
Defines functions imputex

Documented in imputex

#' @title Imputing censored covariates - GAMLSS
#' @description The MICE Algorithm (Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations) is
#'   a method to impute missing data. This function uses this algorithm for
#'   imputing censored data, using inverse sampling to utilize the additional
#'   information given by the censored values.
#' @param data data.frame. Input data frame containing a dummy variable as column, acting as an 
#'   indicator; 1 if censored/missing, 0 if not. Note that in case of right (left) censoring,
#'   the censored variable contains the respective minimal (maximal)
#'   duration of the follow-up which is used for conditional imputation. In case
#'   of interval censored data, two columns are required; specifying the start
#'   and end durations of the interval in question. This implementation assumes,
#'   that the start duration is the observed time, in which no failure occured
#'   before the interval is entered. The exact point of the observed
#'   state change within the interval is unknown. For inverse sampling, the distribution is
#'   conditioned on the start-duration and cut at the end-duration to ensure the
#'   constraints.
#' @param indicator character. Name of dummy column in data, which indicates the
#'   damaged observation.
#' @param intervalstart character. Name of the column of interval starting
#'   values. By convention, the starting duration in this column is assumed to
#'   be the time passed without failure, before entering the interval, in which
#'   the exact time of failure is unknown.
#' @param censtype character. The type of the damaged observation; 'missing',
#'   'right', 'left' or 'interval'.
#' @param xmu_formula formula. Formula for location parameter of xfamily. Dependent
#'   variable specifies the variable which is partially censored/missing and is
#'   to be imputed.
#' @param xsigma_formula formula. Formula for scale parameter of gamlss family object.
#' @param xnu_formula formula. Formula for skewness of gamlss family object.
#' @param xtau_formula formula. Formula for kurtosis of gamlss family object.
#' @param xfamily gamlss family object. Determines the family membership of the gamlss object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to all gamlss fits.
#' @param m Number of imputations (How many rounds should the algorithm execute). Default is m = 5.
#' @return Returns internal results of the algorithm.
#' @examples 
#' # Simulating a dataset
#' missing = simulateData(n = 100, param.formula = list(mu = ~exp(x1) + x3,
#' sigma = ~sin(x2)), name = 'x1', subset = ~ x1 > 0.6, prob = 0.8,
#' damage = NA, family = 'NO', correlation = NULL) 
#' # Imputing missing covariates
#' imputex(data = missing$defected, xmu_formula= x1~y+x3,
#' xsigma_formula = ~x2, xnu_formula = ~1, xtau_formula = ~1, xfamily =
#' NO(mu.link = 'identity'), indicator = "indicator", censtype= 'missing')
#' @export

imputex <- function(xmu_formula,
                    xsigma_formula = ~1,
                    xnu_formula = ~1,
                    xtau_formula = ~1,
                    xfamily = NO(mu.link = 'identity'),
                    censtype = c('missing', 'right', 'left', 'interval'),
                    intervalstart = NULL,
                    m = 5,
                    ...) {
  censtype <- match.arg(censtype)
  if(!(is.data.frame(data) & !nrow(data) == 0)){
    stop('data must be (non empty) data.frame!')
  if(length(xmu_formula)!= 3){
    stop('xmu_formula must be specified as: (censored covariate) ~ (set of covariates)')
  if(!(is.character(indicator) & indicator %in% names(data))){
    stop('indicator must be a column name in data!')
  if(!censtype == 'interval' & !is.null(intervalstart) ){
    stop('intervalstart is not required for estimation!')
  } else if(censtype == 'interval' & is.null(intervalstart)){
    stop('intervalstart must be specified!')

  # Split dataset in fully observed & missing/censored data:
  Wdat <- list(obs = data[data[indicator] == 0, ], cens = data[data[indicator] == 1, ])
  # censor as the name of the censored covariate:
  censor <- as.character(xmu_formula[[2]])
  # Step 1: Fit gamlss with user specified xfamily and formula on observed data:
  obsmodel <- gamlss(formula = xmu_formula,
                     sigma_formula = xsigma_formula,
                     nu_formula = xnu_formula,
                     tau_formula = xtau_formula,
                     family = xfamily,
                     data = Wdat$obs,
  # Step 2: Resampling from fitted model.
  # Note that these are m independent draws from vectors of length nrow(Wdat$obs), which are stacked!
  draws <- family_fun(object = obsmodel,
                      func = "r",
                      fitdata = Wdat$obs,
                      predictdata = Wdat$obs,
                      n = nrow(Wdat$obs) * m)
  # Reframe to m vectors. Be careful when unstacking drawn vectors!
  draws <- data.frame(matrix(draws,
                             nrow = nrow(Wdat$obs),
                             ncol = m))
  # Basis for respective Bootstrap samples (draws[,j], W):
  drawsW <- cbind(draws, Wdat$obs)
  # Bootstrap samples on simulated observations (row-wise):
  boot <- drawsW[sample(x = 1:nrow(drawsW),
                        size = nrow(Wdat$obs),
                        replace = TRUE), ]
  # Step 3: Estimate parameters on each respective set {x*boot(j), W_obs} for all j:
  bootmodel <- list()
  proposals <- data.frame(X1 = vector(length = nrow(Wdat$cens)))
  imputeq <- list()
  quantil <- c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95)
  for (i in 1:m) {
    # Iterate only over the names of booted vectors:
    bootformula <- as.formula(paste(names(boot)[i], '~',
                                    sep = ''))
    # Manipulate the formula for each estimation
    # to get the respective booted x column regressed on W:
    bootmodel[[i]] <- gamlss(formula = bootformula,
                             sigma_formula = xsigma_formula,
                             nu_formula = xnu_formula,
                             xtau_formula = xtau_formula,
                             family = xfamily,
                             data = boot,
    imputecandidate <- names(boot)[i]
    # Simulate data from the corresponding fitted distribution. Resample from valid regions:
    impute <- samplecensored(object = bootmodel[[i]],
                            fitdata = boot,
                            predictdata = Wdat$cens,
                            censor, # censor becomes upper bound if !is.null(intervallstart)
                            intervalstart = intervalstart,
    proposals[[imputecandidate]] <- impute$draw
    imputeq[[i]] <- impute$quantiles
  # Imputed vector:
  imputedx <- apply(proposals, MARGIN = 1, median)
  # (Output augmentation)-------------------------------------------------------
  # Save censored values before they get overwritten:
  censoredx <- Wdat$cens[[censor]]
  # Distances from imputed to censored values:
  distances <- switch((censtype == "left" | censtype == "right") + 1,
                      abs(censoredx - imputedx))
  # Complete data with imputations:
  Wdat$cens[censor] <- imputedx
  fulldata <- rbind(Wdat$obs,Wdat$cens)
  # Variability of imputed observation among all drawn from booted:
  imputevariance <- apply(proposals, MARGIN = 1, FUN = var)
  # Average imputed quantiles:
  A <- array(unlist(imputeq), 
             dim = c(nrow(imputeq[[1]]),
  imputequantiles <- as.data.frame(apply(A, c(1,2), mean))
  colnames(imputequantiles) <- c('q05','q25','q50', 'q75', 'q95' )
  mcall <- match.call()
  result <- list(proposals = proposals,
                 imputedx = imputedx,
                 fulldata = fulldata,
                 mcall = mcall,
                 nobservations = nrow(data),
                 nreplacements = nrow(Wdat$cens),
                 censtype = censtype,
                 imputevariance = imputevariance,
                 imputequantiles = imputequantiles,
                 distances = distances,
                 m = m,
                 Wobs = Wdat$obs
  # Create S3 class so that methods can access results:
  class(result) <- "imputed"
TiStat/Imputegamlss documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:25 a.m.