type=c("ME", type), 
                    MEfit=MEfit, EVTfit=EVTfit, loglik=loglik, IC=ic) )
# Include for compatibility with old versions
SpliceFitHill <- SpliceFitPareto

# Fast Hill estimator for fixed threshold
.Hillinternal <- function(x, threshold) {
  ind <- (x > threshold)

# Fast Hill estimator for fixed threshold and known truncation point 
.trHillinternal <- function(x, threshold, truncupper) {
  H <- .Hillinternal(x, threshold)
  beta <- truncupper/threshold
  f <- function(gamma) (gamma-H-log(beta)/(beta^(1/gamma)-1))^2
  return(nlm(f, H)$estimate)


# Fit mixed Erlang and Pareto splicing model to interval censored data
SpliceFiticPareto <- function(L, U, censored, tsplice, M = 3, s = 1:10, trunclower = 0, truncupper = Inf, ncores = NULL, 
                              criterium = c("BIC", "AIC"), reduceM = TRUE, eps = 10^(-3), beta_tol = 10^(-5), maxiter = Inf, cpp = FALSE) {
  # Call function from Splicing_EM.R
  return(.SpliceFiticPareto(L=L, U=U, censored=censored, tsplice=tsplice, M=M, s=s, trunclower=trunclower, truncupper=truncupper,
                            ncores=ncores, criterium=criterium, reduceM=reduceM, eps=eps, beta_tol=beta_tol, maxiter=maxiter, cpp=cpp))


# Fit mixed Erlang and GPD splicing model (to uncensored data)
# No truncation implemented, so only use with one GPD part!
SpliceFitGPD <- function(X, const = NULL, tsplice = NULL, M = 3, s = 1:10, trunclower = 0, ncores = NULL, 
                         criterium = c("BIC", "AIC"), reduceM = TRUE, eps = 10^(-3), beta_tol = 10^(-5), maxiter = Inf) {

  # Check if X is numeric
  if (!is.numeric(X)) stop("X should be a numeric vector.")
  n <- length(X)
  # Check input for const if not NULL
  if (!is.null(const)) {
    l <- length(const)
  # Check input for tsplice if not NULL
  if (!is.null(tsplice)) {
    l <- length(tsplice)
  if (is.null(const) & is.null(tsplice)) {
    stop("const and tsplice cannot be both NULL.")
  if (!is.null(const) & !is.null(tsplice)) {
    warning("Both const and tsplice are not NULL, the input for tsplice will be used.")
    const <- NULL
  # Only implemented for a single splicing point
  if (l >= 2) {
    stop("const (or tsplice) should be a single number.")
  # Check input for trunclower
  if (!is.numeric(trunclower)) {
    stop("trunclower should be numeric.")
  if (any(trunclower > min(X))) {
    stop("trunclower should be strictly smaller than all data points.")
  if (any(trunclower < 0)) {
    stop("trunclower cannot be strictly negative.")
  # Check input for ncores
  if (is.null(ncores)) ncores <- max(detectCores()-1, 1)
  if (is.na(ncores)) ncores <- 1
  # Match input argument for criterium
  criterium <- match.arg(criterium)

  # Determine values of splicing points
  Xsort <- sort(X)
  if (!is.null(const)) {
    # Number of points larger than splicing points
    k_init <- ceiling((1-const)*n)
    # Splicing points
    tvec <- numeric(l)
    tvec <- Xsort[n-k_init]
    # Update const
    const <- 1-k_init/n
  } else {
    tvec <- tsplice
    # const is number of observations smaller than or equal to tvec
    f <- function(t, x) sum(x <= t)
    const <- sapply(tvec, f, Xsort)/n
  # Problem when first splicing point smaller than trunclower
  if (any(trunclower >= tvec[1])) {
    stop("trunclower should be strictly smaller than the first splicing point.")
  t1 <- tvec[1]
  # Mixing Erlang part
  MEind <- (X <= t1) 
  # Upper truncated at threshold t
  fit_tune <- .ME_tune(lower=X[MEind], upper=X[MEind], trunclower=trunclower, truncupper=t1,
                       M=M, s=s, nCores=ncores, criterium=criterium, reduceM=reduceM, 
                       eps=eps, beta_tol=beta_tol, maxiter=maxiter)
  # Output as MEfit object
  MEfit <- .MEoutput(fit_tune)
  # EVT part
  EVTfit <- list()
  type <- rep("GPD", l)
  EVTfit$gamma <- numeric(l)
  EVTfit$sigma <- numeric(l)
  EVTfit$endpoint <- rep(Inf, l)
  # Splice parts
  for (i in 1:l) {
    # Endpoint for last splicing is Inf
    if (i == l) {
      tt <- Inf
    } else {
      tt <- tvec[i+1]
    POTdata <- X[X > tvec[i] & X <= tt]-tvec[i]
    res <- GPDfit(POTdata)
    EVTfit$gamma[i] <- res[1]
    EVTfit$sigma[i] <- res[2]

  # Convert to object of class EVTfit
  EVTfit <- EVTfit(gamma=EVTfit$gamma, endpoint=EVTfit$endpoint, sigma=EVTfit$sigma)
  # Make SpliceFit object
  sf <- SpliceFit(const=const, trunclower=trunclower, t=tvec, type=c("ME", type), MEfit=MEfit, EVTfit=EVTfit)
  # Compute log-likelihood
  loglik <- sum(log(dSplice(X, sf)))
  # Compute ICs, parameters: alpha (-1 since sums to 1), r, theta, gamma's and sigma's, last endpoint (if finite), pi's
  df <- 2*MEfit$M-1 + 1 + 2*length(EVTfit$gamma) + is.finite(EVTfit$endpoint[length(EVTfit$endpoint)]) + length(const)
  aic <- -2*loglik + 2*df
  bic <- -2*loglik + log(n)*df
  ic <- c(aic, bic)
  names(ic) <- c("AIC", "BIC")
  # Return SpliceFit object
  return( SpliceFit(const=const, trunclower=trunclower, t=tvec, type=c("ME", type), 
                    MEfit=MEfit, EVTfit=EVTfit, loglik=loglik, IC=ic) )


# Splicing PDF
dSplice <- function(x, splicefit, log = FALSE) {
  # Check input
  if (!is(splicefit, "SpliceFit")) stop("splicefit should be of class SpliceFit.")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("x should be a numeric vector.")
  d <- numeric(length(x))
  MEfit <- splicefit$MEfit
  EVTfit <- splicefit$EVTfit
  if (any(is.na(EVTfit$gamma))) {
    stop("At least one of the estimates for gamma is not available.")
  tvec <- splicefit$t
  trunclower <- splicefit$trunclower
  const <- splicefit$const
  l <- length(const)
  type <- splicefit$type
  ind <- (x <= tvec[1])
  # Case x<=t
  d[ind] <- const[1] * .ME_density(x[ind], shape = MEfit$shape, alpha = MEfit$p, 
                                   theta = MEfit$theta, trunclower = trunclower, truncupper = tvec[1])
  # Case x>t
  for (i in 1:l) {
    # Next splicing point (Inf for last part)
    tt <- ifelse(i == l, Inf, tvec[i+1])
    # Index for all observations in i-th EVTpart
    ind <- x > tvec[i] & x <= tt
    # Constant corresponding to next splicing part
    # (1 for last splicing part)
    cconst <- ifelse(i == l, 1, const[i+1])
    # Endpoint of splicing part, min of next splicing point and
    # endpoint from Pareto
    e <- min(tt, EVTfit$endpoint[i])

    # i+1 since type[1]="ME"
    if (splicefit$type[i+1] == "GPD") {
      d[ind] <- dtgpd(x[ind], mu=tvec[i], gamma=EVTfit$gamma[i], sigma=EVTfit$sigma[i], endpoint=e) * (cconst-const[i])
    } else if (type[i+1] %in% c("Pa", "TPa")) {
      d[ind] <- dtpareto(x[ind], shape=1/EVTfit$gamma[i], scale=tvec[i], endpoint=e) * (cconst-const[i])
    } else {
      stop("Invalid type.")
  # PDF is 0 after endpoint
  d[x > EVTfit$endpoint[l]] <- 0
  if (log) d <- log(d)

# Splicing CDF 
pSplice <- function(x, splicefit, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
  # Check input
  if (!is(splicefit, "SpliceFit")) stop("splicefit should be of class SpliceFit.")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("x should be a numeric vector.")
  p <- numeric(length(x))
  MEfit <- splicefit$MEfit
  EVTfit <- splicefit$EVTfit
  if (any(is.na(EVTfit$gamma))) {
    stop("At least one of the estimates for gamma is not available.")
  tvec <- splicefit$t
  trunclower <- splicefit$trunclower
  const <- splicefit$const
  l <- length(const)
  type <- splicefit$type
  ind <- (x <= tvec[1])
  # Case x<t
  p[ind] <- const[1] * .ME_cdf(x[ind], shape = MEfit$shape, alpha = MEfit$p, 
                               theta = MEfit$theta, trunclower = trunclower, truncupper = tvec[1])

  # Case x>t
  for (i in 1:l) {
    # Next splicing point (Inf for last part)
    tt <- ifelse(i == l, Inf, tvec[i+1])
    # Index for all observations in i-th EVTpart
    ind <- x > tvec[i] & x <= tt
    # Constant corresponding to next splicing part
    # (1 for last splicing part)
    cconst <- ifelse(i == l, 1, const[i+1])
    # Endpoint of splicing part, min of next splicing point and
    # endpoint from Pareto
    e <- min(tt, EVTfit$endpoint[i])
    # i+1 since type[1]="ME"
    if (splicefit$type[i+1] == "GPD") {
      # Note that c +F(x)*(1-c) = 1-(1-c)*(1-F(x))
      p[ind] <- const[i] + ptgpd(x[ind], mu=tvec[i], gamma=EVTfit$gamma[i], sigma=EVTfit$sigma[i], endpoint=e) * (cconst-const[i])
    } else if (type[i+1] %in% c("Pa", "TPa")) {
      p[ind] <- const[i] + ptpareto(x[ind], shape=1/EVTfit$gamma[i], scale=tvec[i], endpoint=e) * (cconst-const[i])
    } else {
      stop("Invalid type.")
  # CDF is 1 after endpoint
  p[x >= EVTfit$endpoint[l]] <- 1
  if (!lower.tail) p <- 1-p
  if (log.p) p <- log(p)

# Splicing quantiles
qSplice <- function(p, splicefit, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
  # Check input
  if (!is(splicefit, "SpliceFit")) stop("splicefit should be of class SpliceFit.")

  if (!is.numeric(p)) {
    stop("p should be numeric.")
  if (log.p) p <- exp(p)
  if (any(p < 0) | any(p > 1)) {
    stop("All elements of p should be in [0,1].")
  if (!lower.tail) p <- 1-p
  q <- numeric(length(p))
  MEfit <- splicefit$MEfit
  EVTfit <- splicefit$EVTfit
  if (any(is.na(EVTfit$gamma))) {
    stop("At least one of the estimates for gamma is not available.")
  tvec <- splicefit$t
  trunclower <- splicefit$trunclower
  const <- splicefit$const
  l <- length(const)

  ind <- (p <= const[1])
  if (any(ind)) {
    # Quantiles of ME part
    q[ind] <- .ME_VaR(p[ind]/const[1], shape = MEfit$shape, alpha = MEfit$p, 
                      theta = MEfit$theta, trunclower=trunclower, truncupper=tvec[1], 
                      interval=c(trunclower, tvec[1])) 
  # Quantiles of EVT part
  for (i in 1:l) {
    # Next value for const (1 for last part)
    cconst <- ifelse(i == l, 1, const[i+1])
    # Index for all probabilities in i-th EVTpart
    ind <- p > const[i] & p <= cconst
    # Next splicing point (Inf for last part)
    tt <- ifelse(i == l, Inf, tvec[i+1])
    e <- min(EVTfit$endpoint[i], tt)
    # i+1 since type[1]="ME"
    if (splicefit$type[i+1] == "GPD") {
      q[ind] <- qtgpd((p[ind]-const[i])/(cconst-const[i]), mu=tvec[i], gamma=EVTfit$gamma[i], sigma=EVTfit$sigma[i], endpoint=e)
    } else if (splicefit$type[i+1] %in% c("Pa", "TPa")) {
      q[ind] <- qtpareto((p[ind]-const[i])/(cconst-const[i]), shape=1/EVTfit$gamma[i], scale=tvec[i], endpoint=e)
    } else {
      stop("Invalid type.")
  # Special case
  q[p == 1] <- EVTfit$endpoint[l]

# Random numbers from spliced distribution
rSplice <- function(n, splicefit) {
  # Check input
  if (!is(splicefit, "SpliceFit")) stop("splicefit should be of class SpliceFit.")
  # Use quantile function directly if more than 1 Pareto piece
  if (length(splicefit$EVTfit$gamma) > 1) {
    return(qSplice(runif (n), splicefit=splicefit))
  } else {
    mefit <- splicefit$MEfit
    evtfit <- splicefit$EVTfit
    # Random Bernoulli to select ME or Pareto
    ind <- sample(1:2, size=n, replace=TRUE, prob=splicefit$pi)
    splice_sample <- numeric(n)
    # Sample from ME
    ind1 <- which(ind == 1)
    splice_sample[ind1] <- .ME_random(length(ind1), theta=mefit$theta, shape=mefit$shape, alpha=mefit$p, 
                                      trunclower=splicefit$trunclower, truncupper=splicefit$t)
    ind2 <- which(ind == 2)
    if (splicefit$type[2] == "GPD") {
      # Sample from GPD
      splice_sample[ind2] <- rgpd(length(ind2), gamma=evtfit$gamma, sigma=evtfit$sigma, mu=splicefit$t)
    } else {
      # Sample from Pareto
      splice_sample[ind2] <- rtpareto(length(ind2), shape=1/evtfit$gamma, scale=splicefit$t, endpoint=evtfit$endpoint)
TReynkens/ReIns documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 1:29 p.m.