
Defines functions predict.gge plot.gge gge

Documented in gge plot.gge predict.gge

#' Genotype plus genotype-by-environment model
#' @description
#' `r badge('stable')`
#' Produces genotype plus genotype-by-environment model based on a multi-environment
#' trial dataset containing at least the columns for genotypes, environments and one
#' response variable or a two-way table.
#' @param .data The dataset containing the columns related to Environments, Genotypes
#' and the response variable(s).
#' @param env The name of the column that contains the levels of the environments.
#' @param gen The name of the column that contains the levels of the genotypes.
#' @param resp The response variable(s). To analyze multiple variables in a
#'   single procedure a vector of variables may be used. For example `resp
#'   = c(var1, var2, var3)`. Select helpers are also supported.
#' @param centering The centering method. Must be one of the `'none | 0'`, for no
#'  centering; `'global | 1'`, for global centered (E+G+GE); `'environment | 2'` (default),
#'  for environment-centered (G+GE); or `'double | 3'`, for double centered (GE).
#'   A biplot cannot be produced with models produced without centering.
#' @param scaling The scaling method. Must be one of the `'none | 0'` (default), for no scaling;
#'  or `'sd | 1'`, where each value is divided by the standard deviation of its corresponding
#'   environment (column). This will put all environments roughly he same rang of values.
#' @param svp The method for singular value partitioning. Must be one of the `'genotype | 1'`,
#'  (The singular value is entirely partitioned into the genotype eigenvectors, also called row
#'  metric preserving); `'environment | 2'`, default, (The singular value is entirely partitioned into the
#'  environment eigenvectors, also called column metric preserving); or `'symmetrical | 3'`
#'  (The singular value is symmetrically partitioned into the genotype and the environment eigenvectors
#'  This SVP is most often used in AMMI analysis and other biplot analysis, but it is not ideal for
#'  visualizing either the relationship among genotypes or that among the environments).
#' @param by One variable (factor) to compute the function by. It is a shortcut
#'   to [dplyr::group_by()].This is especially useful, for example,
#'   when the researcher want to produce GGE biplots for each level of a
#'   categorical variable. In this case, an object of class gge_grouped is
#'   returned.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the function
#'   [impute_missing_val()] for imputation of missing values in case
#'   of unbalanced data.
#' @return The function returns a list of class `gge` containing the following objects
#'  * **coordgen** The coordinates for genotypes for all components.
#'  * **coordenv** The coordinates for environments for all components.
#'  * **eigenvalues** The vector of eigenvalues.
#'  * **totalvar** The overall variance.
#'  * **labelgen** The name of the genotypes.
#'  * **labelenv** The names of the environments.
#'  * **labelaxes** The axes labels.
#'  * **ge_mat** The data used to produce the model (scaled and centered).
#'  * **centering** The centering method.
#'  * **scaling** The scaling method.
#'  * **svp** The singular value partitioning method.
#'  * **d** The factor used to generate in which the ranges of genotypes and environments
#'  are comparable when singular value partitioning is set to 'genotype' or 'environment'.
#'  * **grand_mean** The grand mean of the trial.
#'  * **mean_gen** A vector with the means of the genotypes.
#'  * **mean_env** A vector with the means of the environments.
#'  * **scale_var** The scaling vector when the scaling method is `'sd'`.
#' @md
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
#' @references Yan, W., and M.S. Kang. 2003. GGE biplot analysis: a graphical tool for breeders,
#'  geneticists, and agronomists. CRC Press.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' mod <- gge(data_ge, ENV, GEN, GY)
#' plot(mod)
#' # GGE model for all numeric variables
#' mod2 <- gge(data_ge2, ENV, GEN, resp = everything())
#' plot(mod2, var = "ED")
#' # If we have a two-way table with the mean values for
#' # genotypes and environments
#' table <- make_mat(data_ge, GEN, ENV, GY) %>% round(2)
#' table
#' make_long(table) %>%
#' gge(ENV, GEN, Y) %>%
#' plot()
gge <- function(.data,
                centering = "environment",
                scaling = "none",
                svp = "environment",
                by = NULL,
                ...) {
  if (!missing(by)){
    if(length(as.list(substitute(by))[-1L]) != 0){
      stop("Only one grouping variable can be used in the argument 'by'.\nUse 'group_by()' to pass '.data' grouped by more than one variable.", call. = FALSE)
    .data <- group_by(.data, {{by}})
    results <-
      .data %>%
          env = {{env}},
          gen = {{gen}},
          resp = {{resp}},
          centering = centering,
          scaling = scaling,
          svp = svp,
    return(set_class(results, c("tbl_df",  "gge_group", "tbl",  "data.frame")))
  } else{
    factors  <-
      .data %>%
      select({{env}}, {{gen}}) %>%
      mutate(across(everything(), as.factor))
    vars <- .data %>% select({{resp}}, -names(factors))
    vars %<>% select_numeric_cols()
    factors %<>% set_names("ENV", "GEN")
    listres <- list()
    nvar <- ncol(vars)
    for (var in 1:nvar) {
      ge_mat <-
        factors %>%
        mutate(Y = vars[[var]]) %>%
        make_mat(GEN, ENV, Y) %>%
        ge_mat <- impute_missing_val(ge_mat, verbose = FALSE, ...)$.data
        warning("Data imputation used to fill the GxE matrix", call. = FALSE)
      grand_mean <- mean(ge_mat)
      mean_env <- colMeans(ge_mat)
      mean_gen <- rowMeans(ge_mat)
      scale_val <- apply(ge_mat, 2, sd)
      labelgen <- rownames(ge_mat)
      labelenv <- colnames(ge_mat)
      if (any(is.na(ge_mat))) {
        stop("missing data in input data frame")
      if (any(apply(ge_mat, 2, is.numeric) == FALSE)) {
        stop("not all columns are of class 'numeric'")
      if (!(centering %in% c("none", "environment", "global", "double") |
            centering %in% 0:3)) {
        warning(paste("Centering method", centering, "not found; defaulting to environment centered"))
        centering <- "environment"
      if (!(svp %in% c("genotype", "environment", "symmetrical") |
            svp %in% 1:3)) {
        warning(paste("svp method", svp, "not found; defaulting to column metric preserving"))
        svp <- "environment"
      if (!(scaling %in% c("none", "sd") | scaling %in% 0:1)) {
        warning(paste("scaling method", scaling, "not found; defaulting to no scaling"))
        sd <- "none"
      labelaxes <- paste("PC", 1:ncol(diag(svd(ge_mat)$d)), sep = "")
      # Centering
      if (centering == 1 | centering == "global") {
        ge_mat <- ge_mat - mean(ge_mat)
      if (centering == 2 | centering == "environment") {
        ge_mat <- sweep(ge_mat, 2, colMeans(ge_mat))
      if (centering == 3 | centering == "double") {
        grand_mean <- mean(ge_mat)
        mean_env <- colMeans(ge_mat)
        mean_gen <- rowMeans(ge_mat)
        for (i in 1:nrow(ge_mat)) {
          for (j in 1:ncol(ge_mat)) {
            ge_mat[i, j] <- ge_mat[i, j] + grand_mean - mean_env[j] -
      # Scaling
      if (scaling == 1 | scaling == "sd") {
        ge_mat <- sweep(ge_mat, 2, apply(ge_mat, 2, sd), FUN = "/")
      # Singular value partitioning
      if (svp == 1 | svp == "genotype") {
        coordgen <- svd(ge_mat)$u %*% diag(svd(ge_mat)$d)
        coordenv <- svd(ge_mat)$v
        d1 <- (max(coordenv[, 1]) - min(coordenv[, 1]))/(max(coordgen[,
                                                                      1]) - min(coordgen[, 1]))
        d2 <- (max(coordenv[, 2]) - min(coordenv[, 2]))/(max(coordgen[,
                                                                      2]) - min(coordgen[, 2]))
        coordenv <- coordenv/max(d1, d2)
      if (svp == 2 | svp == "environment") {
        coordgen <- svd(ge_mat)$u
        coordenv <- svd(ge_mat)$v %*% diag(svd(ge_mat)$d)
        d1 <- (max(coordgen[, 1]) - min(coordgen[, 1]))/(max(coordenv[,
                                                                      1]) - min(coordenv[, 1]))
        d2 <- (max(coordgen[, 2]) - min(coordgen[, 2]))/(max(coordenv[,
                                                                      2]) - min(coordenv[, 2]))
        coordgen <- coordgen/max(d1, d2)
      if (svp == 3 | svp == "symmetrical") {
        coordgen <- svd(ge_mat)$u %*% diag(sqrt(svd(ge_mat)$d))
        coordenv <- svd(ge_mat)$v %*% diag(sqrt(svd(ge_mat)$d))
      eigenvalues <- svd(ge_mat)$d
      totalvar <- round(as.numeric(sum(eigenvalues^2)), 2)
      varexpl <- round(as.numeric((eigenvalues^2/totalvar) * 100),
      if (svp == "genotype" | svp == "environment") {
        d <- max(d1, d2)
      } else {
        d <- NULL
      tmp <- structure(
        list(coordgen = coordgen, coordenv = coordenv, eigenvalues = eigenvalues,
             totalvar = totalvar, varexpl = varexpl, labelgen = labelgen,
             labelenv = labelenv, labelaxes = labelaxes, ge_mat = ge_mat,
             centering = centering, scaling = scaling, svp = svp,
             d = d, grand_mean = grand_mean, mean_gen = mean_gen,
             mean_env = mean_env, scale_val = scale_val),
        class = "gge")
      if (nvar > 1) {
        listres[[paste(names(vars[var]))]] <-  tmp
      } else {
        listres[[paste(names(vars[var]))]] <- tmp
    return(structure(listres, class = "gge"))

#' Create GGE, GT or GYT biplots
#' Produces a ggplot2-based GGE-GT-GYT biplot based on a model fitted with the
#' functions [gge()], [gtb()], and [gytb()].
#'@param x An object with classes `gge` `gtb`, or `gytb`.
#'@param var The variable to plot (useful for `gge` objects. Defaults to
#'  `var = 1` the first variable of `x`.
#'@param type The type of biplot to produce.
#' 1. Basic biplot.
#' 2. Mean performance vs. stability (gge biplots) or the The Average Tester
#' Coordination view for genotype-trait and genotype-yield*trait biplots.
#' 3. Which-won-where.
#' 4. Discriminativeness vs. representativeness.
#' 5. Examine an environment (or trait/yield*trait combination).
#' 6. Ranking environments (or trait/yield*trait combination).
#' 7. Examine a genotype.
#' 8. Ranking genotypes.
#' 9. Compare two genotypes.
#' 10. Relationship among environments (or trait/yield*trait combination).
#' @param repel If `TRUE` (default), the text labels repel away from each
#'   other and away from the data points.
#' @param repulsion Force of repulsion between overlapping text labels. Defaults
#'   to `1`.
#' @param max_overlaps Exclude text labels that overlap too many things.
#'   Defaults to 20.
#' @param sel_env,sel_gen The name of the environment (or trait/yield*trait
#'   combination) and genotype to examine when `type = 5` and   `type = 7`,
#'   respectively. Must be a string which matches a environment or genotype
#'   label.
#' @param sel_gen1,sel_gen2 The name of genotypes to compare between when
#'   `type = 9`. Must be a string present in the genotype's name.
#' @param shape.gen,shape.env The shape for genotype and environment indication
#'   in the biplot. Defaults to `shape.gen = 21` (circle) for genotypes and
#'   `shape.env = 23` (rhombus) for environments. Values must be between
#'   `21-25`: `21` (circle), `22` (square), `23` (rhombus),
#'   `24` (up triangle), and `25` (low triangle).
#' @param line.type.gen The line type to highlith the genotype's vectors.
#'   Defaults to `line.type.gen == "dotted`.
#' @param size.shape The size of the shape (both for genotypes and
#'   environments). Defaults to `2.2`.
#' @param size.shape.win The size of the shape for winners genotypes when
#'   `type = 3`. Defaults to `3.2`.
#' @param size.stroke,col.stroke The width and color of the border,
#'   respectively. Default to `size.stroke = 0.3` and `col.stroke =
#'   "black"`. The size of the shape will be `size.shape + size.stroke`
#' @param col.gen,col.env,col.line Color for genotype/environment labels and for
#'   the line that passes through the biplot origin. Defaults to `col.gen =
#'   'blue'`, `col.env = 'forestgreen'`, and `col.line =
#'   'forestgreen'`.
#' @param col.alpha The alpha value for the color. Defaults to `1`. Values
#'   must be between `0` (full transparency) to `1` (full color).
#' @param col.circle,col.alpha.circle The color and alpha values for the circle
#'   lines. Defaults to `'gray'` and `0.4`, respectively.
#' @param leg.lab The labs of legend. Defaults to `NULL` is `c('Env', 'Gen')`.
#' @param size.text.gen,size.text.env,size.text.lab The size of the text for
#'   genotypes, environments and labels, respectively.
#' @param size.text.win The text size to use for winner genotypes where
#'   `type = 3` and for the two selected genotypes where `type = 9`.
#'   Defaults to 4.5.
#' @param size.line The size of the line in biplots (Both for segments and circles).
#' @param axis_expand multiplication factor to expand the axis limits by to
#'   enable fitting of labels. Defaults to 1.2
#' @param title Logical values (Defaults to `TRUE`) to include
#'   automatically generated information in the plot such as singular value
#'   partitioning, scaling and centering.
#' @param plot_theme The graphical theme of the plot. Default is
#'   `plot_theme = theme_metan()`. For more details, see
#'   [ggplot2::theme()].
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return A ggplot2-based biplot.
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
#' @references Yan, W., and M.S. Kang. 2003. GGE biplot analysis: a graphical
#'   tool for breeders, geneticists, and agronomists. CRC Press.
#' @method plot gge
#' @importFrom ggforce geom_arc
#' @export
#' @return An object of class `gg, ggplot`.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' mod <- gge(data_ge, ENV, GEN, GY)
#' plot(mod)
#' plot(mod,
#'      type = 2,
#'      col.gen = 'blue',
#'      col.env = 'red',
#'      size.text.gen = 2)
#' }
plot.gge <- function(x,
                     var = 1,
                     type = 1,
                     repel = TRUE,
                     repulsion = 1,
                     max_overlaps = 20,
                     sel_env = NA,
                     sel_gen = NA,
                     sel_gen1 = NA,
                     sel_gen2 = NA,
                     shape.gen = 21,
                     shape.env = 23,
                     line.type.gen = "dotted",
                     size.shape = 2.2,
                     size.shape.win = 3.2,
                     size.stroke = 0.3,
                     col.stroke = "black",
                     col.gen = "blue",
                     col.env = "forestgreen",
                     col.line = "forestgreen",
                     col.alpha = 1,
                     col.circle = "gray",
                     col.alpha.circle = 0.5,
                     leg.lab = NULL,
                     size.text.gen = 3.5,
                     size.text.env = 3.5,
                     size.text.lab = 12,
                     size.text.win = 4.5,
                     size.line = 0.5,
                     axis_expand = 1.2,
                     title = TRUE,
                     plot_theme = theme_metan(),
                     ...) {
    leg.lab <- case_when(
      has_class(x, "gytb") ~ c("Y-Trait", "Gen"),
      has_class(x, "gtb") ~ c("Trait", "Gen"),
      TRUE ~ c("Env", "Gen")
  } else{
    leg.lab <- leg.lab
  model <- x[[var]]
  if (!has_class(model, c("gge", "gtb", "gytb"))) {
    stop("The model must be of class 'gge'")
  coord_gen <- model$coordgen[, c(1, 2)]
  coord_env <- model$coordenv[, c(1, 2)]
  varexpl <- model$varexpl[c(1, 2)]
  labelgen <- model$labelgen
  labelenv <- model$labelenv
  labelaxes <- model$labelaxes[c(1, 2)]
  Data <- model$ge_mat
  centering <- model$centering
  svp <- model$svp
  scaling <- model$scaling
  ngen <- nrow(coord_gen)
  nenv <- nrow(coord_env)
  if (centering == "none") {
    stop("It is not possible to create a GGE biplot with a model produced without centering")
  plotdata <- data.frame(rbind(data.frame(coord_gen,
                                          type = "genotype",
                                          label = labelgen),
                                          type = "environment",
                                          label = labelenv)))
  colnames(plotdata)[1:2] <- c("d1", "d2")
  xlim <- c(min(plotdata$d1 * axis_expand),
            max(plotdata$d1 * axis_expand))
  ylim <- c(min(plotdata$d2 * axis_expand),
            max(plotdata$d2 * axis_expand))
  if (which(c(diff(xlim), diff(ylim)) == max(c(diff(xlim), diff(ylim)))) == 1) {
    xlim1 <- xlim
    ylim1 <- c(ylim[1] - (diff(xlim) - diff(ylim))/2,
               ylim[2] + (diff(xlim) - diff(ylim))/2)
  if (which(c(diff(xlim), diff(ylim)) == max(c(diff(xlim), diff(ylim)))) == 2) {
    ylim1 <- ylim
    xlim1 <- c(xlim[1] - (diff(ylim) - diff(xlim))/2,
               xlim[2] + (diff(ylim) - diff(xlim))/2)
  # Base plot
  P1 <-
    ggplot(data = plotdata, aes(x = d1, y = d2, group = "type")) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c(col.env, col.gen)) +
    scale_size_manual(values = c(size.text.env, size.text.gen)) +
    xlab(paste(labelaxes[1], " (", round(varexpl[1], 2), "%)", sep = "")) +
    ylab(paste(labelaxes[2]," (", round(varexpl[2], 2), "%)", sep = "")) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits = xlim1, expand = c(0, 0)) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim1, expand = c(0, 0)) +
    coord_fixed() +
    plot_theme %+replace%
    theme(axis.text = element_text(size = size.text.lab, colour = "black"),
          axis.title = element_text(size = size.text.lab, colour = "black"))
  # Basic plot
  if (type == 1) {
    if(has_class(model, c("gtb", "gytb"))){
      P2 <- P1 +
        geom_segment(xend = 0,
                     yend = 0,
                     size = size.line,
                     aes(col = type),
                     data = plotdata,
                     show.legend = FALSE)
    } else{
      P2 <- P1 +
        geom_segment(xend = 0,
                     yend = 0,
                     size = size.line,
                     col = alpha(col.line, col.alpha),
                     data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"))
    P2 <- P2 +
      geom_segment(xend = 0,
                   yend = 0,
                   size = size.line,
                   col = alpha(col.line, col.alpha),
                   data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment")) +
      geom_point(aes(d1, d2, fill = type, shape = type),
                 size = size.shape,
                 stroke = size.stroke,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 alpha = col.alpha) +
      scale_shape_manual(labels = leg.lab,
                         values = c(shape.env, shape.gen)) +
      scale_fill_manual(labels = leg.lab,
                        values = c(col.env, col.gen)) +
      {if(repel)geom_text_repel(aes(col = type,
                                    label = label,
                                    size = type),
                                show.legend = FALSE,
                                col = c(rep(col.gen, ngen), rep(col.env, nenv)),
                                force = repulsion,
                                max.overlaps = max_overlaps)} +
      {if(!repel)geom_text(aes(col = type,
                               label = label,
                               size = type),
                           show.legend = FALSE,
                           col = c(rep(col.gen, ngen), rep(col.env, nenv)),
                           hjust = "outward",
                           vjust = "outward")} +
      plot_theme %+replace%
      theme(axis.text = element_text(size = size.text.lab, colour = "black"),
            axis.title = element_text(size = size.text.lab, colour = "black"))
    if (title == TRUE) {
      ggt <- case_when(
        has_class(model, "gytb") ~ "GYT Biplot",
        has_class(model, "gtb") ~ "GT Biplot",
        TRUE ~ "GGE biplot"
      ) %>%
  # Mean vs. stability
  if (type == 2) {
    med1 <- mean(coord_env[, 1])
    med2 <- mean(coord_env[, 2])
    x1 <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nrow(Data)) {
      x <- solve(matrix(c(-med2, med1, med1, med2), nrow = 2),
                 matrix(c(0, med2 * coord_gen[i, 2] + med1 * coord_gen[i, 1]), ncol = 1))
      x1 <- rbind(x1, t(x))
    plotdata$x1_x <- NA
    plotdata$x1_x[plotdata$type == "genotype"] <- x1[, 1]
    plotdata$x1_y <- NA
    plotdata$x1_y[plotdata$type == "genotype"] <- x1[, 2]
    P2 <- P1 +
      geom_segment(aes(xend = x1_x, yend = x1_y),
                   color = col.gen,
                   linetype = line.type.gen,
                   size = size.line,
                   data = subset(plotdata, type == "genotype")) +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                  slope = med2/med1,
                  color = col.line,
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                  slope = -med1/med2,
                  color = col.line,
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_segment(x = 0,
                   y = 0,
                   xend = med1,
                   yend = med2,
                   arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, "cm")),
                   size = size.line,
                   color = col.line) +
      geom_text(aes(color = type,
                    label = label,
                    size = type),
                show.legend = FALSE)
    if (title == TRUE) {
      ggt <- case_when(
        has_class(model, "gytb") ~ "Average tester coordination view of the GYT biplot",
        has_class(model, "gtb") ~ "Average tester coordination form of the GT biplot",
        TRUE ~ "Mean vs. Stability"
      ) %>%
  # Which-won-where
  if (type == 3) {
    indice <- c(grDevices::chull(coord_gen[, 1], coord_gen[, 2]))
    polign <- data.frame(coord_gen[indice, ])
    indice <- c(indice, indice[1])
    segs <- NULL
    limx <- layer_scales(P1)$x$limits
    limy <- layer_scales(P1)$y$limits
    i <- 1
    while (is.na(indice[i + 1]) == FALSE) {
      m <- (coord_gen[indice[i], 2] - coord_gen[indice[i + 1], 2])/(coord_gen[indice[i], 1] - coord_gen[indice[i + 1], 1])
      mperp <- -1/m
      c2 <- coord_gen[indice[i + 1], 2] - m * coord_gen[indice[i + 1], 1]
      xint <- -c2/(m - mperp)
      xint <- ifelse(xint < 0, min(coord_env[, 1], coord_gen[, 1]), max(coord_env[, 1], coord_gen[, 1]))
      yint <- mperp * xint
      xprop <- ifelse(xint < 0, xint/limx[1], xint/limx[2])
      yprop <- ifelse(yint < 0, yint/limy[1], yint/limy[2])
      m3 <- which(c(xprop, yprop) == max(c(xprop, yprop)))
      m2 <- abs(c(xint, yint)[m3])
      if (m3 == 1 & xint < 0)
        sl1 <- (c(xint, yint)/m2) * abs(limx[1])
      if (m3 == 1 & xint > 0)
        sl1 <- (c(xint, yint)/m2) * limx[2]
      if (m3 == 2 & yint < 0)
        sl1 <- (c(xint, yint)/m2) * abs(limy[1])
      if (m3 == 2 & yint > 0)
        sl1 <- (c(xint, yint)/m2) * limy[2]
      segs <- rbind(segs, sl1)
      i <- i + 1
    rownames(segs) <- NULL
    colnames(segs) <- NULL
    segs <- data.frame(segs)
    colnames(polign) <- c("X1", "X2")
    winners <- plotdata[plotdata$type == "genotype", ][indice[-1], ] %>% add_cols(win = "yes")
    others <- anti_join(plotdata, winners, by = "label") %>% add_cols(win = "no")
    df_winners <- rbind(winners, others)
    P2 <- P1 +
      geom_polygon(data = polign,
                   aes(x = X1, y = X2),
                   fill = NA,
                   col = col.gen,
                   size = size.line) +
      geom_segment(data = segs,
                   aes(x = X1, y = X2),
                   xend = 0,
                   yend = 0,
                   linetype = line.type.gen,
                   color = col.gen,
                   size = size.line) +
      geom_point(data = subset(df_winners, win == "no"),
                 aes(d1, d2, fill = type, shape = type),
                 size = size.shape,
                 stroke = size.stroke,
                 alpha = col.alpha,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 show.legend = FALSE) +
      {if(repel)geom_text_repel(data = subset(df_winners, win == "no"),
                                aes(col = type, label = label, size = type),
                                show.legend = FALSE,
                                force = repulsion,
                                max.overlaps = max_overlaps)} +
      {if(!repel)geom_text(data = subset(df_winners, win == "no"),
                           aes(col = type, label = label, size = type),
                           show.legend = FALSE,
                           hjust = "outward",
                           vjust = "outward")} +
      geom_point(data = subset(df_winners, win == "yes"),
                 aes(d1, d2, fill = type, shape = type),
                 size = size.shape.win,
                 stroke = size.stroke,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 alpha = col.alpha) +
      {if(repel)geom_text_repel(data = subset(df_winners, win == "yes"),
                                aes(col = type, label = label),
                                show.legend = FALSE,
                                fontface = "bold",
                                size = size.text.win,
                                force = repulsion,
                                max.overlaps = max_overlaps)}
    {if(!repel)geom_text(data = subset(df_winners, win == "yes"),
                         aes(col = type, label = label),
                         show.legend = FALSE,
                         fontface = "bold",
                         size = size.text.win,
                         hjust = "outward",
                         vjust = "outward")}
    if("genotype" %in% others$type){
      P2 <-
        P2 +
        scale_shape_manual(labels = leg.lab, values = c(shape.env, shape.gen)) +
        scale_fill_manual(labels = leg.lab, values = c(col.env, col.gen))
    } else{
      P2 <-
          P2 +
            scale_shape_manual(labels = leg.lab[c(2,1)], values = c(shape.env, shape.gen)) +
            scale_fill_manual(labels = leg.lab[c(2,1)], values = c(col.env, col.gen)) +
            scale_color_manual(labels = leg.lab[c(2,1)], values = c(col.env, col.gen)) +
            scale_size_manual(labels = leg.lab[c(2,1)], values = c(size.text.env, size.text.gen))
    if (title == TRUE) {
      ggt <- ggtitle("Which-won-where pattern")
      ggt <- case_when(
        has_class(x, "gytb") ~ "The which-won-where view of the GYT biplot",
        has_class(x, "gtb") ~ "The which-won-where view of the GT biplot",
        TRUE ~ "Which-won-where view of the GGE biplot"
      ) %>%
  # Discrimination vs. representativeness
  if (type == 4) {
    circles <- data.frame(x0 = 0,
                          y0 = 0,
                          start = 0,
                          end = pi * 2,
                          radio = 1:5 * max((max(coord_env[1, ]) - min(coord_env[1, ])),
                                            (max(coord_env[2, ]) - min(coord_env[2, ])))/10)
    P2 <- P1 +
      geom_arc(data = circles,
               aes(r = radio,
                   x0 = x0,
                   y0 = y0,
                   start = start,
                   end = end),
               color = col.circle,
               alpha = col.alpha.circle,
               size = size.line,
               inherit.aes = F,
               na.rm = TRUE) +
      geom_segment(xend = 0,
                   yend = 0,
                   x = mean(coord_env[, 1]),
                   y = mean(coord_env[, 2]),
                   arrow = arrow(ends = "first", length = unit(0.1, "inches")),
                   size = size.line,
                   color = col.line) +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                  slope = mean(coord_env[, 2])/mean(coord_env[, 1]),
                  color = col.line,
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_point(aes(d1, d2, fill = type, shape = type),
                 size = size.shape,
                 stroke = size.stroke,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 alpha = col.alpha) +
      scale_shape_manual(labels = leg.lab, values = c(shape.env, shape.gen)) +
      scale_fill_manual(labels = leg.lab,  values = c(col.env, col.gen)) +
      geom_segment(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                   xend = 0,
                   yend = 0,
                   color = alpha(col.line, col.alpha),
                   size = size.line) +
      {if(repel)geom_text_repel(aes(col = type, label = label, size = type),
                                show.legend = FALSE,
                                color = c(rep(col.gen, ngen), rep(col.env, nenv)),
                                force = repulsion,
                                max.overlaps = max_overlaps)} +
    {if(!repel)geom_text(aes(col = type, label = label, size = type),
                         show.legend = FALSE,
                         color = c(rep(col.gen, ngen), rep(col.env, nenv)),
                         hjust = "outward",
                         vjust = "outward")}
    if (title == TRUE) {
      ggt <- ggtitle("Discriminativeness vs. representativeness")
  # Examine an environment
  if (type == 5) {
    if (!sel_env %in% labelenv) {
      stop(paste("The environment", sel_env, "is not in the list of environment labels"))
    venvironment <- labelenv == sel_env
    x1 <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nrow(Data)) {
      x <- solve(matrix(c(-coord_env[venvironment, 2],
                          coord_env[venvironment, 1],
                          coord_env[venvironment, 1],
                          coord_env[venvironment, 2]),
                        nrow = 2),
                 matrix(c(0, coord_env[venvironment, 1] * coord_gen[i, 1] +
                            coord_env[venvironment, 2] * coord_gen[i, 2]), ncol = 1))
      x1 <- rbind(x1, t(x))
    plotdata$x1_x <- NA
    plotdata$x1_x[plotdata$type == "genotype"] <- x1[, 1]
    plotdata$x1_y <- NA
    plotdata$x1_y[plotdata$type == "genotype"] <- x1[, 2]
    P2 <- P1 + geom_segment(data = subset(plotdata, type == "genotype"),
                            aes(xend = x1_x, yend = x1_y),
                            col = col.gen,
                            linetype = line.type.gen) +
      geom_abline(slope = coord_env[venvironment, 2]/coord_env[venvironment, 1],
                  intercept = 0,
                  color = alpha(col.line, col.alpha),
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_abline(slope = -coord_env[venvironment, 1]/coord_env[venvironment, 2],
                  intercept = 0,
                  col = alpha(col.line, col.alpha),
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_segment(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment" & label == sel_env),xend = 0,
                   yend = 0,
                   col = alpha(col.line, col.alpha),
                   size = size.line,
                   arrow = arrow(ends = "first", length = unit(0.5, "cm"))) +
      geom_text(data = subset(plotdata, type == "genotype"),
                aes(label = label),
                show.legend = FALSE,
                color = col.gen,
                size = size.text.gen) +
      geom_text(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment" & label %in% sel_env),
                aes(label = label),
                show.legend = FALSE,
                col = col.env,
                size = size.text.env,
                fontface = "bold",
                hjust = "outward",
                vjust = "outward") +
      geom_point(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment" & label == sel_env),
                 aes(d1, d2),
                 shape = 1,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 size = 4)
    if (title == TRUE) {
      ggt <- ggtitle(paste("Environment:", sel_env))
  # Ranking environments
  if (type == 6) {
    med1 <- mean(coord_env[, 1])
    med2 <- mean(coord_env[, 2])
    mod <- max((coord_env[, 1]^2 + coord_env[, 2]^2)^0.5)
    xcoord <- sign(med1) * (mod^2/(1 + med2^2/med1^2))^0.5
    ycoord <- (med2/med1) * xcoord
    circles <- data.frame(x0 = xcoord,
                          y0 = ycoord,
                          start = 0,
                          end = pi * 2,
                          radio = 1:8 * ((xcoord - med1)^2 + (ycoord - med2)^2)^0.5/3)
    P2 <- P1 + geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                           slope = med2/med1,
                           col = col.line,
                           size = size.line) +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                  slope = -med1/med2,
                  color = col.line,
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_arc(data = circles,
               aes(r = radio,
                   x0 = x0,
                   y0 = y0,
                   start = start,
                   end = end),
               col = col.circle,
               alpha = col.alpha.circle,
               inherit.aes = F,
               na.rm = TRUE) +
      geom_segment(x = 0,
                   y = 0,
                   xend = xcoord,
                   yend = ycoord,
                   arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.15, "inches")),
                   size = size.line,
                   color = col.line) +
      geom_point(fill = col.env,
                 shape = shape.env,
                 size = size.shape,
                 stroke = size.stroke,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 alpha = col.alpha,
                 data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment")) +
      {if(repel)geom_text_repel(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                                aes(label = label),
                                size = size.text.env,
                                show.legend = FALSE,
                                col = col.env,
                                force = repulsion,
                                max.overlaps = max_overlaps)} +
      {if(!repel)geom_text(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                           aes(label = label),
                           size = size.text.env,
                           show.legend = FALSE,
                           col = col.env,
                           hjust = "outward",
                           vjust = "outward")} +
      geom_point(aes(xcoord, ycoord),
                 shape = 1,
                 size = 4,
                 color = col.stroke)
    if (title == TRUE) {
      ggt <- ggtitle("Ranking Environments")
  # Examine a genotype
  if (type == 7) {
    if (!sel_gen %in% labelgen) {
      stop(paste("The genotype", sel_gen, "is not in the list of genotype labels"))
    vgenotype <- labelgen == sel_gen
    x1 <- NULL
    for (i in 1:ncol(Data)) {
      x <- solve(matrix(c(-coord_gen[vgenotype, 2],
                          coord_gen[vgenotype, 1],
                          coord_gen[vgenotype, 1],
                          coord_gen[vgenotype, 2]),
                        nrow = 2),
                 matrix(c(0, coord_gen[vgenotype, 1] * coord_env[i, 1] +
                            coord_gen[vgenotype, 2] * coord_env[i, 2]),
                        ncol = 1))
      x1 <- rbind(x1, t(x))
    plotdata$x1_x <- NA
    plotdata$x1_x[plotdata$type == "environment"] <- x1[, 1]
    plotdata$x1_y <- NA
    plotdata$x1_y[plotdata$type == "environment"] <- x1[, 2]
    P2 <- P1 + geom_segment(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                            aes(xend = x1_x, yend = x1_y),
                            col = col.line,
                            linetype = line.type.gen) +
      geom_abline(slope = coord_gen[vgenotype, 2]/coord_gen[vgenotype, 1],
                  intercept = 0,
                  color = alpha(col.gen, col.alpha),
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_abline(slope = -coord_gen[vgenotype, 1]/coord_gen[vgenotype, 2],
                  intercept = 0,
                  col = alpha(col.gen, col.alpha),
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_segment(data = subset(plotdata, type == "genotype" & label == sel_gen),
                   xend = 0,
                   yend = 0,
                   col = alpha(col.gen, col.alpha),
                   arrow = arrow(ends = "first", length = unit(0.5, "cm")),
                   size = size.line) +
      geom_text(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                aes(label = label),
                show.legend = FALSE,
                color = col.env,
                size = size.text.gen) +
      geom_text(data = subset(plotdata, type == "genotype" & label %in% sel_gen),
                aes(label = label),
                show.legend = FALSE,
                color = col.gen,
                size = size.text.gen,
                fontface = "bold",
                hjust = "outward",
                vjust = "outward") +
      geom_point(data = subset(plotdata, type == "genotype" & label == sel_gen),
                 aes(d1, d2),
                 shape = 1,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 size = 4)
    if (title == TRUE) {
      ggt <- ggtitle(paste("Genotype:", sel_gen))
  # Ranking genotypes
  if (type == 8) {
    med1 <- mean(coord_env[, 1])
    med2 <- mean(coord_env[, 2])
    coordx <- 0
    coordy <- 0
    for (i in 1:nrow(Data)) {
      x <- solve(matrix(c(-med2, med1, med1, med2), nrow = 2),
                 matrix(c(0, med2 * coord_gen[i, 2] + med1 * coord_gen[i, 1]), ncol = 1))
      if (sign(x[1]) == sign(med1)) {
        if (abs(x[1]) > abs(coordx)) {
          coordx <- x[1]
          coordy <- x[2]
    circles <- data.frame(x0 = coordx,
                          y0 = coordy,
                          radio = 1:10 * ((coordx - med1)^2 + (coordy - med2)^2)^0.5/3)
    P2 <- P1 +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                  slope = med2/med1,
                  col = col.gen,
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                  slope = -med1/med2,
                  color = col.gen,
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_arc(data = circles,
               aes(r = radio,
                   x0 = x0,
                   y0 = y0,
                   start = 0,
                   end = pi * 2),
               color = col.circle,
               alpha = col.alpha.circle,
               size = size.line,
               inherit.aes = F) +
      geom_segment(x = 0,
                   y = 0,
                   xend = coordx,
                   yend = coordy,
                   arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.15, "inches")),
                   size = size.line,
                   color = col.gen) +
      geom_point(aes(d1, d2, fill = type, shape = type),
                 size = size.shape,
                 stroke = size.stroke,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 alpha = col.alpha) +
      scale_shape_manual(labels = leg.lab, values = c(shape.env, shape.gen)) +
      scale_fill_manual(labels = leg.lab, values = c(col.env, col.gen)) +
      {if(repel)geom_text_repel(aes(col = type, label = label, size = type),
                                show.legend = FALSE,
                                color = c(rep(col.gen, ngen), rep(col.env, nenv)),
                                force = repulsion,
                                max.overlaps = max_overlaps)} +
      {if(!repel)geom_text(aes(col = type, label = label, size = type),
                           show.legend = FALSE,
                           color = c(rep(col.gen, ngen), rep(col.env, nenv)),
                           hjust = "outward",
                           vjust = "outward")} +
      geom_point(aes(coordx, coordy),
                 shape = 1,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 size = 3)
    if (title == TRUE) {
      ggt <- ggtitle("Ranking Genotypes")
  # Compare two genotypes
  if (type == 9) {
    if (!sel_gen1 %in% labelgen) {
      stop(paste("The genotype", sel_gen1, "is not in the list of genotype labels"))
    if (!sel_gen2 %in% labelgen) {
      stop(paste("The genotype", sel_gen2, "is not in the list of genotype labels"))
    if (sel_gen1 == sel_gen2) {
      stop(paste("It is not possible to compare a genotype to itself"))
    vgenotype1 <- labelgen == sel_gen1
    vgenotype2 <- labelgen == sel_gen2
    P2 <- P1 +
      geom_segment(x = plotdata$d1[plotdata$label == sel_gen1 & plotdata$type == "genotype"],
                   xend = plotdata$d1[plotdata$label == sel_gen2 & plotdata$type == "genotype"],
                   y = plotdata$d2[plotdata$label == sel_gen1 & plotdata$type == "genotype"],
                   yend = plotdata$d2[plotdata$label == sel_gen2 & plotdata$type == "genotype"],
                   col = col.gen,
                   size = size.line) +
      geom_abline(intercept = 0,
                  slope = -(coord_gen[vgenotype1, 1] - coord_gen[vgenotype2, 1])/
                    (coord_gen[vgenotype1, 2] - coord_gen[vgenotype2, 2]),
                  color = col.gen,
                  size = size.line) +
      geom_text(aes(label = label),
                show.legend = FALSE,
                data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                col = col.env,
                size = size.text.env) +
      geom_text(data = subset(plotdata, type == "genotype" & !label %in% c(sel_gen1, sel_gen2)),
                aes(label = label),
                show.legend = FALSE,
                col = alpha(col.gen, alpha = col.alpha),
                size = size.text.gen) +
      geom_text(data = subset(plotdata, type == "genotype" & label %in% c(sel_gen1, sel_gen2)),
                aes(label = label),
                show.legend = FALSE,
                col = col.gen,
                size = size.text.win,
                hjust = "outward",
                vjust = "outward") +
      geom_point(data = subset(plotdata, type == "genotype" & label %in% c(sel_gen1, sel_gen2)),
                 shape = shape.gen,
                 fill = col.gen,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 size = size.shape) +
    if (title == TRUE) {
      ggt <- ggtitle(paste("Comparison of Genotype", sel_gen1, "with Genotype", sel_gen2))
  # Relationship among environments
  if (type == 10) {
    P2 <- P1 +
      geom_segment(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                   xend = 0,
                   yend = 0,
                   col = alpha(col.line, col.alpha),
                   size = size.line) +
      geom_point(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                 shape = shape.env,
                 fill = col.env,
                 size = size.shape,
                 stroke = size.stroke,
                 color = col.stroke,
                 alpha = col.alpha) +
      {if(repel)geom_text_repel(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                                aes(label = label),
                                show.legend = FALSE,
                                col = col.env,
                                size = size.text.env,
                                force = repulsion,
                                max.overlaps = max_overlaps)} +
    {if(!repel)geom_text(data = subset(plotdata, type == "environment"),
                         aes(label = label),
                         show.legend = FALSE,
                         col = col.env,
                         size = size.text.env,
                         hjust = "outward",
                         vjust = "outward")}
    if (title == TRUE) {
      if(any(inherits(x, "gtb"))){
        ggt <- ggtitle("Relationship Among Traits")
      } else{
        ggt <- ggtitle("Relationship Among Environments")
  if (title == T) {
    scal_text <- ifelse(scaling == 1 | scaling == "sd", "Scaling = 1", "Scaling = 0")
    cent_text <-
        centering == 1 | centering == "global" ~ "Centering = 1",
        centering == 2 | centering == "environment" | centering == "trait" ~ "Centering = 2",
        centering == 3 | centering == "double" ~ "Centering = 3",
        FALSE ~ "No Centering"
    svp_text <-
        svp == 1 | svp == "genotype" ~ "SVP = 1",
        svp == 2 | svp == "environment" | svp == "trait" ~ "SVP = 2",
        svp == 3 | svp == "symmetrical" ~ "SVP = 3"
    annotationtxt <- paste(scal_text, ", ", cent_text, ", ", svp_text, sep = "")
    P2 <- P2 + ggtitle(label = ggt, subtitle = annotationtxt)

#' Predict a two-way table based on GGE model
#' Predict the means for a genotype-vs-environment trial based on a Genotype
#' plus Genotype-vs-Environment interaction (GGE) model.
#' This function is used to predict the response variable of a two-way table
#' (for examples the yielding of g genotypes in e environments) based on GGE
#' model. This prediction is based on the number of principal components used.
#' For more details see Yan and Kang (2007).
#' @param object An object of class `gge`.
#' @param naxis The the number of principal components to be used in the
#'   prediction. Generally, two axis may be used. In this case, the estimated
#'   values will be those shown in the biplot.
#' @param output The type of output. It must be one of the `'long'`
#'   (default) returning a long-format table with the columns for environment
#'   (ENV), genotypes (GEN) and response variable (Y); or `'wide'` to
#'   return a two-way table with genotypes in the row, environments in the
#'   columns, filled by the estimated values.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return A two-way table with genotypes in rows and environments in columns if
#'   `output = "wide"` or a long format (columns ENV, GEN and Y) if
#'   `output = "long"` with the predicted values by the GGE model.
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{tiagoolivoto@@gmail.com}
#' @references Yan, W., and M.S. Kang. 2003. GGE biplot analysis: a graphical
#'   tool for breeders, geneticists, and agronomists. CRC Press.
#' @method predict gge
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' mod <- gge(data_ge, GEN, ENV, c(GY, HM))
#' predict(mod)
#' }
predict.gge <- function(object, naxis = 2, output = "wide", ...) {
  if (has_class(object, "gtb")) {
    stop("The object must be of class 'gge'.")
  listres <- list()
  varin <- 1
  for (var in 1:length(object)) {
    objectin <- object[[var]]
    if (naxis > min(dim(objectin$coordenv))) {
      stop("The number of principal components cannot be greater than min(g, e), in this case ",
    # SVP
    if (objectin$svp == "environment" | objectin$svp == 2) {
      pred <- (objectin$coordgen[, 1:naxis] * (objectin$d)) %*%
        t(objectin$coordenv[, 1:naxis])
    if (objectin$svp == "genotype" | objectin$svp == 1) {
      pred <- (objectin$coordgen[, 1:naxis] %*% t(objectin$coordenv[,
                                                                    1:naxis] * (objectin$d)))
    if (objectin$svp == "symmetrical" | objectin$svp == 3) {
      pred <- (objectin$coordgen[, 1:naxis] %*% t(objectin$coordenv[,
    # Scaling
    if (objectin$scaling == "sd" | objectin$scaling == 1) {
      pred <- sweep(pred, 2, objectin$scale_val, FUN = "*")
    # Centering
    if (objectin$centering == "global" | objectin$centering == 1) {
      pred <- pred + objectin$grand_mean
    if (objectin$centering == "environment" | objectin$centering ==
        2) {
      pred <- sweep(pred, 2, objectin$mean_env, FUN = "+")
    if (objectin$centering == "double" | objectin$centering == 3) {
      for (i in 1:nrow(pred)) {
        for (j in 1:ncol(pred)) {
          pred[i, j] <- pred[i, j] - objectin$grand_mean +
            objectin$mean_env[j] + objectin$mean_gen[i]
    rownames(pred) <- objectin$labelgen
    colnames(pred) <- objectin$labelenv
    if (output == "wide") {
      temp <- as_tibble(pred, rownames = NA)
    if (output == "long") {
      temp <-
        pred %>%
        make_long() %>%
    listres[[paste(names(object[var]))]] <- temp
TiagoOlivoto/metan documentation built on June 2, 2024, 7:32 a.m.