
Defines functions meta_setup deparse_call

# deprase call (similar to dplyr:::key_deparse)
# this function is copied from dplyr
# see README section Acknowledgements as well as dplyr's license and copyright
deparse_call <- function(call) {
          width.cutoff = 500L,
          backtick = TRUE,
          nlines = 1L,
          control = NULL)

# environment where last value of across2 pre/suf error is stored
.last <- rlang::new_environment()

## meta setup use by all major dplyover functions (tests passing)
#> this setup is rather dodgy and currently being overhauled
#> see new_meta_setup branch!
#> and yes, we shouldn't write something in par_frame since dplyover does not create this environment
meta_setup <- function(grp_id, dep_call, par_frame, setup_fn, ...) {

  call_nm <- sub("([a-z0-9]+).*", "\\1()", dep_call)

  dots <- rlang::list2(...)

  wrong_setup <- FALSE

  # meta setup
  setup_exists <- exists(".__dplyover_setup__.", envir = par_frame)

  # if setup already exists
  if (setup_exists && grp_id > 1L) {
    # get data
    parent_setup <- get(".__dplyover_setup__.", envir = par_frame)
    # get call number
    call_no <- which.min(parent_setup$call_his)
    call_id <- paste0("call", call_no)
    # update "call_his"
    par_frame[[".__dplyover_setup__."]][["call_his"]][call_no] <- grp_id
    # check call and get data from existing call
    if (identical(parent_setup$call_lang[call_no], dep_call)) {
    # otherwise continue
    wrong_setup <- TRUE
  # if this is a new call to over or if setup went wrong
  if (!setup_exists || wrong_setup) {

      # new setup
      if (grp_id == 1 && !grepl("^over", call_nm, perl = TRUE)) {
        call_info <- inspect_call()
        if (call_info[["warn"]]){
        rlang::warn(glue::glue("`{call_nm}` does not support the `.keep` argument in `dplyr::mutate()` when set to 'used' or 'unused'."))
      par_frame$`.__dplyover_setup__.` <- list()
      par_frame[[".__dplyover_setup__."]][["call_his"]] <- grp_id
      par_frame[[".__dplyover_setup__."]][["call_lang"]] <- dep_call
      call_id <- paste0("call", grp_id)
  # existing setup, but new call
  } else {
      parent_setup <- get(".__dplyover_setup__.", envir = par_frame)
      # register new call
      par_frame[[".__dplyover_setup__."]][["call_his"]] <- c(parent_setup$call_his, 1)
      par_frame[[".__dplyover_setup__."]][["call_lang"]] <- c(parent_setup$call_lang, dep_call)
      # get number of current call
      call_id <- paste0("call", which.min(parent_setup$call_his))

  # in both cases: write data into par_frame
  par_frame[[".__dplyover_setup__."]][[call_id]][["setup"]] <-
  setup <- do.call(setup_fn, dots)

TimTeaFan/dplyover documentation built on Sept. 27, 2021, 3:14 p.m.