
Defines functions print.can_cor plot.can_cor can_corr

Documented in can_corr plot.can_cor print.can_cor

#' Canonical correlation analysis
#' @description
#' `r badge('stable')`
#' Performs canonical correlation analysis with collinearity diagnostic,
#' estimation of canonical loads, canonical scores, and hypothesis testing for
#' correlation pairs.
#'@param .data The data to be analyzed. It can be a data frame (possible with
#'  grouped data passed from [dplyr::group_by()].
#' @param FG,SG A comma-separated list of unquoted variable names that will
#'   compose the first (smallest) and second (highest) group of the correlation
#'   analysis, respectively. Select helpers are also allowed.
#'@param by One variable (factor) to compute the function by. It is a shortcut
#'  to [dplyr::group_by()]. To compute the statistics by more than
#'  one grouping variable use that function.
#' @param use The matrix to be used. Must be one of 'cor' for analysis using the
#'   correlation matrix (default) or 'cov' for analysis using the covariance
#'   matrix.
#' @param test The test of significance of the relationship between the FG and
#'   SG. Must be one of the 'Bartlett' (default) or 'Rao'.
#' @param prob The probability of error assumed. Set to 0.05.
#' @param center Should the data be centered to compute the scores?
#' @param stdscores Rescale scores to produce scores of unit variance?
#' @param verbose Logical argument. If `TRUE` (default) then the results
#'   are shown in the console.
#' @param collinearity Logical argument. If `TRUE` (default) then a
#'   collinearity diagnostic is performed for each group of variables according
#'   to Olivoto et al.(2017).
#' @return If `.data` is a grouped data passed from
#'   [dplyr::group_by()] then the results will be returned into a
#'   list-column of data frames.
#' * **Matrix** The correlation (or covariance) matrix of the variables
#' * **MFG, MSG** The correlation (or covariance) matrix for the variables of
#' the first group or second group, respectively.
#' * **MFG_SG** The correlation (or covariance) matrix for the variables of the
#' first group with the second group.
#' * **Coef_FG, Coef_SG** Matrix of the canonical coefficients of the first
#' group or second group, respectively.
#' * Loads_FG, Loads_SG Matrix of the canonical loadings of the first group
#' or second group, respectively.
#' * **Score_FG, Score_SG** Canonical scores for the variables in FG and SG,
#' respectively.
#' * **Crossload_FG, Crossload_FG** Canonical cross-loadings for FG variables
#' on the SG scores, and cross-loadings for SG variables on the FG scores,
#' respectively.
#' * **SigTest** A dataframe with the correlation of the canonical pairs and
#' hypothesis testing results.
#' * **collinearity** A list with the collinearity diagnostic for each group of
#' variables.
#' @md
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Olivoto, T., V.Q. Souza, M. Nardino, I.R. Carvalho, M. Ferrari, A.J.
#' Pelegrin, V.J. Szareski, and D. Schmidt. 2017. Multicollinearity in path
#' analysis: a simple method to reduce its effects. Agron. J. 109:131-142.
#' \doi{10.2134/agronj2016.04.0196}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' cc1 <- can_corr(data_ge2,
#'                FG = c(PH, EH, EP),
#'                SG = c(EL, ED, CL, CD, CW, KW, NR))
#' # Canonical correlations for each environment
#' cc3 <- data_ge2 %>%
#'        can_corr(FG = c(PH, EH, EP),
#'                 SG = c(EL, ED, CL, CD, CW, KW, NR),
#'                 by = ENV,
#'                 verbose = FALSE)
can_corr <- function(.data,
                     by = NULL,
                     use = "cor",
                     test = "Bartlett",
                     prob = 0.05,
                     center = TRUE,
                     stdscores = FALSE,
                     verbose = TRUE,
                     collinearity = TRUE) {
  if (!missing(by)){
    if(length(as.list(substitute(by))[-1L]) != 0){
      stop("Only one grouping variable can be used in the argument 'by'.\nUse 'group_by()' to pass '.data' grouped by more than one variable.", call. = FALSE)
    .data <- group_by(.data, {{by}})
    results <- .data %>%
          FG = {{FG}},
          SG = {{SG}},
          use = use,
          test = test,
          prob = prob,
          center = center,
          stdscores = stdscores,
          verbose = verbose,
          collinearity = collinearity)
    return(set_class(results, c("tbl_df",  "can_cor_group", "tbl",  "data.frame")))
  FG <- as.data.frame(select(.data, {{FG}}) %>% select_numeric_cols())
  SG <- as.data.frame(select(.data, {{SG}}) %>% select_numeric_cols())
  if (nrow(FG) != nrow(SG)) {
    stop("The number of observations of 'FG', should be equal to 'SG'.")
  if (ncol(FG) > ncol(SG)) {
    stop("The number of variables in 'FG' should be lesser than or equal to the number of variables in 'SG'.")
  if (!test %in% c("Bartlett", "Rao")) {
    stop("The argument 'test' is incorrect, it should be 'Bartlett' or 'Rao'.")
  if (!is.numeric(prob) | prob <= 0 || prob > 1) {
    stop("The argument 'prob' is incorrect. It should be numeric with values between 0 and 1.")
  if (use == "cov") {
    MC <- cov(cbind(FG, SG))
    S11 <- cov(FG)
    S22 <- cov(SG)
    S12 <- cov(FG, SG)
    S21 <- cov(SG, FG)
  if (use == "cor") {
    MC <- cor(cbind(FG, SG))
    S11 <- cor(FG)
    S22 <- cor(SG)
    S12 <- cor(FG, SG)
    S21 <- cor(SG, FG)
  M1 <- eigen(S11)
  megval1 <- M1$values
  megvec1 <- M1$vectors
  S11_12 <- megvec1 %*% diag(1/sqrt(megval1)) %*% t(megvec1)
  S22_Inv <- solve_svd(S22)
  M2 <- eigen(S11_12 %*% S12 %*% S22_Inv %*% S21 %*% S11_12)
  megval2 <- M2$values
  megvec2 <- M2$vectors
  mtr <- megval2
  varuv <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, length(mtr), 3))
  rownames(varuv) <- paste("U", 1:length(mtr), "V", 1:length(mtr),
                           sep = "")
  colnames(varuv) <- c("Variance", "Proportion", "Cum_proportion")
  varuv[, "Variance"] <- mtr
  varuv[, "Proportion"] <- (mtr/sum(mtr)) * 100
  varuv[, "Cum_proportion"] <- cumsum(varuv[, "Proportion"])
  coruv <- as.matrix(sqrt(mtr), ncol = length(coruv), nrow = 1)
  rownames(coruv) <- paste("U", 1:length(coruv), "V", 1:length(coruv),
                           sep = "")
  colnames(coruv) <- c("Correlation")
  Coef_FG <- S11_12 %*% megvec2
  rownames(Coef_FG) <- colnames(FG)
  colnames(Coef_FG) <- paste("U", 1:ncol(Coef_FG), sep = "")
  Coef_SG <- S22_Inv %*% S21 %*% Coef_FG %*% solve_svd(diag(sqrt(megval2)))
  colnames(Coef_SG) <- paste("V", 1:ncol(Coef_SG), sep = "")
  M3 <- eigen(diag(diag(S11)))
  megval3 <- M3$values
  megvec3 <- M3$vectors
  D11_12 <- megvec3 %*% diag(1/sqrt(megval3)) %*% t(megvec3)
  M4 <- eigen(diag(diag(S22)))
  megval4 <- M4$values
  megvec4 <- M4$vectors
  D22_12 <- megvec4 %*% diag(1/sqrt(megval4)) %*% t(megvec4)
  Rux <- t(t(Coef_FG) %*% S11 %*% D11_12)
  rownames(Rux) <- colnames(FG)
  Rvy <- t(t(Coef_SG) %*% S22 %*% D22_12)
  rownames(Rvy) <- colnames(SG)
  if (center == TRUE) {
    FG_A <- scale(FG, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
    SG_A <- scale(SG, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  } else {
    FG_A <- FG
    SG_A <- SG
  FG_A[is.na(FG_A)] <- 0
  SG_A[is.na(SG_A)] <- 0
  FG_SC <- FG_A %*% Coef_FG
  SG_SC <- SG_A %*% Coef_SG
  if (stdscores == TRUE) {
    FG_SC <- sweep(FG_SC, 2, apply(FG_SC, 2, sd), "/")
    SG_SC <- sweep(SG_SC, 2, apply(SG_SC, 2, sd), "/")
  FG_CL <- cor(FG_A, SG_SC)
  SG_CL <- cor(SG_A, FG_SC)
  FG_SC = as.data.frame(FG_SC)
  SG_SC = as.data.frame(SG_SC)
  if (test == "Bartlett") {
    n <- nrow(FG)
    p <- ncol(FG)
    q <- ncol(SG)
    QtdF <- length(coruv)
    Bartlett <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, QtdF, 5))
    colnames(Bartlett) <- c("Canonical_pairs", "Lambda_Wilks",
                            "Chi_square", "DF", "p_value")
    Bartlett[, 1] <- paste("U", 1:QtdF, "V", 1:QtdF, sep = "")
    i <- 1
    for (i in 1:QtdF) {
      Lambda <- prod(1 - coruv[i:QtdF]^2)
      chisq <- -((n - 1) - (p + q + 1)/2) * log(Lambda)
      gl <- (p - i + 1) * (q - i + 1)
      pValor <- pchisq(chisq, gl, ncp = 0, lower.tail = F)
      Bartlett[i, 2] <- round(Lambda, 5)
      Bartlett[i, 3] <- round(chisq, 5)
      Bartlett[i, 4] <- gl
      Bartlett[i, 5] <- round(pValor, 5)
    teste <- Bartlett
  if (test == "Rao") {
    n <- nrow(FG)
    p1 <- ncol(FG)
    q1 <- ncol(SG)
    QtdF <- length(coruv)
    Rao <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, QtdF, 6))
    colnames(Rao) <- c("Canonical pairs", "Lambda_Wilks",
                       "F_value", "DF1", "DF2", "p_value")
    Rao[, 1] <- paste("U", 1:QtdF, "V", 1:QtdF, sep = "")
    for (i in 1:QtdF) {
      p <- p1 - i + 1
      q <- q1 - i + 1
      t <- (n - 1) - (p + q + 1)/2
      s <- ifelse((p^2 + q^2) <= 5, 1, sqrt((p^2 * q^2 -
                                               4)/(p^2 + q^2 - 5)))
      Lambda <- prod(1 - coruv[i:QtdF]^2)
      gl1 <- p * q
      gl2 <- (1 + t * s - p * q/2)
      FVAL <- ((1 - Lambda^(1/s))/Lambda^(1/s)) * gl2/gl1
      pValor <- pf(FVAL, gl1, gl2, ncp = 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
      Rao[i, 2] <- round(Lambda, 5)
      Rao[i, 3] <- round(FVAL, 5)
      Rao[i, 4] <- gl1
      Rao[i, 5] <- round(gl2, 5)
      Rao[i, 6] <- round(pValor, 5)
    teste <- Rao
  results <- data.frame(cbind(cbind(varuv, coruv), teste[-1]))
  names(results) <- c("Var", "Percent", "Sum", "Corr", "Lambda",
                      "Chisq", "DF", "p_val")
  if (collinearity == TRUE) {
    colin <- list(FG = colindiag(FG),
                  SG = colindiag(SG))
  } else {
    colin <- NULL
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    cat("Matrix (correlation/covariance) between variables of first group (FG)\n")
    if (collinearity == TRUE) {
      cat("Collinearity within first group \n")
    cat("Matrix (correlation/covariance) between variables of second group (SG)\n")
    if (collinearity == TRUE) {
      cat("Collinearity within second group \n")
    cat("Matrix (correlation/covariance) between FG and SG\n")
    cat("Correlation of the canonical pairs and hypothesis testing \n")
    cat("Canonical coefficients of the first group \n")
    cat("Canonical coefficients of the second group \n")
    cat("Canonical loads of the first group \n")
    cat("Canonical loads of the second group \n")

  out <- list(Matrix = MC, MFG = S11, MSG = S22,
              MFG_SG = S12, Coef_FG = Coef_FG, Coef_SG = Coef_SG, Loads_FG = Rux,
              Loads_SG = Rvy, Score_FG = FG_SC, Score_SG = SG_SC, Crossload_FG = FG_CL,
              Crossload_SG = SG_CL, Sigtest = results, collinearity = colin) %>%
    add_class(class = "can_cor")

#' Plots an object of class can_cor
#' Graphs of the Canonical Correlation Analysis
#' @param x The `waasb object`
#' @param type The type of the plot. Defaults to `type = 1` (Scree-plot of
#'   the correlations of the canonical loadings). Use `type = 2`, to
#'   produce a plot with the scores of the variables in the first group,
#'   `type = 3` to produce a plot with the scores of the variables in the
#'   second group, or `type = 4` to produce a circle of correlations.
#' @param plot_theme The graphical theme of the plot. Default is
#'   `plot_theme = theme_metan()`. For more details,see
#'   [ggplot2::theme()].
#' @param size.tex.pa The size of the text of the plot area. Default is
#'   `3.5`.
#' @param size.tex.lab The size of the text in axis text and labels.
#' @param x.lab The label of x-axis. Each plot has a default value. New
#'   arguments can be inserted as `x.lab = 'my label'`.
#' @param x.lim The range of x-axis. Default is `NULL` (maximum and minimum
#'   values of the data set). New arguments can be inserted as `x.lim =
#'   c(x.min, x.max)`.
#' @param x.breaks The breaks to be plotted in the x-axis. Default is
#'   `authomatic breaks`. New arguments can be inserted as `x.breaks =
#'   c(breaks)`
#' @param y.lab The label of y-axis. Each plot has a default value. New
#'   arguments can be inserted as `y.lab = 'my label'`.
#' @param y.lim The range of y-axis. Default is `NULL`. The same arguments
#'   than `x.lim` can be used.
#' @param y.breaks The breaks to be plotted in the x-axis. Default is
#'   `authomatic breaks`. The same arguments than `x.breaks` can be
#'   used.
#' @param axis.expand Multiplication factor to expand the axis limits by to
#'   enable fitting of labels. Default is `1.1`.
#' @param shape The shape of points in the plot. Default is `21` (circle).
#'   Values must be between `21-25`: `21` (circle), `22`
#'   (square), `23` (diamond), `24` (up triangle), and `25` (low
#'   triangle).
#' @param col.shape A vector of length 2 that contains the color of shapes for
#'   genotypes above and below of the mean, respectively. Defaults to
#'   `"orange"`. `c("blue", "red")`.
#' @param col.alpha The alpha value for the color. Default is `0.9`. Values
#'   must be between `0` (full transparency) to `1` (full color).
#' @param size.shape The size of the shape in the plot. Default is `3.5`.
#' @param size.bor.tick The size of tick of shape. Default is `0.3`. The
#'   size of the shape will be `size.shape + size.bor.tick`
#' @param labels Logical arguments. If `TRUE` then the points in the plot
#'   will have labels.
#' @param main The title of the plot. Defaults to `NULL`, in which each
#'   plot will have a default title. Use a string text to create an own title or
#'   set to `main = FALSE` to omit the plot title.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return An object of class `gg, ggplot`.
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
#' @method plot can_cor
#' @importFrom ggforce geom_circle
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' cc1 = can_corr(data_ge2,
#'                FG = c(PH, EH, EP),
#'                SG = c(EL, ED, CL, CD, CW, KW, NR))
#' plot(cc1, 2)
#' cc2 <-
#' data_ge2 %>%
#' mean_by(GEN) %>%
#' column_to_rownames("GEN") %>%
#' can_corr(FG = c(PH, EH, EP),
#'                SG = c(EL, ED, CL, CD, CW, KW, NR))
#' plot(cc2, 2, labels = TRUE)
plot.can_cor <- function(x,
                         type = 1,
                         plot_theme = theme_metan(),
                         size.tex.lab = 12,
                         size.tex.pa = 3.5,
                         x.lab = NULL,
                         x.lim = NULL,
                         x.breaks = waiver(),
                         y.lab = NULL,
                         y.lim = NULL,
                         y.breaks = waiver(),
                         axis.expand = 1.1,
                         shape = 21,
                         col.shape = "orange",
                         col.alpha = 0.9,
                         size.shape = 3.5,
                         size.bor.tick = 0.3,
                         labels = FALSE,
                         main = NULL, ...) {
  if(has_class(x, "can_cor_group")){
    stop("The object 'x' must be of class 'can_cor'.")
  if(type == 1){
    data = x$Sigtest %>% mutate(CCP = 1:n())
    y.lab = ifelse(!missing(y.lab), y.lab, paste0("Explained variance"))
    x.lab = ifelse(!missing(x.lab), x.lab, paste0("Order of the canonical pairs"))
      if(main == FALSE){
        main = ""
      } else{
        main = ifelse(!missing(main), main, paste0("Scree-plot of the correlations of the canonical loadings"))
    if (!missing(y.lim)) {
      y.lim <- y.lim
    } else {
      y.lim <- c(min(data$Var) - (min(data$Var) * axis.expand - min(data$Var)),
                 max(data$Var) + (max(data$Var) * axis.expand - max(data$Var)))
    p = ggplot(data, aes(CCP, Var))+
      geom_point(size = size.shape, stroke = size.bor.tick, alpha = col.alpha) +
      scale_shape_manual(labels = "", values = shape)+
      geom_point(size = size.shape)+
      labs(x = x.lab, y = y.lab)+
      scale_y_continuous(limits = y.lim, breaks = y.breaks) +
  if(type == 2){
    data = x$Score_FG
    y.lab = ifelse(!missing(y.lab), y.lab, paste0("Second canonical pair"))
    x.lab = ifelse(!missing(x.lab), x.lab, paste0("First canonical pair"))
    main = ifelse(!missing(main), main, paste0("Scores of the variables in the first group"))
      if(main == FALSE){
        main = ""
    if (!missing(x.lim)) {
      x.lim <- x.lim
    } else {

      x.lim <- c(min(data$U1 * axis.expand), max(data$U1 * axis.expand))
    if (!missing(y.lim)) {
      y.lim <- y.lim
    } else {
      y.lim <- c(min(data$U2 * axis.expand), max(data$U2 * axis.expand))
    p = ggplot(data, aes(U1, U2, label = rownames(data)))+
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")+
      geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")+
      geom_point(size = size.shape, shape = shape, stroke = size.bor.tick, fill = col.shape,  alpha = col.alpha) +
      scale_y_continuous(limits = y.lim, breaks = y.breaks) +
      scale_x_continuous(limits = x.lim, breaks = x.breaks) +
      labs(x = x.lab, y = y.lab)+
      plot_theme %+replace% theme(aspect.ratio = 1,
                                  axis.text = element_text(size = size.tex.lab, colour = "black"),
                                  axis.title = element_text(size = size.tex.lab, colour = "black"))
    if(labels == TRUE){
      p = p + geom_text_repel(size = size.tex.pa)
  if(type == 3){
    data = x$Score_SG
    y.lab = ifelse(!missing(y.lab), y.lab, paste0("Second canonical pair"))
    x.lab = ifelse(!missing(x.lab), x.lab, paste0("First canonical pair"))
    main = ifelse(!missing(main), main, paste0("Scores of the variables in the second group"))
      if(main == FALSE){
        main = ""
    if (!missing(x.lim)) {
      x.lim <- x.lim
    } else {
      x.lim <- c(min(data$V1 * axis.expand), max(data$V1 * axis.expand))
    if (!missing(y.lim)) {
      y.lim <- y.lim
    } else {
      y.lim <- c(min(data$V2 * axis.expand), max(data$V2 * axis.expand))
    p = ggplot(data, aes(V1, V2, label = rownames(data)))+
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")+
      geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")+
      geom_point(size = size.shape, shape = shape, stroke = size.bor.tick, fill = col.shape, alpha = col.alpha) +
      scale_y_continuous(limits = y.lim, breaks = y.breaks) +
      scale_x_continuous(limits = x.lim, breaks = x.breaks) +
      labs(x = x.lab, y = y.lab)+
      plot_theme %+replace% theme(aspect.ratio = 1,
                                  axis.text = element_text(size = size.tex.lab, colour = "black"),
                                  axis.title = element_text(size = size.tex.lab, colour = "black"))
    if(labels == TRUE){
      p = p + geom_text_repel(size = size.tex.pa)
  if(type == 4){
    y.lab = ifelse(!missing(y.lab), y.lab, paste0("Second canonical pair"))
    x.lab = ifelse(!missing(x.lab), x.lab, paste0("First canonical pair"))
    main = ifelse(!missing(main), main, paste0("Circle of correlations"))
      if(main == FALSE){
        main = ""
    FGV = x$Loads_FG %>% as.data.frame() %>% select(1:2) %>%
      setNames(c("x", "y")) %>%
      rownames_to_column("VAR") %>%
      mutate(GROUP = "First Group")
    SGV = x$Loads_SG %>% as.data.frame() %>% select(1:2) %>%
      setNames(c("x", "y")) %>%
      rownames_to_column("VAR") %>%
      mutate(GROUP = "Second Group")
    datplot = rbind(FGV, SGV)
    p =   ggplot(datplot, aes(x, y, label = VAR))+
      geom_point(aes(color = GROUP), show.legend = FALSE)+
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")+
      geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed")+
      scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-1, 1))+
      scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-1, 1))+
      geom_text_repel(aes(color = GROUP), show.legend = FALSE)+
      theme(aspect.ratio = 1,
            legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank())+
      geom_circle(aes(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = 1), inherit.aes = FALSE)+
      geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = x, yend = y, color = GROUP),
                   arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")))+
      labs(x = x.lab, y = y.lab)+
      plot_theme %+replace% theme(aspect.ratio = 1,
                                  legend.position = c(0.85, 0.06),
                                  legend.key.size = unit(1, "lines"),
                                  legend.title = element_blank(),
                                  axis.text = element_text(size = size.tex.lab, colour = "black"),
                                  axis.title = element_text(size = size.tex.lab, colour = "black"))

#' Print an object of class can_cor
#' Print an object of class `can_cor` object in two ways. By default, the
#' results are shown in the R console. The results can also be exported to the
#' directory.
#' @param x An object of class `can_cor`.
#' @param export A logical argument. If `TRUE|T`, a *.txt file is exported
#'   to the working directory
#' @param file.name The name of the file if `export = TRUE`
#' @param digits The significant digits to be shown.
#' @param ... Options used by the tibble package to format the output. See
#'   [`tibble::print()`][tibble::formatting] for more details.
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
#' @method print can_cor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' cc <- can_corr(data_ge2,
#'                FG = c(PH, EH, EP),
#'                SG = c(EL, CL, CD, CW, KW, NR, TKW),
#'                verbose = FALSE)
#' print(cc)
#' }
print.can_cor <- function(x, export = FALSE, file.name = NULL, digits = 3, ...) {
  if (has_class(x, "can_cor_group")) {
    stop("The object must be of class 'can_cor'")
  if (export == TRUE) {
    file.name <- ifelse(is.null(file.name) == TRUE, "Canonical print", file.name)
    sink(paste0(file.name, ".txt"))
  cat("Matrix (correlation/covariance) between variables of first group (FG)\n")
  print(x$MFG, digits = digits)
  cat("Collinearity diagnostic between first group\n")
  print(colindiag(x$MFG, n = nrow(x$Score_FG)))
  cat("Matrix (correlation/covariance) between variables of second group (SG)\n")
  print(x$MSG, digits = digits)
  cat("Collinearity diagnostic between second group\n")
  print(colindiag(x$MSG, n = nrow(x$Score_SG)))
  cat("Matrix (correlation/covariance) between FG and SG)\n")
  print(x$MFG_SG, digits = digits)
  cat("Correlation of the canonical pairs and hypothesis testing \n")
  print(x$Sigtest, digits = digits)
  cat("Canonical coefficients of the first group \n")
  print(x$Coef_FG, digits = digits)
  cat("Canonical coefficients of the second group \n")
  print(x$Coef_SG, digits = digits)
  if (export == TRUE) {
TiagoOlivoto/metan documentation built on June 2, 2024, 7:32 a.m.